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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 63

by James Jackson

  Dave’s expression locks on his face. “Two days!”

  Brett stares at Dave, his voice stern. “Our task is to retrieve alien technology. Your task is to absorb the remainder.”

  Dave’s jaw drops, “Oh, that’s why I have been getting trained on how to absorb things!”

  Larry glances around the room, then flinches as he comes to a decision. Walking over to Dave he whispers quietly into his ear. “I am certain we are being monitored, so I will make this brief. I bet the government already has people that can make things using the alien bodysuits, but we are the only ones that have been to space.” His face gains a dour expression, “The mission objective is the recovery of alien artifacts, and YOUR safe return. All other considerations are secondary. We three are expendable! Now, laugh as though I told you a private joke.”

  Larry steps away, his face beams in a wide smile. Dave blinks in surprise, then manages to offer a light chuckle. My friend is expendable? I don’t think so! A small tear runs down his cheek, he tries to laugh harder as though it’s some funny story making him cry.

  A distant observer to the room stares at the spectacle, mildly concerned. But watching Dave walk over to Tom and pat him on the back, then chuckle some more, makes him relax. Tom has borne the brunt of many jokes due to his weak constitution. How he passed the space program’s rigid testing is beyond me. The observer wonders to himself.

  The days and nights become a blur as the four men are prepared for launch. The command module has been lifted from the lake and reaffixed to a new launch vehicle.

  Brett is once again in command, he sits in the familiar chair, giving instructions. “Once we dock with Artemis One and lock this module in place, Dave will take the alien suit out for a spacewalk.”

  Dave stares at the alien suit, then he glances over at the experimental thruster packs. Great, I not only get to test the suit in space, I have to use those things too. I did not sign up for this!

  Brett catches his expression, then stares at the packs himself. Designed to encase the alien suit, yet allow for free movement, they have electrostatic thrusters. In theory, the solar panels on Artemis One can recharge them, and the alien suit, indefinitely. We could be in space for a very long time if needs be. He sighs, that’s why we’re the obvious choice. We have already spent over three years together, what’s a little more time? Glancing back as his control board, he then looks at Larry, giving him a curt nod.

  Larry flips a switch on his panel. “Ground control, Artemis launch craft is ready for take-off at your discretion.”

  The command module’s speaker’s click as the simple response comes back. “Good luck Artemis.”

  Seconds later, massive engines ignite beneath the enormous rocket. The four men are shaken and rocked as the powerful engines ramp up to full power. The noise is incredible as they roar, burning through fuel at an exorbitant rate. The rocket lifts off abruptly, the three long stabilizer arms reach their pivot point, and drop away, freeing the craft. The rocket begins to climb away from the launch site. Three external fuel tanks, having quickly expended their fuel, are blasted safely away by small explosive bolts. The rocket climbs higher and higher, disappearing into the clouds. The multistage rocket expends its primary fuel reserves, then releases its lower section. A few minutes later the mid-section drops away, leaving the last remaining portion to push the command module into orbit.

  Brett shakes his head, his ears pop at the pressure change. He looks around, blinking slowly at the others. “Okay, Dave, when you’re ready, jettison the final section.”

  Dave stares out through a multitude of black spots that dance before his eyes. “Sure, I want to get as much altitude as possible first.”

  Dave stares at his panel, watching the fuel reserves earnestly. Glancing at the altimeter, he smiles. A moment later he flips a series of switches, releasing the command module from the launch vehicle. He continues to concentrate hard; his duties are not yet over. Twelve minutes of judicious piloting finds them on course toward Artemis One. This is followed by a tedious docking process. Finally, Dave releases his sweaty palms from his controls. All four men raise their hands and grab the bars they never expected to see again. Locking the command module in place takes a lot of effort, but finally the task is complete.

  Dave sighs, then gets up from his chair. The rest of the command crew also releases themselves from their chairs, then go about reopening the doorways to the rest of Artemis One.

  Brett opens the viewports, allowing them all to see the beauty of Pythos below. He frowns as he notices something rising from the planet. “What on Harthos is that?”

