The New Breed

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The New Breed Page 9

by Jaden Sinclair

  With his eyes shut tightly, his cock erupted. Deep within his soul, his seed left his body in a rush and entered hers. He stood as still as a statue with Jada wrapped around his body limp as a baby, breathing hard. But he wasn’t finished or completely satisfied. He was still hard within her and wanted much more. He felt as if there was something not complete yet.

  “Oh, fuck,” he moaned, resting his head on the wall, closing his eyes. “More!”

  He pushed them off the wall, and dropped down to the bed with her under him. He kissed her deep, preventing anything she might to say to kill this moment. His cock still throbbed and he was powerless to stop his hips from moving, stroking inside her again. This time was somewhat gentler, but not much.

  Kane rocked within her, the hunger inside him only got worse instead of dulling. He thrust his tongue into her mouth to match the thrust of his cock.

  Bracing his weight on one arm, he moved a hand down between their bodies, touched her clit, then not missing a beat of his movements he took juices that came out and pushed it back to her ass.

  He wanted all of her, and he would have her.

  Two fingers he used for her rear. Kane pressed them inside her with a bit of difficulty and fucked her with fingers and his dick. Jada arched and broke the kiss. She tried to push against his shoulders and he moved his mouth to her throat.

  “You feel so good,” he whispered against her skin.

  One, two, three, four, and it was coming again. Kane bit the cover, and shook from his orgasm and fought to catch his breath.

  “Not enough,” he shook his head, not understanding what was going on. “Not nearly enough. I need more.”

  Chapter Five

  She was exhausted and didn’t put up a fight when he flipped her over to her stomach and parted her legs wide. He slid two fingers inside her and brushed her arousal mixed with his cum back to her rear. She froze, and then whimpered, knowing where this was going.

  He couldn’t mean to take her that way…he couldn’t! When he worked the moisture over her crevice again, and again, she gasped, knowing he meant to take her in the one place she knew without a doubt wouldn’t fit. “No, Kane! Enough.” Jada started to get up on her knees to crawl away when he stopped her.

  He grabbed her hips and dragged her back to the center of the bed. “It’s not enough yet. I can’t stop.”

  She shook her head. “Damn you!” she yelled when he pushed one finger into her.

  “You’ll feel some discomfort at first…at least that’s what the book said. Then, afterwards, it’ll feel so good. Trust me.”

  A tear slipped from Jada’s eye and she shook her head. “No. I don’t trust you. Give me one damned reason why I should after what you just did to me.”

  “You’re mine, that’s why. You might not think so right now, but you are. I feel it. Mine,” he growled.

  “No, I’m…”

  “Don’t lie. No more lies.”

  “I need to think. I—”

  “You need to feel, princess. We both just need to feel.”

  Jada heard the pleading in his voice and knew she couldn’t deny him. She wanted him, too, but she’d be damned if she made that confession yet. He was using her, and she was powerless to tell him no. She’d allow him to take her into this unexplored world of sensuality. She’d only slightly envisioned exploring before, now it was here. She thought how she’d taken his heated touches and his bruising body—the thought made her shiver with delight. But she didn’t dare show him all her true feelings, not until she could trust him. Bitter disappointment swept through her then as she felt his big hands tighten bruisingly on her hips, as she thought about how so many people had disappointed her, hadn’t been there for her in her life.

  With some resistance, he eased the head into her ass and she froze, and then gasped with the pop she felt from that penetration. She stayed as still as she could, trying to get used to the full feeling of him deep inside her.

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t bring any air into her lungs while he kept pushing into her, filling and stretching her ass to a scorching burn. Nothing could have prepared her for this. Yet, she hung on, guessing the pain would subside after awhile, remembering his words—his promise.

  “Argh!” Kane yelled behind her and lunged forward. He buried himself, and the forward motion caused her to drop the top half of her body down to the bed.

