Whispers of the Heart

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Whispers of the Heart Page 18

by Stephanie Wilson

  “Does this person have a name?”

  “I was instructed not to tell you.”

  “What! By whom,” Erika commanded.

  “By your uncle.”


  “Ellie, is there anything more ... I, uh ... need to do a few things.”

  “Actually, yes. I had a very strange call this morning ... from the National Museum in London. Apparently, they were responding to an email they received from you. Your online service provided them with your work telephone number, which I didn’t think they could do. Something about a missing soup tureen ...?”

  “Wow, that was fast,” Erika responded. “Give me that number and I will reach them right away.”

  “Well, what was that about ... I mean, I’m just curious. It sounded kind of exciting,” Ellie said beginning to sound like her old self.

  Erika, however, was still torn and didn’t feel comfortable resuming the easy camaraderie of old. She and Ellie would need to work some things out when she returned.

  “It was just something I ran across and the design was interesting enough that I thought we might be able to adapt part of it for our home textile line.”

  “Oh. Uh ... here’s the number ...”

  After ending her conversation with Ellie, Erika propped her elbows on her knees, cupping her face in her hands. It was all so strange she thought. Why would Uncle Lawrence keep something like that from me? I wonder if it has anything to do with Steve. It could be an auditor of sorts she knew. It would not be unlikely if her uncle suspected anything. But why would he want the identity of the person kept secret from me, she wondered.

  Erika picked up the phone and dialed the estate’s number. No answer. She tried his private office there. Again, no answer. She tried the limo with the same response. Finally, though it was getting late and she knew he would probably be gone, she tried his private line at corporate.

  “Lawrence Bancroft.”

  “Uncle Lawrence,” she breathed. “I’m so glad I was able to reach you,” she cried.

  “Honey! It’s so good to hear your voice. How are you? I hope you’re enjoying your respite. It’s been at least a week since we spoke.”

  “Yes, it has Uncle Lawrence. Though I miss you terribly, of course, it’s been so good for me to be here and breathe the clean fresh air … it’s given me new perspective and a new energy for life. It’s funny how just a change of landscape can help you re-evaluate your life.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that, Erika. I have really prayed that you would be able to see things more clearly … and I hope that in time your heart will begin to mend after your ordeal with Steve Caslin. I know you think he’s wonderful …

  “Uncle Lawrence, it may sound strange but I’m not sure that I even loved him. I know it sounds self-effacing but the mountain air, I guess, has sharpened my outlook on life. He just could never have been my dream come true. Unless I purposefully remember, I forget he even exists.”

  “Unfortunately, honey, he does exist. And when you return from your trip, you will know it too. He has taken some time off, although he seems to keep in contact with Ellie, for some reason, but he is beginning to create somewhat of a stir.”

  Tiny tendrils of apprehension awakened Erika to the underlying tone of Lawrence’s words. With him, you always had to analyze how he said certain things, not merely what. “I’m glad you brought that up, Uncle Lawrence,” she said quickly wetting her suddenly dry lips, “I was just speaking with Ellie a few moments ago, .... and she gave me some very disturbing information.”

  “I suppose you heard that I have brought someone in who needs access to all the company files and information.”

  “Yes,” she said somewhat surprised. “And ... that I was not to be given that person’s name or any information about them.”

  A few moments passed before Lawrence broke the silence.

  “I suppose that sounded very confusing to you, Erika.”

  “Actually, yes it did. That is not like you. It’s not only unprofessional … it’s hurtful that you would not trust me enough. I was also a little angry to hear that from Ellie of all people.

  “I know that it must appear that way to you, Erika but you must believe me that I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you. I never meant for you to hear that from Ellie. I really was trying to protect you. You see, I know you better than you think I do,” he crooned softly into the receiver, “your loyalty to me and to this company is unquestioned … and I knew that when word of a top-level consultant reached your ears, you would come charging home.”

