Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 163

by James Jackson

  This trip out the fleet is to investigate a massive gas giant, one far beyond the clans assigned region. But, as this is expected to be a short trek, Regent Voknor is not concerned. This is the last phenomenon they are to visit; he chuckles to himself; this is the third time it has been the last one! He knows that the Kord are taking advantage of their presence, as both for protection, and as a means to investigate places they could not get to. However, he is content with the arrangement. Soon, his clan will have cruisers, two of them. Progress on them has been slow, yet steady. It took the Kord a long time to figure out the Gamin engines, but once they did, they immediately began building and testing their own versions, until finally, they installed three to each cruiser. The engines are shorter than the original design specifications, but the Kord have assured Voknor that they are up to the task.

  Markulz’s features appear on the flagship’s main viewer, “The Kord have assigned scientist Dralik to this mission, it seems he is a gas giant specialist. One who traveled from another facility, just for this mission.”

  Regent Voknor replies with a chuckle, “They are coming up with new ways of keeping us around all the time?”

  Markulz grins back as he replies, “I don’t mind this at all. Beats fighting the Atlans, and the Kord are sharing all of their findings with us!”

  Voknor frowns at the mention of the Atlans, and narrows his eyes as he muses, “I wonder what they have been up to all this time.”

  “I am just glad they’re leaving us alone!” Markulz states, thinking Regent Voknor was addressing him.

  Voknor focuses his attention on the upcoming mission, and says, “Let’s get going, Prime Markulz!”

  The fleet departs, and heads for another area the Kord call, ‘deep space’, a concept while still causes Voknor to smile every time he hears them use the expression.

  Lilpax reviews their anticipated route, and is excited to see that yet again they will be exploring an area of space they have never been to before. She stops and stares at her console, then confirms her findings.

  She glances around to see if anyone else has noticed the unexpected signal, then hesitantly says, “Ah, I am receiving a transmission from a Kord probe.”

  Skylow is about to comment when Prime Markulz appears on the main viewer with the shortest Kord any of them have ever seen. He motions to the Kord as he says, “Dralik’s team just picked up a transmission from an old probe.”

  Voknor glances back at Lilpax, then says, “Markulz, lead the way!”

  “Lead the way.” Markulz repeats slowly; he had been expecting to have to explain more, then says, “Yes Regent.”

  “Lilpax,” Voknor comments, “tell me what you have.”

  She checks her information once more, then says, “I don’t believe it. It’s one of the two probes we launched when Moot was with us. It just began broadcasting.”

  “An Atlan trap?” Voknor queries warily.

  “Unlikely.” Lilpax replies, then explains, “The probes were designed to continuously transmit on a single frequency, and according to the data I am receiving, the probe has been active for less than a quarter cycle, and never stopped transmitting!”

  “Interesting!” Voknor replies, then says, “We should know more soon enough!”

  Dralik has been quietly listening, then asks, “How is it we are picking up the Kord Probes?”

  Voknor is surprised that he does not know, and replies, “Moot, the first lead scientist who came with us, launched a pair of probes at an especially unusual phenomenon. We are passing close enough to pick up the signal.”

  Arriving in the vicinity of the strange phenomenon where Moot’s scientists launched the probes, they all see that nothing has changed.

  Frazik scans the area, then reports, “I am picking up two probes!”

  “Two?” queries Voknor. “I wonder why we are only receiving transmissions from one?”

  Markulz contacts Regent Voknor, and warily reports, “Dralik wants me to bring the probes on board, to examine them.”

  Voknor frowns, then says, “Your ship, your decision!”

  “I will secure all bulkheads, then allow it.” Markulz replies, then adds, “I am curious as to what happened. Of all the things we have seen, this is the greatest mystery.”

  “Agreed!” Voknor confirms.

  The Kord scientists take considerable time reviewing the data from both probes, then in an unexpected gesture, Dralik travels to the flagship.

