Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 171

by James Jackson

The Chinese have trucks of livestock waiting, and the moment the Gamin craft lands, they dispatch them. Leprax watches the convoy approach uneasily, but once they stop, and the cargo is identified, he relaxes. The crew tests and process the various meats, then in a show of support, send samples to the flagship.

  Regent Voknor does not mind the interruption, and watches as the meat samples are brought to him. He states, “This had better be good, considering what we are exchanging.” He stares at the three types of meat with curiously; one is white, the other two, pink.

  Machkno targets the flagship’s weapons on key locations in China, just in case. He doubts he will get the order to fire, but he is hopeful. Losing clanships to the Atlans has made his desire for revenge high, and he does not care who he gets revenge on.

  Voknor samples the white meat, and although filling, it does not impress him. One of the slabs of pink meat, however, is a pleasant surprise; he devours it and then asks, “Is there any more of this one?”

  Machkno takes his claws away from his controls, leans back and sighs. If only the Chinese knew how much he wants to destroy something, but clearly that is not going to happen now.

  In an uncharacteristic moment of pure satisfaction, Regent Voknor issues a rare order. “Make sure that all are given the three meats.”

  Usually Sharz would make sure that the flagship had the best, first, unless ordered otherwise, but as he is on the planet, Voknor decides that a boost to morale is needed.

  “Restock!” The Regent’s order travels quickly down through the chain of command.

  Skylow turns to look at Regent Voknor expectantly, and waits.

  Voknor considers how well things are going, and orders, “Launch the transport; we will honor the bargain.”

  Skylow taps on his console, then watches as the near empty Power Unit leaves the ship, headed to China. It will last a while for the locals, almost one of their lifetimes, but for the Gamin, that is well below their preferred replacement status. He also transmits specifications on the Power Unit’s design, along with those for the basic mining craft, including its resource conversion process. He likes the idea that this will keep the locals busy for a while; they do not even have the technical skills to manufacture any of the components required, let alone the finished product.

  Voknor frowns as a message appears on his chair’s console, then relaxes. The sensor array on the moon is active, and detects nothing. He reviews the status of the construction dock, then orders, “Get the base fully operational. We must replace our losses.”

  Frazik stares at his console, surprised by what he sees, then shakes his head at the audacity of the locals, and their stupidity. He turns to relay his findings and is surprised to see Voknor leaning back in his chair, with his eyes closed. They have all been at their posts for many cycles, and it shows. Standing sluggishly, Frazik walks to Voknor, and is about to speak when he opens his eyes.

  “What is it?” Voknor demands, annoyed by the interruption.

  “Regent, there is new activity from the planet.” Frazik states tentatively, uneasy at presenting this news.

  Voknor reviews Frazik’s discovery; a force of slow moving underwater units. He frowns at the strong radiologics signature from each, then unexpectedly orders, “Those fools! We will show them what we are capable of. Capture the crews, and reclaim those underwater units!” He grins, the more radiologics they obtain, the faster they can replace the aging Power Units.

  Machkno is surprised by the order, but says nothing as he maintains a weapons lock on the units, even as they move under a thick layer of ice.

  “No mistakes this time, understood?” Voknor adds bluntly, directly addressing Machkno, “We will demonstrate that we can take, or destroy, their forces at will.”

  Skylow considers the size, and number, of the underwater units, and then assigns the mission to both of the larger sub-light reclamation vessels.

  Voknor wearily stands, then stretches as he orders, “We all need rest. Frazik and Machkno, get some as well; Skylow, Cushkull, you’re next, once they return.”

  “Yes Regent.” They intone, then watch as Voknor leaves the bridge.

  Leprax has met with the Chinese delegation, and based on their actions, decides to delay the delivery of the Power Unit. He wishes to further instill that they are in control of all elements of any agreement between them. He is, however, impressed that the Chinese deliveries of livestock are exceeding his expectations.

  Ice Pack Wolf Pack

  Regent Voknor strides onto the bridge, refreshed from his rest, and queries. “What’s our status?”

