Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 106

by James Jackson

  Robert does not miss a beat, and asks, “Do you think that GUS,” he quickly checks his notes, then adds hesitantly, “Uh the Gamin Umbilical System, will get another upgrade when we get home?”

  Joe snorts, “Even if our computer technology has doubled in computational speed and capacity this last year, it would still be no match for Gamin technology.” He waves his hand at the four main consoles before the bridge crew.

  Cindy tilts her head, then adds, “That is a very good question however,” She bites on her lower lip for a few seconds, and then adds, “We all saw what happened to the Liberty.”

  Joe nods his head and says, “Yeah, our computers just can’t respond fast enough to meet the Gamin drive system’s requirements. If they build a replacement for the Liberty, then enhancing its computers would have to be a major priority.”

  Cindy replies with an air of certainty, “Oh, I am pretty sure they will be building more, and we can only hope that the next spaceship fares better than the last one.”

  John adjusts the display to reveal an image of Space Station Unity. He whistles in surprise at the scene, then exclaims. “WOW! Someone has really been busy with Unity. Look at how large it is now.”

  Cindy rubs her chin thoughtfully and adds, “I wonder what they’re up to. That sure is a lot bigger than when we left.”

  The bridge speakers crackle to life, “Space Station Unity here. Welcome home Terran!” says an excited voice, “We’ve been hoping you would return soon.”

  Cindy’s eyes narrow warily as she responds, “We need to meet with General Hayes, assuming he still in charge of the Australian facility, as soon as possible.”

  “Yes of course,” replies the voice from the space station, “If you dock we can start your refit straight away.”

  The hairs on the back of Cindy’s neck raise with alarm. She glances at the others on the bridge, then demands. “What refit?”

  There is a long pause before the voice from the space station replies, “We keep forgetting that when you return, you don’t know what’s been going on. Well, we’re capable of refitting the Terran with additional gravity plating, which should allow your ship to land, and take off, from Earth.”

  Cindy leans back in a chair as concern is replaced with curiosity. She considers her options, then says, “We will dock the ship, Terran out.” She leans forward and tells John. “Take us in nice and slow, and keep your eyes peeled.”

  Space Station Unity hangs in space like an enormous crab. Huge leg-like fixtures dangle below its vast superstructure.

  Joe turns to look at Cindy and says, “They have been very busy indeed.” He taps his console and brings up a side view of the station. He points to the screen and says, "Though the design of the station is the same as when we left, it’s easily twice, if not three times, its previous size.”

  Joe stares at the space station for a few moments, then exclaims, “Look at the change to the support clamps!” He points to the dangling fixtures, then adds, “It looks as though they’re large enough to have an atmosphere inside.”

  John docks the Terran between the large struts beneath the space station. As soon as the ship is stationary relative to the station, the struts close around the ship, and secure the Terran in place. A tubular walkway slowly extends out from one of these struts toward the Terran’s underside. When the walkway gets into position, below and behind the Terran, it swings toward the ship’s closed ramp on a specialized hinge system.

  Joe says, “Yep, thought so. It would seem we will be able to just walk across.” He glances at Cindy then, upon her nod, opens the Terran’s ramp.

  Cindy’s eyes narrow. The last time they returned to Earth, they were evicted from the ship and virtually held prisoner. She nods to John and Robert while she says, “You two with me. Joe, George, and Peter, stay here, just in case it’s another setup.” She glances at Radclyf and Hayato for the briefest of moments, then gets up from her command chair.

  Cindy walks with the two men to the hangar deck. Each of them is deep in thought, so the walk is rather quiet and quick. Hangar deck crews smile at the trio as they pass them. The command crew is well liked and respected.

  Robert stares in amazement at the walkway which extends through the shields. It takes up little room compared to the yawning opening through which Earth can be seen far below. They are surprised to be met by a group of people who exit the temporary walkway as they approach.

  “Permission to come aboard?” Asks one of the scientists.

