The Eternal Defiance

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The Eternal Defiance Page 10

by Sharon Lea Ford

  He shrugged his shoulders in response, but didn’t answer her comment. Datton was the only place Harry could think of and considering they were only a few hundred miles from there it made sense, he thought and proceeded to explain to Blake. “One of the advantages of being an assassin is that you get to travel to many cities and collect lots of cool stuff. I had done a job in Datton a couple of years ago which was intended to take a couple of months to finish so I rented a space on the edge of town. To me I had one policy which was you never could be too careful or never know when you needed some spare cash, visas or anything else that could get you out of a sticky situation if I needed to.”

  Blake shook her head with agreement and looked as if she understood regarding Datton he assumed as he could sense the tension in her body relax a little.

  “Have I thanked you lately for saving my ass? Not once, but a few times now my sweetness,” Harry asked as he leant in slowly to kiss her.

  “Maybe… not, but I’m sure you’ll still have plenty of time to thank me later,” Blake responded and embraced his kiss for a long time. “As much as I’d like to extend this moment I think we need to get a wriggle on. My guess is there’ll be more assholes on their way,” she added.

  Harry heaved a sigh and agreed, “Later then?”

  Blake just gave him a fleeting look and then a playful push on the shoulder.

  “Okay baby! I’ll take that as a yes,” said Harry with a playful tone.

  “Whatever!” She responded.

  ** *

  It was only about five minutes down the road when desperately Blake tried to keep her eyes open, but she knew she was gradually losing the battle. Every muscle in her body cried out in pain and she no longer had the ability to fight. Eventually Blake accepted her defeat and her urge to stay awake was lost.


  Waiting in the shadows was Agents Wilson and Colbert, where they sat quietly in their vehicle assigned to stakeout the storage warehouse.

  “Do you really think they’re going to turn up here tonight? I think it’s a bloody waste of time!” Wilson said as he threw the butt of his cigarette out the window.

  Colbert yawned. “My guess is that they’ve disappeared somewhere in the Bahamas. That’s where I’d go if I had as much money as this guy, but the Feds down at Clam Bay said after they’d seized his boat he got away empty handed. They found shit loads of cash, passports and weapons. And they still managed to flee their sting after the place was shot to pieces.”

  “I wouldn’t mind having a piece of that ass of Blake Forbes if the chance comes my way. I’ve seen her profile. She’s bloody smoking… hot!” Wilson stated.

  “Ha—ha… You wish… If we play our cards right we can clean up. She has a bounty of a million dollars on her head from the mob. I bet we could bargain a little for the two of them if we get to them first. And then I could retire and get the hell away from this hole of a place,” Colbert responded.

  “Yeah… it would be nice and then I wouldn’t have to ride around with your lazy ass no more,” Wilson suggested in a teasing tone.

  Colbert chuckled and said. “Hey… watch it!”

  Wilson’s tone changed when he saw headlights appear close by. “It might be just our lucky day! For I see headlights approaching and there couldn’t be too many idiots around this late. It’s got to be them!” Wilson assumed enthusiastically.

  Both Agents automatically ducked in their seats when the headlights drew closer and the vehicle stopped right beside the unit they had been watching. Patiently they both waited for the right time to attack and Agent Wilson thought his payday had finally arrived.

  * * *

  Harry sighed with relief as they approached the outskirts of Datton. “We’re here sweetness,” Harry said softly to wake up Blake.

  Slowly they approached the area and pulled up beside the garage doors where the keypad to unlock the storage unit was fingerprint activated, so Harry was fairly certain his belongings were safe.

  It was now 2am, Harry and Blake jumped out of the stolen vehicle and Harry quickly scanned the area for anything suspicious, before punching in the code.

  Cautiously they entered the storage unit and everything was still as he’d left it including his Ducati Desmosedici RR, he’d picked up after its previous owner was terminated and didn’t need it any more.

  Blake inquisitively pulled the tarp off to see what was hidden underneath. “Nice…” she commented with an excited tone.

  “Yeah… it would be nice to just ride off into the sunset wouldn’t it? But I think we should hang out here for a couple of days just until we sought out our next plan of action at least,” Harry stated.

  Blake eyeballed him with an apprehensive expression. “What are you up? You’re not thinking of taking out Deak’s still, are you too?”

  His pause somewhat gave him away until he stated. “Oh…I’m not only just going to take out Deak’s, but we’re going to take out his whole operation and the bloody cartel in the process. I’m sick of running and I want an end to it now.”

  Blake’s silence was disappointing. Harry was beginning to think he was going to have to clean up this horrible mess on his own, when she responded. “Don’t worry baby… I’m with you all the way and I’m going to be by your side for as long as you want me. It is time we stood up to the bastards, cause… I’m not going to take this shit any longer either.”

  ** *

  Blake knew it was time to spill the beans regarding the baby. “I do have one more thing we need to discuss,” she announced tentatively when her words were cut off.

  Harry with his back to the open garage door was unaware of the male that snuck up behind him and Blake instantly regretted not closing it behind them.

