The New Breed

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The New Breed Page 7

by Jaden Sinclair

  Jada’s eyes narrowed and her lips thinned out. “You want to see bitch? Fine. I’ll show you bitch. He touches me again and I’ll have him tasting his own nuts.” She turned her back and went to the kitchen and out the back door, slamming it.

  “This isn’t good, Drake,” Cole said. Drake rubbed his face and nodded in agreement. “If Kane is touching her, what’s to stop him from going that extra step?”

  “What do you want me to do?” Drake sighed. “He’s just like us.”

  “But he isn’t,” Cole remarked. “Kane is still more animal than man. He’s still learning how to control himself. What if she does turn out to be his mate and none of us knows about it. Who’s going to stop him from taking her?”

  “Cole, nothing stops us from taking our mates,” Drake groaned.

  He was feeling the frustration of trying to teach Kane their ways, earn Sasha’s trust, and now he had this shit. “You should know by experience just as I do. When we know, we know and we take.”

  “And if he is taking any liberties with her, then there’s a damn good chance she’s his!” Cole also seemed a bit strained. “Jesus, Drake, don’t you remember him telling us about this scent that he picked up. Sasha even told us that he changed one night and it was when she was up there taking her damn pictures. I’ll bet anything that—”

  “Don’t say it, Cole.” Drake held up his hand, silencing Cole.

  “Please. I don’t need to think about this right now. We have other problems to deal with.”

  “Drake, this is a problem that needs to be dealt with!” Cole’s face flushed. “What are you going to do when he does mate and mark her?

  You need to think about that, because in case you haven’t met Jada, she has a temper on her. Kane marks her as his, one hell of a fight is going to break out between them, and I don’t think your eyes are open enough to deal with it.”

  * * * *

  Kane forced Jada back to Drake’s house by dragging her the entire way with a gentle but firm grip on her arm. She locked herself in her room, packed a few things into a bag, and when everyone went to sleep, she snuck down for some food. There was no way in hell she was going to stay one more night in this loony bin with Kane just itching to do God only knows what to her next. At midnight, she made her move, opened the bedroom window, and started the big plan of escape.

  She smiled at the thought of giving Kane the slip, the dipshit. She hoped Drake ripped him a new one for letting her slip through his fingers.

  She tossed her bag out, watching as it landed with a light thud and waited a few moments to make sure no one heard that before she made her move since she knew Kane had great hearing but she wasn’t too sure about the others. She didn’t think they did and so far, it looked like Kane was being a good little boy and staying in his hole in the woods. She had a feeling Drake and Kane didn’t think she would climb out of the window to get away so soon. Dumb asses!

  She couldn’t stop smiling as she climbed down. Lucky for her there was a trellis that reached all the way up the side of the house, far enough away from her window for them to think she wouldn’t try to climb out. Priceless. Guess it was a good thing Chase didn’t know everything about her, like how great she was at climbing stuff. She was pretty sure now if he did, he would have told them.

  Jada couldn’t believe her luck. She was halfway down, no Drake and no Kane. Couldn’t get any better than that, unless she had the keys to the truck. Now what she didn’t expect was someone to be waiting for her after all.

  Strong hands went around her waist, plucked her off the side of the wall, and put her back on her feet. Then hard hands roughly swung her around to face none other than Kane.

  “I was wondering how long it was going to take you to try that again,” he sighed with his hands on his hips. “Must say I wasn’t expecting you to do it again tonight.”

  Jada glared up at him. She couldn’t believe her luck. How in the hell was he able to know she was trying to run away? For christsakes, she didn’t think up the plan until just a few hours ago.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” she snapped. “You should be asleep like the rest of them.”

  “And miss all this fun?” he said in a calm voice. “I started to think that you staying in your room without coming down to rip me a new one was not your style.” He cocked his head to one side, crossing his arms over his chest, those damn blue eyes of his going up and down her body. “And I was right.”

