The New Breed

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The New Breed Page 13

by Jaden Sinclair

  He saw footprints, but they were quickly being covered over by fresh snow. That gave Kane the extra oomph he needed to push himself up and go forward. He had to get Jada out of the storm. If he was fading this fast out here, he could only imagine how she was doing. Then once she was safe, he was going to beat her. Put her over his knees and beat her for her stubbornness, and not stop until she begged him to fuck her.

  Kane had to stop again and lean against a tree to catch his breath.

  His feet were going numb and his legs were starting to feel like they weighed a ton. He reached his hand out, trying to block snow from his eyes as he looked around for any signs that Jada had come this way.

  He saw none. And with the wind so strong, her scent was almost impossible to detect.

  “Can she get any more hard headed?” Kane asked himself as he pushed off from the tree. “I swear!” then he yelled her name again.

  Kane managed to walk only a few more feet before he had to stop again to rest. His fear was starting to get the best of him. He couldn’t last out here much longer, but he couldn’t go back without her. He also didn’t want to think that she might be hurt out here, but he couldn’t push that thought away.

  “Jada!” again Kane tried to call out to her, only to be slapped with his own voice.

  Kane waited a few moments to draw up some extra strength. He didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to stay out in this and look for Jada on his own. He might have to go back to get Drake to help him.

  After the fourth stop to catch his breath, Kane pushed off from another tree and started to turn back towards his cabin to call for help.

  He opened his mouth to yell for her again when he tripped over something on the ground. He went down hard face first. With the wind knocked out of him, it took a few seconds before he could breathe again. Shaking his head, he looked over his shoulder at what it was that had tripped him and his heart sank. Jada was on the ground passed out with snow quickly piling on top of her. Next to her head, the snow was the color red.

  “Jada!” Kane yelled, crawling towards her. He reached out, grabbing her under the arms and dragging her back to his lap.

  Brushing snow from her face, Kane leaned down to see if she was still breathing. On a sigh of relief, he closed his eyes and said a silent thank you. But that was short lived when his hand came away from her head with blood on it.

  Jada never opened her eyes or showed any sign that she heard him. He turned her head to get a better look at where the wound was and how bad, but with the snow coming down he could barely see a thing. Kane looked around to get his bearings to figure out how far away from his cabin he might be.

  “You still need a spanking for scaring me to death.” He scooped Jada into his arms and struggled to get up on his feet. “But for now we need to get to the cabin and I need to get you warm and fast.”

  The normal walk that would have taken Kane moments to make ended up taking him forever. With Jada out cold in his arms and fighting the wind with each step he took, he thought he was never going to reach it. The moment he saw his cabin, Kane felt a small sense of relief and gathered extra energy and strength.

  Shifting Jada’s weight, Kane took a deep breath and pushed his way through the storm. After what seemed like the longest walk in his whole life, he reached the door to his tiny haven. Only when his hand touched the cold knob did he let out a much-needed sigh of relief.

  Balancing Jada’s weight he managed to open the door and step inside.

  Inside was dark and cold, but it still looked like paradise to him.

  Kane placed Jada on the sofa, went back to lock the door, and then went to the fireplace to get a nice size fire going. It took him several tries because his hands were shaking before he was able to light it.

  Once finished he went over to Jada and checked her head.

  She had a cut on the side, under her hair at the back of her left ear. It didn’t look bad enough for stitches, but it still needed to be bandaged up. Her lips were blue, face pale, and body shaking when he left her side. He went to the bathroom to get his first aid kit. In the bathroom, he quickly stripped off his wet cold clothes, grabbed some towels, and then grabbed blankets from the bed.

  Naked and cold, he dropped the blankets and the first aid kit on the sofa. Dropping to his knees, Kane went to work on stripping Jada as well. The only way to get her body heat up was to hold her and share his body heat.

  She was freezing. He wrapped one blanket around her before he cleaned her wound and put a large bandage over the cut. Once that was done, he put wood on the fire, picked her up, and slid onto the sofa with her facing the fire. He wrapped his arms around her, as well as the blankets that were on top of both of them, and then started to rub her arms and legs.

  She was shivering and he held her tighter, doing everything he could to get her warm. The fire crackled, the wind whistled outside, his heat building. In his arms was his very stubborn mate.

  The cell phone that he kept on the table buzzed. Kane reared back, looking at it, then rolled his eyes and moved away from Jada.

  She whimpered when he left and tried to snuggle into the spot that he’d vacated. He grabbed the phone and went back to the sofa, moving her just enough so he could get back in the spot and hold her close. Jada tried to bury herself into his chest and almost got on top of him, but stopped with her head on his chest and one leg over his waist. He readjusted the blankets then answered the phone.


  “Did you find her?” Drake asked.

  “I found her.” He glanced down at her and hugged her. “She’s out cold. Hit her head and freezing.”

  “Do you have enough food to stay put? This storm just turned into a blizzard and everyone is stuck in the house.”

  “I have plenty, and enough wood on the porch and inside to keep the fire going which should keep us warm since the place is small. I don’t want you to go out in this shit. It’s too dangerous out there. I almost didn’t find her.”