  Regent Voknor stares at the fur cover Kord scientist, then realizes that he is able to discern subtle variations to their features. He waves to the Kord and says, “You have obviously discovered something fascinating, or you would not have come here personally.”

  Dralik paces the bridge in excitement as he hurriedly relays his team’s findings, “One of the probes is merely hours old, the other has been drifting in space for more than forty years. Its power-cell expired long ago.”

  Voknor tilts his head as he questions, “Hours! How is that possible?”

  “We now know that the phenomenon is a space-time fracture.” Dralik says, then explains, “The probes did not experience any passage of time as they passed through the phenomenon, but in reality, the time dilation effect meant that for us, it took the faster probe a few years to traverse the anomaly, while the slower probe took longer, much longer, appearing just now.”

  Voknor motions to the distant phenomenon and says, “Let me see if I understand you properly. The faster an object traverses that thing; the less time is lost.”

  Dralik frowns, then replies, “In essence. Yes.”

  Voknor holds up his hand, then says, “Wait. I already know what you want to do. Yes, we can wait while you prepare more probes!”

  Dralik jumps up and down in joy, all the while making some horrid squeaking sound, as though he were choking.

  Regent Voknor watches with his bridge crew as the first probe enters the void at many times the speed of light, the second is sent through at a faster pace, as is the next, while the last enters at close to their top speed.

  When nothing happens, they wait, and wait. The duty cycles come and go, until one day, unexpectedly, the last probe sent in appears, and immediately performs its breaking maneuver.

  Dralik reports the obvious, “A few days at top speed! I wish we could stay and wait for the other probes, but we have too little data to go on to predict when they will appear.”

  Voknor nods in agreement, then orders, “Frazik, mark this region of space as extremely hazardous for travel; the area should be avoided at all costs.”

  The fleet continues on to the gas giant; another boring feature to the Gamin, and yet once again an exciting time for the Kord.

  Technological Enigma

  Regent Voknor stares at the bodysuit in awe. It looks like the one in the historical archives, the one the captured Atlan pilot was wearing.

  The aging Bandor leans heavily on another Kord, and says, “Voknor of the Gamin, you are a trusted friend, but I fear our relationship must soon end. My leadership has turned a blind eye to my dealings with you, because of our remarkable scientific gains, but they can do so no longer. This facility is to be decommissioned, but, I was able to convince my superiors to let my grandson, Sporlz, perform the task.” He pats the younger Kord’s arm.

  With a sigh, Voknor replies, “With all your medical knowledge, I’m surprised you’re not able to expand your lifespans.”

  Bandor chuckles, then coughs as he replies, “We have! But as you know, your genetic makeup is rather unique, and one you have allowed us to study in depth. But even with all we have learned, you will still be alive while many generations of my family pass. I was fortunate to remain in charge of this facility for as long as I was, and to then find a replacement who would continue our arrangement.”

  “What of the cruisers?” Voknor presses apprehensively, momentarily concerned.

  Sporlz locks eyes with Voknor and decisively states, “I will honor my grandfather’s wishes, but know this,
our leadership has signed a treaty with the Atlan Empire, one which clearly states that all dealings with the Gamin must cease. Now, as this arrangement with my grandfather is technically a secret, we will get your craft space-worthy, but the moment they are, you will not contact us again. I will not risk a war with the Atlans, they are becoming too powerful.”

  Voknor frowns, then says, “Powerful! In what way?”

  Sporlz looks to Bandor, who nods back, then reluctantly replies, “Their most recent Prophecy has revealed new technologies, and it is their second to last. For the first time in history, it also revealed information about their final prophecy.”

  “Prophecies?” Voknor queries warily, “What do you mean?”

  Sporlz stares at Voknor, stunned. “You do not know?”

  Bandor nudges his grandson, and says, “Tell him!”