  “Thinking isn’t a strong suit for you.” She smiled. “So get a new hobby and get the fuck out of my way.” She tried to brush past him, but he stopped her and pushed her back where she stood.

  “Not this time.” Kane looked down at her and it gave her the chills. “This time you’re going to answer to me for your actions and running.”

  “Really?” Jada bent over and picked her bag up. “I wouldn’t hold my breath if I was you.” She sighed and straightened up. “I really would like to stay and chat, well really I wouldn’t. I’m getting the hell out of here and away from you. Try to stop me and I will bring you down hard.”

  “Can’t let you.” Kane made a move to grab her, but Jada jumped back.

  “Back off, canine, or I will neuter you myself!” Jada yelled angrily. “I have had enough of your shit and you touching me. Go back to the cage where you belong and leave me the hell alone.”

  * * * *

  “That is it!” Kane felt something inside him suddenly snap. A challenge that could not be left unchecked. His hand shot out and grabbed Jada by her arm. “I have taken enough shit from you, and enough abuse from that mouth of yours. You want to push, then, Princess, it’s time I pushed back so you will remember it the next time you open your mouth.”

  Jada tried to yank her arm free. “Get the fuck off!” He heard the desperation, the fright in her voice but ignored it.

  “I don’t think so.” He was calm, almost too calm. “It’s high time someone does something about your mouth, and your attitude.”

  “Too bad you’re not that something,” she told him with gritted teeth. She tried to yank her arm free, along with digging her feet into the ground when he turned and started to walk away from the house towards the woods.

  “Let’s find out.” He yanked her to him hard, catching Jada before she stumbled and fell. “Shall we? Because I’m dying to show you just what I can do.”

  Chapter Four

  Kane half-dragged, half-carried Jada away from the house in the direction of his cabin. He didn’t have a plan, but with each step he took and the fighting from her, a plan was quickly forming in his head. Something that had to do with her being tied up and at his mercy for a change.

  “Put me down, you fucking animal!” she yelled.

  “Keep it up,” Kane remarked dryly. “That talk only gets you deeper and deeper in trouble.”

  “You need a leash,” she went on. “Someone needs to put a damn leash on you and put you back in that cage!”

  Kane grimaced each time Jada called him an animal, but he did so with a hidden smile. There was just something about her calling him that, which didn’t really bother him that much. He knew if it were someone else telling him to go back to a cage, he would be pissed.

  But not her. No, Jada seemed to make it sound different, and he didn’t understand why.

  “And someone needs to show you what happens to smart mouth girls.”

  “Get your goddamn hands off of me!” She screamed, continuing to struggle while trying to yank her arm free as he walked away from the house towards the woods.

  Kane grunted at her. “Oh, my hands are going to be on you.” He stopped, gave her a good yank close, and lowered his face to hers.

  “Maybe even all over you.”

  “Not on your life, wolf boy,” she said through her teeth. “I wouldn’t touch you if you had the last dick on earth.”

  Kane knew from what Drake told him that he was one of the tallest shifters out there, and since he spent pretty much all of his life in a cage, he
could be one mean ass one. He usually didn’t have the patience for shit like this. It seemed that every time Jada started to smart off or fight him something inside came to life. Whether it was anger or lust, Kane didn’t know. And he couldn’t decide if he wanted to beat her ass or screw her. He was leaning towards the fucking, but pushed that thought aside.

  “I think you have no idea what this wolf can do,” he informed her, nose to nose. “But you’re about to.” He pushed her away just enough to turn and start the walk again.

  “I don’t give a damn what you think you can do,” she said. “I’m not going to be bullied by you anymore!”

  “I wasn’t bulling you,” he told her in his dry voice.

  “The hell you aren’t! Look at you now.” Jada tugged on her arm, but he wasn’t letting her go. “You’re acting all alpha, and it’s very boring.”

