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Scrapper Page 17

by Privette, Valerie

  “Uh, Uh, Uh” he kept looking up at Gavin and making the same noise, Jared walked past and told Gavin, “Say Oh to him, it just slays him”

  Gavin frowned down at the boy and again he made the strange sound, ‘Uh’ so Gavin said “Oh” and the boy laughed and did it again, ‘Uh’ and Gavin said “Oh”, Gavin grinned and the boy made a face at him, frowning and puffing up his cheeks and sucking air in and out so it sounded like a saw.

  “What did ya do to me baby Gavin?” she said as she walked past with her hands full and stopped on her way back past after she had emptied her hands, “He’s givin ya the stink face Gavin and best ya stop frownin at him like he’s an alien or somethin” and she looked down at the boy and mad the same kind of face at him that he had made at Gavin, and the boy did it back, “See” she said, “the stink face” and she went back into the house.

  Eddy came back out with more food and spoke to Gavin as she passed, “Gavin would ya do me a favor and change me baby, the diapers and wipes are on the couch”

  Gavin looked up so fast he nearly snapped his neck, “I don’t know how to change a baby” he groused and frowned, the boy looked at him and made the ‘stink face’ again.

  “You’re a grown man Gavin and tis high time ya learned, tis not rocket science ya know” she passed him by again

  Gavin looked at the boy and wondered how to go about this and finally lifted him under the arms and onto his lap, and right away Gavin got a whiff of rank air, “Eddy” he hollered, “He stinks”

  Eddy peeked her head out the kitchen widow, “Aye Gavin, the stink face remember, that’s why I asked ya to change him” and then she was gone

  Gavin held the boy at arms length and went in to the couch and laid him down, he got out a diaper and found a white plastic container of wipes. He pulled the little denim shorts off and pulled off the tape on each side of the diaper and eased it down as stream of urine shot up, “Eddy he’s peeing!”

  “Well now Gavin bein as ya have the same equipment ya should know to watch for such things” she yelled down

  Easing the diaper back and seeing that the boy seemed to be finished Gavin pulled the diaper back further, “Good God, Eddy I can’t do this”

  Eddy was coming down the stairs, “Gavin” she said with her head cocked to one side and one brow lifted, “If ya can clean yer own arse then ya can clean his” and she walked off

  Using the wipes he cleaned the boy and rolled everything up and put it on the table and turned back to put a diaper back on him but he was gone, “Oh shit” he muttered and looked under the table and behind the couch.

  “Gavin” Eddy called, “Why is me son out in the yard with his behind showin?”

  Gavin swore he heard laughter as he marched outside and scooped the boy up like a foot ball. Kevin and Jared were laughing, “What are you laughing at?” Gavin’s eyes zeroed in on Jared, “Shouldn’t you be doing this?”

  Jared looked down his nose at Gavin, “Why should I do it?”

  “Because he’s your son!” Gavin exclaimed

  Jared shook his head negatively, “I don’t think so cowboy”

  “Well if he doesn’t belong to you then who does he belong to?” Gavin said darkly

  “I’m sure that if you don’t know I don’t know either” Jared assured

  Eddy marched out and took the boy from Gavin, “He belongs to me” and she headed back in and Gavin thought he heard her mutter under her breath about a mighty eejit and an ox. Gavin looked at the other men who suddenly had any other direction to look but at him, “What the hell is going on here”

  Having a fresh diaper and dressed again the boy walked back out the door and sat in front of the chair where Gavin had sat earlier, Gavin looked back at Kevin and Jared who where watching him closely, and then he heard Eddy yell, “Nay Hawk nay” and she was on her knees taking something from the babies hand that had been headed for his mouth.

  “Oh Shit” Kevin and Jared said together

  Gavin looked at them and looked at Eddy and said, “What did you call him?”

  Eddy picked up the boy and held him close, “He was putting a cigarette but in his mouth and I told him nay” she said quietly

  “What did you call him Eddy?” and when she backed up he stepped forward, “What is his name Eddy” he said slowly and concisely

  “I, I named him after me Athair, and after his” she said just above a whisper

  “Eddy answer the question” Gavin advanced

  “Francis” she said

  “Damn it Eddy” Gavin shouted and startled the boy and he began to cry

  “Now look what ya done ya big ogre” She complained and backed away

  “Do not move” Gavin insisted and stepped the rest of the way up to her, “Tell me his whole name Eddy or so help me”

  “What are ya gonna do Gavin, tell me what are ya gonna do”

  The boy was crying in earnest now and Gavin plucked him from Eddy’s arms and laid his small head on his shoulder and rubbed his back with gentle fingers while he made soothing noises and he stopped crying, rubbed his balled up fists over his eyes once and went to sleep, “Eddy?”