  Sporlz glances around as if he is being watched, then lowers his voice as he explains, “Every thousand years, the Atlans receive a new Prophecy. Well, not only did this latest one reveal to them a new whole host of advanced technologies, but it foretold that the twelfth, and last prophecy, will release them from obscurity, allowing them to become masters of the Galaxy.”

  Voknor’s jaw drops, “How could we not know this?”

  Bandor puts a hand on Voknor’s arm and says, “Don’t feel bad about yourself. With the unveiling of each Prophecy, it often takes the Atlans many generations to integrate their newfound discoveries.” He almost spits the words as he adds, “Discoveries, now that’s a laugh. The Atlans do not research new technologies, they merely study what is handed to them. But the real questions are these, who is giving them technology? And why?”

  A chill runs up Voknor’s spine as he points to the bodysuit and says, “The way you have miniaturized and integrated the molecularizer-demolecularizer into the end of the suit’s arms is almost the same as the bodysuit we captured thousands of solar years ago.”

  Bandor leans on Voknor, and with an unusual nervousness, says, “The Atlans did not have this technology until recently, no one has this level of neural integration. The technology was beyond us for many years. But just as we perfected it, I realized that I could not share my findings with my colleagues.”

  “I don’t understand,” Voknor replies.

  Sporlz becomes agitated as he says, “We intercepted an Atlan transmission. The advanced neural interface the bodysuits you gave my grandfather, have, well, they were included in the latest prophecy. And yet you tell us you have had this technology for thousands of years. How could this be?”

  Voknor relays his thoughts, “Few clans took an interest in the bodysuits. Many considered them simply augment suits, but my father, for all of his faults, knew there was more to them.”

  “Well, there is more alright.” Sporlz replies. He sighs and then says, “We cannot let the Atlans know that we have this technology, that would give them cause to attack us. It is with great reluctance that I tell you this. We will be handing over all we know to you, then destroying all references to the suits from our database.”

  “You fear the Atlans that much?” Voknor replies, then states boldly, “Their forces are no match for ours, at each encounter they flee, with heavy losses.”

  Bandor replies, “I fear that will change! Now, please listen to my grandson.”

  Sporlz immediately continues, “We have schematics on two types of suits for you, each houses an internal capacitor, which will power the units for a standard solar day. The ones you refer to as servitor suits, have space on the back for two augment packs, each utilizing a five-pin connector. Additionally, these suits can be locked down to restrict the neural interface, and are designed for construction. The second suit type will utilize a seven-pin connector, and is a hardened combat variation. The various add-on packs for both suit types contain whatever schematics you desire, while the suit’s built-in memory is capable of forming virtually any tool imaginable. Oh, one more thing, we have power boosters for both suits, they take one of the slots, but triple the suit’s charge time.”

  “Why would you give this to us, if it risks a war between you and the Atlans?” Voknor asks, genuinely surprised.

  Bandor clutches Voknor’s arm harder and says, “I have convinced my grandson that the Atlans must not go unchecked, and, as you have said, this is technology that you already have, we simply…” he pauses as he considers the right words, then says, “refined it.”

  Sporlz runs his fingers through the fur on his face and says, “I still don’t understand how you have reverse-engineered a technology that the Atlans have just been given. And not just this technology! Your basic engine design has been used by your kind for centuries!”

  Voknor pauses, then says, “Perhaps, whoever is helping the Atlans, tried to help us?”

  “No!” Sporlz counters as he shakes his head. He then says, “You said yourself, the original suit came from a captured Atlan. One who attacked your home world thousands of years ago.”

  Bandor glances back and forth, then says, “It’s a mystery, one I hope you solve before it’s too late, Regent Voknor!”

  Sporlz shakes his head, then changes the topic, “We must get your cruisers launched, and I mean soon. As I said, I will not be the cause of a war between us and the Atlans.”

  “Understood.” Voknor replies. He then puts his hand on top of Bandor’s and says, “You are honorable, I am proud to call you my friend.”

