Crown Prince Challenged

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Crown Prince Challenged Page 26

by Linda Snow McLoon

  Jack looked around at the others. “The same goes for the rest of you. Your times are listed in the program. You’ll have your horse tacked up appropriately for dressage, and you’ll be dressed as I described on the sheet I gave you. Any questions?” Jack asked.

  “Yes,” Rita said. “With cross-county on Saturday, can you walk the course with us sometime tomorrow?”

  “Of course, Rita. Let’s all meet here at the tent at half past three, after your dressage rides. If anyone brought rubber boots, you might want to wear them. We may have to cross water the old-fashioned way, before bridges were invented. You’ll probably have time to walk it a second time later on. Depending on when you ride on Saturday, you may be able to walk the cross-country again Saturday morning.”

  Jack stood up when they heard the shuttle bus approaching. “A word of caution,” he said. “Even though the stable is lighted at night and there’s a night watchman on duty, lock your tack trunks.” Sarah fingered the substantial chain her key was on around her neck. But Jack hadn’t finished. “Remember that Kelly is coming here about seven tomorrow morning to feed your horses. We want them to have plenty of time to digest their breakfast.”

  Back at the dorm, Sarah called her mother to give her an update and the time for her cross-country ride on Saturday. Kayla talked to her mother as well.

  When their phone conversations were finished, Sarah and Kayla batted around Rita’s earlier unpleasantness. “Just as I suspected,” Sarah said. “Rita and Kelly are difficult enough to deal with one-on-one, but together they’re even worse. Those two are a bad combination.” She yawned. “I need to think about the dressage test now, and not Rita and Kelly.”

  “Yeah,” Kayla replied. “The less we deal with them the better.”

  “I don’t ride until after noon,” Sarah said to Kayla as they both got ready for bed. “Maybe I can help you with Fanny in the morning.”

  “Cool,” Kayla said. “But now I think we should hit the hay.” She grinned. “No pun intended.”

  Both she and Kayla wanted to get to the barn early the next morning, so Sarah set her cell for a six-thirty wakeup. As she waited to fall sleep, she began running through the dressage test she’d memorized. She was asleep before she got halfway through it.


  The Test

  BOTH KAYLA AND SARAH were awake before their alarm went off the next morning. After showering, they dressed in their show shirts and buff breeches. “I’m glad Jack said we can use a stock pin on a collar, and not wear a stock tie,” Kayla said. “I haven’t the slightest idea how to tie one.”

  “Me either,” Sarah said, as she slipped a pair of jeans over her buff breeches and pulled on a lightweight polo to protect her show shirt. “I guess this will keep my duds clean until it’s time to get on Prince.” She tied the laces on her barn sneakers.

  The girls ate a bagel with orange juice and coffee before grabbing their tall boots, show coats, and packets and heading for the shuttle bus stop. Before long, they were on their way to the event grounds. A lot of other competitors also wanted to get back to their horses early, and the bus was almost full. Rita had probably come on an earlier shuttle with Kelly, and with an early test, Tim should already be there. Sarah couldn’t help worrying about her horse. “I hope Prince didn’t get cast in that small stall,” she said.

  “You’d have heard from someone if he did,” Kayla replied. “Chill.”

  When the bus stopped by the tent, the riders swarmed off. The girls found Kelly holding Rhodes in his stall while Tim groomed him. Sarah rushed to Prince’s stall. Her horse was standing in a relaxed position, with one hind leg drawn under him, pulling mouthfuls of hay from his hay net. He left his hay when she came into the stall, expecting a carrot.

  “How’s Fanny?” Sarah called over the stall wall.

  “She might have been a little uptight last night, because she didn’t eat much of her hay. She’ll probably be her old self after I get her outside. She’ll think it’s just another horse show.”

  “I’m going to pick out Prince’s stall,” Sarah said, “and then I’ll do Fanny’s.” She was happy to find the wheelbarrow in the tack stall. As she walked by Rhodes’s stall this time, she saw Kelly on a stool braiding Rhodes’s mane while Tim held his horse. Rita was working on Rhodes’ tail. I guess Rita is trying to collect brownie points with Tim, she thought.