  Skylow glances around, then grins and states, “You’re just in time!” He taps his control panel; the main viewer switches from displaying the planet, to a murky underwater view.

  Many of the crew have never seen anything like it, including Regent Voknor, who gazes in wonder at the image. A layer of off-white ice forms a ceiling, with many sharp, and dangerous, projections jutting down into the gloomy depths. In the distance a small gun-metal gray craft is pressed up against the ice, presumably in hiding.

  Skylow points to it and chuckles as he states, “The locals call them submarines. They’re powered by radiologics, and use more as weapons. The shielding seems surprisingly adequate, but I still wouldn’t want to serve on such a craft.”

  “Too dangerous?” Voknor teases.

  Skylow confirms, “I can only imagine how short the life-spans of the operators are.” He then adjusts his controls and states excitedly, “Watch this!”

  The submarine powers up, and dives, to be slammed moments later by a powerful shockwave. Voknor winces in sympathy when the fragile-looking craft smashes into the ice overhead.

  Skylow taps his console, then relays his findings, “A radiologics weapon was used against one of our salvage craft, and that was its shockwave!”

  The image focuses on the lifeless submarine as it plummets to the depths. They watch as miraculously, the submarine’s propellers begin to turn, though it continues to sink. The bridge crew continues to watch the enhanced images from the collection craft’s sensors as the submarine arrests its freefall. Inexplicably, it speeds away, firing crude weapons as it flees.

  Voknor leans forward as a compartment in the forward section visibly fails. He watches as the submarine begins to freefall to the depths, clearly unable to arrest its descent. It fires more weapons, but only succeeds in blowing holes in the ice above.

  The submarine continues to sink deeper and deeper, until finally Voknor taps his console, contacting the reclamation craft, he orders, “Capture that crew, and absorb their craft; I would speak to their leader.”

  “Regent,” The collection craft’s pilot replies, agitated, “if only the buggers would stay still, they would have been safely on board already.”

  “When you have captured that craft, transport all crews to Malflik’s Cruiser. I will meet them there.” Voknor replies, much to the surprise of all.

  Prytec tilts his head and questions, “You are traveling to the Russian site?”

  Voknor grins, pleased with Prytec’s knowledge, then says, “Sharz has his hands full with his own pet projects. I would bother him no further.” He then stands, and strides off the bridge.

  Prytec travels via shuttle with Regent Voknor, and while they are alone, states, “The North Korean leaders who were not killed, are now in the hands of the Chinese.”

  Voknor frowns as he questions, “They didn’t go peacefully?”

  “Ah, no!” Prytec states, “It took twenty of my best, wearing those new combat suits, to subdue them.”

  “I can’t believe they tried to fight!” Voknor states, truly surprised.

  “Well,” Prytec continues as they descend through thick clouds, “I think they were conditioned to follow orders, no matter how ridiculous. Hundreds of their troops perished before we were able to execute their leadership. The odd thing is that as soon as one specific human died, the rest suddenly, and I would say, apparently happily, surrendered.” />
  “An odd planet, that’s for sure!” Voknor states.

  Prytec interrupts their conversation as he motions ahead, to a large reclamation vessel entering one of the top sections of Malflik’s cruiser. “That was quick!” He states, genuinely surprised.

  Voknor nods in agreement as he orders, “Dock in the same area. We will go by foot to see these military personal.”

  Piloting the shuttle expertly, Prytec performs a precision landing, putting them right next to an entry hatch into the reclamation craft. The crew in charge of the craft are too busy to meet them; they will not leave their posts and sacrifice safety, not even for their Regent.

  The pair strides across the narrow gap, and inside, just in time to see one of the submarines being absorbed by the internal reclamation equipment. The submarine hovers over the deck, suspended by artificial gravity. A large ring slowly slides along purpose built rails down the hollow cavern, fully encapsulating the submarine. A soft glow emanates from the ring, and where it intersects the hull, seems to make it vanish into thin air as the material is absorbed. A brief flare occurs as one of the nuclear reactors is breached, its fury easily contained inside the specialized shield.