  Sporlz steps closer and sincerely says, “I will make sure to tell my children, and their children, that no matter what they hear from our leaders, or the Atlans, that you, Regent Voknor, are a trusted friend.”

  Voknor smiles, then says, “I do hope our paths cross in the future, without the threat of the Atlan Empire over you.”

  Unexpectedly, Sporlz presses an object into Voknor’s hand; a hand held molecularizer. He stares up at Voknor, respectfully, then without another word, walks away.


  Regent Voknor sits in his command chair watching and listening to Sporlz, whose features dominate the main viewer.

  Sporlz is agitated as he hurriedly states, “I have disturbing news. An inspection team is coming with the decommissioning team, and if they discover my family’s dealings with you…” He stops for a moment, then finishes with, “well, let’s just say it will be bad.”

  “Understood!” Voknor replies, then queries, “When will they be arriving?”

  “That’s just it,” Sporlz replies as he nervously shifts on his feet, “No one told me, it was sheer luck that I found out.”

  Voknor sighs, then demands, “When!”

  “Two days’ time!” Sporlz wails in distress.

  Voknor glances at his armchair’s small console, then replies, “We will be there before then!”

  “You must get here, take your cruisers, ah, I mean, construction ships, and be gone before they get here.” Sporlz states. He runs his fingers through his fur as he nervously asks, “But, how do I explain the construction docks?”

  Voknor grins as he replies, “You just make sure that those ships of mine are free-floating in space when we arrive. We will deal with the construction docks for you.”

  “Your craft are space-worthy, but missing many of their thrusters for orbital maneuvers.” Sporlz laments.

  “I am grateful that they are ready!” Voknor replies.

  Skylow glances to Regent Voknor as the main viewer switches to show open space, and says, “I’m not sure I like his expression as he left!”

  Voknor taps his claws on his armrests apprehensively, and says, “We will find out soon enough.” He turns to Cushkull and orders, “Inform the fleet, Plot Six to the Kord station.”

  The fleet has been staying relatively close, but it still takes a complete duty cycle to get to the Kord Space Station. They arrive to find two spacecraft, dead in space, each with three main drive engines, and a vast array of sub light engines ringed with rear thrusters. These new vessels will require a large crew to operate efficiently.

sp; Lilpax stares at the main viewer with wide eyes as she comments, “I had no idea they would be so big!”

  Four craft from the fleet maneuver across each of the massive vessels, then stop. There is enough room or all of them to park side by side over the vast fore section. Shuttles immediately disgorge from the smaller craft.

  Skylow is equally shocked, he has never seen a cruiser before, and says, “Will you look at that! They’re as wide as the Primes’ ships are long!”

  Voknor is equally surprised. While the craft were under construction their size was not as evident due to their proximity to the Kord Space Station. He taps on his console and overlays them to his flagship. Each is almost half the size of his vessel, making them an impressive addition to the fleet.

  Primes Lokarz and Malflik board their respective craft, each with a skeleton crew of volunteers. Once fully staffed with over twelve hundred crew, the fleet will be down to bare minimum levels, and shorthanded for many years.

  Sporlz contacts Regent Voknor. He is frantic, “The inspection crews will be arriving any minute! Not only will this break our treaty with the Atlans, I will be ruined!”

  Regent Voknor replies coolly, “Sporlz, Evacuate all areas near the construction docks!”

  “What!” Sporlz exclaims, then says, “What are you going to do?”

  Instead of answering, Voknor orders, “Machkno, at Sporlz order, destroy those construction docks on his space station. I want nothing left of them!”

  “After all we did!” Sporlz wails, then suddenly it dawns on him what is happening. He shakes his head as he says, “Oh, now that’s tricky!”

  Voknor smiles as he says, “We will destroy the docks, and as long as those two new ships can move, will be gone before you know it.”

  Sporlz glances to one side, then looks back and says, “Fire away!”


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