  Sarah cleaned Prince’s stall, working around her horse as he ate his hay. When she finished, she wheeled the wheelbarrow to Fanny’s stall. “Why don’t you take her outside for a little grass while I do her stall?” Sarah suggested. Kayla eagerly agreed. After cleaning the stall and returning the wheelbarrow, Sarah took Prince out to join Kayla and Fanny. Her horse would love some green grass.

  Kayla and Fanny were in the field where the trailers were parked, some of which were huge custom rigs. Kayla had picked a place where the grass was tall and succulent, and Prince tore into it. After ten minutes, Kayla said, “I think Fanny’s had enough. Let’s put them away and go down to watch Tim’s test. I called Mom while Fanny was grazing, and she won’t be here until just before I ride.”

  When they got back, Tim and Rhodes had left for the warm-up ring, and there was no sign of Rita and Kelly. Rita must love being so cozy with Tim without Paige around, Sarah thought. She studied the event map from her packet, making a mental note of various locations. “Tim’s going to ride pretty soon. I think we need to book to the dressage arena,” Sarah said.

  On their way, the girls saw the Wexford Hall mansion across a field in the distance. “Wow!” Kayla exclaimed. “It looks like a palace. I wonder how many people actually live there.”

  “I wouldn’t be surprised if there are twice as many staff as residents,” Sarah said. “I hope the people who live here ride, so they can use these beautiful grounds.”

  Tim wasn’t in sight when they arrived at the dressage arena. A large set of bleachers, which was filling up fast, ran the long way of the arena, and Tim’s parents were sitting in the middle section with the DeWitts. Mrs. DeWitt waved enthusiastically, and the girls climbed up the bleachers to join them. Mrs. DeWitt spoke in a hushed tone, asking how the horses were doing and all the details of their stay so far.

  Everyone turned when Mr. Dixon said, “There’s Jack!” He paused. “Number 6 is in the arena now, so Tim should be here any minute.” Jack walked briskly toward the bleachers, followed by Rita and Kelly. They climbed up to join them. “How’s Rhodes going?” Mr. Dixon asked Jack.

  “He warmed up well. Rhodes is always so poised. Never gets rattled, even with all the horses in the warm-up and the crowds milling around.”

  What will Prince be like? Sarah worried. How will he handle all the hubbub?

  A few minutes later, the next horse entered the arena and put in a respectable test, not flashy, but accurate. After the applause quieted down, the announcer spoke into the loud speaker: “Next is Number 8, from the Brookmeade Farm team, Tim Dixon riding Rhodes Scholar.” The Brookmeade fans watched anxiously, some with their fingers crossed, as Tim entered the arena on his handsome bay horse and began his test. Rhodes was relaxed yet moving with good impulsion, and Jack pumped his fist when Rhodes extended beautifully across the diagonal. “Brilliant!” he said under his breath. After Tim saluted the judge and walked Rhodes from the arena on a long rein, Jack commented, “Very solid! He should get high marks for that test.”

  Kayla and Sarah hurried back to the tent to groom Fanny and braid her mane. “I’ve never braided before,” Sarah said. “But Jack said I should try.”

  “Not to worry,” Kayla said. “I should have time to help you with Prince. I braid Fanny for all our shows, so it won’t take me long.”

  The girls worked on the mare until her copper coat shone brightly and her four white stockings gleamed. “You can hold her while I braid,” Kayla said. “I hope Rita won’t mind if I borrow her stool.” As Kayla braided, she looked down at her watch. “I think we’re okay on time. Fanny doesn’t need much w

  Rita and Kelly returned as Kayla worked. Right away, Rita noticed Kayla standing on her stool and she scowled, shaking her head. “Do you always help yourself to other people’s property?” she asked Kayla.

  “I knew you wouldn’t mind, generous person that you are,” Kayla chirped. She didn’t look up, but continued braiding. Sarah was at Fanny’s head, trying to hide her smile by keeping her head down. Kayla had a great way of putting Rita down while not getting riled by her caustic remarks. “And I know you won’t mind if I use it later to braid Crown Prince,” Kayla said.

  At that moment, Tim approached his stall leading Rhodes. With his helmet under his arm, Tim was especially good-looking in his black show coat and stock tie.

  “Awesome test, Tim,” Rita said. The others also complimented him on his ride.

  “I’m glad to have that behind us,” he said, flashing a smile. “Now on to cross-country,”

  As soon as Fanny was braided and tacked up, Sarah took the reins. “I’ll hold her. Get yourself ready.” She reached into Kayla’s packet and withdrew the number 14 that would attach on Fanny’s browband on her near side.

