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Scrapper Page 15

by Privette, Valerie

  “Eddy I’m sorry I didn’t mean that and it’s not true” he said sincerely, ashamed at what he had done as he looked at her damaged face and disgusted with himself over what he had said in anger.

  She looked at him and smiled a small sad smile with tears in her eyes, “Oh nay Gavin da na apologize now the truth always comes ta light”

  Gavin snarled, “You wouldn’t know the truth if it walked up and slapped you in the face” and then he grimaced at what he’d said

  “Aye Gavin ya could be right, yer truth has struck me and I did na recognize it for the holes that ran through it” she walked to the stairs “I will na argue with ya anymore, I’ve shamed meself in yer friends home and I’ve nothing left in me now” she walked back and picked up the envelope and stood before him, “I’m all used up Gavin Blackhawk, you’ve laid me low with yer lies and deceit and ruined me for any other” tears leaked from her eyes, “I could take what Liam done ta me, but what ya done was far worse and I do na think I can ever forgive ya for it, I love you Gavin there is nothing I can do about that, but I’ll be leavin now if Charley will give me the lone of some clothes and then I never wish ta see ya again” She walked back to the stairs and he stopped her with a hand on her arm.

  “Eddy please don’t do this you have to let me explain, there are things you don’t understand, damn it I love you Eddy” his voice cracked at the end

  Eddy looked down at his upturned face from her perch on the steps, and placed her hand softly on his cheek, “Aye Gavin I believe that ya do in yer own way but it’s to late and if ya keep goin on I’ll shatter like glass and I’ll be forever broken” she looked into his eyes and kissed his lips softly. Her hands on his face shaking uncontrollably, “It’s Christmas Gavin grant me a wish and leave me be, and you can go and play with yer little elves” Gavin released her arm as if she had slapped him and let her go, and then without a backward glance he left the house.

  Charley knocked on the door of Eddy’s room and went inside carrying an outfit, shoes, and a coat, she laid them down on the bed beside Eddy where she sat, “I’ve brought you some things, they’ll all be a little big but you are welcomed to them”

  “I thank ya for them Charley, I can pay ya…”

  “No Eddy I don’t want your money, I want you to stay, please stay Eddy” she begged

  Eddy looked very sad, and very alone, “You’ve been good ta me ya have, but I can na stay” Eddy looked at Charley with sincerity shining in her eyes, “Gavin is yer friend and he needs ya and ya can na be there for him if I’m here to” she smiled, “I’m askin ya ta take care of him for me Charley, there’s somethin dark inside of him, somethin from his past that makes him do the way he does ta people, if someone hits him he hits back ten times harder ta push them away so they will na care fer him”

  “But he loves you, needs you Eddy I know he does”

  “Aye I believe he does Charley but he does na want to and he does na think he deserves to, ney he needs his friends now, people he trusts, and do na say he trusts me because I know nothin of him that’s how much he trusts me, nay he needs you Charlie and he needs Kevin, be there for him and love him”

  “Where will you go Eddy” Charley asked as she held Eddy’s hands between her own, “You’re my friend as well and I’d like to know that you are alright”

  “Oh I dunno Charley, it’s a right sorry mess of me life I’ve made in me 23 years and I think I’d better straighten it out” Eddy admitted

  Charley looked at her funny, “Wait a minute weren’t you with Gavin on your birthday”

  Eddy looked confused, “Nay Charley I do na think he knows when it was”

  “But I know he talked to Kev and Kev was excited about a gift that Gavin had told him about, I don’t know what it was just that Gavin had told Kev that he hoped it would fix everything, I’ll have to ask Kev” Charley frowned in thought

  Eddy shrugged and picked up the clothes to go and change, “It does na matter, I had left him by then, ya see I was afraid he would follow me all the way to Liam’s house and I did na want him to be hurt so I left him in Baltimore and went the rest of the way on me own”

  Eddy went to the bathroom and changed and Charley walked her to the front door, “I wish you would reconsider and stay, or at least let me give you a ride to a hotel”

  Eddy hugged her and backed away, “Nay Charley I need to walk and clear my head but I thank ya, and I thank both of ya for havin me” Eddy left walking as Charley watched in frustration knowing that there had to be something that she could do to bring Gavin and Eddy together.


  It was December 23rd and Eddy had just gotten back to her motel room with her Chinese takeout. She was tired of take out food but it seemed that even cheap fleabag motels had their rules about cooking over hot plates in the rooms. Over the past week and a half she had bought more cloths, some new and some used as well as buying shoes, makeup, and hair accessories. She was trying very hard to reinvent herself and after the holidays if she stayed she intended to find a more suitable place to live and she wanted to sign up for some courses to learn to read and write in English. Maybe she would study and get her Diploma, or something, like one woman she talked to called a GED and then take some college courses, that was if she stayed. She was thinking heavily about returning to Ireland and the only thing holding her back were her thoughts of Gavin. She was eating her food when someone pounded loudly on her door, probably someone looking for someone else she thought as she walked the short distance to open the door, she was shocked to see Charley and opened the door pleased to see someone she knew.

