The New Breed

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The New Breed Page 4

by Jaden Sinclair

  He stripped as soon as he closed the front door and walked into his small bathroom. He took a quick cool shower and then went to bed with one stiff erection.

  “Shit,” he groaned, rubbing his face. “This is going to be hell. I just know it.” As his eyes slid shut, Kane was helpless and closed his hand around his cock. If he wanted to get any sleep, he was going to have to take care of this need, at least for the moment.

  Chapter Two

  Kane watched the sunrise like he always did from his porch. He sipped at his coffee, with his chair tipped and his feet resting on the railing. The way the air smelled it was hard to imagine that it was going to snow soon. It was hard to believe that his body was still tense and his damn dick slightly hard. He swore that he relieved that need enough last night, it was the main reason he didn’t get much sleep.

  Damn cock was hard as a rock, and it was thickening even more the second his nose picked up a particular scent that didn’t belong in the woods.

  Jada. Kane groaned softly, put his chair down on all fours, and was about to stand up when she jumped out from the side of the cabin, startling him. What was left of his coffee spilled down the front of his shirt, burning his chest.

  “Damn it,” he growled, glaring at her, “Do you always sneak up on people?”

  Jada strolled up on his porch, smiling down at him in a cocky way, “Are you always so jumpy? And I thought you were supposed to be the best, and here I snuck up on you!”

  “What are you doing out here?” He couldn’t keep the growl from his voice when he stood up and brushed the warm liquid on the front of his shirt. He also gave her a quick glare, which was a mistake.

  Jada had her hair pulled up in a tail at the back of her neck. Jeans, boots and a gray sweatshirt hugged her body and a camera hung around her neck. Her jeans curved over her hips perfectly, giving him a few nasty thoughts. Like what did her skin taste like or what would she feel like under him? Hell, Kane even had a picture of watching his cock sinking into her, which had the damn piece of flesh throbbing back to life. So this is what sexual wanting feels like.

  He hated that feeling. Hated to be reminded that there was life down there that he couldn’t control. And Kane was all about control now. He spent three years learning how to control everything on his body. In the blink of an eye, it was all slipping away from him thanks to this girl standing before him.

  “Sunrise gives the greatest pictures and landscapes sell like crazy.” She looked at the front door, pretty much ignoring him. “So this is your house. Um, sort of pictured you in a cave.”

  She went inside and he didn’t stop the growl of aggravation from slipping out. Kane quickly went after her, forcing himself not to close the door. If he closed the door, it would only add to the temptation.

  He was asked to keep an eye on her, not fuck her. Now, from where did that thought come?

  “Typical.” She swung around, facing him. “Kind of suspected your place would be a mess. Housekeeping not on the list of things to learn?” She smiled sweetly at him and cocked her head to one side.

  One eyebrow went up. Kane wasn’t a spot free kind of guy, but his home wasn’t a mess. He didn’t have a lot of things to make a mess. “Why are you here?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and those damn sexy green eyes of hers narrowed on him. Sexy eyes? Have you lost your mind?

  “Pictures. It’s what I do for money. I decided that I would come out here and tell you in person that I really don’t need a babysitter, at least not you. What’s that for?” She pointed to the metal bar situated in the tall doorway.

  “I work out on that.” He glanced over to where she pointed at the push up, weight bar Drake had helped him put in the door way.

  Grinning, he realized even in Drake’s house all the doorways were tall. Even with his height they were all around seven feet in height or higher, like the one here in the cabin. So, that made it where he didn’t have to always duck his head every time he entered this room.

  He moved past her into his room and pulled the wet shirt over his head. Tugging on a fresh one, he went back in and cocked his head to the side at her. “And yes, you do.”


  “Need a babysitter.”

  “No I don’t, and if I did it sure as hell wouldn’t be you.”

  Kane frowned. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “You, I don’t trust.” She pointed her finger at him before turning and slumping down on the sofa. “Damn this thing is wide enough you could almost sleep on it.”

  “I used to.” He moved to stand in front of her and Jada snapped a picture off, blinding him for a few seconds. “What the hell was that for?” He rubbed his eyes, waiting for the spots to go away.

  “Needed to check my settings.”

  She was messing with her camera when he lowered his hand from his face. She was sitting Indian style, head lowered and face all sober. She really did take her picture shooting serious.

  “Have a look.” Jada turned the camera around so he could see.

  Kane lowered himself down on the sofa next to her and peeked over her shoulder. He never saw a picture of himself before.

  “It would be better if you smiled.”

  “How’d you do that?” He touched the small screen, amazed since he thought pictures came out on paper.

  “It’s a digital camera. I’ve several of them. I upload the chip to my computer and print out the ones I think are good.” She turned her head to him and his heart started pounding.

  Kane couldn’t stop himself from inhaling deeply and closing his eyes. She smelled so damn good. He wanted to wrap himself around her and take her scent in all night long.

  “What are you doing?”

  Her voice snapped him out of his trance, but it didn’t cause him to back away from her. He was still close. Close enough that if he stuck his tongue out, he could touch her lips. “You’re scared of me,” he stated, his voice purring softly. “It has changed your scent.”

