Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 144

by James Jackson

  Prime Zennick turns and says, “We have been ordered to hold them off until the fleet escapes!”

  Voknor’s jaw drops as he stares at the Atlan forces and says, “All of them!”

  There are no carriers in the Atlan attack force, but they are still outnumbered better than fifty to one, a suicide mission.

  Zennick points to his pilot and orders, “The instant the last ship of the fleet escapes, we go, so be prepared.”

  “Yes Prime!” Replies the officer with stoicism.

  The Atlan craft fires their weapons at their closest target, but as the ships of the Gamin fleet retreat, they are left with fewer targets.

  Prime Zennick feels a strange sense of purpose as they become the primary target of the Atlan attack. “Make them pay! Fire everything you have at that closest ship, then go to full evasive. We will give them a bloody nose!”

  The kinetic weapons find their mark, and cause the targeted ship to drop back and retreat from the battle. Zennick’s victory is short lived however, when seven Atlan craft increase speed to converge on them.

  One of Zennick’s officers calls out in alarm, “They’re giving up on our hull, and targeting our engines! There are too many of them!”

  The main viewer seems filled with Atlan craft, no matter which way they turn, and each one of them fires multiple volleys of energy weapons. Zennick watches as no less than eleven beams strike an area near the hatchery. A huge slab of armor peels away, and spins off into space, leaving behind a gaping hole. Little gas vents into space as this is one of the sections which was sealed off in the event of such a calamity.

  Repair crews rush to the area, and hastily begin repairs before more of the hull is torn away by the ship’s own violent maneuvers. The hole is large enough that the ship’s shields have difficulty encompassing the damage.

  Voknor reviews the ship’s data from his console and confirms that apart from the one breach thus far, hull integrity is holding strong. He is grateful for the additional armor; dozens of deep grooves line the hull where energy weapons struck as they rolled. He stares at the engine status and cringes, they have not yet been reinforced, and already show extensive damage to their outer components. If they do not leave soon, they will not be able to.

  Zennick notices that more than half the fleet has escaped, but his ship cannot withstand the pounding it is getting for long. He notes that his pilot’s performance is exemplary, for they are still alive. In addition, the pilot is swinging the engines away from the Atlan forces when he can, minimizing their exposure to the numerically superior force.

  As if reading his mind, Regent Xasturz suddenly appears on screen and orders, “Prime Zennick, send Voknor to the engines, perhaps he can perform his miracles there!”

  The bridge goes deathly quiet at the unexpected, and unusual instruction. Finally, after a moment’s hesitation Zennick replies, “As you wish.” He turns to Voknor and simply nods.

  As young Voknor leaves the bridge, Prime Zennick scowls. This is his ship to command, as he wishes, and yet he must obey protocol. The last Gamin ship to leave is Roggard’s, who in a last ditch-effort to assist Zennick, pilots directly in the path of a massive strike by the Atlan’s, sparing Zennick’s craft the brunt of a devastating attack.

  Roggard’s reward is the near destruction of his craft as he engages the primary engines. Fortunately, his hull is also reinforced with additional armor, and he too installed additional bulkheads. None the less, he stares at the reports of eighteen hull breaches in awe, and that was from one volley. He wonders how Zennick’s craft has been able to survive, let alone function and continue to fight!

  The instant Roggard departs, and the space ahead is clear, Zennick shouts, “Now!”

  Battle Protocol

  Regent Xasturz’s fleet does not wait at the rendezvous point, but instead makes best possible speed to a system filled with uninhabitable worlds, the last place he thinks the Atlans would look for them. Prime Roggard’s craft is the final one to pass the rendezvous point, and does so minus one shuttle. Zennick’s craft is nowhere to be seen, and is presumed destroyed.

  The fleet is now reduced to twenty-eight craft, down from its peak of thirty-seven when Xasturz first took command, and spends weeks conducting repairs. Roggard’s ship requires extensive work, which is finally, and begrudgingly, approved by Regent Xasturz. Prime Roggard’s crew is appreciative of the additional armor, which was supplied and installed by Voknor; they all know they would have perished without it. The days roll by as the fleet slowly collects resources, and repairs.

