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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 74

by James Jackson

  One of the walls starts to retract upward, and in doing so, reveals a massive window. Behind this window are three men.

  Cindy notices Doctor Nelson, then immediately looks at the doorway, quarantine my arse. She begins to walk to the closed door, but is stopped by the General’s words. “It’s locked, and the room is now functioning under negative pressure containment. I am sure you are familiar with the technique, Admiral.”

  Cindy sighs, she has used the very same methods when holding people. She shakes her head from side to side. I am so stupid. But why are we being held like this? She wonders to herself.

  “So, General. What are you really afraid of? Don’t tell me it’s some sort of contamination,” Cindy nods at Nelson, “You have him standing next to you.”

  George tilts his head, glancing at Cindy, perplexed. Suddenly in a flash of insight, he understands all too well what is going on. He lifts his gaze to the windows and smiles, “It’s me they want!”

  Cindy, Joe, and John, all turn to George in bewilderment. Joe stammers, “Um, why you?”

  George grins, “The alien bodysuits, they’re not only operated by thought, but over time, they synchronize with the operator.” He stares directly at the General, and continues, “Okay, so are you going to tell me what happened here? Because I have been using that suit for quite a while now.”

  Nelson whispers to the General, but he forgets that the microphone system is quite efficient, as it carries his fear filled words, “He knows!”

  George frowns in disappointment at Nelson, “Of course I know, I’m not stupid you know!”

  Nelson’s face breaks into a chagrined smile at the play on words, “Of course you’re not.”

  Cindy puts her hands on her hips and states indignantly, “Will someone please tell me what’s going on?”

  Nelson’s grin turns to one of victory, “Oh! Good old George has neglected to say what else the alien suit does?” His grin broadens as he leans closer to the glass between them, “Well, for starters, it enhances synaptic activity. George here,” he says pointing to him accusingly, “has been playing you all for fools for quite a while now, I’m sure.”

  Cindy shakes her head, then takes a deep breath, “George has not been playing anyone General. Indeed, he has saved us all, many times over.”

  George tilts his head in confusion, a frown begins, then deepens on his brow. “I have better memory and feel clear headed, but other than that, what else have you found out about the suit?”

  It is Nelson’s turn to frown in confusion, forcing him to refer to some previously unseen notes. With a deep sigh, he realizes that George may indeed, not fully grasp the implications of wearing the suit for extended times. He whispers quietly to the General before finally answering George. “The suits increase the wearer’s intelligence. I would like to run you all through a series of tests.”

  Cindy grins wolfishly, “If you’re afraid of George, then you’re going to love my report on the spores.”

  Nelsons face drops in alarm, “Spores?”

  Cindy grins again, “Yes! Those who survived have been permanently effected.”

  General Walker switches his gaze from Cindy to Nelson, and then back again, until he finally makes a decision. “No one else is to leave that ship until I have had a full debrief.”

  Walker storms out of the room.

  Nelson quickly takes control of the situation, “The computers at the table will run you all through a series of tests, after which, we will begin a thorough medical examination.”

  The minutes stretch into hours, until finally the door opens, admitting a handful of doctors, draped head to toe in protective gear. Nervous eyes stare out from transparent faceplates as the group takes blood samples. All the while, Cindy smiles at the uneasiness of the doctors present. Let them sweat.


  Starship Terran

  Planetary Orbit


  With the minutes crawling by, and no word from Cindy or the others, Peter is becoming concerned. The crew is getting more and more restless as the hours tick by. Finally, Peter has little choice but to take action. Sitting in the Command chair, he activates the ship-wide communications. His strong voice resounds throughout the many speakers. “Attention all crew! Some of you are already aware that Cindy, and a few of the bridge members have left the ship.” With a sigh, he continues, “we have not heard from them since their departure, thus I am ordering all hands to stations. We must be as prepared as we can for any eventuality.”