  John’s jaw drops. He quickly steps forward to shake the man’s hand, and says, “Gustav Fuchs, what the blazes are you doing here?”

  Gustav steps closer, heartily shakes John’s hand and says, “I am the lead scientist aboard this station now.”

  John replies, “Wow! Good for you. I couldn’t imagine a better person for the job.”

  Gustav glances around, then hesitantly says, “I would really like to go to New Earth, and conduct research there.” He shrugs his shoulders and sighs.

  John says sincerely, “Well, why don’t you go? With your experience and credentials, you should have no trouble getting on the next ship.”

  Gustav shakes head and replies despondently, “No. Everything has become political here. A lot has changed this last year, and not all of it for the better.”

  Cindy steps forward, frowns slightly, then says with confidence, “We have a way of dealing with politics.” She tilts her head to John, smiles, then adds, “And if John thinks you should go, then so do I.”

  Robert suddenly exclaims, “I remember now. Gustav was on the space shuttle that left the I.S.S. just before it was destroyed.” He smiles sheepishly, then says, “Oops, sorry for interrupting.”

  Gustav grins, and says, “And thanks to this man,” he lifts a hand to John’s shoulder and says, “we were rescued.”

  Cindy steps closer and says, “You said that everything is becoming political?” She questions, “How so?” Her eyes narrow as she listens warily.

  Gustav smiles weekly, then says, “Well for starters, we are to install gravity plating onto the Terran, so the ship can perform planetary landings.”

  Cindy frowns in confusion, and asks, “How is that political?”

  “Well,” Gustav replies slowly, “The Liberty will be conducting the resupply missions to the Colony.” He pauses, then reluctant adds, “And as for you folks, I am not sure exactly what ‘they’ want you to do, but it’s some hush, hush, mission.”

  Cindy shakes her head, then says, “Well, that plan is already shot down. The Liberty is grounded, and no longer space worthy.”

  “Oh no!” exclaims Gustav, “What of the colonists?”

  “They’re fine,” Cindy replies quickly. She shakes her head and adds, “It’s a long story.”

  John catches Cindy’s eye, then turns to Gustav and asks bluntly, “Does the military want to take over the ship?”

  Gustav stares as John, his face a mask of seriousness, then he responds, “I owe you my life, my friend.” He sighs then answers somberly, “As soon as I saw the refit orders, I pried into the matter. Though I am still not one hundred percent sure,” he pauses, then adds, “every indication is that General Hayes is tasked with convincing George to take this ship on some special mission.”

  Cindy raises her eyebrows as she replies, “Well, that sounds a lot better than last time.” She bites at her lower lip for a few seconds, and then makes her decision. “We will allow the refit to the ship, and meet with General Hayes.” She glances upward for a brief second, then says, “Let’s get the others.”

  Far up on the balconies that line the walls of the cavernous cargo area, Radclyf, Hayato, and their men, relax as they watch Cindy walk casually away. Every single one of them is laying down with a powerful sniper rifle aimed at the opening which leads to the space station. The sentry guns above are also trained on the opening, with Peter sitting at his bridge console ready to activate them at the first sign of danger. No one is going to take the Terran from them
without a fight.

  Once Cindy is back on the bridge, she transmits a summary of their colonization mission to the construction site. Between their time on New Earth, and the journey back and forth, over fourteen months have passed on Earth. Fourteen months, during which a lot could have happened.

  Thirty minutes later, John pilots their survey shuttle away from the Terran. They fly toward the Gamin construction facility in the Australian Outback. John glances at Cindy, and says, “Let’s find out what they want this time.” She nods back silently, and also wonders.

  George and Peter silently occupy the other seats, George’s suit is once again left on the Terran. John contacts the ground facility and informs them of their approach.

  Meanwhile, Joe sits in his chair on the Terran, and watches with interest as the space station’s crew begins the refit to their ship. The underside of the Terran is a patchwork of standard armor and gravity plating. Removing the standard plating and installing the gravity plating will require considerable effort, but he has to admit, they seem well prepared. He glances at his watch, which he put on his wrist after the others left, looks at Robert, and grins. He says earnestly, “Well if this thing is right, it’s about two in the afternoon for them.”

