Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 185

by James Jackson

  A low murmuring fills the room, as Regents on both sides agree. All turn to Voknor and wait. Many whisper that is it time for change, while others are fearful of what that change would entail.

  Voknor’s stance becomes taller as he calls out, “If I were to challenge the Emperor and succeed, my place amongst you all would change. No longer would I be on the front lines, facing the Atlans, or making new alliances. I would be trapped by the position, and have to remain here, in the core.”

  A voice calls from the crowd, “As Emperor, you could go where you wished, and lead us with your battle experience!”

  Jukalore whispers, “No matter what you decide, I stand with you!”

  Voknor loudly proclaims, “I accept the position of Archon, and stand with our emperor, if…” He pauses for effect.

  The room goes even quieter, if that were even possible. No one has issued an ultimatum to an Emperor before. Yoolon remains quiet, as he too waits to hear the conditions.

  Voknor continues, “if, our emperor is wise enough to share all technologies with all clans, and stands ready to assist. That is an emperor I will support. Are you that Emperor?”

  Yoolon immediately realizes that Voknor is trying to find a middle ground, and after a moment’s hesitation, states, “It shall be done as you wish, Archon Voknor!”

  Jukalore whispers into Voknor’s ear, “And if he fails to deliver, I hope you kill him!”

  Voknor stares fiercely into Jukalore’s eyes and replies, “Today is not that day, but I fear it may come to that!”

  Voknor glances around and smiles as he notices Hemlax and Waazh standing with their backs to him, ready to protect him. Beyond them are other Regents, all ready to defend him with their lives. He feels honored to have their support.

  A handful of supporters raise their clenched fists, and chant, “Archon Voknor, Archon Voknor!” Others join in, until the entire assembly is chanting, as one. None can recall a spectacle such as this occurring since the exodus, and it sends a chill up the Emperor’s spine. Winds of change are coming to the Gamin Empire, all because of one Gamin.


  The first five books, the Initiation Series, are just the beginning of the Terran Chronicles Universe. The second series, the Survival Series, follows humanity’s plight as they attempt to survive, let alone thrive. Humanity has been thrust into a realm they are ill equipped to handle. Reeling from disaster after disaster many wish that they had never ventured from Earth.

  The ‘Survival Series’ begins with book six, ‘Remnants’; humanity begins to pick up the pieces and rebuild. With Earth being rendered uninhabitable by a powerful enemy, whose fleets seemingly rove everywhere, there is little choice but to explore farther and farther outward.

  Much of the human race clings to life on an alien world, though another colony is thought to exist, somewhere out there. Ironically this lost colony, which is run by a military dictator who calls himself Emperor, may be humanity’s saving grace.


  Section Twelve: Sharz Affect

  Short Story


  Sharz is Prime of his vessel, and proud to belong to Regent Voknor’s clan. Their clan, like all the others that constitute the Gamin Empire, is losing a war with the Atlan Empire. Why this war started is a mystery to the Gamin, but their losses over the centuries are no mystery. Their home world was rendered virtually uninhabitable almost twelve thousand years ago; survivors retreated deep underground. The long-lived Gamin formed a plan which took almost six thousand years to realize. They reversed engineered captured Atlan technology, and built a fleet; then one fateful day, the exodus of their planet took place. Almost the entire population of the planet fled in fleets of monstrous spacecraft. Voknor’s fleet is small compared to most, but he is an influential force within the empire, and Sharz proudly stands with his Regent.

  This war is causing considerable collateral damage to other cultures, and in many cases, wiping them out. Earth becomes such a victim, when a powerful Atlan force renders the surface of the planet inhospitable. Humanity’s crime; Cindy’s rendering of assistance to Regent Voknor’s fleet, enough cause to draw the Atlan’s ire.

  Few of Earth’s underground facilities remain intact, with survivors fearfully waiting for whatever fate has in store for them. Cindy’s old facility in Germany is one such place, but with limited supplies of food, water, and air, their future is bleak.

