Bandor motions to four of the seats, which are larger, and sits.
Prytec scrutinizes the room, then stands with his back to the wall, and watches the doorway. He does not trust the Kord, and has always followed his instincts.
The Kord are unconcerned with Prytec’s defensive position, and after introductions, settle down for what they expect to be the beginning of a lengthy negotiation process.
Bandor motions to Regent Voknor as he says, “It is customary for the guest to begin these proceedings.
Voknor has been considering the best way to tackle the negotiations. Usually he is facing off against technologically inferior races, and demanding resources, but now, he must be tactful.
In a bold move, Voknor stands, and states, “I do not represent all Gamin, and only speak for my clan.”
Bandor glances back and forth, then replies, “We too are alone in this venture.”
“Understood!” Voknor replies, then without mincing words, states, “I require the secret construction of two cruisers, the hardened armor technology, schematics of the transport system, and the medical units you used to heal my injured.”
Bandor coughs; he had not expected Voknor to be so forward. He replies, “We require schematics of the bodysuits, in particular, detailed analysis of the neural interface, plus,” he pauses, swallows hard, then says, “my research teams request that your fleet travel to, and scan, a list of spatial anomalies that we are investigating.”
Voknor taps the table, deep in thought, then replies, “I can do one better. We have several bodysuits that we can give you. They were from my father’s research into adapting them for use by servitor races.”
Bandor reviews the display in front of him, then says, “If we are to construct vessels for you, we would require full access to your systems, and as mentioned before, you will provide all resources, including those required to build the construction facilities.
Voknor stares at Bandor, and deliberates over his answer. After a few moments, he replies, “I will not share information on weapons, or power systems.”
“Agreed!” Bandor replies quickly, then adds, “We will require details on the propulsion systems to facilitate the construction of your vessels.”
Voknor leans back and smiles, now he understands what the Kord want. He takes a few deep breaths then says, “Your ships are slow! It would seem we do have something else you want.”
Bandor shifts uncomfortably, then replies, “Yes. The Atlans refuse to share their technology, and our own scientists have yet to find a solution.”
“How would you explain obtaining this knowledge? Especially considering that these dealings are confidential.” Voknor queries.
“We have investigated several derelict craft, and could have learned the information from them,” Bandor replies.
Voknor stands, then paces the room, deep in thought once more. He tilts his head to Glarth, and asks, “I seek your open council.”
Glarth has been wondering why he was brought to these proceedings, and now understands. He switches his intense gaze from the Kord to the Regent, then states, “As of present, we are unable to build the cruisers. In addition, many lives were saved by the medical devices Bandor’s kind has. The hardened armor would give us yet another advantage over the Atlans. But, we would be giving the Kord faster spacecraft, and the ability to construct bodysuits equal to our own.” He turns to Bandor and says, “How do we know that you won’t use these technologies against us?”
Bandor grins as he replies, “We would be not only improving your fleet’s survivability, but your capability, with the new spacecraft you want us to build.”
Voknor sits back down, then states, “Simply put, how can we trust you?”
Bandor waves his arms, indicating the room he is in, and says, “By driving off the Effen Raiders, and not attacking us, you have proven yourselves to not be an enemy. In allowing you to come here, armed,” he adds, pointing to Prytec, “we are showing you our good faith.”
Prytec shifts uncomfortably, he is unsure if Bandor is guessing he has weapons, or if the Kord have a method of detecting concealed weapons.
Staring hard at Bandor, Voknor decides to follow his instincts, and says, “I agree, in principle, to your requests.” With a slight hesitation, he adds, “and depending upon the location of these anomalies you wish us to investigate, we may allow a contingent of your scientists aboard.”
Bandor quietly interacts with the other Kord, then turns to Voknor and states, “We too, agree to all your requests.”
“It is settled then!” Voknor states, then adds, “The sooner we begin, the sooner we can part ways, and not concern ourselves with the greater politics of our empires!”
“Agreed!” Bandor states, then with a huge grin says, “With your fleet in the area, I doubt the Effen Raiders will bother us anymore.”
The discussions continue for quite some time as the many details involved are discussed, then agreed upon.
Prytec watches the proceedings with a growing sense of pride as Regent Voknor hammers out his first negotiation with a race that is, for all intents and purposes, their equal. He is unable to suppress a smile, because his Regent is doing so in direct violation of the Emperor’s standing orders, all to better the clan and increase their survivability. Noble gestures, and worth the risks being taken.
There be Aliens Aboard
Regent Voknor feels the best he has in a long time as he stands before his Primes in his meeting room. He casts his gaze over them all, and says, “Before I share the many details of the talks with the Kord, I seek a volunteer. I need one of you to take delegation of Kord scientists to a list of spatial coordinates, where they will conduct research.”
Glarth glances around, then questions, “Why would we allow them on our clanships? It seems they need us more than we need them!”
Voknor nods to Glarth, and smiles, “You speak well.” He casts his gaze around the room, and says, “Primes, consider this; we have an opportunity to expand our scientific knowledge, in exchange for what? Doing what we would normally do? Collect resources, repair, build new craft. If we do this, we could become the most powerful outer clan in history. More than a match for the Atlans!”