  Dave and Larry step toward the view, then stare at the rocket that is headed toward them.

  Larry makes his way, hand over hand, back to his station, then flips a switch on his controls. “Ground control, this is Artemis One, we can see what looks like another rocket on its way here.”

  The speakers click a few seconds later. “Artemis One, confirmed. Prepare to receive additional personnel and stores.”

  Larry and Brett exchange meaning full looks as Brett replies. “Understood.”

  The four men watch in awe as the rocket completes its task, releasing another command-like module that approaches them. Brett continues to stare at the approaching module with curiosity.

  The speakers click on; a frantic voice sounds out. “Your support rocket has been…” static suddenly fills the air.

  Brett gulps, then turns to Dave. “What was that all about?”

  “I don’t know, but it didn’t sound good,” Dave replies with a tinge of fear.

  Brett stares at the approaching module. “Anything we can do?”

  Dave frowns as he considers a number of ideas. “We could move Artemis One, preventing whoever that is from docking,” he looks downward then adds, “however if that craft were to collide with the solar panels, or the fuel storage tanks, or any one of a dozen other critical systems, we would all die.”

  Brett voices all their concerns in one word. “Outlaws?”

  Tom clumsily makes his way from the bridge, the others watch him leave, but say nothing.


  The mysterious command module docks to one of Artemis One’s secondary hatches. Tom returns to the bridge; everyone is stunned by his appearance. He tosses oxygen re-breathers to the others, then un-slings a weird looking rifle. He flips a switch on its side, an audible hum fills the room.

  Tom grins heartily, then tilts his head in a slight bow. “Special operative Thomas at your service.” He pats his rifle, “this electric pulse should surprise any Outlaws.”

  Brett’s jaw drops, all this time it was an act. Oh wow, he had me fooled!

  Tom gives Dave a nod. “Where are they docked?”

  Dave checks his status board, then points to the passageway that leads to their stores. Tom leans down, engages his pair of magnetic boots, and then walks slowly in the direction indicated. The three remaining men stare wide eyed at each other, speechless.

  A faint hissing can be heard as the newly docked module opens the dual hatchways. Tom crouches down behind an auxiliary control panel, and waits. A man steps from the hatchway, then glances left and right cautiously. His shirt marks him for who he is, an Outlaw. He carries an electric pulse rifle similar to Tom’s. Passive control is the norm on Pythos, but if the weapon is set at maximum power, it would be a fatal shock. Tom remains perfectly still, waiting. Another armed man steps out, the two look at each other then walk slowly forward. Magnetic boots have their advantages, and disadvantages. Tom waits until the pair are in the open, then fires. A white bolt of energy strikes the first man squarely in the chest. He jiggles and jerks as the electric charge overloads his brain’s motor controls. The second man fires at Tom, the charge strikes the console, showering Tom in sparks as the panel overloads then explodes. Damn, they’re set on maximum. Tom takes a precious second lining up his next shot, his target fires wildly back. Tom’s shot is text-book perfect, striking the man in the
upper chest, he falls to the ground quivering. His feet still firmly planted to the floor, his knees bent backward. His hands have involuntarily let go of the weapon, which now floats freely in the air. Tom stares at the glowing hole next to his head, the smell of singed hair assaults his nostrils, his own. He pats the side of his head, then takes a deep breath. Close call.

  Tom stands then takes a step forward. Unexpectedly, a man floats out from the hatchway ahead. He wears a uniform similar to Dave’s, the pilot’s insignia clearly displayed on his shoulder. The man clutches at a blade protruding from his chest. He rolls in the air, coughing weakly. The blade’s handle sticks out from his back, he has been completely run through. Blood begins to spurt from the wound, it floats around in the zero gravity. Suddenly, a bright light streaks out from the foreign module, striking the dying man, ending his misery.

  Tom moves as quietly as his boots will let him, back to the limited protection of the damaged console. Another man dressed in Outlaw garb steps from the module, and fires wildly down the passageway, the electric charge makes it all the way to the Artemis command module.