  Chapter One – Slow and Steady

  Sharz sits in his command chair, anxiously waiting for information. His vessel is alone, hovering outside Earth’s solar system, while the rest of Voknor’s fleet remains in orbit of New Earth, safe. This is the first time he and his crew have ventured away from the fleet on their own, but they do so for good reason. Sharz gave George his word that if Lisa and Johnny were alive, he would rescue them.

  “I am detecting no signs of Atlan activity!” K’peck, one of the bridge officers, is relieved to report.

  Sharz narrows his eyes as he replies, “I don’t trust them. Move in slow.”

  His vessel is the newest in the fleet, and while some, like the Regent’s Flagship, date back to the exodus some six thousand years ago, his has yet to send any younglings on their first trial, which occurs when they reach ten years of age.

  Sharz grins when he recalls Joe telling him not to scratch the paint, and how hard Joe laughed when he asked what paint was. The differences between the Gamin and Human cultures are as varied as the colors of a rainbow, yet despite this, and the way in which the cultures met, friendships have formed and trust developed.

  “Approaching the system’s largest planet; still no signs of Atlan activity.” K’peck reports, interrupting Sharz’s thoughts and bringing him back to their current situation.

  “Prime. One satellite remains intact!” Archmic, another officer, states as he turns to Sharz.

  “Well,” Sharz replies, “If the Atlans control it, then they would know we are close. Establish a link, and retrieve its data logs.”

  Archmic taps on his console, then after a few moments of apprehension, he relaxes and reports, “The satellite’s data shows no sign of corruption, or intrusion attempts.”

  Sharz frowns as he ponders the news, then leans back and says, “The Atlans did not even bother with this satellite. That is interesting. This was simply a seek and destroy mission for them.”

  “The data includes information on the Vanguard!” Archmic relays excitedly as he reviews the satellite’s logs.

  “That will please Regent Voknor!” Sharz replies, then says, “Make sure to destroy that satellite when we get close enough.”

  The vessel’s sub-light engines efficiently propel them past the orbit path of Mars, with the planet itself being on the far side of the solar system, and brings them within visual range of Earth. Debris from the destroyed Atlan fighters, and the remnants of craft the same size as Sharz’s, litters the space around Earth like an asteroid belt. One solitary explosion heralds the destruction of the final satellite as Sharz’s orders are carried out.

  Earth fills the main viewer, but it is an unrecognizable planet. Gone is the blue world with its swirls of white clouds; instead, a green mist covers a grey landscape. The waters below are a soup of decaying matter, as the deoxygenated waters extinguish all life. The cities continue to crumble before them as the acidic nature of the gas continues its work, long after the need is fulfilled. Shattered glass litters the city streets, with the rubber seals that held the windows in place, long since melted away. Blacktop roadways appear as rivers, their surfaces liquefying, then solidifying once more. Atlan fighters strafed many cities, as can be seen by the long swathes of destruction that slash across them like mighty claws.

  “We’re receiving six signals from the planet!” K’peck exclaims.

  “Six!” Sharz replies, equally impressed.

  “Oh,” he continues as he reviews his console, “three are automated messages from mountain retreats, with two more being from underwater facilities.

  Sharz’s face twitches as he states the obvious, “That only leaves one ground based facility.”

  “One of the automatic messages just changed,” K’peck states, then adds, “they want assistance.”

  “Understood,” Sharz replies, then orders, “I will survey the construction dock, along with the rest of the planet, while we figure out exactly how we are to rescue Lisa, if she is indeed even alive.”

  K’peck stares at his console in disbelief, then says, “I am reading life signs, in orbit!”

  “Survivors!” Sharz replies, surprised.

  K’peck grins as he relays his findings, “Some eighty-five of Jukalore’s clan live! They are in what is left of their ship, in its hatchery, which somehow remained intact.” He frowns as he adds, “There is also a shuttle in orbit, containing four humans.”

  Sharz nods as he orders, “Pick up the shuttle, and keep them under guard, then save Jukalore’s crew.”