  He reached around and pulled a knife, tight against Harry’s neck. “Don’t move! Or I’ll slit your throat!”

  Bloody hell, Blake had to think fast before the erratic fool cut him, as noticeably she could see blood drawn from the large knife that was held against Harry’s skin. “It’s okay...! Just take it easy!” she said with her hands reached out in front of her. “As you can see I’m not armed so… why don’t you let him go and we can discuss this like civilized human beings,” Blake added calmly.

  “I’m not going to fall for that, bitch... just move away from the wall where I can see you. You’re under arrest, but firstly I’m going to get so much pleasure out of busting your ass, so move,” the obvious crooked agent said and urged them both toward the back wall with his Smith & Wesson in one hand and the knife in the other, still pinned against Harry’s bleeding throat.

  And the situation couldn’t have gotten any worse, Blake assumed when a second agent dressed in a cheap grey suit appeared in the doorway. “Well, well, what do we have here? Blake Forbes and Harrison King” The tall but stocky guy announced.

  With the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in her chest, Blake followed his instructions. And fearful that the guy meant every word he said, she kept running over the same thought in her mind. Don’t freak out Blake…

  With the effects of the drug still in Harry, he was no use at all at the moment and yet again she was left to fight the battle once more she assumed. When abruptly Harry was pushed toward the floor on all fours and only the worst scenarios came to mind.

  The agent tucked the knife back inside its leather case that was strapped around his ankle she observed and knew her opportunity to take him was very close.

  He held the pistol to the back of Harry’s head. With the look of I dare you to move asshole, on his face and a sudden attack of nerves hit her. Blake tried to stay calm, but every part of her body shook and even the plot in her head wasn’t making any sense. How am I going to get Harry safely away from this guy so I can jump the mongrel? But if I make the wrong move Harry could cop a bullet in the head and these guys certainly look like they mean business.

  “Hey Colbert, I think we’ve finally hit the jackpot with these two. I think my wish is just about to come true.
I’m definitely going to have a bit of fun with this one before we sell them to the highest bidder. What do you reckon?” the one in the grey suit said before he licked his lips, grinned with a perverted stare and walked toward her with his gun pointed straight at her head.

  Okay here’s my chance, Blake thought and in a split second she flicked her leg high in the air hitting the gun out of the approaching guy’s hand and knocked it flying under a nearby couch.

  Now both in a standoff and faced with some decisions which one of us was going to make the first move! She wondered.

  With total panic pumping through her veins, but determined more than ever to kick the shit out of the creep, Blake slowly approached.

  Amusement skipped in his vulgar gaze which told her this jerk wanted to play. So she wasn’t going to disappoint him.

  In one smooth motion Blake thrust her elbow toward him and delivered a nice blow to the jaw, but he hardly shifted.

  She then went for the groin, but he counter blocked with his knee and she knew the situation was about to get real dirty.

  Unexpectedly he then lunged toward her and threw them both back onto the nearby couch. But as the brute landed on her, her head hit the timber arm rest and nearly rendered her unconscious. Shit, that wasn’t a good move, she thought in a hazy state as her skull began to spin violently.

  He didn’t stop there. The grey suit yanked at the front of her singlet violently and ripped it apart with obviously every attempt to have his way with her she thought.

  Blake tried to strike back, but her head was fuzzy and she couldn’t see straight. None of her hooks were landing she noticed as she tried frantically to push the heavy male off her.

  Then suddenly she felt a powerful blow to the side of her face when he gave her a quick jab, causing immense pain.

  In the process of their struggle the animal groped one of her breasts from her obstructing bra with one hand and fumbled to undo his fly with the other. It was then Blake soon came to realize all hope was about to be lost.

  But before her self-pity dug in too deep she noticed while the nasty male had her restrained, Harry managed to free himself by flipping his assailant over his shoulder, pinned him to the ground, miraculously pulled his attackers knife out and stabbed the guy fair in the chest. Harry then picked up the pistil, coolly walked towards the grey suit which by this stage had managed to get his trousers down to his knees. Harry then cracked him over the head with the butt of the gun and knocked him out cold.

  The pants-less agent rolled onto the floor, still unconscious and finally freeing her from his grip thanks to Harry.

  Immediately Blake jumped up to her handsome rescuer, but still a little wobbly on her feet and murmured. “I guess you’re the hero this time huh?”

  Harry grabbed Blake by the hand and pulled her in close to him. “I wouldn’t want to take that title away from you. You’ll always be my lovable hero and a sexy one at that.” He then reached in to meet her lips and embraced her passionately.

  “As much as I’d like to thank you... right now... and show my appreciation we still need to take care of these two clowns. Their definitely cops and assholes at that,” Blake said.

  “Yeah... it looks that way,” Harry agreed.

  ** *

  Slowly the grey suit began to stir, moaning on the floor right at their feet Harry noticed. And without hesitations he stomped on the back of his neck, snapping his spine in two and killing him instantly. “I bet he won’t be bothering us anymore!”

  “I guess not!”

  “You know I could have handled myself if I hadn’t hit the back of my head and was nearly knocked out? Eventually I would have got free. He… just had all his weight on me, that’s all!” Blake proclaimed attempting to act strong and tough as usual.