  Voknor watches the process, awed by the ingenuity of the Kord. This system far-exceeds anything they had planned.

  Prytec nudges Voknor, and says, “The captives are being held on another deck.”

  Voknor nods, then states, “I look forward to meeting them.”

  Prytec has no idea why Voknor wishes to have any dealings with them, and though he is curious, says nothing, and simply leads the way.

  The two of them enter a large room, and immediately crinkle their noses. The smell from the captives is unmistakable, and unpleasant. They make their way to an overhead walkway, where they can see more clearly.

  Voknor stares at the throng, bewildered, and asks, “How many did we capture?”

  Prytec shrugs his shoulders as he too stares at the more than two thousand humans, all packed in a relatively small area, then replies, “A lot!”

  Voknor motions to an isolated group of humans who are conversing; the room’s translators allow them to understand every word. Their uniforms and various regalia, indicate that these are the commanders of the vessels. Glancing around he notices another similar, though smaller, group. Their uniforms differ from the first group, though it is also clear that they too, are commanders.

  There are no guards in the area, none are needed due to the powerful shields. The captives sit and stand, many of them are heavily armed, their primitive weapons useless to them.

  The captives begin to notice that they are being watched, and while some raise weapons, others stand stoically, as if accepting their fate. It does not take long for the two groups of commanders, plus another who wears a third style of uniform, to make their way closer.

  One of the captive’s shouts, “I am Admiral Halsey! By capturing us, you have committed an act of war!”

  Voknor snorts as he replies, “I will speak to whoever was in command of the submarine we captured last.”

  The group looks around at each other, as if in confusion, then one of them steps forward, and states, “I am Captain Dylan; I defer any questions to my Admiral.”

  Prytec mumbles, “The audacity of these people!”

  Voknor points to Dylan as he states, “I commend you on your skill, captain, and will discuss the fate of your crew with you.”

  The Admiral steps forward, then upon receiving a withering gaze from Voknor, shuts his mouth and steps back. He glares at the Captain, then insinuates, “Have you been secretly working with these aliens? They knew exactly how to nail us!”

  Dylan immediately spins around and faces his Admiral. He venomously retorts, “How dare you insinuate that I committed treason!”

  Voknor points down to both and loudly interrupts, “I will choose who I speak to, and I will either speak to Captain Dylan, or I shall leave you to your fate.”

  Those who hear the words glance around warily; a few show signs of near panic, others simply stare at the Admiral.

  A man wearing a different uniform, one covered in insignia, steps boldly forward. He points to the Admiral and chastises, “You do not speak for mother Russia, you arrogant pig. Let the alien talk to your Captain, what harm can it do? Huh!”

  The Admiral glares at the old, yet fit looking Russian, and steps back. Though the Russians are outnumbered ten to one, no one challenges him.

  The Russian nods to Voknor, and states, “Do you wish to discuss terms?”

  Voknor grins, his sharp teeth unintentionally showing as he replies, “No, there are no terms. You are my captives.”

  Those who see the display step back, as if adding a few extra steps would make any difference.

  The Russian slowly nods as he responds, “I understand.”

  Captain Dylan moves into the clearing created, and asks, “What is it you want from me, Gamin?”

  “You are either skilled, or lucky, but my thoughts are with skilled.” Voknor replies. He waves his arms to indicate all the captives, and asks, “What were your orders?”

  Dylan is stupefied by the question, then after glancing at the Admiral, slowly answers, “Make for the ice-pack, then go quiet until further orders.”

  Regent Voknor snorts at the Admiral in disgust, “Did you really think a thin layer of ice would disguise your craft?”

  The Admiral nervously swallows as sweat beads down his face. He is too apprehensive to answer, and remains quiet.

  Voknor shakes his head, then turns to Prytec as he comments, “Have you ever seen a planet with as many radiologics that was not in ashes?”

  “It’s a good thing we came here; we saved them from themselves!” Prytec responds in all seriousness.