  Robert sulkily replies, “I still don’t know why I couldn’t go.”

  Joe replies, “Because, if anything happens to them, you will get to report it to the whole world, uncensored.”

  Robert considers Joe’s words for few minutes, then reluctantly replies, “Yeah.” He sighs then adds, “You’re right, I suppose.” He shakes his head in wonder, they are pretty paranoid about losing this ship. He gazes around the bridge and smiles, but she does grow on you.



  Western Australia

  The Terran’s survey shuttle lands without incident next to the construction dock, within which rests a partially built spacecraft. The four members of the command crew step out into the scorching heat of the Australian Outback. Dry, dusty air fills their lungs, while the sounds of construction assault their ears. A pair of jeeps approaches them at high speed, but at least this time, there are no guards pointing weapons at them. Cindy reflects on the nearby underground facility, and wonders if Doctor Nelson is still running it.

  The lead jeep stops, bringing with it a flurry of dust. The driver, a soldier, quickly steps out and says, “Please come with me, the Generals are waiting.”

  They all pick up on the word ‘Generals’, and wonder what is going on. Cindy nods her head and says, “Okay, let’s see what all this is about.”

  The four are transported to a large building, then escorted inside. A military man with receding grey hair and a jacket adorned in medals, steps up to Cindy. He says quite formally, “Admiral Klein, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am General Anderson.”

  Cindy is momentarily befuddled; his thick American accent immediately reminds her of Walker. She simply stares back at the older man, without replying.

  Anderson frowns, then says, “Why the odd expression, Admiral?”

  She breaks from her stunned silence and says, “I don’t recall being called that before.”

  He replies a little hesitantly, and asks “Well, what do people call you?”

  She shrugs her shoulders in indifference and says, “Cindy, or Admiral, or Admiral Cindy.”

  The man’s jaw drops, then he shakes his head slowly from side to side. He finally shares his thoughts, “People that call you Admiral Cindy are either doing so out of disrespect, or, they’re civilians that don’t know any better.”

  Cindy nods her head in understanding. “That’s okay.” She smiles, then adds warmly, “I really don’t know any better either.”

  Anderson offers a thin smile, and says, “Follow me, General Hayes is waiting for us.”

  They arrive at Hayes’ office, once all the pleasantries are out of the way, and they are seated, Cindy speaks up. “Gentlemen, you probably know by now that the Liberty is not going to be doing anything. It’s permanently grounded on New Earth.”

  Generals Hayes and Anderson glance at each other, then Hayes replies, “We got your brief report, please continue.”

  “We had expected to be performing the resupply missions.” Cindy adds matter-of-factly.

  Hayes nods out the window that overlooks the distant construction dock and says, “No worries, we can get that ship to do it.”

  Cindy shakes her head, “Uh, no you can’t.”

  Both Generals stiffen at her tone, but Hayes responds calmly, “And why not?”

  Cindy sighs, “Well, Joe can explain it in greater detail, but in short, Earth based computers are too slow to control the speed shifts.”

  Anderson frowns, and then asks curiously, “Speed shifts?”

  “Yes,” Cindy replies, “Every time the main drive is used, the ship’s speed changes too fast for our computers to cope.”

  “Well, the Liberty got there, didn’t it?” Anderson says smugly.

  George puts a hand up, then asks Cindy, “Mind if I jump in?”

  She nods, then wonders what George is planning. It is unlike him to want to speak up at this kind of meeting. John remains quiet, and wonders why the facility has both an Australian, and an American General.

  George smiles at the two Generals, and then says, “If we are not to resupply New Earth, then what is it you want us to do, gentlemen?”

  Hayes glances at Anderson, then tosses a folder which is stamped ‘Top Secret’ to George. Anderson quickly stands, then steps forward and states loudly, “You can’t show him that!”

  Hayes lifts a hand to stop Anderson and says, “I was told to use ANY means to get their cooperation.”