  Harry gave her a slight playful smack on the backside and threw a wicked grin her way. “I know you would have. I just thought you might have done with a tiny bit of help my sweet.”

  With a moment’s pause Blake changed the subject and said. “If the cops are aware of this place then I’m pretty sure they’re going to be sending the cavalry in soon, so we’d better just grab what we need and get out of here.”

  “So true…” Harry responded.


  With nowhere left to hide Harry pulled out his mobile phone and thought it was about time to get some help. “I’m going to ring Edgar my boss, he’ll know what to do. And I’m sure he’ll find us a safe house as well. It’s the only way. If the cops know where we are, then I’m pretty sure the mob’s not going to be far behind. And… we’re definitely going to get the gas chamber after killing these two cops. For all we know the occupants in the SUV could have been cops too,” Harry indicated.

  “Can he be trusted?”

  He paused for a moment. He never did have a reason not to trust Edgar, but then again the opportunity never did arise he suspected. “We’re just going to have to take that chance, because we’re all out of options at the moment,” Harry replied.

  It only took a second for Blake to agree before she began to rummage through the boxes for weapons and ammo.

  Quickly Harry sent Edgar a text and explained their current predicament without going into too much detail. And almost immediately he received a message back to read, See Tate at Thirty Barrett Street.

  Automatically Harry’s mind began to search through his memory banks for some kind of recollection of someone called Tate. And the only one that came to mind was Tate O’Neal who liked to be called in the game, Cougar. And if memory serves then he has a rep for being an elusive ghost. No one’s ever met the guy or knows what he looks like. So Harry was guessing he was going to be the first.

  Quickly they packed the saddlebags with some cash and as many weapons as they could carry. They both changed into some more appropriate clothes for riding and mounted the Ducati just in time when he heard sirens approaching in the distance.

  Hastily they sped off in the only direction they could go and that was towards the cops that Harry had no doubt would stop at nothing to take them out.

  Even though fatigued had gone past the no point of return, adrenalin pumped through his veins just enough to give him the edge he so desperately needed.

  Harry could hear Blake’s frantic muffled voice bellowing at him through his bike helmet to change direction, but never the less he ignored her pleas and kept on his path.

  Within inches they just scraped passed the first cop car that was coming head-on through the warehouse gates toward them, leaving a cloud of dust as they skidded in the loose gravel and turned towards the city.

  They avoided the next, narrowly as it spun out of control and veered into a row of rubbish bins.

  Two more were hot on their trail, but Harry was determined more than ever to lose them. He quickly swerved to the left and mounted the footpath. The narrow suburban street was still quiet thankfully and its occupants were just waking up he observed as they navigated along the path.

  As the morning sun began to appear beyond the city in the distance a hazy mist bled across the sky, giving off a hint of rain in the air, leaving him to think they were just about to get wet.

  And within seconds his forecast was spot-on and the heavens opened up. It began to bucket down, making it difficult to see and at the speed they were going he knew it wouldn’t be too long before something went wrong.

  It did! A dog attempted to join the chase and ran out in front of them suddenly. They only just scarcely missed it. But Harry’s heart sank when he turned and saw the darn thing disappear under the wheel of the cop’s car behind them. He knew… there was nothing he could do about it now.

  They surged on and flew around the next corner. But up ahead there were more cops, at least five and on rout bearing towards them.

  Harry turned sharp into a side street and gained a little distance between them, only to see that all hadn’t missed the diversion.

  Still behind them the cops chased with conviction. They’d lose one
and then gained more. And it was beginning to seem like the whole of the Datton police force was out to get them both.

  With the sound of sirens echoing in his ears, pounding and competing with his heartbeat. And the rain hammering hard against the helmet visor like rocks, pelted toward him. He thought is there ever going to be an end to it all.

  But Harry had no time to feel tired and negative at this stage. He noticed they were approaching a dead end and he had to find another escape route fast.

  As they were nearing the end a skinny walkway appeared just in time. So Harry quickly spun the bike to the left, weaved tightly in between the barricaded poles, then turned the throttle to full power and left the cops behind.

  Eventually they pulled out into the busy morning traffic where it all looked clear from their pursuers, but unfortunately they still had several on their tail and it was evident they still had a fight on their hands.

  The lights ahead turned yellow and the peak hour traffic slowed to stop. But Harry accelerated and stayed on course. They merged in and out and ran the red light, but so did the cops.

  Finally they managed to slip past the emerging traffic unscathed, but a couple of cop cars weren’t so lucky. One to their left collided with a parked car and demolished it completely.

  They must have been doing about eighty kilometres at least when another one that was pursuing them to the right clipped a concrete guardrail. The car flipped in the air, rolled a few times and landed upside down on its roof.

  Harry glanced in the side mirrors and noticed they were finally alone. The cops had gotten caught up in the traffic, but he knew they couldn’t be too far away and too far from the pursuit. So far it seemed they had succeeded to lose them this time, he thought as they sped off down the busy street and soon to their freedom.


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