Just Shoot Me (Cowboy Way, #1)

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Just Shoot Me (Cowboy Way, #1) Page 10

by Becky McGraw

  Instead of going into the bunkhouse, Dean did an about face and made a beeline for his truck. He opened the door and climbed up inside to dig around in the glove box. He was damned rusty at this thing, but he’d had sex enough times in his life to write a book on it probably. Kinky, straight up, vanilla. You name it, he’d tried it in his younger years. It had been a helluva long time for him, but whatever Miss Montgomery’s flavor was, Dean was sure he could more than accommodate her. He was definitely primed for it. Because of her.

  Dean found the box of condoms he’d put in there a couple of years ago when the thought of going to town hit him, but he chickened out. He pulled out a couple then put them back into the box, and took out a whole string of them instead. If he was going to have one night with her, he was going to make it a long night, and make sure they both remembered it. Folding them up, he pulled his wallet out and tucked them inside then closed the glove box.

  “Hurry up, Paulo…we’re going to be late!” Tina said, squirming in the chair while the hairdresser teased her hair up even higher on top. He reached around her and sprayed it more than thoroughly, until she inhaled a lungful and coughed.

  “It’s just a bonfire. That’s enough!” she said firmly. “You keep going and my hair is gonna be bigger than Dolly Parton’s—“ Their eyes met in the mirror and Paulo lifted a perfectly arched brow to give her ‘that’ look. They had been co-workers and friends for a long time, and he had the darndest way of saying things without uttering a single word. And she read him right now. He’d worked hard on her hair and makeup, and she was being critical. “Thank you for doing my hair and makeup, Paulo. I love it,” she said, standing to kiss his cheek.

  “Well I’ll say it…” Belinda leaned toward the mirror to separate her bangs. “My hair is stiffer than Dean Dixon’s—“ The door opened and Belinda’s thin lips pinched off her words as her eyes darted toward the doorway. Tina spun around and saw Dean standing there.

  “Finish it, Belinda. As stiff as Dean Dixon’s?” he repeated walking over to stare down at her darkly. “I know you weren’t talking about my upper lip.”

  Her assistant and Dean Dixon faced off, and Tina knew if she didn’t do something the night would go downhill before it even started. Tina stepped between them and put her hand in the center of Dean’s chest. “Spine…as stiff as your spine,” she inserted quickly.

  A crisp, woodsy scent wafted down to her and it was so heady, she was stunned for a second. He didn’t have a lot of cologne on, but whatever he was wearing was as good as guaranteed sex in a bottle. All she could do was inhale deeply and hold back a moan. Clearing her throat, she said, “You have to admit, you’re a little uptight.”

  “Is that so?” he asked evenly, but Tina felt his pounding heart under her palm, and saw the anger in his stormy blue eyes. Thank God, Hope walked in right then, or Tina had a bad feeling she was going to say something that would end their evening before it even started.

  “Hey good looking,” Hope said with a wide smile for Dean. Cord walked up behind her and she reached back to pat his thigh. “Cord, bring your stick, baby. You’re gonna have to beat the women off of your brother.”

  Cord snorted. “I’ll save my beatings for the men he pisses off. Look at that frown. One look and they’re all gonna want to punch him in the face.” Cord walked around his wife and took her hand in his then looked at Dean. “Lighten up, man. This is supposed to be fun,” he reminded his brother then glanced at Tina and his grin spread from ear to ear. “I think I might need that stick for you though, darlin.”

  Hope elbowed her husband in the ribs and he grunted. “You keep your stick right where it is cowboy,” she growled, but smiled up at him. “My friend can take care of herself.”

  “This was a great idea, huh?” he asked with that smile that had melted a million panties, but was now reserved for his beautiful pregnant wife. Hope smiled wider, and Tina sighed.

  One day she wanted a man who would look at her just like that. One day when she took some time for herself to find that man. One day when she wasn’t struggling to keep her head above water, and could actually focus on something other than her job. One day, one man, she thought and sighed again as her gaze wandered to Dean.