  Captain Dylan licks his lips nervously, then asks, “You came down to see me, to simply ask me what my orders were?”

  Returning his attention to Dylan, Regent Voknor responds, “I also came to congratulate you, one commander to another. Yours was a difficult craft to capture.”

  “The credit goes to my crew!” Dylan states proudly.

  “Spoken like a true commander!” Voknor replies, then turning to Prytec, states, “He is more like us than he realizes.”

  “Indeed!’ Prytec replies, still curious as why they are interacting with the locals they captured.

  With a sigh, Voknor turns and says, “Well, I have learned all I need to know. Let’s get back.”

  The translators are efficient, allowing Captain Dylan to hear the exchange. With trepidation, he calls out, “What is to become of us?”

  “You are safe, for now!’ Voknor replies, then motions to Prytec for them to leave.

  Once they are in the shuttle, and heading back to the Flagship, Voknor explains, “We have never come upon such a fragmented society, not one with the destructive powers this race has. I was curious about that commander’s thinking.”

  “The human you met, George, you liked his candor too!” Prytec replies.

  “I more liked the fact that he was not pretentious, and although obviously scared, kept his wits about himself, and yet still spoke his mind.” Voknor reflects, then turns to Prytec, and with a grin says, “You have given me an idea. We must show the various governments that we are in control, and I think George is the one who can help us!”

  Prytec stares blankly as they climb back through the clouds, and into space. He is baffled over what idea or ideas he just gave his Regent, but he smiles as he realizes that whatever it is, it should be entertaining to watch.

  Arriving back on the bridge, Voknor reviews the events that he missed while he was on the planet, and smirks. It would seem the American President is leaving his bunker, and the timing could not be any better. He is pleased when he reads that much of the fleet’s battle damage is already repaired, and that the work on the new vessel is far ahead of schedule.

  Food for Thought

  Voknor taps his armrest’s console, contacting Sharz, and orders, �
�Bring George to the flagship!”

  Sharz wonders what his Regent wants with George this time, but stops what he is doing, and complies.

  It will take some time for George to arrive, time in which Regent Voknor sends a message to the American President, informing him that he requires an audience. The President is about to leave NORAD, but instead stays put and responds a few moments later, saying that he is ready and waiting.

  Voknor glances to Prytec, and with a smile says, “Now we see if my diplomatic skills can outmaneuver these pretentious leaders.”

  George arrives on the bridge, walks toward the Regent, then bows his head and states respectfully, “Regent Voknor of the Gamin, I present myself at your request.”

  The Regent remains seated and quiet, his claws tap the arms of his chair, while George, with his head bowed waits patiently.

  The silence is broken by Regent Voknor. “George, your leaders lie and play games with me; this is a very dangerous thing to do.” With a wave of his hand, the screen changes.

  There before them, is the American President, speaking firmly, Voknor questions, “You are the leader of your country’s citizens and military?”

  The President nods as he replies with an air of authority, “Yes, I am. What is this about?”

  “Your military units did not comply with my instructions. What do you have to say about this?” Voknor demands as he continues to tap on his armrests.

  The President begins a long-winded answer. Rambling on, he claims no such knowledge. Another section of the view screen changes, to display holding areas with sailors from at least two sets of naval forces. The President nervously stares at the image, then falters in his tirade and finally has no choice but to stop.

  “George, what would you have me do?” Regent Voknor turns his head to face George.

  The President looks confused as Regent Voknor stands, and then struts toward George, who is too stunned to answer.

  The President states in annoyance. “Whoever that man is, he is not authorized to speak for my government.”

  Voknor quickly spins around to face the President. He motions to his bridge crew as he states matter-of-factly. “I have destroyed worlds for such insolence. You exist to serve me; do not forget that. I will dictate who is worthy to speak for your people. This human convinced me once to intervene with moderation. Would you stand here before me and speak truthfully, even as your life depended upon it? I think not, and you call yourself a leader. You are too weak to truly lead.” The disdain in his voice comes through, even with the translators.


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