  Kayla looked sharp when she came back from the tack stall wearing her black show jacket, white breeches, and helmet. Her tall boots were polished to a high sheen. Snapping the helmet’s clasp, she said, “Thanks for remembering the bridle number.” She tightened her girth and then led Fanny from the tent to a mounting block outside. Before she rode off in the direction of the warm-up area, Kayla commented, “I hope my mom makes it.”

  “She’ll be here. And good luck! I’ll be rooting for you,” Sarah called after her.

  Sarah saw from her watch that Kayla wouldn’t have much time to warm-up. She decided to touch base with the others before leaving for the dressage arena. After removing his tack, Kelly and Rita had taken Rhodes outside to sponge him down. Rhodes drank deeply from his water bucket once he was back in his stall. When Tim came back, he had changed into more comfortable clothing. “Do you guys want to go up to watch Kayla’s test?” Sarah asked.

  Rita and Kelly looked at each other, as if they weren’t sure how to respond, but Tim said, “Of course. I’m ready. Rhodes deserves some rest time and a chance to eat his hay.”

  The four of them left the tent and went to sit with the Brookmeade contingent in the bleachers. Mrs. Romano had arrived just in time to see her daughter’s test. She spoke to Sarah. “I knew Kayla wouldn’t be in the stable area, so I came directly here.”

  While everyone was talking about Tim’s super test and how that would help the team, Sarah was thinking about Kayla. She wondered how her warm-up was going. Jack soon joined them in the bleachers, and a few minutes later the announcer introduced Kayla: “Number 14, from the Brookmeade Farm team, Kayla Romano riding Fanfare.”

  Kayla began her test with a straight line to the judge. Fanny looked spectacular, the beautiful chestnut with four white stockings and a diamond on her forehead stepping forward smartly. The mare bent correctly into the corners and continued doing well on the parts of her test until she was to pick up right lead canter at A. Some of the spectators gasped when they saw Fanny cantering on her left lead! Fanny must have thought she was supposed to counter-canter! Sarah thought. Kayla quickly recognized the error. She brought Fanny back to trot and picked up canter on the correct lead, but the damage was done. Points would be deducted for the error, and Kayla seemed to come unhinged by her mistake. Fanny lost impulsion, as if Kayla wasn’t riding as deliberately. She managed to finish the test, but when Kayla left the arena, she knew she’d not ridden her best.

  Sarah left the bleachers and ran to find Kayla. Her friend had dismounted from Fanny near the warm-up ring and stood with her head hung low. When Sarah caught up with her, there were tears on Kayla’s cheeks. She unbuckled her helmet, yanked it off, and ran a hand through her carrot-colored curls.

  Sarah slipped an arm around her best friend’s shoulders. “It’s okay, Kayla,” she said. “It was just one mistake, and plenty of kids will do worse.”

  “I doubt it,” Kayla said. She handed her helmet to Sarah, ran up her irons, and loosened the girth. Fanny stood quietly, watching the horses warming up in the ring. Turning back to Sarah, Kayla said, “I’ve let Jack and the team down.”

  “Knock it off!” Sarah said. “Dressage is only one part of this event. Let’s take Fanny to her stall.”

  Back at the tent, Sarah and Kayla sponged Fanny outside before the mare’s braids were removed. The chestnut Quarter Horse seemed glad to go back in her stall with a new ration of hay. While Kayla changed out of her competition clothes, Sarah looked in on her own horse. Prince was resting quietly in the back of his stall.

  Their time had come, she thought. After almost a year’s hard work, today she and Prince would have their chance to show what they could do in a dressage test. She opened her tack trunk to retrieve her grooming caddy and set it inside the stall. Grabbing her lead shank, she went to her horse and leaned to press her cheek on his muzzle. “We’ll try our hardest,” she whispered.

  Kayla came back looking more comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt. “After my totally blown test, it’s all the more important for you and Rita to ride well. Let’s get started on Prince.”

  Kayla was holding Prince while Sarah curried him when Kayla’s mother came into the tent. She walked up to Kayla and gave her a hug. “I blew it, Mom,” Kayla said, hanging her head. “I’m sorry.”