  “Regent, Incoming vessel!” States one of the Regents bridge officers, “It’s one of ours!” He adds with a cheer.

  Regent Xasturz stares at the long-range scanner in disbelief, then says with amazement, “How?”

  A lone Gamin craft, battered beyond comprehension, arrives in system. Its engines trail a cloud of superheated material, and yet they still function.

  The Regent quickly regains his composure and orders, “Contact Prime Zennick!”

  The crackling of static fills the bridge of the flagship as a voice responds, “We are returning to the fleet, Regent!”

  Xasturz stares at the image before him with incredulity. Zennick’s craft has a gaping hole in the upper three command levels, where the bridge should be. The forward hull has so many deep grooves in its thick armor it looks as though it flew through a strainer. Something about the armor bothers the Regent, but he puts it out of mind for the time being. The engines are stressed well beyond their tolerances, with one of them visibly glowing. Both continue to leave behind a trail of superheated space particles, even though they are shut down.

  “Prime Zennick, your ship is in need of repairs, rejoin the fleet.” Xasturz states blandly.

  “This is Prime Voknor!” Replies the static-filled voice, surprising all who hear the statement.

  “You are no Prime!” Xasturz spits back venomously.

  The static filled voice persists, “The crew has suffered less than ten percent casualties, and the hatchery is protected. I am the last surviving officer of the ship. I invoke ‘Battle Protocol’ and claim my rightful place as Prime.”

  “No!” Screams Regent Xasturz in a wild rage. He slams his claws on his chair, then stands and paces the bridge, agitated at the turn of events. “I will die before I allow you to be Prime!” He screams in a wild rage; flecks of spittle fly from his mouth as he continues to pace.

  “I second his rightful place as Prime!” States Prime Roggard’s confident voice from the Regent’s bridge speakers.

  Xasturz stops, suddenly realizing that the entire conversation has been fleet-wide, and not one on one, as he expected. His face twitches as Primes Gentak and Lokarz endorse Voknor’s claim. His plan to hold his son back from command has backfired. Voknor is now the youngest Prime in recorded history, all thanks to him, and there is nothing he can do to stop it. He knows the laws; he wrote many of them himself, but the Battle Protocol, that comes from the Emperor himself, and not even he dares countermand that.

  The Regent sits down heavily in his chair, then as an idea comes to mind, he orders, “I deem Prime Voknor’s craft too heavily damaged for repairs, it shall be used as scrap for other vessels.”

  The grin on the Regents face fades as ship after ship reports that all repairs have been conducted, including Roggard’s, which he knows still requires attention. He is about to enforce his orders when one of his officers turns and states, “That ship’s hatchery is unharmed, its forward hull is intact, and its engines functional.”

  The Regent spits back, “You are relieved of duty. If you like that bastard so much, go report to his ship!”

  The officer stands, bows, then replies respectfully, “I live to serve my Regent, and leave by your order.” He strides from the bridge and, as he does so, smiles. Perhaps now he will get to fertilize an egg, and continue his family linage, he muses to himself.

  Regent Xasturz stares blankly at his departing officer then, with mounting conce
rn, realizes that he is losing control of the situation, and his subordinates. He glances at the other three officers before him, and then says, “Either stay, or leave to follow my traitorous son. His fate shall be yours!”

  All three remain seated, but not out of respect for their Regent, they do so out of fear. They have all heard their leader’s incessant ramblings about Voknor, and feel that it is only a matter of time before that fated ship is destroyed.

  Regent Xasturz finally regains his composure, activates the fleet-wide communications, and calmly states, “We will remain here until the fleet is repaired. Voknor, the ship is yours.”

  The other Primes notice that even now, their leader refuses to acknowledge Voknor’s rightful place. This creates an even greater divide, with some Primes considering making a challenge for the position of Regent.

  Prime Voknor stands in the hangar deck, with his crew, and states, “We will not be defeated!”