  He heard her breathing hitch. “Am not.” She gasped, eyes lowering to his mouth. “And stop smelling me.”

  “I can smell it,” he whispered. He couldn’t help himself from reaching out to touch her, but Jada stopped that by rolling away off the sofa.

  “You need to work on those boundaries, wolf boy.” She snorted, “And knock that shit off.”

  Kane took another deep breath and grinned at her for the first time. “And you need to work on your emotions. I can smell everything and your scent is changing.”

  “Then your nose is off, because nothing on me has changed.” She backed up to the door and he forced himself to stay put, even though it was very tempting to follow her and box her in.

  She didn’t leave as he thought she would. Instead, she headed for his room.

  “Where’re you going?” he asked with a frown.


  Kane was up and heading in that direction to stop her, but she made it before him. The new door he put on slammed in his face.

  “Shit,” he mumbled.

  He closed his eyes and backed up to the bed, sitting down on the edge and waited. His gut twisted in a knot just thinking about her finding the book he left in there. How could he be so stupid as to leave it in the bathroom? But then, he didn’t have hardly any company. Not even Sasha came out here anymore.

  He heard a flush, water running and stood up. The door opened and his gut dropped. Jada had the Joy of Sex book in her hand opened to the last page he was reading. Oral sex.

  “So this is what you read when you’re alone in the bathroom.”

  Her head lowered to the book. “Who are you planning on trying this stuff out on? A blow-up doll?”

  Kane growled and snatched the book out of her hands. Her head came up, her eyes opened wide. He took one big step forward and she took two back, touching the wall with her back. He tossed the book onto the bed. Then he put both of his hands up against the wall, boxing her in.

  “You’re very nosy, Pr
incess.” The words vibrated as he spoke.

  “That’s why you’re in the trouble you are in now.”

  “You know, I get that a lot.” Again, she pointed that finger at him. “But who ever said I was in trouble?”

  Kane had a picture in his head of taking her finger and sucking it into his mouth. “You wouldn’t be here unless you weren’t.” He cocked his head to the side, making sure that she got the full effect of his eyes roaming over her body. “How about I try the oral out on you, since you’re so interested.” He licked his lips. “I bet you would taste real good, like you smell.”

  “Not on your life!” she laughed out her answer, but her laughter quickly died down with his none smiling face. “I think it’s time for me I left.”

  But he wasn’t ready for her to leave and ended up doing something that he was going to kick his own ass for later. Kane leaned way down and kissed Jada.

  The calm that he fought so hard to keep just shattered into pieces.

  He moved his mouth over hers, sucking, and devouring her mouth.

  With some force, he pushed his tongue into her mouth and moaned at the taste.

  Kane moved his hands from the wall to cup her rear, crushing her close while he deepened the kiss. He tried to eat her up with his mouth, sucked her tongue between his lips, and pressed both of their bodies back into the wall.

  He thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, kneading her ass.

  Kane felt his control slipping and didn’t even want to bring it back in.

  This was his first kiss. First touch of another that he engaged in willingly and boy if he wasn’t enjoying it.

  Then it all came crashing to an end with a hard knee to his groin.

  He dropped to the ground, holding himself. Three years had gone by since he last felt any kind of pain between his legs, and now he was experiencing it all over again. Only this pain was different. This wasn’t the same kind he had with the chair. No, this time the pain was different, sickening, because he was hard as stone when it happened.

  “Now I owe you,” he groaned, pushing the sickness back. Kane didn’t need to be sick on the floor. Not right now.

  “Call it even,” she said. He glanced at her. Jada was backing away from him towards the door and he was helpless to stop her.

  “Stay away from me, Kane. I mean it or the next time it won’t be my knee to your nuts.” She turned and ran from the cabin.

  It took about five minutes or so before he could move, and that was only to turn and rest his face in the bed covers. The sickness he felt went away, but the throbbing remained. Kane had experience a lot of pain in his life, but this was a new one for him. And it lasted! How the hell could a knee cause this much pain?

  When he was finally able to stand up he winced, and wobbled to the wall, leaning back, breathing hard. As soon as the pain dulled, he moved from the bedroom to the front room. His place was so small that the kitchen space and front room combined into one room. Kane was talking to Cole about adding a room to it, making the place three rooms instead of two and half.

  His kitchen space had a wood burning stove and a small fridge.

  He kept very little food in the place since he still spent a lot of his time at Drake’s with Sasha. He also had a small table with two chairs pushed up against the wall next to the window. Most of the space he filled up with the large sofa that he kept facing the fireplace. Kane wasn’t lying when he told Jada that he slept a lot on it. Even Sasha slept on it when she came out right after he moved in.

  It was soft, very wide, and red. Now, with a beer in his hand, it was comfort.

  Kane lowered himself down on the soft cushions and sighed. He twisted the top off his beer, tossed it into the dead fire, and took a big drink.