  She couldn’t do anything but lay there and let him have his way with her. He moved a hand between her legs, teasing her clit, mixing the pain with pleasure, all the while fucking her ass hard and steady.

  She fisted her hands into the blankets and fought within herself, with the orgasm that she felt slowly surfacing. Jada hated to admit it, and refused to say it aloud, but it was starting to feel good. Real good.

  “You feel so good,” he moaned behind her, his hips making a steady penetration into her. “So fucking good! I don’t want this to end.”

  Jada shook her head and moaned, concentrating on her building climax that managed to stay just out of reach. “I can’t...I can’t...”

  “Yes, you can.” the hand between her legs rubbed and rolled her clit quickly. “Come for me again, Jada. Finish us both off together.”

  He drove those two fingers into her pussy, with his thumb rubbing her clit. Those fingers of his matched the thrusts in her ass and it wasn’t too long before new and powerful sensations hit her.

  Jada gasped and struggled to breathe and before she could stop herself, she was bearing down and pushing back against him. Sweat covered her face and mixed with a few tears. Slapping of flesh against flesh could be heard as well as the heavy breathing and panting from Kane behind her.

  She felt him swell inside her. His fingers fucked her pussy quicker and stars exploded behind her eyes. Jada screamed and reared back and Kane bellowed.

  * * * *

  Kane shoved forward one last time, giving everything he had—

  taking everything she had. She screamed, clamped down around his cock, and Kane was in heaven. One orgasm turned into another until the third came, pushing that last strand of control out the window.

  His climax came and he reared back, yelling his release. The ecstasy that hit was unlike anything he ever thought to experience in his life. He couldn’t decide if this one was better than the first, but knew that it was all heaven and he was for sure going to do it again.

  Kane’s teeth sank into her shoulder while his cock still pumped in and out of her body, releasing every drop of seed he had in her ass. He wanted to draw it all out for as long as he could, but knew that all great things ended.

  He collapsed on top of her, crushing her into the bed, gulping air in. It took a few more moments before he was able to pull out of her and move to the side.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered, then wobbled to his feet and went into the bathroom. He quickly cleaned himself up then went back to Jada and tenderly cleaned her as well. First her backside. Then he turned her over gently so she faced him and that’s when he heard her sobs.

  Guilt hit him hard. With ease, he slid back into the bed, wrapping her into his arms. She struggled some, but the fight wasn’t normal. No, as Kane rested his head on the pillow and held her tight against his chest, spoon position, the first thing that came to mind was that he might have broken her, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “I’m sorry, Jada,” he whispered against her hair, resting his chin on top of her head. “Shit, I’m so sorry. That wasn’t planned. I—I didn’t want to hurt…” He couldn’t finish, couldn’t come up with the right words to say.

  What was worse was that she didn’t say anything to him. Kane moved slightly and looked down at her. She’d fallen into a deep slumber, which added more weight to the guilt. He never felt guilty about things, but this time when it came to her and what he did, he had a hell of a lot of it.

  His eyes moved from her face to her shoulder, and he frowned. A strange crescent- moon bite mark was on her shoulder, and that could o
nly mean one thing according to what he was told.

  Jada had his mark. A mark like that meant that he mated her to him for life.

  He sighed, rubbing his eyes. What was he going to do now? You made one hell of a mess. He wanted to yell out his frustration, but instead hugged Jada tighter. She stirred in his arms and mumbled something in her sleep.

  “What am I going to do now?” he whispered.

  He lay with her for hours, awake thinking about the situation. He couldn’t come up with an answer to his question, which meant that he was going to have to go to Drake for help. It was the only thing left.

  Carefully he slipped from the bed and found one of his shirts for Jada, placing it on the bed next to her. He knelt down next to the bed and watched her sleep, enjoyed the simple act of watching her. He reached out and touched her hair, face, and shoulder before she rolled over to her stomach, giving him her back. He smiled.

  His smile faltered when his eyes landed on her shoulder again.