  Edwards turns in his chair to look at Peter in disapproval. “I should be in charge of this ship! I am the highest ranking member on board.”

  Peter is almost caught off guard by the challenge, but responds confidently, “Do I need to remind you that this is not a military operation?”

  Edward’s sneers back, “Then why does Cindy carry the rank of Admiral?” When Peter fails to immediately respond, Edwards adds sarcastically. “Gotcha!”

  Peter sighs once again, it did not take this impetuous man long to return to his old ways, and after all we have been through together. With genuine disappointment, he responds, “You will get your chance to impress your superiors soon enough, but for now, I am in charge.”

  The bridge speakers suddenly spring to life. “Terran, this is General Walker, come in.”

  Peter responds before Edwards intercedes, “Terran here, General.”

  The General’s voice once again fills the bridge, “Our head of medical research has a request.”

  Another voice, with an English accent, quickly follows, “I am Doctor Nelson. Before you become alarmed, the crew that landed earlier is fine. They have been placed in quarantine as a precaution.” He pauses for a second, then continues, “I will need all of your research regarding some spores you discovered.”

  Peter’s eyebrows raise, why would they want this information now? He wonders to himself. His response is carefully worded, “Our intention has been for Henry, our own doctor, to debrief you in person.”

  Nelson replies quickly, “No, no, just transmit all the data you have.”

  Andrew turns to Peter and slowly shakes his head from side to side while he silently mouths, “We would have to use the Gamin satellite grid!”

  Edwards turns to his console, then after a few seconds, finds what he is looking for. He taps an icon while stating proudly, “General, the data is on its way.”

  Peter stands and loudly shouts. “NO!”

  Edwards turns and lifts an eyebrow in insolence, “I am simply following the General’s orders.”

  Andrew turns to look at Edwards in genuine shock, “Do you know what you have done?”

  Peter sits back down, places his head in both hands, after a few moments, he issues firm instructions to Radclyf, “Place that man under arrest.”

  Edwards stands as Radclyf steps his way, “You have no right!” Edwards shouts. “What’s the charge then?” He demands.

  Peter points an accusing finger at Edwards, “Conspiracy or treason, take your pick. Now get him off my bridge.”

  As Edwards is led from the bridge, he angrily retorts, “This is not over, not by a long shot. I was following orders!”

  Andrew turns to Peter and shakes his head, “What’s up with that guy?” Turning back to his console, he suddenly has an idea, “Well, Edwards set up a two-way connection to the Gamin satellite grid, may as well see what we can find out.”

  Peter nods in agreement, “Good idea, do we need someone up here, or are you good?”

  “No worries mate, John showed us the basics,” Andrew replies with a grin.

  It does not take Andrew long to learn what has been happening during their absence. Staring at satellite views of Earth, he frowns, this does not look right. Transferring his terminal’s view to the main screen, he brings up a huge image of Earth.

  Peter watches as the Terran’s systems convert the data into an image of Earth revolving before them. Andrew suspends the rotation over America’s West coast, th
en zooms the image in.

  Peter gasps as he points at the main viewer, “Look at the Californian coast line!”

  Andrew remains quiet, thinking, I knew it didn’t look right.

  Peter points at a massive area of destruction further inland. A deep crater stares back at them, as does a nearby airplane, resting on a devastated runway.

  Peter puts a hand to his mouth, “See what else you can find out. Was this a natural disaster, an accident, or an act of war?”

  Neither man will ever know if what happens next is sheer luck, a system’s feature, or simply fate. Andrew is about to touch his console, when the view pans out. Earth seems to rotate before them until China comes into focus. The planet seems to lurch at them impossibly fast. Clouds part, causing both men gulp as they stare face to face with a massive tank, its solid barrel seemingly pointing straight at them.

  Andrew’s jaw drops, “That most definitely looks like it’s aimed at us!”

  The hair on the back of Peter’s neck raises, “Let’s not do anything yet. I am going to assume that they don’t know we know.”