  Kissing Jada wasn’t one of the brightest moves he ever made, and why the hell he did it was beyond him. He was almost tempted to talk to Drake about it, but figured that it wouldn’t be a very good idea. It was bad enough that he’d kissed her. He didn’t need everyone else to know about it. After all, it was just a kiss. Not like he fucked her.

  Finishing his beer, he left the cabin and went to look in on Sasha.

  He heard Carrick in the kitchen when he walked in the front door. He didn’t bother telling her that he was here, just turned, and took the stairs two at a time. He was still tender in his movements and had to avoid walking in long strides. Before he went to his sister, he stopped at Jada’s door and cracked it open. What a surprise, she wasn’t there.

  Sasha’s bedroom door was cracked open. She always left it open just a touch. It was part of her no trust, but needed to trust. She didn’t want to lock him out, but needed to have her own personal space.

  But what had Kane at ease each time he saw his sister was how she no longer had to worry about being bothered or cold. She was able to get the kind of rest she needed. There wasn’t anyone around to keep her awake with fear. She could sleep as long as she needed and there was food when she was hungry.

  The first few days after he was healed enough to move she slept in his arms. They were both scared and not too sure about the family that they seemed to have inherited. Everyone wanted to help them, teach them, and care for them. But they also seemed to understand how the two of them didn’t trust anyone or anything.

  Somehow, Sidney Draeger got Sasha out of his arms. Thinking about it now, Kane realized that they were like animals boxed in. He was on the floor in the corner, his back throbbing to a point that he thought he was going to pass out from the pain. The beating he endured to his groin didn’t help matters either. In his arms was Sasha, trembling from the cold and her fear. Sidney had the kindest eyes and Sasha could tell right off that she wasn’t going to hurt them. When she left his arms and went to Sidney, Kane lost it all. He broke down for the first time and Drake along with Stefan was there to help him pick up those pieces. It was the first time in his life that he was held from comfort and not because he couldn’t walk.

  The first step to his new life was made that day, and he would never forget it. His twin trusted where he could not, and it saved them both. Because of that, he was now able to stand in this room, looking down at her not as an animal but as a man.

  Sasha was taking a nap and sleeping deeply on her back, one arm hanging over the side of the bed and the covers pushed down to her knees. He went over to her and pulled the covers back up to her chin.

  She might not like to be cold, but she always forgot when she was sleeping that she had blankets. Warm blankets every night and between him and Drake they made sure she stayed warm. He smiled and touched her cheek. Yes, it was because of her that he was now a man, not an animal. But what kind of man was he? What kind of man would kiss a girl that he didn’t know, as Kane had?

  “Hey,” Drake whispered from the doorway.

  Kane jumped and turned around. Drake indicated with a nod to come out into the hallway. Leaving Sasha’s side, he left the room and closed the door quietly.

  “Where’s Jada?” Drake asked.

  “Not sure,” Kane answered, keeping his voice even and his face normal. The inner voice that he was starting to hear told him that now wasn’t the time to tell Drake something happened. “She snuck up on me at my place, but left. I think she is out taking pictures.”

  “Yeah, Chase mentioned she is some kind of photographer or something.” His eyes narrowed on him and Kane became uncomfortable. “Something wrong?”

  Yeah my nuts hurt. “No. Why would something be wrong?”

  “You just act like something’s’ bothering you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Drake nodded, “Okay, if you say so.” He patted Kane on the shoulder and turned. “I’m going to get something to eat before your sister wakes up. I swear she eats more than Celine.”

  The corner of Kane’s lip when up at the comment. He’d seen first hand how Celine ate when she was home for a weekend. He also saw how Sasha ate, and the two of them were a lot alike.

  Shaking his head, he walked away f
rom the door and followed Drake down stairs. The man did have a point. You wanted to eat, better get it fast.

  * * * *

  Jada took her last picture of Cole’s house. Her memory chip was full and her mind somewhere else. She should be thinking about the landscapes she took, the few stills and how she was going to sell them. Instead, her mind was on Kane and that damn kiss.

  Why the hell did he kiss her? She wasn’t doing anything but teasing him about what he was reading in the bathroom. How did that say, kiss me? And why were her damn lips still tingling from it?

  Because you liked it!

  “Oh shut up,” she said to herself.

  However, that wasn’t what pissed her off the most. No, what had her gritting her teeth together and staying away from the house was the simple fact that she did enjoy it. She wanted more of it, which of course was crazy. Kane was an animal. One she had no business playing with or poking at.

  So why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut when he was around her? That question kept going around in her mind, distracting her from everything else.

  “Now I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this distracted before.”

  Jada turned, twirled around, and took a deep breath. “Damn it, Cole, don’t do that.”

  “Do what?” he chuckled.

  “Sneak up on me.”

  “Thought it was impossible to sneak up on you.” He came up, went behind her to glance over her shoulder. “Nice. You should frame that one and let me give it to Celine. I’ll pay you for it.”

  “Yeah, well just because it looks good here doesn’t mean it’s going to be a good one once I’ve downloaded it to the computer.” She flicked back to some of the other pictures. Some were of the woods, the cabin, few animals like a deer and some birds.

  “So where’s Kane?” he asked.


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