  His crew cheers loudly, though many are still fearful that their days are numbered, they also know that without Voknor’s skills and leadership, they would have been dead many times over. The hangar door swings downward, allowing a single shuttle to land.

  An older Gamin steps out, then strides to Voknor. He raises a clenched fist and states with conviction. “I offer my life to you, Prime Voknor!”

  Voknor feels a rush of emotion, he was not expecting this, and says, “What is your name, and what was your station?”

  “I am Leprax.” He states with pride, then adds with a hint of disdain, “I was a Bridge Officer aboard the flagship.”

  Those gathered mumble amongst themselves in disbelief. A flagship Bridge Officer position is one of the most sought after in the fleet, other than being Prime, and most Primes are those who previously served aboard the flagship in that very position. To give that up to serve on a vessel of the damned, is beyond reasoning.

  Voknor silently deliberates his options, then states boldly, “I welcome your service; your knowledge and skills will aid us all.”

  He stares at the older Gamin and wonders what his ulterior motive is, he feels that there has to be one, no one gives up such a posting without a reason.

  Leprax nods to the shuttle and states, “I shall instruct the pilot to return.”

  Voknor is reminded of the shuttle they found adrift in space. He turns to it as he orders, “Leprax, the ship is yours until I return! I have a friend to meet.”

  Leprax is stunned by the instruction; he is aboard for mere moments, and Prime Voknor entrusts him with command.

  Voknor grins as he enters the shuttle; he will find out soon enough if he can trust Leprax, or if he is another one of his father’s plots to kill him. As he pilots the shuttle to Roggard’s vessel, he watches with pride as his ship is already being repaired by the fleet.

  Prime Roggard meets Voknor on his ship’s hangar deck, and as soon as the young Prime steps out, greets him warmly, “Prime Voknor, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

  “Why did you do it? You risked all.” Voknor asks as they come face to face.

  Roggard nods slowly, then replies, “I am sure you recall the Den Mothers teachings.” He pauses for a moment, and then adds, “Especially the focus on the survival of the fleet above all else.”

  “But to go against the Regent’s wishes!”

  “I did no such thing!” Roggard replies mockingly.

  “You left a shuttle with co-ordinates to this rendezvous. You backed my claim to be Prime!”

  Roggard slaps Voknor on the back as he chuckles, “I lost a shuttle due to my extensive combat damage, and as for backing your claim. I did no more than follow our Emperor’s decree.”

  “Well, you have my gratitude. I will not forget what you have done for me.” Voknor replies with conviction.

  Roggard stares back with fierce determination as he replies, “And you are the reason my craft and crew are still here. I shall not forget that either!”

  The two spend many duty cycles discussing their ship’s systems, Gamin politics, and more, as Voknor’s craft receives the extensive repairs it requires. With each trip to Roggard’s vessel, Voknor secretly transports a supply of raw materials, and continues to reinforce his friend’s vessel.

  On one of these trips, Voknor is surprised to see Prytec standing on the hangar deck with Roggard. Both Gamin stand quietly, as if waiting.

  Voknor hurries toward his old combat tutor, and with a wide grin states, “Your training has proved beneficial and effective. I thank you.”

  Roggard replies before Prytec can speak, “Prytec wishes to serve you.” He turns and states formally, “Your oath to me is an oath to Voknor, serve him well, as you have served me.”

  Prytec raises his left fist and shouts, “My life is yours Prime Voknor!”

  Voknor’s jaw drops as he turns to Roggard and utters, “You can’t do this to him, Prytec will be dishonored!”

  Prime Roggard stands tall as he replies, “I consider this a promotion for Prytec. He would be serving the fleet’s most influential Prime in generations. Your name is appropriate Prime Voknor, you are a revolutionary!”

  Turning to Prytec, Voknor states, “I accept your service; may I honor you well.”

  Prytec grins as he replies, “My loyal guard wishes to follow me. Will you take them?”

  Voknor realizes that the odds of him being assassinated have just about dropped to zero; and the two before him are responsible for that.

  “All who wish to follow you are welcome aboard my vessel, Prytec!” Voknor replies respectfully.