  Mrs. Romano stepped back and put her hands on her hips. “What do you mean, blew it! That’s absurd. Fanny’s wrong lead was only one small part of the whole test.” She moved closer to Kayla and reached out to lift up her chin. “I can tell you one thing. You won’t be helping your team by moaning and groaning about your test. You’ve got two more phases to go!”

  Kayla glanced over at Sarah and then back at her mother. “Mom, if you’ll hold Prince, Sarah and I can work together.” Mrs. Romano took the shank, and Sarah resumed grooming Prince while Kayla brushed out his tail. When Kayla tried to comb his mane, she looked up at Prince’s neck and started laughing. “No way can I braid this horse unless I have a tall stool!” She left to grab Rita’s stool from the tack stall.

  After Prince was braided and tacked up, Sarah stood back to survey her handsome horse. This was the first time his mane had ever been braided, and the effect accentuated the pleasing arch of his long neck. “I’ll be right back,” she said, leaving Kayla holding Prince while she went to the tack stall to get herself ready. A few minutes later she returned wearing her gleaming tall boots and show coat. Once she’d put on her helmet and riding gloves, it was time to go. But before she took the reins, she gave Kayla a hug. “Thanks for your help, pal.”

  There were many good-looking horses at the Wexford Hall event, but when Sarah rode Crown Prince into the warm-up ring, heads turned their way. The ring was busy, with lots of horses going in different directions. Prince’s head was up and his ears flicked in all directions. He’s uptight! Sarah thought. She was unsure how to start their warm-up, so she walked him around the large ring, giving him a chance to see everything. It was a relief when she saw her instructor coming their way. Jack stopped by the rail, and when she got close, he said, “Sarah, you should be warming Prince up the same way you do at the beginning of all your lessons.”

  Duh! she thought. Of course. It was the routine Prince knew. Once she’d trotted him long and low going large in the ring, she gradually increased her leg pressure while shortening her reins to put him in a frame between her hand and leg. She could feel his back come up and his hind legs reach further underneath him. They dodged a few horses as she guided Prince off the track to ride a large circle, shrinking its size and then leg-yielding to make it large again. Coming back to walk, she practiced over-bending and counter-bending until Prince felt supple and forward.

  Jack beckoned her to come closer, and Sarah listened intently to his instructions. “I want you to sit the trot, pick up canter at C, and ride a serpentine of three lo
ops, doing a simple change of lead on the center line each time you cross it.” She had only done that exercise twice when Jack called to her again and pointed at his watch. It was time to report to the dressage arena steward. Sarah gripped the reins tighter as she felt a knot beginning to form in her stomach. The first test of how well she had schooled Prince under Jack’s guidance for the last year would soon begin. She knew her horse was capable of doing well, if only she could give him the ride he deserved.

  With Jack walking beside them, Sarah rode Prince out of the warm-up ring toward a steward standing near the dressage arena entrance with a clipboard. The man smiled and patted Prince on his neck before he checked to make sure his bit was legal. There was no problem with the mild, fat snaffle, and after checking Sarah off on his list, the steward pointed to the arena. “As soon as number 20 leaves, you may ride on the outside of the arena until the judge signals you with the bell to start your test.”

  Sarah thanked the steward and walked her horse in a small circle while keeping her eyes on the chestnut horse finishing his test. Prince had gotten over his initial nervousness in the warm-up ring, but now he eyed the large crowd on the bleachers, his head high. He’s used to the bleachers at Brookmeade, but there are so many more people here! Sarah thought.

  Jack must have read her mind. “’Tis important not to telegraph your nerves to your horse, so breathe deeply. It will help him to know you’re calm and confident.” When the chestnut horse left the arena, Prince reacted to applause from the spectators by jumping to the side and pranced a few steps. “Breathe deeply!” Jack reminded her as he walked away, “and good luck.”

  Sarah shortened her reins and turned Prince toward the dressage arena, asking him to walk energetically around the twelve-inch-high crisp white boards with letters posted on them. “One of the best ways to get your horse’s attention is to ask him to do something,” Jack had said more than once. Directly behind C, the judge and her scribe sat in a booth filling in scores and comments from the last ride. From her vantage point, the judge would see if their entrance down the centerline was straight and if, at the end of the test, their halt at X was square. Prince scrutinized the two women as Sarah rode him past the booth. Thank goodness he has a chance to see them up close before we begin, she thought.


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