  The mark. It was now turning color, bruising, and he hated that he caused her pain. Okay, so he brought her to the cabin with the intentions of teaching her a lesson, or that was at least what he thought he was going to do.

  He wanted to humiliate her some by stripping her, but things got completely out of control. Sex with Jada was not his plan even though he couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  A new guilt hit him. First times were supposed to be special, at least for the girl, according to what he was taught about sex, and he had fucked that up for her. He took what he shouldn’t have taken and did it brutally. Then he thought about Jada; she had said ‘no’, but she’d shown she’d wanted him, hadn’t she? Yes and no. She’d been hesitant, probably scared shitless, but she’d wanted him—he knew she had. Had felt her sensual emotions reaching out to him. He hoped she still did want him.

  When his legs started to go numb, he stood up. Kane tore his eyes from her sleeping body to pick up her jeans on the floor. It was the only thing she had that wasn’t ripped. He folded them and placed them on the table for her to find when she woke up along with her socks and shoes.

  He picked up his own jeans, got back into them before he went back to the bed and knelt next to her one more time. Kane gently brushed some hair back from her face and touched her bruising shoulder with that had his mark. He just couldn’t get over how rough he was with her, and the proof was on her shoulder. He was pretty sure that she was going to be sore when she woke up, and pissed to a point of wanting to kill him. He smiled at that thought, just because of her size. Jada wasn’t scared to stand up to him and he enjoyed that.

  “Forgive me,” he whispered to her. With tenderness that he normally never had, Kane kissed her once on the forehead, then the cheek. “I shouldn’t have been so rough with you. I promise it will be even better next time.”

  It was four in the morning when he slipped out of the cabin.

  Hands in pockets, head down with his guilt, Kane headed back to Drake’s. He kept thinking about how pissed Jada was going to be when she woke up. And the sick part of him was looking forward to it. But that wasn’t what had him worried. He needed to talk to Drake and get some answers. He knew what he had done, sort of understood it, but thought it might be best if he talked to Drake before Jada came storming home.

  As usual, the house was quiet when he opened the front door.

  Before he went to Drake’s room, he turned for Sasha’s. Kane was a bit shocked to find Drake already up, dressed, and tucking his sister into bed.

  Drake moved his finger up to his lips, indicating to Kane to be quiet, and then he motioned for Kane to follow him out. Kane ended up going back downstairs and into the kitchen.

  “I’m going to suspect that you’re here early to let me know that you caught Jada trying to run,” Drake said.

  Kane rubbed his face. “Not exactly.” He couldn’t look at him. It was the sign that something was up because he always met Drake in the eye.

  “Kane, what’s going on?” Drake asked.

  “I caught her climbing out the window. And, and,” Kane stuttered, still not looking at Drake. “She’s sleeping at my place.”

  “Why?” Drake trailed the word out and this time Kane looked up at him. “What did you do?”

  “I don’t think you really want to know.”

  “Oh, I think I want to.” Drake crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes narrowed on Kane. Kane felt like he was a little boy and his father was looking down at him after he pulled a bad prank. In a strange way, Drake was looking down at him and he was Kane’s father. “Give.”

  Kane swallowed hard and took a deep breath, letting it out loudly, “I’ve done something that I really shouldn’t have done.”

  Drake frowned. “I’m listening.”

  Kane started pacing the kitchen and rubbed the back of his neck.

  How the hell could he tell Drake what he’d done? “Well I um, I caught Jada trying to run away again and I stopped her like you asked me to do.”

  “Okay.” Drake put his hands on his hips. Kane got a very uncomfortable feeling when he took a quick glance at him. “And?”

  “And I took her to my cabin.”


  Kane shook his head. He started to think about why he took her there and the words began to flow. “And she just started her mouth again, said one too many insults, and then I wanted to teach her a lesson. You know. Let her know that her mouth would only get her into trouble. But it all went wrong. Everything went wrong,” he finished with a groan.