  George glances at Cindy, opens the folder, skims through it, and then passes it to her. Anderson’s eyes go very wide as each member of the Terran reads the contents of the secret folder. George rubs his chin while he thinks, and then says, “We need to discuss the details with the rest of our crew, and will let you know what we decide.”

  Cindy smiles at George’s words, then stands and says, “If that is all, I would like to get back to my ship.”

  Anderson’s pulse is clearly showing in his neck, while Hayes, who knows the crew a little better, simply smiles and says, “Of course, you are free to come and go from this facility as you please.”

  Cindy stares at Hayes for a moment, measuring him, and then says, “I would like to utilize your quarantine facilities.”

  The Generals glance at each other warily. Hayes responds slowly, “Uh, sure. What seems to be the problem?” He asks a little nervously.

  Cindy waves a hand dismissively, then says, “Oh, it’s nothing really. But we have almost one hundred people who were unable to adjust to the environment on New Earth. I want Doctor Nelson to run a series on these people to see if he can identify a reason.”

  Hayes nods his head, clearly relieved. “Absolutely, I will have the Doctor on standby.”

  Cindy offers a thin smile as she replies, “Thank you. I will get Henry to hand over his notes, and work with him.” She glances at her crew, and leaves.

  After the four crew members depart, Anderson turns to Hayes and reprimands him. “You’re out of line Mister, letting them read the contents of that folder.”

  Hayes takes a slow deep breath, then says, “George has powerful friends, and you know what happened the last time we made demands. It did not work out too well for your country, now did it?” Hayes lifts his eyebrows, and smiles.

  Anderson taps the desk between them and says, “Well, I hope you’re right, ‘cause if not, you will be lucky if they let you retire, and not charge you with treason.”

  Hayes smiles at Anderson warmly, and says, “If that happens, then I hope George sees me as a friend. Perhaps I shall receive his gratitude for my openness.”

  Anderson’s jaw drops as he realizes that Hayes cannot lose either way. He begins to chuckle, then says, “Talk about friends in high places.”

  Hayes smiles back, bu
t he keeps to himself his own doubts about George’s sphere of influence and protection. He thinks optimistically, if my superiors believe that I am under George’s protection, then that is as good as it being true, hopefully. He frowns as he considers how far behind schedule the next colony ship is.


  Starship Terran

  Docked beneath Space Station Unity


  Ed is a burly man with thick arms and legs. He is also the foreman of the Terran’s refit team. He stands in the hangar deck with his arms folded, and stares at the grey, egg-shaped, object before him. He refers to his scratchy notes, then reads to himself, “Kord Power Unit.” He scoffs, then says to no one in particular, “Damn thing isn’t much taller than me, and no wider than...” He stops his ramblings, glances around, and then takes a few steps to the ship’s wall. Once there, he can see that it is connected to the Terran’s power grid by a pair of short shiny metallic cables, about the thickness of his wrist.

  One of his contractors wanders over, and says, “Hey, what’s going down?”

  The foreman frowns as he gazes at the pair of cables, and replies, “Well Quinn, this thing is junk, and taking up space.”

  Quinn scratches his head as he turns his gaze to the vast area that is the Terran’s hangar deck. He replies, “You could fit a city block in here, who cares about one little extra thing?”

  The foreman replies gruffly, “I care, that’s who! It’s useless, and should be removed.”

  Quinn stares at the connectors, then says with enthusiasm, “I got this.” He steps forward and before Ed can say anything, grasps one of the cables with both hands.

  A bright flash blinds Ed for a few seconds, it is accompanied by a strange popping sound. Dozens of black spots dance across his vision as he stares perplexed at a dust cloud that is settling all around him. An odd smell assaults his nose, like something burning on a stove top. He blinks in surprise and asks warily, “Quinn?”

  Perplexed, Ed stares at the cables, his eyes go wide at the sight. He wipes at the beads of sweat that begin to appear on his forehead and quietly says, “Oh crap!”


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