  “Have any idea why she ran?”

  “None. I thought we had come to some kind of understanding last night.” He sighed and rubbed his face. He was tired, not just because he hadn’t been sleeping since their first time, but because of his upcoming heat and having to fight that shit outside drained him of energy. “How long is this shit supposed to last?”

  “You’re not going to like this, but a report just came through and it looks like we’re all stuck indoors for at least two days. So we’ll all be confined during the heat.”

  Kane couldn’t keep the growl from his throat, “What about Sasha?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got a plan and she’ll be safe. I promise.”

  He didn’t like it, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it.

  “Okay, make sure she knows I’m fine and once this storm is over tell Sasha I’m expecting some cookies. That’ll keep her busy while this storm passes over us.”

  “Stay inside, and I’ll call you later.”

  He hung the phone up and wrapped his free arm around Jada.

  “Why are you holding me so tight?” Jada’s raspy voice startled him.

  Kane took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. “Because I found your sorry ass out in the damn snow passed out.” She pulled away from him, and he let her go. “Care to explain to me why the fuck you would go out in this shit?”

  She shook her head, eyes narrowed on him. “No I wouldn’t.”

  Jada pulled away from him, pulling one of the thick blankets tightly around her. “Who the hell asked you to come for me in the first place?” she snapped.

  “Who asked me?” he also sat up, but didn’t cover his nakedness.

  “You would have frozen to death out there if it wasn’t for me, Princess.”

  Jada bent over to one of her boots picked it up and threw it at his head. Kane ducked just in time before it hit him. “Go to hell! I never asked you to come after me. I never asked for this shit!” she yelled.

“And you think I did?” he yelled back. “We both are in this together. We both are wanted by that fucker Stan, and we both are mated for life, so you, Princess,” he pointed his finger at her. “Better get your shit together and deal with it before tonight.”

  “I don’t have to deal with dick and I don’t give a fuck about tonight,” she answered through her teeth. “I don’t believe this bullshit that you all have been telling me about the full moon. You want to fuck, find someone else or use your hand, because I’m not laying down for you ever again.”

  Kane chuckled, but it wasn’t in humor. “It doesn’t work like that, babe. You think I was a hard ass our first time, you just wait and see what I do to you tonight.”

  “There isn’t going to be a tonight.” Again, she spoke through her teeth, glaring at him.

  He took a threatening step towards her, a low deadly growl slipping past his lips. “Wanna bet?”

  They had a stare off, and Kane refused to back down. All his life when he stood up for himself or Sasha, either he was beaten back down, or she was used against him. This time, neither was in affect.

  Her chin went up, clearly stating that she was challenging him, and being so close to his heat with the full moon hours away, there was no way in hell he was going to be able to let it go unchecked.

  Kane couldn’t stop himself from lunging at her, grabbing hold of her arms, forcing her to walk back to the bedroom where he pushed her up against the wall. She didn’t try to stop him, just held onto the blanket, her eyes wide, but that damn chin of hers was still up defiantly. She also wasn’t backing down from his challenge.

  “For. Get. It.” She spoke slow, emphasizing each word.

  The control that he had tight rein over snapped and he felt his heat hit. He growled, yanked her around with more force than was necessary, and pushed her face up against the wall. He jerked the blanket away. When she started to fight him, Kane grabbed both wrists, pinning them over her head, holding them with one hand. He tried like hell to be gentle since she bumped her head, but damn if it wasn’t hard to do.

  “I forget nothing,” he said low in her ear.

  He pulled her hair away from her shoulder and bit the mark, getting a hiss from her. His mark. Kane didn’t hold back a thing from her. He was pissed and horny, not the best combination for a shifter in early heat.

  She struggled against him, tried to twist her body and pull away from his mouth on her shoulder, but holding her still was easy.

  Keeping hold of her shoulder with his teeth, Kane raised her left leg up and impaled her deeply. He growled against her shoulder at the feel of her tight pussy parting for his dick.

  Jada gasped, “You bastard,” and strained against him, pushing back, taking him deeper inside her.

  “That I am.” His voice vibrated when he spoke, and his skin started itching. He felt tiny hairs sprout over his body, but it didn’t distract him from what he needed right now.

  But he kept his change at bay. Kane wasn’t going to become the animal that was inside of him when he took her. He was going to claim her as a man, not a beast.

  He pulled out slow and plunged back into her, bringing Jada up on her toes. Several more times he did this until he began a steady rhythm inside her. Each thrust felt like it wasn’t enough, that the next was better, but the ultimate goal was very far away and he felt as if he wasn’t going to reach it.

  It was the position.

  Kane stopped, yanked Jada from the wall staying inside her, and turned her towards the bed. Two steps, forcing her to bend, and he slid into her and started the rhythmic pounding again, eyes closed in bliss. This position the first time was the best for him. He was deeper inside her; her pussy gripped him tighter, milking him.

  “Damn it, Kane.” Jada panted when he forward thrust inside of her. “I’m going to…I’m going—coming.”