  “Francis Blackhawk Garrett” she said, “I call him Hawk

  Gavin closed his eyes and just stood there holding his son, smelling his baby smell, and feeling his soft skin and hair, he listened to his steady breathing and cold feel his little heart beating against his own. Gavin opened his eyes and looked at Eddy; she stood before him her eyes shiny with tears and one hand over her mouth and the other at her hip and she looked nervous. She must really hate me he thought to want to keep this, his son from him because he knew that she had not planned to tell him and his heart was breaking in more ways than one because where he’d had hope of finding Eddy and working things out now he’d even lost that because she wouldn’t want him around their son.

  “Gavin, Gavin please” he realized that Eddy was speaking to him and he tightened his hold on his son as she tried to lift him from his shoulder, “Let me take him and put him down for his nap Gavin”

  “No” he said loudly, “I mean just let me hold him Eddy, Jesus you’ve kept him from me all this time, you were never going to tell me about him, none of you were, just let me hold him before you both disappear again”

  Eddy looked at him strangely, “I only wanted ta lay him down while we eat”

  Gavin closed his eyes, “Please, just let me hold him, I’m begging you Eddy” The memory struck him from out of nowhere, in this house, the main bath, him and Eddy, ‘I want you to beg for it Eddy’ he’d told her, and she had, and that had been the last night that he’d seen her until now, until today. He looked down at her now and knew that she was thinking of that night to.

  “Aye Gavin” she whispered as she stroked the baby’s soft cheek, “This is what comes of making someone beg

  He wasn’t sure if she referred to the creation of their son, or to the fact that she was going to keep it from him, “Eddy I know that I’ve …not been a good person in the past, I’ve done and said some terrible things, there are things about my past that I’m not proud of that I can never tell you.” He stopped and reached for a cigarette and would have lit it if Eddy hadn’t raised a brow at him and looked at their son, “Oh, yeah” he said as he put it back, “Look Eddy, I’ve never been a gentle man, I have a bad temper and when hurt I lash out and do or say things that I don’t mean and I…”

  Eddy had her hand over Gavin’s mouth and when he stopped muttering behind it she removed her hand and placed her mouth on his in a sweet, trusting, forgiving, and promising kiss, “Gavin ya are a good man, ya always have been but with yer wee bit of temper and great pain in yer heart, but deep in me heart” she pressed his hand over her left breast, “I know that you never meant to hurt me, that ya never would have if I had na pushed ya” she brushed his hair back, “Not one of us is perfect, we all make a mess of it at times, I know that I said I hated ya” she closed her eyes to compose herself, “There is nothin on this earth that y
a could do that would make me hate ya Gavin Blackhawk, nothin at all” she held his face in her hands and smiled, “I have loved ya fer 2 ½ years, don’t ya think it’s time ta love me back?”

  “Oh Eddy if I could only make you see how much I love you, then I could make you understand everything, I was infatuated with you, attracted, drawn to you for an entire 6 months” her sharp indrawn breath stopped him, “Oh Love have faith in me” he said softly, “Because I have been insanely in love with you for the past two years and if Kev had not told me that I needed to be here this weekend, I would have been here soon anyway because it was my intention to find you” he gathered her close as someone took the baby from his shoulder, and he kissed her until neither one of them could breath and they rested their heads together, “Where do you live anyway?”

  Eddy laughed as she walked backwards, “It doesn’t matter because my home is here, with you, besides I heard you were a pretty bad mother….”

  Gavin grinned with a wicked spark in his eyes as she pulled him into the house, “I am a bad mother fucker” he said as he tossed her over his shoulder, “And you just happen to be a mother” They laughed happily as he ran up the stairs to the spare bedroom.


  A year and a half later

  A child’s shriek reverberated around the bathroom as water and suds went everywhere, a man’s low growl could be heard followed by a bellow, “Eddy”

  Eddy laughed to herself and went to check out the problem, “What is it Gavin, ya know Jared and Paul will be here with Lorenzo any time now and the two of you are still in here playin”

  Gavin narrowed his eyes and looked at her standing there in her short robe and black stockings; he could guess what was under that robe and was growing hard at the thought of it, “Come here” Gavin beckoned with hot eyes

  Eddy laughed, “Oh no boyo, ya will na make me late for me own anniversary dinner” She backed away waving a finger.

  “Hello” a voice called from downstairs

  “Up here Jared” Eddy called out, “Gavin has Hawk in the bath”, and then she laughed unashamed, as she hurried to the bedroom.