  “I’m not alpha. Do you even know what that means?” Kane stopped and turned back to her. They were in the woods, but not close to his cabin yet. Jada managed to twist her arm so he had to let her go for fear of breaking her arm.

  “I know enough.” She took a step back and he was instantly on guard. “Just like I know that there’s no way you’re getting me to your little cabin. You want a toy, go to the store.”

  He took one step towards her and she backed up. “Never said you were a toy, but I am going to play.”

  “Not on your life!” Jada raised a finger then pointed it at him.

  “You are not going to touch me.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  He reached for her and Jada kicked. She connected with his knee hard enough that it did give him pause. She turned and ran, heading back to the house. Kane growled and took off after her. He wasn’t afraid of Drake protecting her, Carrick maybe, but not Drake. What he didn’t want was for her to have the protection of the house. If she got back there then his game would be over for who knew how long.

  And he definitely was going to play with her, just as he said. In fact, he was looking forward to it.

  He lunged at her, tackling her to the ground. But Jada didn’t give up easily. He flipped her over to her back and she began kicking at him. A couple of her hits landed in his gut, knocking the wind out of him, but it didn’t stop him. Kane took hold of her ankles, flipped her back over to her stomach, and pinned her arms behind her. Using one hand, he unfastened his belt, pulled it from the loops, and tied her wrists together.

  “Knock it off,” he growled. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “Let me go right now, you bastard.” She squirmed under him and he had to chuckle.

  “Nope,” he stood up, pulling her up not very gently by her arms.

  “We have some things to discuss.”

  He practically dragged her back into the woods and once his cabin came into view, she dropped down. Kane suspected that she did that in the hopes of stalling him, but it didn’t work. He turned her so she was facing him, smiled, and picked her up, carrying her all the way inside. Using his foot, he closed the door, and shifted her so he could slide the bolt lock across the door.

  Holding her with one arm, he grabbed one of his table chairs and dragged it over to his work out bar. He placed the chair under it, set her down, turned her away and let one of her wrists go so he could put her wrist in one of the leather straps he used to hold his ankles. That was a mistake.

  Jada slapped him hard across the face and made a dash for the door. Since he still had a hold on the belt and it was still wrapped around his wrist, she didn’t get too far before he gave her a hard yank and she came right back, slamming into him.

  “Let go, Kane.” Jada’s voice was low and if he wasn’t mistaken it shook a bit. “This isn’t a game.”

  Kane had to fight for his patience right now. It had been three years since anyone laid a hand on him in violence and being slapped surely fell into that category. That wasn’t why he had to fight for in the sense of control. Now Kane had to fight to not put her over his knee and beat her butt until it was a nice shade of pink. The image of her bare ass under his hand seemed to give his cock instant life and it throbbed like a bitch.

  “I don’t think so, Princess,” he spoke soft and low with a slight rasp. “It’s time we come to an understanding right now, and you don’t leave until I’m ready for you to leave.”

  “Oh, I know all I need to know,” she jerked in his hands, trying to pull out of his grasp. “You’re an asshole.”

  He chuckled, “Oh, I’m sure you’re going to be calling me worse than that before we’re through.”

  Kane picked her up and placed her standing on the chair. He grunted as he struggled with her and fought to miss the slaps directed at his face. Humor was a thing Kane never had much of, but for some strange reason Jada brought a little bit out of him right now. He loved the challenge and loved the fighting. Made things interesting.

  “Kane, I mean it!” she yelled in his face. “Don’t you dare tie me up.”

  “Or what?” he asked her coolly. He met her fire green eyes with a stare that was anything but calm. “Are you challenging me, Jada?”

  Since he was so tall and she was short, all he had to do was reach up over his head to touch the bar. He forced one wrist up, shoved it into the leather, and pulled the adjustable strap tight. It wasn’t easy taking slaps to his neck and one wild kick before he did this with her other wrist too. Though the chair was finely crafted and sturdy, it wobbled when she fought. Thankfully it didn’t topple over as he finally secured her other wrist.