  The two men exchange a look of understanding. Andrew makes sure that every console has the ship’s thrusters and sub-light engine controls available for immediate use.

  Andrew stares at his panel in bewilderment, “I didn’t touch anything. Is this ship able to detect threats, or did it respond to our voices?”

  Peter glances around, then shakes his head, “I have no idea!”

  Elsewhere within the ship’s powerful and untapped computer core, systems attempt to route power to non-existent weapons and defensive features. Running through its complex programming and self-diagnostics, the ship eventually allocates power in what would be called a last stand philosophy. No one on the ship has any idea that unused sections are being closed off, and sealed.


  Kangbashi District


  The pair of radio operators assigned to monitoring all communications to and from the Terran sit bolt upright as a data stream is intercepted. KANG, their powerful computer system easily receives the information, then efficiently translates it. Within minutes Commander Jie is notified of the incident. Before he even gets to his office, a brief summary is drafted by his efficient staff, and placed on his desk.

  Commander Jie reads the first page, his eyes getting wider and wider as ideas come to mind. I must get these spores. What a weapon they would make! By the end of the second page he is stunned beyond belief, survivors become smarter! I must have this for our medical teams. Imagine what they could do to enhance our efforts in creating a superhuman!

  While Jie sits and stares at the couple of pages, a slight breeze interrupts his contemplative thoughts. Getting up from his chair, he walks to the balcony that overlooks the city, my city, he thinks, then frowns. Wu wants me to be his Sovereign in a new dynasty under him, these will be his people. Staring at the various buildings, his eyes fall onto one in particular, KANG. Built before the anti-gravity facility, it rests upon a solid foundation, pity I can’t take you with me. His eyes narrow while he considers his options. The soldiers follow my orders, the old North Korean guard is loyal to me. The scientists all report to me, as do the workers. Jie’s thoughts are interrupted by a stark realization. Goosebumps appear all over his body as a bold idea coalesces in his mind.

  Hurrying back to his desk, Jie grabs his phone, dials, and speaks into it as soon as the other end is picked up, “Prepare the ship for immediate departure.” Jie hangs up without waiting for a reply.

  Staring at his desk for a few moments, Jie’s blood begins to rush as adrenaline kicks in. He quickly places urgent requisitions that he knows will draw attention, but by the time anyone can respond, he plans to be far away. Grinning, he begins to spin around and around in his chair, a crazed laugh escapes his lips. “Let the show begin,” he says to himself.

  Almost as an afterthought, Jie considers the clandestine research being conducted by the French on special volunteers from his workforce. Hesitantly, he makes one more call. When the expected answering machine beeps, Jie says blandly, “Nobody home,” then hangs up.

  Warehouses throughout China receive Jie’s requests and comply immediately. The complete economic production power of China is for one brief moment directed at one task. Long train-loads of goods begin to make their way to Kangbashi, as requisitions for vast amounts of supplies are filled. Even the simplest of tasks is an astronomical undertaking. In preparation for this day, fuel was pumped into each of the ship’s enormous storage tanks as soon as they were completed. As for fresh water and rice, the amounts required to feed the population Jie plans to take with him on China’s colony ship are truly staggering. Though the ship is massive, its interior will be packed solid, leaving meager space for each passenger.



  Western Australia

  Cindy wakes groggily, the day has been a long one indeed. She opens her eyes wide at the sight of General Walker standing by her bunk. Suddenly fully awake, she sits up and says indignantly, “What are you doing here?”

  Walker replies calmly as he seats himself at one on the two chairs in the room, “I require some answers. Perhaps I can satisfy a question or two for you as well.” He raises his eyebrows and smiles. His whole demeanor is friendly and social, quite unlike earlier.