  It was sort of a standing joke about Gavin giving his son a bath because Gavin had been in the bath with his son one day when Jared and Paul had come to visit. They had headed upstairs and had caught Gavin standing with the bathroom door opened drying his hair with a towel buck naked after Eddy had taken the baby to dress. The two men had greatly admired Gavin’s attributes while he had the towel over his head until Eddy came around the corner and saw them and asked them, “See anything ya like boys?”, Well Gavin thought Eddy was speaking to him and dropped his towel completely and began flexing his muscles for her when he realized she was not alone and had stood with both hands covering his …package while he stared at the ceiling. Ever since then if Jared or Paul see Gavin in any state of undress they tease him unmercifully.

  The two men with Paul carrying their two year old adopted son raced up the stairs to the bath and groaned disappointedly when they saw that Gavin wore his slacks, no shirt, just slacks, ”That’s so wrong of you Eddy” yelled Jared, and in lower tones he said “Payback”, Jared placed his hand on Gavin’s chest, “Mmm, nice, hard” and when Gavin growled he said, “Down boy” and he glanced down at Gavin’s zipper, “Literally, down boy” he grinned, “Go make your wife late for dinner, she’s in the bedroom, go on we got this” he motioned towards the bathtub and Hawk, “Now go fetch” and Gavin headed that way hearing Jared’s words, “Oh yeah, gooood boy”

  “Stop staring at my ass you two” Gavin told them as he walked into his room and closed the door. He found Eddy in the bathroom wearing a white lacy thong with matching bra, and garters with the black stockings. She was bent forward at the counter applying her makeup.

  Gavin walked up behind her and stood close, “Do you know how much I love doing this?” he ran his tongue up and down her spine and watched her eyes glaze over and her nipples grow taut, “And do you know that when I do this” he moved both of his hands under her bra and covered her breasts, “That your eyes grow dark with desire, and then when I do this as well”, he ran his tongue over her ear, “It makes you slick and wet for me here” he slid one hand down the front of her panties and parted her with his fingers, sliding them back and forth as she moaned and gyrated her hips enticingly, “And do you know that now matter how many times” he continued fondling her and caressing her, “Or how often we do this I never get enough of you”

  “Even with this in the way” she said as she rubbed her hand over her rounded belly

  Gavin eased his finger inside of her and she cried out, his other hand he used to mold her soccer ball sized pregnant belly, “Even more” he growled as he slid himself inside of her, moving slowly, “Ta’ gra’ agam duit” he told her and she came in great pulsing waves that washed over him, but he was not finished and he continued to move slowly. “A ghra mo chroi” he said and thrust harder and harder, “Mo anam Cara thargachni eile gra go deo” and then they came together, powerful in it’s intensity and in it’s love.

  “I love ya Gavin Blackhawk and now that you’ve made me late for me own party will ya let me go?” she asked smiling a satisfied smile

  “Ahhh, Eddy what amusing things you say, first of all it’s our party, so they can’t begin without us” as he talked he touched, “Second I’m not through with you yet” he lifted her and carried her to the bed, “And third and most important I love you and I will never let you go” And he didn’t.

  The End











  An Irish Welcome

  Here's Céad Míle Fáilte to friend and to rover

  That's a greeting that's Irish as Irish can be

  It means you are welcome

  A thousand times over

  Wherever you come from, Whosoever you be


  Be they kings, or poets, or


  They’re people of great


  They keep company with


  And bring a bit of heaven

  Here to earth

  Glossary of Gaelic words and phrases

  Beyond the pale- uncivilized, beyond the boundries of morality oand good behavior

  Acting the maggot- acting foolish

  Banjoxed- Broken, tired

  Culchies- Rural folks

  Eejit- Idiot, fool

  Feck- Fuck

  Gob- Mouth

  Guff- Excuses

  Horse’s hoof- An exaggerated story

  Jacks- Restroom

  Kibosh- Last straw

  Mary Hicks- Unfashionable, drab

  Jaded- Tired

  Siofra- Sprite, changling

  Slainte- Cheers

  Aghra mo chroi- Love of my heart

  Saol fada chugat- Long life to you

  Codladh Samh- Sleep well

  Cuimhnigh I gconai- Always remember

  Is fearr Gaeilge briste na bearla cliste- Broken Irish is better than clever English

  Tada gan iarracht- Nothing is done without effort

  Nithuigim- I don’t understand

  La brea ata ann- It’s a lovely day

  Thar gachni eile- Above all else

  Isfolamh fuar e teach gan bean- It’s a cold house without a woman

  Is Cuma liom- I don’t care

  Go hifreann leat- Go to hell

  Anruda lionas an tsuil lionam se an croi- What fills the eye fills the heart

  Athair- Father

  Mathair- Mother

  Mac- Brother

  Inin- Sister

  Tapadh leat- Thank you

  Gabhmo leith sca
al- Excuse me

  Mo anam cara- Soul mate

  Gra go deo- Love forever

  Na dean sin- Don’t do that

  Gle mhaith- Very good


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