  Moments later, the bridge crew watches their consoles as the four humans stagger from their shuttle; each coughing and sputtering on the thick Gamin air.

  Pavel holds Liliya’s hand as he tries to maintain his composure. His friend, Igor, is not doing so well, and is on his knees as he coughs and coughs. His mistress, Freya stops coughing, then stares wide-eyed at the Gamin. None of the four protest when they are led to a large room, and locked inside. They are grateful to be alive, and know the Gamin mean them no harm, or they would not have picked them up.

  K’peck grins as he reports, “It looks like we will be able to save the eggs as well. Miraculously, they still have power in that section, along with gravity and life support!”

  Sharz grins back as he replies, “Jukalore’s clan is tough!”

  Seven shuttles make their way through the debris field to the massive hulk that contains Jukalore’s survivors. Finding an opening is easy; the ship’s fore and aft sections are shattered remains which drift dangerously nearby. The entire command section is an unrecognizable jumbled mess of armor, with massive chunks missing.

  Archmic relays the rescue team’s progress, “They are inside, and setting up a temporary air lock.”

  Sharz listens absentmindedly as he stares at the devastation all around. He realizes with stark horror that this may be a sign of things to come, with the Atlans being so overpowering in comparison to them.

  “It will take two trips to transport the survivors, along with the eggs.” Archmic reports.

  Sharz frowns as he reviews his console concerning the gas, then says, “Time is of the essence. While the second group is loading, orbit this world and locate the facility Cindy told us of.”

  K’peck waits for the shuttles to depart, then carefully navigates his way through the wreckage as they move around the ravaged planet.

  Far below, where the construction dock used to be, is a vast murky ocean. An immense water filled fissure runs the entire length of the continent.

  “I do not know what weapon the Atlans used,” K’peck states, “but it smashed the tectonic plate in two!”

  Sharz’s vessel continues its orbit, and comes upon the devastation at Kliper’s launch site. The ground below appears gouged out, as if some unseen force scooped up a tract of land, and threw it away. Corroded armor plating litters the landscape alongside the trench, with more near the entrance to the craft’s construction site, inside a mountain.

  K’peck states the obvious, “They activated their main drive, while barely above the surface.”

  Archmic shakes his head as he comments, “A fool’s choice, and based on the amount of wreckage, it looks like they ripped themselves apart. I am also detecting heavy radiologics in the atmosphere, and on the ground.”

  K’peck has been reviewing scans of the gas, and relays his findings, “The shields on our shuttles and transports are too weak to protect them, and the armor on the mining craft would be compromised quickly. I can’t see a way of rescuing anyone from the surface!”

  Archmic’s console flashes for a moment, then he adds, “I have located the facility that is requesting help; it is deep inside a mountain, on the other side of the planet.”

  Sharz’s narrows his eyes as he states, “Ignore them, for now. Contact Cindy’s facility on the frequency provided, and put us over the location she indicated. That is our priority.”

  Moments later, an older voice resounds from the bridge speakers, “This is the German academy of sciences, emergency shelter. I am glad someone is out there.”

  Sharz replies, “Is Lisa in the facility with you.”

  “Lisa? What are you talking about? The outer containment is failing. You must hurry!” The man states bluntly.

  “Is Lisa in the facility with you?” Sharz demands, forcefully.

  “For god’s sake man, just hurry up will you!” Screeches the man.

  “Lisa has a son called Johnny.” Sharz states bluntly, then once again questions, “Are they in your facility?”

  When there is no reply, K’peck ventures, “Perhaps he has gone to find them?”

  Archmic takes advantage of the pause, and happily reports, “The shuttles are returning. We saved a total of eighty-five crew, and twenty-six eggs.”

  “Great work!” Sharz states, then says, “Tell whoever oversees the group to report to me.”

  A few moments later a female voice timidly says, “I am Lisa, and Johnny is with me. The director says you won’t save us?”