A low murmuring fills the room, then Prime Markulz stands. He is usually quiet and reserved, though well respected by his crew. He gazes around with a wide grin, and says, “The mission interests me. Besides, I would like to meet these Kord for myself.”
“The task should not take long,” Voknor replies, “and will benefit us all. To complete the task, your vessel will be fitted with a special sensor array, which took some convincing for us to be able keep it afterward.”
Markulz silently lifts his clenched fist in the air, signifying his loyalty, then sits down.
Regent Voknor takes a deep breath, then begins. “We are to be shown how to harden our armor, with special emitters fitted to all transports. The refitted transports fly over the craft to be hardened in a precise formation, all handled automatically. Once complete, we can expect an increase in our defensive capabilities of approximately twenty-five percent.”
“Twenty-five percent!” Roggard exclaims.
Glarth responds, “If I were not at the proceedings, I would not believe it myself. But the demonstration presented by the Kord was quite convincing.”
Voknor nods, then narrows his eyes as he states, “We will conduct our own extensive tests first, but as Glarth stated, the Kord were quite convincing.”
The Primes continue to whisper amongst one another. Clearly, they are itching to wrangle with the Atlans again, and soon, especially as their most recent encounters have been most successful.
Voknor grins, then says, “We will also be given new medical equipment, along with a new range of bio scanners.”
Glarth has always had little patience, and today is no exception as he calls out, “Regent, quit stalling and share the best news!”
The other Primes glance back and forth, though curious, they re
main quiet, and wait.
“Alright then,” Voknor responds with a toothy grin, “The Kord have agreed to construct the basic elements of both cruisers, all we need to do is provide the resources!”
Algathor glances to Glarth before addressing Voknor, then says, “We have to be giving something pretty impressive in return, and I don’t mean a galactic tour.”
“Yes,” Voknor counters, “the bodysuits my father used when he was experimenting with the Oglans will finally go to good use. I am giving all of them to the Kord.”
Algathor glances at Glarth, then nods as he replies, “A wise exchange, they’re useless to us anyway!”
Chapter Twelve– The Long Years
The construction of the docks for the planned cruisers proves more difficult than expected, forcing the engineers to install additional support struts. The greatest concern is not only the astronomical weight of the completed vessels, but the effects the large craft may have on the Kord station’s internal gravity. The theorists debate amongst themselves, until Bandor finally orders them to simply build them and see what happens.
During this time Markulz’s craft receives an advanced sensor array, which the Kord connect to the ship’s main power grid. Initial tests surprise the Gamin crew, both in regards to the sensor’s capabilities, and to its immense power requirements. This prompts the Kord engineers to begin investigating new, more efficient, methods of power storage.
To Voknor though, the armor hardening technology is the most anticipated of all the changes, even outweighing the transit-way which is in its planning phase. Kord engineers easily retrofit the Gamin shuttles with specialized emitters, which allows them to perform the Kord’s hardening technique of any craft.
Bandor scurries onto Regent Voknor’s bridge and with great enthusiasm points at the main viewer, and proudly states, “A demonstration of the hardening technique!”
Voknor stands, then strides closer to the viewscreen, and watches as a flotilla of twenty shuttles, in perfect formation, slowly flies over the forward hull. A faint blue light emanates from beneath each craft, and as they move, the color of the hull darkens in their wake.
Bandor grins as he says, “Your pilots learn quickly!”
“I am curious to see how the armor holds up in battle.” Voknor states.
Based on the testing performed by his own engineers, the improvement is noticeable, but the Regent is wary, battle situations often differ from simulations.
“The new sensors will be calibrated soon, then my scientists and their families can join the ship that’s going.”
“Families?” Voknor queries.
“Yes!” Bandor replies, “This will be a long tour in deep space for them.”
“A long tour?” Voknor replies, surprised at his choice of words, then adds, “You have allocated less than a year for each anomaly, which means the exploration force will be gone less than twenty of your years.”
“Twenty years in deep space!” Bandor states.
Confused, Voknor asks, “What is this deep space you refer to?”
Bandor sighs, then says, “Deep space! It means, a long way from home. Plus, we live, at best, for one hundred-forty years, while your race seems to live forever.”
“We age,” Voknor states, indignantly, then with a frown adds, “but yes, we do live longer than most.”
“Most!” Exclaims Bandor loudly, “Try all!”
Voknor stares blankly at Bandor, then changes the subject, “With the survey craft, I am making a change to the plans.”
“Oh?” Bandor questions warily, his tension mounting as he waits.
“Yes!” Voknor replies, “The entire fleet will go. While you perform your studies, we will mine nearby planets for resources.”
Bandor immediately relaxes, then says, “That is gracious of you.”
“Don’t flatter me too much,” Voknor replies, “one craft is an easy target, a fleet, not so much!”
“Won’t that slow down your resource gathering?” Bandor asks, hoping secretly that it will do just that.
“Perhaps. But some of the regions you wish to investigate are close to where we've had altercations with the Atlans, not to mention, the Effen Raiders are out there, somewhere.” Voknor replies.