  Brett stares in shock at the smoldering chair, Tom’s chair. He turns to Larry in alarm, then pulls himself hand over hand toward the hatchway. “We have to seal the hatch, if any of those charges hit our controls, we’ll be in real trouble.”

  Larry frowns in confusion, then realizes what Brett wants to do.

  Dave stares at the alien suit, its metallic features giving him inspiration. “Wait, I have an idea.” He makes his way to the suit, steps back into it, then smiles as the helmet swings down. “Wish me luck!”

  Dave walks toward Tom, the suit’s metallic feet working as gravity boots. Tom glances back at the new noise, spotting the alien suit coming closer, he grins. The Outlaw peeks around his corner, then fires. The electric charge strikes Dave’s bodysuit. Lights dance all over the suit’s casing. Dave holds his breath, unsure of what will happen. The outlaw is hell bent on doing harm, he fires again, and again. Each charge adds to the dancing lights on Dave’s suit.

  Tom ever so carefully lines up a shot, then fires. The Outlaw’s weapon is flung from his hands. He clutches his shoulder, then dives back into the command module from whence he came.

  Tom stands, then stops as an odd sound comes from ahead, almost sounds like an air lock closing. The deck begins to vibrate, then shudder. No he didn’t, that would be suicide! Tom walks as fast as he can toward the docking port ahead. It is wide open, a hand’s length away, is the closed hatchway belonging to the command module. The docking system has a dual safety feature, the station’s docking clamps latch into those of the attached module. Each is only released when their respective hatchways are closed. But the person operating the module has only closed their hatchway, then engaged the module’s thrusters.

  Tom puts all his strength into closing the station’s hatch. The hatch closes, but the clamps still won’t release, they are locked in place. Dave reaches Tom at the same instant the command module breaks free. An odd sound accompanies the module’s departure.

  Brett shouts from their own command module. “Better get up here, we’re in trouble.”

  Tom and Dave arrive to find Brett trying to pilot Artemis One.

  Brett turns to Dave in fear, and says. “We have been pulled off course, and now that idiot is swinging around to come back this way.”

  Dave steps out from the alien bodysuit, then stares at his controls. “Close the solar panels, hit the igniters, and get ready for some tricky moves.”

  Brett gulps. We are ten times larger than the module, and less maneuverable. What makes Dave think we can dodge the suicidal idiot?

  The solar panels fold up, then lock into place alongside the craft’s main hull. Dave stares at his instruments, then glances out into space. He closes his eyes for a moment as he visualizes the other command module. I wonder if that Outlaw knows how to pilot? Even if he does, that module handles like a chunk of rock. Looking at the module’s trajectory he smiles, then ignites Artemis One’s thrusters.

  The Outlaw piloted module roars past Artemis One, missing them by a mere arm’s length, its thrusters blazing. Brett whistles as his adrenaline kicks up another notch.

  Tom narrows his eyes. “You know, if we could get a shot off at that module,” he lifts his rifle, “it may just short out his controls.” He looks questioningly at Dave, who simply stares back at him in disbelief.

  “You want me to go outside, into space, and shoot the command module that’s being flown by a suicidal madman?” Dave questions incredulously.

  Tom nods his head slowly, “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

  Dave blinks, then gets back to his controls. Concentrating hard, he makes a full burn of every thruster in order to dodge the next collision attempt. His instruments indicate that the gap between the two crafts is almost zero as the commandeered module skims past them. He gulps, that was too close.

  “Okay, let’s do this quickly, before I change my mind.” Dave states.

  Brett takes over the piloting controls while Dave steps into the suit once more. Larry straps thruster packs to the bodysuit while Tom rigs up a basic trigger control. In no time at all, Dave is walking toward the craft’s main airlock. The section behind him closes off as soon as he enters. With little time to spare, Dave vents the atmosphere, then steps into space. Oh my. Pythos seems to hang in space, its backdrop of stars quite serene.