  “No I wouldn’t,” Erika muttered. “Only if I felt that you were in … over your head,” she said somewhat mollified by his chuckle, knowing the chances of that happening would never occur in her lifetime. “But why did Ellie have to know something that I didn’t,” she persisted.

  “It was more about Ellie than it was about you,” he said sadly.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I wanted to judge her response. I wanted to see how that would affect her.”

  “So,” she said somewhat mollified, “You do think something is wrong.”

  “Actually, I am not sure there is and I’m not sure there isn’t. That is why I’ve hired someone to audit some information I’ve received.”

  “Are they trustworthy, Uncle Lawrence?”

  “Absolutely. You know me better than that.

  “Of course,” she said quickly. “I suppose you can’t go into details over the phone, but can you tell me who is involved. Is it inside or out?”

  “I believe it is inside, Erika. I also believe that before we dig very far, Caslin’s fingerprints will be evident.”

  “Why do you think that?” she questioned.

  “I am in possession of one of Caslin’s files. It contains some very incriminating information. There are copies of letters addressed to individuals detailing inside information, stocks and in particular, the secret patent.”

  “I ... I can’t believe it,” she cried. “I mean, does he know how serious this is? Perhaps he wasn’t aware of what he was doing. Perhaps it’s just a ... misunderstanding.”

  “Erika, darling, even you are not that naive. You always think the best of people. This time, however, you are wrong. Caslin knew exactly what he was doing. And, had his plan succeeded, he would have stood to make a handsome fortune at Crawford’s expense.”

  “So ... if you have the information to incriminate him, why is it necessary to dig further? This could only severely damage morale,” she responded with concern, “not to mention incredibly embarrassing to me in front of the staff and board.

  “The information we have isn’t enough to bring charges. Besides, it has become evident that he is not working alone. He is bright, but not that bright. We must know who all is involved ... and if that damages morale ... then so be it.

  “Have you confronted him with this yet, Uncle Lawrence?”

  “No. Rumor has it he’s in Europe. Supposedly returning this weekend. But this is the clincher, Erika, every piece of information I have are copies of originals. The file, of course, has since been removed so we need to investigate other avenues. Caslin has no idea his information has fallen into my hands and will not know until I have everything I need.”

  The weight of his words settled in the pit of her stomach. The magnitude of Steve’s actions was staggering. Questions whirled through her head like speeding bullets of light … painful waves of confusing emotions tempting her failing equilibrium. It was so confusing … yet so clear. When did it start? Before or after the breakup? Instinct told her it had begun long, long before. And to think that she had been merely a “means to an end.” That what her parents spent their limited lifetime creating, she had nearly ruined in such a short time.

  Erika choked back waves of rage and humiliation as she tried to concentrate on that kindly familiar voice insistently pulling her back to the present.

  “Honey ... are you there?” Lawrence asked after yet anothe
r long silence.

  “Oh, yes ... I was just thinking that.... my sabbatical is nearly over. You are not going to protect me from any backlash over this. If I have inadvertently done something wrong, I will stand on my own. You have worked too hard to sacrifice your life’s work over my stupidity in choosing men.”

  “I don’t care how many years or hours we have put into this empire, you will not be hurt by this incident. We have made enough money to last several generations and I will not sacrifice you to appease any company or shareholder. It’s not necessary for you to come home now. We don’t really have any substantial evidence and until we do … we may be able to work more efficiently if you are not here. Besides, if you were to show up here before your vacation is over, it may show that we are on to something.”

  “I suppose you’re right,” she admitted hesitantly. “Especially if Steve isn’t even in town. Well, at least tell me who this person is that you have hired.”

  “T.J. Morgan.”

  “What! I can’t believe you hired him!”

  “Erika, he is the best and he is completely safe. The Morgan family is impenetrable and they are completely honest. I could trust no one better.”