  “You’re not making any sense.” Drake sighed. “What’re you talking about?”

  Kane stopped his pacing again and looked at Drake with a hard expression on his face. “I had sex with her.”

  Drake stared at him without saying anything. His mouth opened, he blinked fast many times before his hands came up, one rubbing his face the other shaking a finger at him. “I know I didn’t hear you right.

  What did you say?”

  Kane swallowed hard again before he spoke again. “I had sex with her,” he repeated.

  Drake scratched the side of his face and turned his head to the side, eyes still on Kane but he clearly was confused about what Kane just said. “And um why...why would you do that?”

  “Be…because.” Kane started to stutter out. He cringed and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose. “I don’t know. Because I wanted to.”

  “Why do I get this feeling that there’s more you’re not telling me.” He didn’t answer Drake. “Kane...what else happened with you and Jada out in that cabin?”

  When he met Drake in the eye Drake shook his head, turned and left the kitchen. Kane followed him. “Son-of-a-bitch!” Drake yelled.

  “Did you mark her?”

  Kane took a deep breath and only met Drake in eye, keeping his mouth shut.

  “Motherfucker!” Drake yelled again.

  “Tell me that this mark doesn’t mean what I think it means?”

  Kane asked him. “Please, tell me everything is going to be okay.”

  “Oh, it means exactly what you think it means.” Drake chuckled without humor. “And no. Everything isn’t going to be okay.”

  “So what do I do about it?” Kane asked.

  Drake choked in mocking laugher. “This isn’t something that goes away or can be fixed. This is for life! You have marked Jada as your mate. There is no going back.”

  Kane rubbed his face and sighed deeply. Guilt washed over him hard and heavy. “She is going to be so pissed. I wasn’t exactly easy and gentle.”

  Drake laughed, “Pissed? She is going to be out for blood and your nuts.” Kane gave him another quick glance before turning and going back into the kitchen. “What else happened, because you’re acting like more shit happened.”

  “Oh, more shit happened.” Kane went right to the fridge and pulled out a beer. He twisted the top and downed half of it in one big gulp. “And I think it’s best if I kept it to myself,” he said with a tight voice,
thanks to the gulp he took.

  Time stood still and Kane finished his beer before Drake spoke again. “Did you take her like a male on moon night?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” He kept his eyes down and thought about how he did take her.

  Kane feasted on her flesh and hungered for so much more. He would swear right now that he could live off her taste and hunger for no other. Even now, he couldn’t stop thinking about her taste and how much he wanted it. Standing in the kitchen his damn dick throbbed to match that want.

  “The hell you don’t!” Drake’s voice was short and had the effect of making Kane cringe. “I told you everything there is to know about the heat cycle. You know how we take our mates on moon night, how rough, and dominating we become. Did you fuck her like that?”

  Kane met him in the eye and stood up straight. “Yes.”

  “Son-of-a-bitch,” Drake groaned.

  “What should I do now?” Kane couldn’t keep the desperation from his voice. “I need advice here, so what the hell do I do?”

  Drake rubbed his face quickly and shook his head. “Protect your nuts and go on the offensive,” he shrugged, “Because she is going to want to kill you once she wakes up.”

  * * * *

  Jada jolted up and awake from a deep sleep with a gnawing, raw pain between her legs, not to mention in her ass. The memory of what Kane had done to her hit like ice water over the head. She lowered her head to her hands and took several deep breaths, pushing the tears that threatened to fall. She wasn’t going to cry. Not here, not now, not again.

  “You bastard.” One tear slipped free and she grabbed the shirt he’d left on the bed for her. Jada didn’t know what time it was, but she did know that she was going to kill Kane.

  Wincing as she dressed, Jada felt her anger boil over. How in the blazes of hell could this have happened? How could one moment she be having words with Kane then the next she was tied to a beam with him touching her? Of all things to happen, having sex with him was one of the things she didn’t want to happen—hadn’t planned on it happening.


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