  In all, eighteen well trained guardsmen follow Prytec to Voknor’s vessel. They soon integrate themselves with the crew, strengthening morale and loyalty on board. Many others follow their lead, bolstering Voknor’s crew ranks to numbers rarely before seen on a front-line vessel. Ordinarily a crew of one hundred seventy-five would be considered a minimum for these vessels, yet many craft operate well below that number, Voknor’s crew numbers some two hundred eighty-seven. The outer levels of his ship are still left empty, with hundreds of compartments being relegated as storage for the growing number of repair teams. These additional crew members do not mind the crowding, and are put to task, adding layer upon layer of armor to every deck; they know that soon they will face unimaginable odds, but they do so as honorable Gamin.

  The first two craft Voknor served on during his early years are also refitted with additional bulkheads, along with a thick layer of external armor. Primes Gentak and Lokarz are grateful for the defensive upgrades. Fewer and fewer resources make their way to the flagship’s massive storage areas, adding to the fleet’s delay, but for some reason, the Regent does not seem to notice. He is preoccupied with a grand plan, one that will solve all his problems with one decisive action.

  Battle of Honor

  After what feels like an eternity, Prime Voknor strides on to his rebuilt bridge. He sits in his command chair for the first time, and then says, “Officer Leprax, open the fleet-wide channel. Inform the Regent that we are fully functional, and ready to depart as the lead ship, on his command.”

  “By your order!” Leprax replies as he contacts the flagship.

  Both know that by having Leprax relay their readiness status, they are further insulting their Regent, but Voknor does not care, he is feeling good today. He has toured the ship, spent time with his crew, and personally examined all repairs. He may be the youngest Prime in history, but he is well respected.

  Other than the two of them, the bridge is devoid of life, and though the crew’s morale is high, they are apprehensive of their Regent’s commands. Below decks, Prytec has his forces strategically placed, to defend against any, and all, threats. There are rumors circulating of an assassination attempt on Prime Voknor, and Prytec will not allow such a cowardly act to occur, not on his watch.

  Xasturz’s image unexpectedly dominates every ship’s viewscreen. He states decisively, “I shall be taking the lead! I have learned of an Atlan construction facility. I shall deal them a massive
blow by destroying it!”

  The Regent’s image vanishes as coordinates are fed to the fleet, along with detailed instructions. The flagship may well be taking the lead, but the two flanking ships are Voknor’s and Roggard’s, which means that they will take the brunt of all attacks leveled against their leader’s craft.

  The Regent’s fleet departs their safe haven, rallies in open space, and then plots for the Atlan construction facility. They halt between solar systems many times as the fleet makes a number of course corrections. The target of their attack is deep inside Atlan controlled space, close to the Atlan home world, and getting there undetected is a feat all unto itself.

  With one more stint at high speed to go, Xasturz appears on the ship’s viewers once more, “Prepare for a day that will go down in Gamin history. My name shall be etched in the stars for eternity!” His visage fades as his flagship streaks away, with the rest of the fleet trailing behind.

  The fleet performs a risky maneuver, and reduces to sub light speed near the target planet inside the solar system. Before them are no less than eight orbital construction facilities, each housing a partially built carrier. The planet below is heavily industrialized; steady streams of transport craft travel to and from the planet. This is no simple construction facility; here stretches the Atlan Empire’s one and only Carrier construction hub, and it is well guarded.

  Xasturz contacts his fleet, issuing a single order, “Destroy them all!”

  Roggard’s and Voknor’s vessels take up their assigned flanking positions, and then match speed with their flagship. Their ships appear diminutive next to the Regent’s; though almost three kilometers long themselves, even end to end, they are shorter than the flagships forward hull, behind which rests a vast elevated command area, followed by the vessel’s long engines. The remaining ships fan out in an attack formation, twenty-eight in all, traveling at close to half the speed of light.

  As the fleet approaches the planet, Voknor touches a control on his chair, activating ship-wide communications, “I am honored to have you as my crew. Seal every bulkhead and evacuate the atmosphere from the outer decks. All repair crews stand ready. I expect that this is going to be a battle like no other.”


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