Bandor wipes his fur covered face, and says, “I just hope my people get used to living on your ships!”
Voknor grins as he replies, “Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. My engineers have modified one of the upper, forward, decks. The section has its own environmental controls, and independent gravity.”
Bandor is stunned, and sputters, “How?”
“Doorways, which act as airlocks, line the main corridor in and out. The emergency routes are closed off for now, but can be opened if needed.” Voknor explains.
The pair then spends considerable time discussing the details of the upcoming exploration. Once the basics are worked out, Bandor brings Moot, the expeditions lead scientist, to discuss many of the finer details. Moot is tall for a Kord, the top of his head almost reaches Voknor’s chest.
When everything is ready, Regent Voknor travels to Prime Markulz’s vessel, and meets each of the Kord families that boards. Although many of the Kord are skittish, they appreciate the goodwill gesture.
Bandor watches the fleet depart with a twinge of jealously for not being able to join the expedition. This truly is the opportunity of a lifetime; to travel on board a Gamin ship, and explore the stars with the protection of a battle-hardened fleet. Kord expedition forces are poorly defended craft, with cramped living conditions, and they are slow. He smiles as he realizes that with the Gamin engine schematics, he is confident that they will be able to improve their own designs.
Gravity Well
Regent Voknor stares at the phenomenon before them in wonder. He has never witnessed such a thing. The fleet hovers some distance away from a black void in space, a gravity well. Though some distance away, each ship is running their sub-light engines at better than fifty percent to simply hold position.
Voknor leans forward and asks, “Frazik, how is Markulz’s craft doing that?”
Frazik adjusts the main viewer to display Markulz’s vessel. Its main engines glow as it appears to be sliding backward towards the phenomenon. He taps on his console, then says, Markulz is attempting to contact us.
Regent Voknor frowns as the main viewer turns to static. A strange ghostly image appears, as a long slow monotone emanates from the speakers.
Skylow taps on his console, then proudly states, “I have compensated for the time-dilation effect created by the gravity well.”
Markulz’s features fill the screen, his excited and energetic voice resounds out, “This is amazing! The main drive is currently at four-seven, and yet we are still being pulled toward the gravity well. My navigator is increasing thrust to maintain a constant rate of approach. The Kord are in the storage bay, and the ramp is open allowing them to trail sensors out behind us. They have already lost half of them to the intense gravity.”
Voknor leans forward and says, “Markulz, do not…”
The transmission fails as the flagship unexpectedly turns toward the phenomenon.
Cushkull fights the poorly responding controls, cursing, “I have no idea what happened, all systems experienced a momentary power drain! We’re drifting toward the gravity well.”
The flagship shakes and shudders under the intense gravimetric forces. Other craft of the fleet are less effected, and are easily able to apply additional thrust and move to a greater distance.
“Cushkull!” Voknor exclaims, “You are getting us out of here.” he adds, more as a statement than a question.
The flagship’s metal structure creaks and groans as the craft attempts to maneuver.
The bridge speakers blare to life, “We have torqueing of the main struts!”
Voknor stands and strides to the main viewer, then wishes he had not. The front of his craft appears to be bending and twisting toward the intense gravity.
shouts, ‘I am losing her!”
Voknor immediately orders, “Get her ass end around, and use the main drive.”
In a desperate attempt to minimize damage, Cushkull rolls the ship, then in an act of desperation, activates one side of the ships sub-light engines, but just for a split second. The effect is immediate, the back of the flagship swings toward the gravity well. The vibrations through the ship increase in intensity as the massive craft is pulled closer.
Cushkull checks his console one more time, then touches his panel as he announces, “Main drive!”
Nothing happens.
“Two… Three… Four…” Cushkull calls out fearfully as nothing seems to be working.
Voknor sits, then orders, “Maximum speed!”
“Maximum speed! Yes Regent.” Confirms Cushkull.
The flagship is perfectly still one moment; the next, it is traveling at many thousands of times the speed of light. The internal gravity dampening system is sluggish in coping with the sudden speed change. Crew, and anything not bolted down, is hurled about. Once safely away, Cushkull reduces speed, and relaxes.
“Status?” Voknor queries, then apprehensively asks, “What happened to Markulz vessel?”
Skylow reviews the ships status, then reports, “Minor buckling of the main supports along the axis of the ship, along with some hull damage to forward section. Plenty of our crew got banged up, but no fatalities are reported.”
Frazik grins as he happily relays, “Markulz was able to escape. It seems those sensors the Kord were using warned them of the inverted gravity wave.” He frowns at the unfamiliar term, but relays what he reads, regardless.
Voknor leans forward and says, “Rally the fleet, away from that gravity well. I want a full report on what happened.” He frowns, then asks, “How is it that the forward hull has only minor damage? I saw it twisting and bending!”
Skylow shrugs as he shares his thoughts, “The gravity effects were not constant across the hull, causing the sensors to create an optical illusion.”
Lilpax excitedly blurts out, “The effect would not be noticeable on small craft, which means I bet the Kord have never seen anything like it!”
Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 161