  “You goddamn bastard!” she screamed, and kicked out at him.

  “You no good dirty, caged animal!”

  He licked his lips and took a step back, looking her up and down.

  Kane had to grab her legs to stop the kicking. “That mouth is going to get you into trouble, Princess. So much trouble.”

  Drake had taken Kane and Sasha to a private doctor for a check up. Kane knew something was wrong with him. He had no sexual desires, no erections, nothing. She explained to him that with all the drugs pumped into his system for him to perform when they wanted him to, it was no wonder he couldn’t experience the normal sexual demands of a shifter of his age. That males like him were sex machines and once his body was completely free of those drugs his body would wake up. That one day he would want to do the normal things like kiss, touch another person freely, and want a female for pleasure. The erections came, and he learned how to deal with it. He needed to learn to handle what he was feeling now, besides having Jada this close to his body he found he wanted to touch so much more of her. He wanted to feel everything with her.

  “No wonder you had to live in a cage!” she said. “You never learned manners! And to think I risked my own skin to save yours!”

  She tried to yank her arms free. “They should have left you there.”

  Kane made a tsking sound as he went over to the table and brought the other chair close, setting it in front of her. He walked around her, looking her body up and down, “I don’t think you will ever learn.” Kane finished his walk and stopped to lean against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. He cocked his head to one side when he saw her swallow hard. “Now what should I do about that mouth of yours? It’s a question I keep asking myself over and over again, but can’t seem to come up with the right answer.”

  “Go to hell, Kane,” she again tried to kick out at him. “And I suggest you run real fast because when I get out of this I plan on making a girl out of you the hard way.”

  “Is that so?” he grinned. “And how would a little girl like you take me on?” Kane kept his voice calm and his stance relaxed, but he was anything but calm and relaxed.

  “There is nothing little about me, you damn animal!” She was huffing now in her anger. “I could take you on any day.”

  Kane had a smile on his face but drew his brows together and looked her up and down. He really did enjoy how tough she tried to act. “You can’t take on shit. I can smell your innocence all through the house just a
s I can smell how scared you are right now. You are a babe waiting for the right man to pluck you from the vine.” He cocked one eyebrow up at her. “The sharp tongue, and kick ass attitude doesn’t work with me.” He tapped a finger on his lip. “But what has me wondering the most is how you have managed to keep that sweet scent of yours. It’s almost the same as Sasha in that it’s as fresh as a rainstorm scent.” He tilted his head to the side. “Are you still innocent, little Jada?”

  “None of your damn business,” she snapped back, looking around the room, avoiding his eyes.

  “True, but I’m going to find out.” He pushed away from the doorframe and paced around her. “I just don’t understand why some guy hasn’t tamed your ass by now, but then getting to know you like I have, I’m starting to get it.”

  “Not likely,” she mumbled.

  He smiled. “You can cause any hard-on to deflate in a heartbeat, but it has the opposite effect on me, sweetheart. I’m stone.”

  “Well I do have to say I am impressed, Kane,” she smarted off. “I didn’t think you could get it up, without the drugs, that is. I bet you don’t even know what to do with that tool you think you have between you legs.” She gave him a crude smile. “And I have said it before. Thinking isn’t your strong suit.”

  A tick started on his left cheek again. He knew that she had seen him in the lab several times being forced to fuck women. It was either that or Sasha that was going to get fucked and Kane was going to do everything he could then to make sure his sister was never hurt. No man, beast, or creature was going to touch Sasha ever! Plain and simple.

  “You keep talking that talk, little girl, then I am going to show you all about my tool,” he growled.

  “Oh, please,” she sighed with a roll of her eyes. Looking up at her wrists again, she tried to yank them free. “I bet you would need to have that damn book in the same room so you could see how to do things the right way. After all, it wasn’t in your training. Oh, wait!” she smiled sweetly at him. “You didn’t have any training. You don’t know how to give pleasure or get it.”


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