  After today, Tina knew that man wouldn’t be Dean Dixon. He’d made it clear, even though he’d kissed the stuffing out of her twice now, he wasn’t interested in her. He was just too damaged for her to be interested in him either. Maybe he’d find someone tonight too, someone who had more patience for his black moods than she did. Tina sure hoped so.

  They both had a rare free night to let their hair down, and she hoped he took advantage of that just like she planned on doing. On their way back from the bluebonnet field, Tina had unloaded to Cord about the situation with Dean. She told him that she thought Dean needed to loosen up and have a little fun. Do something other than work the ranch and take care of Jeremy.

  Then as if it were providence, his friend Zack called to say he needed to discuss a business proposition with him. Cord suggested he come down to the ranch for a bonfire. Zack let out a whoop that Tina could hear on the other side of the truck. He said the rodeo was on hiatus for a week so he’d round up the boys and barrel ladies, whoever they were, and they’d be down tonight. Supposedly all of them were staying at the bunkhouse tonight with them. It should be interesting. Tina was a little excited to do something new and to meet Cord’s friends. She’d never been to a bonfire, and wondered what all it entailed.

  His friends had gotten there an hour ago, but she hadn’t met them yet. Cord met them outside, and directed them where the bonfire would be. When Tina glanced out the window she saw five or six trucks stuffed with people, including several women. Her eyes darted back to Dean.

  If Dean Dixon didn’t get lucky tonight, the women at the bonfire must be blind. If he looked any sexier right now in his striped western shirt and perfect fitting jeans, Tina was afraid she would melt into a puddle at the toes of his well-worn eelskin boots.

  She licked her lips and his eyes met hers and held. Shock rocked her when she realized he was inspecting her just as closely as she had him. When a small smile played around his lips, and his eyes met hers again, there was heat there. What game was this man playing?

  Tina had all but offered to have sex with him that afternoon, and he turned her down flat. Now he wanted to look at her that way? Too little, too late cowboy. She turned back toward the hall to go get her purse out of the bedroom. The living room was empty when she walked back into the room, so she went to the front door.

  She stopped there to tug at the hem of her short, ruffled blue jean skirt that she’d paired with the pink rhinestone studded tank top Hope had loaned her. Hope wasn’t nearly as full-busted as she was, so she tugged up the scooped neckline of the shirt to make sure the twins were sufficiently covered. She’d probably be tugging at the damned thing all night. She’d only worn it because it matched her new black and pink cowgirl boots.

  When Tina finally thought she was reasonably together, she opened the door and walked out onto the front porch. The truck was cranked and idling in the yard. It looked like everyone was waiting on her. That was confirmed when Cord honked the horn impatiently.

  She quickly shut the front door, and walked to the truck. “I thought we were taking the golf cart?” she asked as she opened the back door.

  “There were too many of us, so I decided to take the truck. The ride won’t be as bumpy for Hope either.” Cord looked at his wife sweetly, and she rolled her eyes.

  Tina pulled the back door wider and saw door-to-door bodies inside the back seat. Paulo sat by the other door, Belinda was in the middle beside Dean, and with his wide shoulders, Tina realized there wasn’t another inch of space to be had on the seat of the truck.

  “Where the hell am I going to sit?” Tina asked.

  “I guess you’ll have to sit on my lap,” Dean informed with a smug smile, as he extended his hand to her. Tina didn’t take it. She was seriously thinking of wal
king back to the field.

  “C’mon, get in the damned truck,” Dean grumbled, leaning down to grab her hand. “We’re gonna be late! Cord said the guys are already out there setting up.”

  Electricity zapped up her arm to her chest, and her nipples hardened. Dean’s eyes fixed there, as he yanked her onto his lap and shut the door. “Eyes are up here, cowboy,” she mumbled, folding her arms over her breasts. “And next time ask me before you jerk me around.”

  She was small, so this man seemed to take that as permission to jerk her around like a ragdoll, just because he could.

  His arms closed around her and his hot breath tickled her ear, as he leaned forward to drawl, “Why? You’ve been jerking me around since you got here.”