  “But ... I have heard such things about him,” she sputtered with disbelief. “I’ve never met the man so I shouldn’t judge him, but he has quite the reputation. How can he be the best for this? And, furthermore, how were you able to talk him into even giving us the time of day?”

  “His father is an old friend of mine. We have had business in the past. I was able to help the family with some very sticky business.”

  “But ... what about the employees! What must they think to have T.J. Morgan running around the company. Everyone ... at least most women ... know exactly who he is. How could he possibly get the information we need! I mean, I’m not questioning your wisdom, Uncle Lawrence, but I really don’t understand how this will all work.”

  “Erika, have you ever met Morgan?”

  “Well ... no, but that doesn’t mean ...”

  “Exactly my point! You wouldn’t recognize him walking down the street. Neither would many others. He is using somewhat of an alias with most of the employees. He is generally known as Tim Morgan.”

  Erika’s heart stopped. Her breathing caught on the lump in her throat.

  “What did you say you were calling him?”

  “Tim Morgan. It’s very close to the truth so there shouldn’t be any slips.”

  Erika shook her head in unbelief. “You know, Uncle Lawrence, I ... I have met someone ... up here. Um ... we also call him Tim Morgan. I suppose that would be … impossible…”

  “Well, that’s nice sweetheart. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

  “No, Uncle Lawrence,” she said desperately. “I don’t know much about him but what if ... what if he is one and the same!”

  “That is simply impossible, dear. He is no where near that lake where you are,” he said trying to recall its particular name.

  “Is he there right now?”

  “No, he had some other business to attend at one of his offices on the east coast I believe,” he quickly inserted as she began to interrupt. “...but he will be returning in a few days.”

  For some reason, sweet relief washed over her. It was very silly, she knew, to suspect her Tim as being the infamous T.J. Morgan. After all, Tim Morgan was a fairly common name. And ... he did not fit his notorious behavior. Her Tim was made from an entirely different cut of fabric. He was gentle and kind and sincere and ... very, very real. He could never be considered a playboy, a most hateful attribute. She had fallen prey to one in her lifetime, she promised herself … never again.

  As much as she detested the idea, she knew it was her duty. “I suppose Morgan and I will need to work together.”

  “No. I don’t want you involved,” came the curt reply and then because Lawrence felt an explanation was needed, “Because you’re family, it could be very dangerous. Especially with Caslin. He already knows too much about you. And, more importantly, I don’t know who he is working with and until I do, I don’t want you anywhere near this project.”

  “So,” she breathed somewhat relieved. “Is that the real reason you wanted me kept out of the loop?” she questioned.

  “No. I told you the real reason. And yes, I do want you kept out of harms way. It has nothing to do with your ability. This is where you take a back seat to my protection. We are family, its our duty to protect each other and I will do that until the day I die. And furthermore, Erika, I love you very much.”

  Erika’s eyes became tearful at the endearment. The aloneness of last night seemed to evaporate at his tender words. How could she have ever felt that she had no family. Uncle Lawrence meant everything to her.

  “I understand. Thank you for explaining it to me. Uncle Lawrence,” she paused wanting to change the subject and end their conversation on a much happier note. “I have a lot to tell you when I return. I have met some new friends and discovered some new talents,” she said remembering her emerging culinary skills.

  “That’s wonderful sweetheart. How is that painting coming that you were telling me about?”

  “Oh, it’s almost done,” she said pleased that he had remembered. “Some of the color in the underbrush isn’t quite right, but I’ll keep at it. I am just so glad that I thought to stick in those paints. I had thought to use my time sketching ideas for new fabric designs ... and I have done some very interesting designs, but ... the inspiration of all this beauty up here has been all-consuming,” she finished with a smile.

  “Uncle Lawrence, I have to bring you up here some time,” she continued. “It is so beautiful. It surpasses anything I’ve ever seen or experienced. It’s like becoming a new person ... from the inside out. Promise me ... promise me that you will come.”