  The thrusters aboard Artemis One suddenly fire, reminding Dave of their current situation. He ignites his thruster pack, and is pleasantly surprised at how easy it works. He looks for the incoming command module, but cannot see it. Suddenly it rockets past him, missing Artemis One by the barest of fractions. Dave lifts Tom’s pulse rifle, then fires. The first shot misses by a huge margin; his second shot is closer. The module turns in a huge arc, the pilot burning fuel as though he has an unlimited supply. Dave fires again, and again, each shot getting closer, and closer.

  The module has almost completed its wide turn. Dave takes a deep breath, relaxes, and then fires one more time. A bolt of light streaks out from the rifle, and misses. Dave blinks in surprise. That should have worked. He thinks. With panic building, he fires over and over, pressing the firing control as soon as the rifle has built up a charge. The rifle ceases working. Dave stares at it in horror. Unbeknownst to him, one of his shots did strike the Outlaw’s module. He looks up and is astonished at the sight before him. The command module is drifting, no more than a few meters away, dead in space.

  Dave makes his way back inside Artemis One where he is met by a happy and rowdy crew. Brett beams as Dave steps from his suit and says. “Seems the Outlaws commandeered the launch, but we got ‘em.”

  While the others are celebrating, Tom stares at his weapon in disbelief. Never before has he seen an armed weapon so devoid of power before.

  Larry continues to talk with ground control, and then relays even more good news. “A resupply rocket can be here in two days.”

  Dave gets to work unfurling the solar panels once more, the dead module being forgotten in the heat of the moment.

  The Outlaw pilot stares at his burned hands, many of the control panels exploded when they overloaded. He fights to stay conscious, then realizing he is doomed, gets to work. The task ordinarily would have taken him a few moments, but he does not care that it takes much longer. Losing his battle to stay awake, he closes his eyes, his task complete. Harthos be… he never finishes the thought. His life fades away, his cause lost.

  Tom returns to his quiet unassuming self, his true identity being kept a secret by his crew mates. Every now and then, he stares at the dead module. The distance growing as the two craft drift apart. Something about the lifeless command module bothers him, but he cannot quite put a finger on it. He lets his thoughts drift to the salvage mission ahead.

  Chapter Three - New Era

  The two days pass very quickly as the crew busies themselves in preparation for the real supply module. The four men are very happ
y to receive a full load of fuel, improved food rations, and some company for a short while. Once they leave, the crew begins their salvage mission.

  Tom frowns as he replays their parting words. A quick investigation of the dead module. Sitting at his controls, his elbow on the panel. His hand rests against his chin, deep in thought.

  He almost misses Larry’s comment. “They’re going in.”

  Tom’s eyes open wide. All that is Harthos, he thinks. “STOP THEM!” he shouts.

  The explosion from the dead module is catastrophic. It fully engulfs the resupply team’s module, then threatens to reach Artemis One.

  Tom thumps his controls with his fist, “Damn, damn, I knew there was something wrong.”

  Brett blinks in surprise, never in all of his life has he heard of the Outlaws being this bold, or tenacious in their efforts. That year the aliens were on Pythos really changed things, and not all of it for the best. He realizes.

  Larry sighs, then lowers his eyes in respect for the dead crewmen. Space is dangerous enough without fanatics running around.

  Brett glances over to Dave and asks, “Can you move us closer to the debris field, and away from this depressing sight?”

  Dave silently nods. The remnants of the two spacecraft are a hazard for them anyway. He manages to move Artemis One close to a massive remnant left over from the epic space battle. Larry gawks at the size of it, their own craft being dwarfed completely by a mere fragment of the shattered spaceship. The segment is so large that Dave has to adjust the position of Artemis One so as to keep the solar panels in line with their distant sun.

  Tom grins as he stares at the alien craft, there has to be something we can use, or learn from there.

  Dave steps into his alien bodysuit. Once again Larry straps thruster packs to the outside of the suit. Tom gives him a thumbs up, as he grins with excitement. Dave makes his way to the main airlock, cycles it, and then steps out into space once again. Using the thruster pack, he floats toward the hulk before him.

  Dave stares ahead for a moment and then says, “Hey guys, there is an opening leading inside.”


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