  “When you’re a jerk you get jerked,” Tina replied grumpily, leaning forward to put her hand on the back of the front seat, trying to put as much space as she could between her and the aggravating, intoxicating man. She was almost tempted to scoot over and sit on Belinda’s lap to get away from him, and probably would have if his arm wasn’t around her lower back. His hot touch sent unwanted messages to all kinds of places in her body. Tina pressed her knees together, and scooted farther forward on his knees.

  “Sit still or you’re about to wind up on your ass on the floorboard,” Dean warned as his fingers tightened on her hip.

  “How far is this drive anyway?” Tina asked loudly, as Cord put the truck in drive and started up the driveway toward the barn.

  The sooner she could get off of Dean Dixon’s lap, the better.

  “Not far,” was Cord’s vague reply.

  Tina huffed out a breath and stiffened her spine. A few minutes later, Dean’s fingers loosened on her hip. Tina relaxed a little, thinking maybe he would finally take his hand off of her. Instead his fingers trailed upward and he shoved his hand under the hem of her tank top then his thumb rasped against her skin in slow, irritating circles. She glared back at him, and saw his stormy blue eyes held an invitation she couldn’t miss. He gave her a wink, and a soft, sexy smile, and heat rushed to her face.

  “You wish, cowboy. You had your chance,” she hissed under her breath. Tina dragged her gaze out the side widow and fought the unwanted tingles that buzzed along her nerve endings, all converging in one place. Tina shifted to face forward, hoping he’d move his hand. His thumb just shifted position to stroke along her spine now, as he cupped her waist with his hot fingers.

  They finally made it to the center of a pasture off to the left of the barn where the trucks she’d seen earlier were parked. As soon as Cord put the truck in park, Tina threw open the door. She could almost use a parachute to reach the ground, but she didn’t care if she broke an ankle if it resulted in her getting away from Dean Dixon. Because her ankle was still weak from twisting it the other day, her knees buckled when her boots hit the gravel, but she fought back to her feet.

  Once she had her balance, she immediately started toward the huge pile of wood in the middle of the field. Several cowboys were there placing logs around the pile to circle it. Three of those cowboys turned toward her as she approached. She smiled tightly at them, but made herself add a wave to be friendly. She felt a little uncomfortable, since it was blatantly obvious they were checking her out.

  These were real country men, and they probably could see she was a fraud in her brand new clothes. Clothes she definitely didn’t normally wear. Her boots got a little tighter, and her skirt a little shorter in her mind, and she rethought her wardrobe choices. Maybe she should have worn the new jeans she’d bought from work. The ones she’d worn to go riding with Dean earlier today. But they had smelled like horse when she took them off, and she didn’t have time to wash them.

  Tina’s shoulders relaxed a little when they smiled back, more than that, they tipped their hats back and grinned at her, then waved back enthusiastically. One of the cowgirls that had been helping them carry logs, a tall, lanky woman with long white blonde hair didn’t smile. She stopped in her tracks, and brushed her hands on her jeans, then tapped one of the guys on the shoulder. With the smile still on his face, the good looking cowboy turned toward her, listened a moment then nodded. They walked off toward the green truck at the end of the row.

  Probably his girlfriend, Tina thought, as she continued her hike toward the fire site. It was just getting to be dusk, so she imagined they would light the fire soon. She should probably ask them if there was anything she could help with.

  “What can I do?” she asked the first cowboy she saw.

  “Sit your pretty little self down over there on that log,” he said, pointing toward a log positioned on the right side of the fire. “That’s where I’ll be sitting.” His smile was engaging with the small chip out of his right front tooth. It didn’t make him unattractive, it added character to his friendly boyish appeal.

  Tina smiled back. “Now, I have to know a cowboy better before I sit on his log,” she said and immediately realized what she’d just said without meaning to. Her face baked as she slapped a hand over her mouth, wishing the ground to open up and swallow her.

  His eyes widened, then a slow smile almost took over his whole face. She heard a rumble, his lips twitched, then he threw his head back and deep laughter exploded from him. He laughed so hard, Tina thought he might drop to the ground and roll there. Instead he took a few gulping breaths, then stood upright again.