  Kane growled loudly, closing his eyes. She contracted around him, making it feel like the first time he was inside her body. She being so tight around him it was slightly painful for him, but he didn’t stop or slow down. He felt more hair cover his body and this time he couldn’t hold it back. He wanted to take her in one more position, but with her contracting and pushing back, even a few nips to his wrist, it was impossible. He couldn’t hold any of it back.

  His cock swelled inside her, mouth sucked on her shoulder right before he sank his teeth back in and came hard. Each spurt of his seed that shot out of him left him weak at the knees. Pleasure like this only came with her. In his past when his captors forced him to have sex, he never came like this. The one time he did, but it sure as hell didn’t feel like it did now.

  Kane collapsed on top of her, crushing her small body under him into the thick mattress. He breathed hard, gulping as much air into his lungs as he could while he held onto her shoulder.

  He thought it was over, until he finally rolled over to his back and felt the burning pain start up again.

  The heat wasn’t over.

  Drake explained to him that each shifter was different, and until you were with your mate, you never knew how yours was going to be.

  Some would have many orgasms before they were done, others could go many different times in different positions but only come once.

  Kane had a feeling, by the way he was feeling, that he was going to be the kind that had several before he was done.

  Jada moved, and Kane took it as her trying to leave him. He quickly moved, getting his hands back on her before she could leave the bed.

  “Don’t,” she whimpered.

  He sat up quickly, placing her on his lap, holding her tight. “I have this hunger for you that never goes away. It only gets stronger,” he purred in her ear.

  Jada squirmed on his lap. She had no clue that when she moved like that it killed him with the need to have her again. Her ass moving, teasing the throbbing erection was murder to his senses.

  “You’re out of your mind,” she huffed, pulling on his arms. “This is over.”

  “Who says?” he kept purring in her ear and rubbed her bottom against his cock. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t take what belongs to me? Why I shouldn’t have you all night long.”

  “I don’t belong to you, damn it!” He heard the anger in her voice and smiled, even though she couldn’t see it.

  Kane held her easily with only one arm around her. With his other, he picked her up and dropped her down onto his cock. He hissed in her ear at the pleasure that gripped him—nothing he could put into words as to how it felt having her wrap around his flesh in the way she was doing right now.

  “Do you feel that?” he murmured in her ear. “Do you feel how right this is, how perfectly I fit inside you, and how you stretch just right for me?”

  Jada shook her head. “It isn’t right.”

  She was breathing hard, her nails dug into his wrists. Kane moved his hands up to her breasts, cupping and squeezing the mounds. “Even your breasts fit perfectly in my hands. We are right for each other. You just have to open your eyes and see it.”

  “Since when did you become Mr. Analysis?” she was grunting, breathing hard and fast.

  By the way her sweet cunt tightened on him and how she shook in his arms, he could tell that she was close. It wasn’t going to take too much to push her over the edge, and when she went, he hoped like hell she went screaming.

  Kane moved his hands down to her legs, went under the thighs, picked her up, and began to bounce her on him, fast. Jada whimpered, clawed at his arms, reached back and pulled at his hair or tried to scratch his shoulders. She became instantly wild and he loved every second of it.

  She clamped down on her muscles, contracted, and squeezed his dick to a point that he groaned, but didn’t stop the bouncing. Now Kane was very determined to hear her scream this time no matter what.

  “Give it to me, Jada,” he breathed into her ear. “Scream.”

  She shook her head and he grunted. Defiant to the absolute end.


“Never?” he growled the word. “I bet you will before I’m done with you tonight.”

  Kane picked up the pace bounced her even harder onto him. He fought within himself to not come, to not end this until he had the one thing he wanted from her.

  “Oh, oh, oh, oh,” Jada cried out.

  Within seconds, he had what he wanted. Jada screamed, her pussy clamped down so hard on his cock and she yanked brutally on his hair that he hissed in pain, but he didn’t stop. He couldn’t stop, not until he had every ounce of her orgasm out.

  He came with her, and it burned. Kane could feel his heat pour out of him with the seed that left his body. With each bounce or thrust, his pleasure was heightened and for the first time ever he understood why sex became something additive; if it felt this good all the time, it was no mystery why everyone wanted to do it so often.

  One more slam down and he hugged her tightly. Out of nowhere, Jada began to cry. Her body shook in his arms and the sniffling, the way she tried to hide it from him touched Kane right in the chest. He pressed his face into the crook of her neck, turned and lay down with her still in his arms.

  “Shh,” he soothed. He brushed the hair from her face, hugged her, and closed his eyes. “Don’t cry.”

  He felt a tenderness towards her that he’d never felt before. All his life it was take what you could. Giving only involved his sister.

  Now Kane wanted to give and comfort another. He wanted to hold Jada close, never letting her go.

  When she quieted down, he let himself relax as well. He took a deep breath, brought the covers over their bodies, and waited for sleep to take him. The heat was over. He knew that. It wasn’t as brutal as it had been in the past, but still miserable enough. And over. He finally had someone to help him take the pain away, and he wasn’t going to let that go, no matter what she said or might do.


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