  Archmic mumbles under his breath, “Oh no, now we have to go down.”

  Sharz is pleased that Lisa is alive, and grins. Then, as he silences the communications, he leans forward and replies, “Yes, now we must.”

  K’peck slams his hands onto his console as he states, “Every simulation shows the shuttle’s shields failing before they land.”

  Sharz feels a chill run up his spine as he re-opens the communications, and states, “I promised George that if you lived, we would rescue you, and we will!”

  Lisa sobs as she replies, “I fear you are too late! The gas has breached the outer containment, and is at this very moment eating away at the inner door seal.”

  Sharz replies stoically, “I will keep my word! We will find a way!”

  Lisa takes a deep breath, then says, “Do not risk your lives for ours.”

  Another voice, a man’s voice, shouts, “Shut up, you stupid woman!”

  Sharz growls menacingly, “You had better hope we do not cross paths, stupid male!” He cuts the communication, then ponders how to follow through with his promise.

  K’peck has been running numerous simulations, and then, as his face twitches, he runs one more. Turning to Sharz he hesitantly reports, “Our shields are strong enough!”

  Standing confidently, Sharz orders, “Maximum shields. Take us down!”

  Landing a vessel as large as Sharz’s is no easy task. It is the mainstay of the Gamin fleet, and the same size as the Terran, which means it is as long as some international runways, and slightly longer than the Golden Gate Bridge. Finding an area free of devastation that large, near Cindy’s facility, is all but impossible.

  K’peck stares at the city’s crumbling buildings, then points to the main viewer as he suggests, “That area, near the facility, could be leveled relatively easily, providing us with a place to land.”

  Sharz rubs his face as he asks, “Could we extend the shields, and mine a separate path to them, one free of the gas?”

  “Yes, I believe so.” K’peck replies.

  Archmic and K’peck work together firing a mix of energy weapons and low yield pounders. In almost no time at all, they successfully level a vast area of the city, allowing them ample landing room.

  As they enter the upper atmosphere, Archmic reports, “Shields at maximum, and holding.”

  “Why are we landing on that Atlan world?” Demands a female voice from behind them.

  Only a Den Mother would dare speak to a Prime like that, and based on her authoritative tone, she is used to being in charge. The Den Mother’s sta
tus is easily recognizable by her attire, and her age by her dark skin. As for her being the representative of those rescued, that is testimony to her determination.

  Sharz stands, nods respectfully, then replies, “I gave my word to a friend, that we would save his mate and heir, and so I shall.”

  “You gave your word to an Atlan!” She spits in disdain, then hotly states, “Traitor!”

  Sharz motions to the green clouds on the main viewer as he calmly states, “This race is not Atlan.”

  She stares at the images for a moment, then orders, “We are saved, leave them. Our lives are all that matters.”

  Sharz narrows his eyes as he replies, “Den Mother, I will keep my word, or I am not deserving of my name.”

  “You take us to our deaths then, foolish young Prime!” She retorts as she turns and leaves the bridge.

  Sharz stares at K’peck and Archmic, shocked at her brazenness. He shrugs as he replies, “I pity the Prime whose craft she was on!”

  The three chuckle, then apprehensively glance to the doorway, none wanting to feel her wrath.

  Returning to the task at hand, K’peck reviews his console, then as he taps on an alarm suggests, “Should we evacuate the outer decks, just in case?” He stares at the warning of the overheating shield emitter, then marks it down in the maintenance log.

  “Yes!” Sharz replies as he puts the Den Mother’s visit out of his mind.

  Sharz’s vessel parts the green clouds as it approaches the chosen landing site. Its underside glows bright red as they come in faster than normal. The less time they spend in the gas, the better.

  K’peck flinches as another shield emitter fluctuates, then fails. The shields automatically reset, briefly exposing the underside of the hull to the atmosphere. The fraction of a second is all that is needed for particles to strike the underside of the ship, carrying with them remnants of the Atlan gas. They continue to descend through the clouds, toward the area they cleared.


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