  “Oh Eddy I’m so glad it’s you I knocked on the wrong door down there a ways and the most horrid little man thought I was a hooker and tried to pull me into his room” Eddy couldn’t help it she had to laugh.

  “Aye the Ritz it’s not! But that’s why I have this” she pulled her other arm from behind the door and showed it to Charlie

  “What is that” Charley asked with a grin

  “Tis a cricket bat, I found it at the thrift shop, the lady there thought it was an ore fer rowin a boat!” She laughed again, “Come in Charley I did na mean ta keep ya standin in the doorway”

  “Oh Eddy” Charley exclaimed, “Why are you staying in this place when you can afford better?”

  “I do na need much and I’m bein frugal with me money until I’ve decided what ta do with me life” she explained

  “Well that’s why I’m here, I have so much to tell you, you just wouldn’t believe it, and it may help you with your decision” Charley told her and sat down and began talking.

  Two hours later Charley left with a promise from Eddy that she would come to her house tomorrow night at 7pm for dinner and drinks.

  Eddy rushed back to her room after a harried day of salon visits and shopping, she jumped in the shower careful not to wet her styled and highlighted hair and was extra careful not to chip her bright red nail polish on her fingers and her toes. She applied her makeup with shaking fingers and spayed herself with her favorite perfume. She had visited her favorite lingerie store and had put on the matching bra and thong, also with a matching garter all in red. She put on black stockings and secured them with the garter and then she put on her dress, it was black with long fitted sleeves and it dipped low in the front reveling a generous cleavage and inner swells of her of her breasts. The dress fitted to the waist and then flared out in narrow pleats down to just above her knees, and with it she wore a wide red belt. Her thick hair was swept up on one side with red decorative combs. She had gotten her ears pierced and had small gold balls placed in them, she wore no rings or bracelets but she did have a small gold chain around her neck that held a gold heart with a cross on it in remembrance of her unborn child. Thoroughly pleased with her reflection she slid her feet into shiny black heels and put her key, lipstick, and wallet into her small red evening bag along with a small wrapped box. After putting on her new coat which was actually a black leather duster and soft as down,
and grabbing her bag of gifts, she went out to wait for the cab she had scheduled to pick her up. On the cab ride to Charley and Kevin’s her nerve began to falter and she stopped herself just in time from chewing the nail polish from her right thumb. She had the cab drop her at the end of the drive and stood for a moment taking in great gulps of the cold night air to calm her frazzled nerves and then she took the long walk up the drive and rang the doorbell.

  Kevin answered the door and stepped back to let her in, “Eddy welcome, Merry Christmas” He said warmly and hugged her close, “You look great, let me take your coat” and when she took it off he gave a low whistle of appreciation, “Let me amend that last statement, you look fantastic” he smiled and laid her coat over a chair in the living room, “Come on down the others are downstairs”

  She followed Kevin on wobbly legs down the stairs to the Christmas party. There were at a glance about fifteen people there one of which was Gavin and plastered to his side was the red head that referred to him as ‘Gavy’, Eddy’s heart lurched in her chest and Kevin gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as he led her into the room.

  Charley spotted her and rushed over to welcome her, “You look wonderful Eddy, he’s going to go nuts” she giggled, “Oh I do love what you’ve done to your hair, come on and I’ll introduce you to Jared, I’ve told him a little about you and he knows what we’re up to so be sure to play along, just remember you met him at the bar that night Gavin came to get you and you ran into him last week and discovered over coffee that you would both be here tonight”

  Eddy nodded in agreement and handed her bag of gifts to Charley and looked around the room, it looked larger than she remembered but that was probably because all of the furniture had been pushed back to the walls and door to make room, and a gorgeous man with long dark hair and deep dimples walked over to her, he wore black slacks and a red shirt with a green and black striped tie. He was nearly as tall as Gavin but not as powerfully built, and his white teeth seemed to sparkle when he smiled.

  “Hello Eddy” he welcomed her with a kiss before whispering in her ear, “Just follow my lead my love and we’ll have poor old Gavin eating out of your hand.

  He put his arm around her waist and walked her into the room and began introducing her to the other guests and then he came to Gavin and his date.

  “I believe you know Gavin, and this is his date, oh I’m sorry what was your name again?” Jared asked, the picture if innocence

  “I’m Vaughna” she frowned in frustration as though she were not used to people forgetting her name

  “Yes” Eddy smiled, “We’ve met once” Eddy replied and made the woman frown even harder

  Gavin looked good Eddy thought, if not a little rough around the edges and well into his cups. He looked at Eddy with dark glittering eyes, “You look well Eddy, quite recovered from your little ordeal”

  Her gasp of pain was covered by Jared’s burst of laughter, “She looks well? She’s the hottest little number in this room, you are ravishing darling!”