  Cindy frowns at the unexpected visit, and cordial actions of the General. Having fallen asleep fully dressed, she gets up, walks to her small room’s hand basin, and splashes some water over her face. She takes her time wiping her face dry, stalling the General while she gathers her wits. Finally, she feels alert and ready.

  Cindy sits in the remaining chair, and addresses him with mounting curiosity. “Alright General. What the hell is going on here?”

  “Okay, I will get to that soon,” Walker replies, “But let’s start at the beginning.”

  Cindy sighs, then nods her assent. Inwardly, she smiles as she realizes that Walker may well provide answers to her own questions.

  General Walker leans forward, his expression is one of interest, “What happened to you? The last we heard from you was some technical specs about two habitable planets, then nothing, your message just faded away at the end.”

  Cindy had almost forgotten about that particular, transmission and responds quickly, “We were not even sure if you would get that message, glad you did though.”

  “Well, that message, as you call it, almost started world war three, I will have you know.” The General replies gravely.

  “How?” Cindy replies, quite perplexed.

  The General takes a deep breath, then sighs, “The short version of the story is that your confirmation of habitable worlds kicked off a space race more remarkable than ever before.”

  Cindy nods in understanding, then glances at the doorway, “General, I think we should get the others involved in this conversation.”

  After a lengthy pause, he responds, “Very well then.”

  The two of them leave Cindy’s room and walk to the large main room they were first held. George, Joe, and John, are already in the room, and are quite surprised to see the General walking with Cindy.

  Once they are all together, Cindy begins the brief summary of their successful search for habitable planets. She then recounts the terrorist attack that caused them to be hurtled over twenty thousand light years from Earth. Continuing on, she recounts meeting the Kord, the Effen raiders, and the Oglans, along with the many other places they visited. Her summary includes mentioning the derelict Gamin spacecraft, and the infestation of the crew by the spores. The others add what they feel is important to the review of their trek home as well. Finally, after what feels like hours, they have brought the General up to date.

  The General shakes his head in amazement, then directs his attention to George, “How did you figure out the ship’s systems, along with the Gamin symbols, so quickly? Folks here on Earth are still translating the language, or trying to.”

  Cindy glances at George, his little translator, they don’t know about it! She replies before George can, adding a tone of surprise to her voice, “The Gamin must have done something to his suit.” She looks at George, then shrugs, thinking, I am not telling this General anything about his translator. Her expression turns to one of innocent unknowing.

  The general frowns, then responds a little doubtfully, “Well, I suppose that’s possible.”

  George follows Cindy’s lead and adds with a little enthusiasm, “I spent a lot of time with Sharz, one of the aliens.” He recalls the very recent and thorough medical exam, and suppresses a smile. Glad I hid that little device before we left the ship.

  The General, feeling as though he is missing something in the exchange, changes the subject. With disappointment in his voice, he turns to Cindy, “It sounds as though security aboard the Terran was very lax.”

  Cindy retorts bluntly, “Our security forces went above and beyond many times to protect us.”

  General Walker scoffs, “I don’t think so,” he says sounding annoyed, “Radclyf and Hayato let terrorists on board. Even your son snuck on board!” He points an accusing finger at George.

  George retorts quickly, “He did not sneak onboard, he was transported…”

  “Yes, and the man that did that is in a lot of trouble,” the General scoffs.

  Cindy stares at the General with steely eyes as she replies coldly. “The man that did that is dead!”

  The General turns, glares at Cindy, and without thinking, retorts, “Well that makes him very lucky, doesn’t it?”

  Cindy’s expression turns hard, “I will pass your sentiments on to his family.”

  Failing to catch what she says, the General waves a hand dismissively, “These are just some of the reasons that this is operation is now fully controlled by the US military.”

  Even as the words leave his lips, he realizes that he has turned what was becoming an amicable discussion, into a confrontational one. He lifts a hand to his tired brow, and sighs. With great sincerity, he adds, “I must apologize. It’s late, I am very tired and misspoke. How many of your crew made it home?”


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