  He shook his head, and was still grinning when he said, “Darlin, you just made my night. My name is Lucky, and I think I’ve earned it, since you just showed up. C’mon help me get the hot dog buns out of the truck, so I can get to know you better. I damn sure would love you sitting on my log tonight.”


  Dropping an arm over her shoulders, Lucky led her toward a black truck that was the second one in the row. They passed Dean on the way. He was standing in a group with Cord and a couple of other men, but she felt his hot eyes on her back. She and Lucky stopped at the tailgate, and he lowered it.

  “I think Twyla went overboard at the grocery store. She bought enough buns and dogs to feed an army,” he said with a laugh as he leaned inside and grabbed a box of buns.

  Tina saw bags and bags of marshmallows too. She loved marshmallows, and had only had them toasted one time, during the week she was a girl scout, but she could still remember their gooey crispness on her tongue. That was the week before her father got re-stationed from Arizona to Iowa. After that she hadn’t gotten involved in anything, because it was just too heartbreaking to have to give it up on a moment’s notice to move again. They moved two more times, before their final move to Texas and her parent’s divorce. That was why she was determined Laney was going to have a home. So she could make memories that weren’t packed away in boxes to be moved around every few months her whole life.

  They had stayed in Texas, but to date had moved three times in her niece’s young life. Once when Tina’s lease ran out on her apartment, because she’d forgotten to renew it because she’d been so busy at work. The second time was when the owners of the small house she had rented for them decided they wanted to move back in, so they didn’t renew her lease. Now they were in a temporary apartment. It was a one-bedroom to make sure they didn’t get too comfortable there, and she could save up money for a down payment.

  Tina wanted a house. For all of them. Her new job would give her the funds to pay for a house. If she could just get the photos she needed to convince the owners of Texas Tomboy to see her vision and approve the menswear line. She had one week left to get the presentation together. One week with a stubborn cowboy model who she knew would be perfect to convince them.

  She’d wasted a full day today messing around out at the lake with that man. Tomorrow was a new day though. She was going to get her pictures, then she was going to put together the best presentation her bosses and their bosses had ever seen. She was going to blow them away, and she was going to get her promotion and her house.

  But tonight, she was going to have fun and forget about a
ll that. “Hand me some of those marshmallows. I want to make sure I get some,” she said. Lucky leaned back into the truck and dragged three bags toward him. He handed them to her, then picked up the buns again. “You like marshmallows?” he asked with a laugh.

  “Hell, yeah,” she replied stepping back. “They get all gooey when you toast them.”

  “Good, I like ‘em too. I look forward to licking them off of your lips tonight.”

  A little something shifted inside her chest, but it was nothing compared to the rockslide of desire that Dean Dixon caused earlier today. She grinned and shook her head. “Damn, cowboy you sure cut to the chase, don’t you?”

  “I don’t let any grass grow under my feet, beautiful, if that’s what you mean,” he replied with a bodacious wink. “If I don’t get first dibs on you, my friends will. Now, let’s finish getting this stuff set up, so we can get to those marshmallows.”

  “Rodeo bulls?” Dean repeated, eyeballing his brother like he’d lost his mind. “I hear those don’t eat too well,” he said sarcastically.

  The Dixons were beef cattle ranchers. Beef cattle was always in demand. They could always rely on their cows and calves selling to keep the family fed and the ranch going. Even though things had been rocky in the last couple of years due to their daddy’s health problems, they had been able to sell their herd with no problem to help pay for his treatments. Or get them started at least.

  “We’re not going to eat them, dumbass,” Cord shot back with a shake of his head. “We’re going to lease them to the Pro Rodeo associations. And I’m not only talking about bulls. There’s broncs and even sheep for the mutton busting the kids do.”

  “The feed and vet bills alone would break us,” Dean said like his brother was an idiot. Because that’s exactly what he was. The people who raised livestock for the rodeos were wealthy men who played at ranching. Those men could afford to drop a hundred grand on a good breeding bull. This ranch was so far in the red, their books looked like they were bleeding to death.


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