  Gavin grinned wickedly, “I see you’ve moved on” he goaded, “so much for love lost hmm” he lifted one dark brow

  “What can I say Gavin” she said glancing at Vaughna, “I learned from the best”

  “Come along my love Kevin is going to put on some music for dancing and I can’t wait to get my arms around you” Jared said as he stroked a hand up and down her waist while Gavin watched. “And we can talk about our trip to Hawaii”

  “You’re going to Hawaii” Vaughna exclaimed, “I’ve always wanted to go there, when are you going”

  Eddy answered, “We’ll be leavin day after Christmas so we can be there fer New Years”

  “I just love your accent” Vaughna giggled, “What part of England are you from anyway”

  “Oh” Eddy smiled a beautiful angelic smile, “The part of England that some call Ireland” then she turned to Jared, “What about that dance lover”

  She heard Gavin say ‘I need a damned drink’ but she did not look back as Jared engulfed her in his arms and swayed with her barely moving as his hands wondered down to from her waist to cup her bottom.

  Eddy laughed and moved his hands back to her waist. To an observer, such as Gavin they looked like lovers moving slowly to the music and then he had cupped her bottom and pulled her against him as though to show her how much he wanted her. Gavin’s already black mood took a nose dive as he watched them while he danced with Vaughna. He had not intended to bring her, she had shown up at his house as he got ready and insisted on coming with him, and now he could not wait to get rid of her and drop her off at the hotel room that he’d insisted on getting for her.

  Eddy danced with Kevin and one of the other guests before finding herself face to face with Gavin while Jared was dancing with Charley.

  “May I have this dance” Gavin asked with a smile and extended his hand

  Eddy accepted his offer not knowing what else to do and stepped into his arms. Gavin kept a respectable distance between them but the fingers that held her hand caressed the back of it softly sending tingles through her body while the one at her waist squeezed ever so lightly.

  “So you’re off to Hawaii for the New Year with your new lover” Gavin said close to her ear, “Does he know I wonder what sweet little sounds you make when one touches you here” he asked as he ran his tongue along the shell of her ear and made her shiver, “Or how very sensitive the skin is here” And he ran his finger tips down her back in a feather light caress, and she could not contain the little moan that escaped her parted lips, “Does he know I wonder that he can make you come simply buy doing this” He moved his hand down to her bottom and brought her up against his erection and ground himself against her and she whimpered and closed her eyes, “And does he know that he can make you come over and over until you scream his name in ecstasy”

  He swung her around into a shadowed corner, “Look at me Eddy” he demanded and she opened her eyes that were hot and clouded with desire, “Does he know how very delectable those red lips are and how much they like to be kissed” he lowered his head and traced her lips with his tongue.

  Jared called out just then, “Eddy there you are my love, come on let’s have another dance shall we” Eddy did not look at Gavin as Jared led her away and didn’t hear his last words, “And does he know how insanely in love with you I am”

  While they headed for the dance floor Gavin headed to the bar and poured himself a double and downed it in one gulp.

  “Careful there my friend” Kevin warned from behind him, “That’s some powerful stuff you’re tossing back”

  “Sod off Kevin isn’t that what you Celts say”

  “No, actually that would be the Brits” Kevin laughed

  “How about an old American one then, fuck off” Gavin spat

  “Probably not American originally but I get your meaning” Kevin stepped around in front of him, “What’s the trouble Gavin?”

  “Were you aware that she would be here Kevin?” Gavin asked harshly

  Kevin glanced away and then back, “Not until the last minute no, but I don’t see the problem, after all you are here with the lovely Miss Vaughna”

  Gavin poured another double and gulped it down, “Again I say, fuck off Kevin, I think I’ll go dance with my date or maybe your wife”

  Kevin grinned at his best friend’s departing back and knew that they’d better tread lightly or he may just go off on all of them.

  Eddy found her way to the bar with Jared and tossed back the shot of tequila he sat before her and motioned him to pour her another which she disposed of with equal swiftness and asked for another, “Be careful my love this particular poison has a bite to it”

  “Why do I let him get ta me this way” she fumed and drank, “It’s like I’ve have na a lick of self control” she drank another, “And he’s laughing at me to” she held out her glass for another drink and when Jared held the bottle slightly out of reach she leaned over the bar to get it from him and poured
herself another.

  “Eddy please at least tell me at least that you’ve eaten to day” Jared complained

  “Nay Jared I’ve na had time for anything since a Danish this mornin” and she laughed delightedly, “But don’t ya worry I’m Irish don’t ya know”

  “Yeah ok how about another dance?” he suggested

  “I’ll meet ya there in a bit then, I’m off to the jakes first” she said with a smile and went up the stairs”

  Jared invited Vaughna to dance and Gavin waited a ten count, well maybe five, and followed Eddy. He came up behind her outside the bathroom door and when the women who occupied it came out and Eddy stepped in he went in behind her, startling her as he closed and locked the door.

  Eddy turned and gasped, “What are ya doin Gavin ya should na be here!” and she backed up until she was against the counter and he followed her.


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