  “We’ll see,” he chuckled. “Now dear, I have a dinner meeting that I am late for so I better get going. You’ll be home on Friday?” he questioned.

  “Yes. I love you, Uncle Lawrence. See you soon.”

  A roaring pop from the crackling fire sent a burning ember flying across the room, sufficiently bringing Erika back to the here and now. Straightening, Erika felt the heat burn into her back. It had effectively removed any tension from the frigid day spent on the lake. The heady aroma from the burning hemlock transferred Erika to a world that barely existed any longer. A simpler time that only a precious few could understand.

  A bittersweet moment passed as Erika realized that sooner than she would wish Priest Lake and Maime and Papa and Tim and the Derby ... it would all be just a memory. I must make it last as long as possible, she whispered to herself.

  Erika let out a long-labored breath while bowing her head. For the first time in her life, she really didn’t know what to do. In her heart, she knew the right thing was to return to Los Angeles as quickly as possible. Her heart began to break under the weight. How she would miss her new friends. She knew it was possible that they would never see each other again. And she knew that their lives would go on as they had before. Her life would not. Never could she be the same after leaving here. Never would her heart be open to another man. Saying good-bye to Tim forever would be the hardest thing she would ever have to do. He would never know it, of course, but his memory would live in her heart for the rest of her life.

  Moving to the nearby couch, she sank into the cushions and pillows. Checking her watch, she realized that Tim would be there within minutes. Still she couldn’t move.

  The ring of her cell phone startled Erika. Quickly reaching for the phone, knowing it must be her Uncle once again, she made her voice sound cheerful.

  “Erika Crawford.”

  “Yes, Miss Crawford. We have been trying to reach you for quite some time. My name is Livingston and I am calling from the Royal Museum of Art in London.”

  “Oh, yes,” Erika breathed somewhat surprised that Ellie had given her number out. “I suppose you received my email regarding a particular soup tureen?”
br />   “Exactly,” he said in his thickly accented British brogue. “Are you now in possession of that tureen, Miss Crawford?”

  “Actually, no. The tureen belongs to a friend of mine and I was hoping to locate some pieces of the same pattern as a gift. She is very proud of her tureen.”

  “As well she should be,” he said somewhat affronted. “Do you realize, Miss Crawford, how extremely valuable this particular piece is?”

  “Actually, I do, Mr. Livingston. I am a collector of rare porcelain from the 19th Century. I know how ... valuable they can be. My friend told me that a Josiah Aldrich, who also reportedly created several more pieces in the Hollyhock pattern, gifted the tureen to Queen Victoria. It was after that conversation that I emailed you … I was hoping to discover more information.”

  “Well, you certainly have the story correct. Do you know how your friend came to be in possession of this particular piece?” he questioned politely.

  “No, she never revealed that to me. But that really does not matter ...”

  “Miss Crawford, it matters a great deal. You see, we believe that piece to be stolen from a very notable British family. You can not begin to imagine what recovery of this piece would mean to them.”

  At Erika’s gasp, the consulate continued. “Before we give you any more information, we really must establish some facts. Is it possible that you could send to us a picture of the tureen?”

  “Oh of course, Mr. Livingston,” she said sarcastically. “So, you can come and relieve her of her most prized possession. I don’t think so! This piece has obviously been missing for quite some time. If it was stolen, my friend would be unaware of that fact. I am positive that I could establish a bill of sale if necessary. But as it happens, I am beginning to regret my email. Good day, Mr. Livingston.”

  “But ... Miss Crawford ...”

  Erika quickly snapped her phone shut. The day that had begun so beautifully was now becoming very stressful. And … there were many more hours to go. A quick check at her wristwatch revealed the lateness of the hour. In just a few minutes a very handsome man would be knocking at that door. Jumping off the couch, Erika raced toward the rear of the cottage hoping for at least ten minutes. She needed the time to not only look presentable but to calm her emotions that had gotten decidedly out of hand. It was becoming a terrible habit of late.


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