The New Breed

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The New Breed Page 15

by Jaden Sinclair

  They were like two peas in a pod. Both wanted to be loved so bad when they were younger, getting it only from one person. Where Kane had Sasha in his mind to give him that small amount of comfort, Jada lost hers when this Chris died. She needed him, just as he needed her and his new family.

  Chapter Eight

  Josh Stan stepped out of his limo with Jason Spencer on his heels in front of one of the largest mansions he’d ever seen in his life. The house surpassed the one Conner Martin gave him not only in size but also in design. This place spoke of old money, which was just what he wanted and needed. He adjusted his jacket and walked right up the steps and through the door without knocking. Inside was just as impressive as the outside. White marble graced the floors, antique tables, and top of the line paintings lined the foyer and when he got to the middle of the room, he was greeted with a grand staircase.

  “Damn,” Jason whistled. “This place is impressive.”

  “And just what we need.” Josh headed towards the stairs and went up, taking a right.

  He’d sent a man ahead of him who took over the place. Guards were stationed throughout the house for his protection, some even stood on the second floor leaning against the walls. And the second floor was just as impressive as the first. Dark, blood red carpet covered the floor, more paintings and some family pictures hung on the walls as well as tables in corners and near doors. Even the light fixtures on the walls had an old money feel to them.

  Josh stopped at the end of the hall at the last door on the left. A guard opened the door for him and he went inside. The bedroom was very spacious. To the left a desk in front of the window, to the right a sitting area. In the center of the room there was a large king size bed with a frail old man resting in the center, blankets on his lap and a tank of oxygen next to the bed with a canella in his nose.

  “So you’re the bastard that has taken over my home,” the old man panted, having trouble catching his breath when he spoke.

  Josh smiled. “You have no protection and I fear that you may be at risk.”

  “Bullshit,” he coughed. “Piss up someone else’s leg and get out of my house!”

  Josh grabbed the chair at the desk and dragged it over to the side of the bed. He sat down, crossed his legs, and smoothed out his jacket sleeves. “Now that isn’t polite.”

  “And neither is walking in my house without being invited,” his voice raised, but had a strained sound to it. He was sick, maybe dying and it showed.

  Josh extended his hand and Jason handed him the file that they brought. He opened it up to look at the photo before he tossed it to the old man. He waited until he also opened it and saw the wrinkled eyes widen.

  “We have something in common, you and I,” Josh sighed. “But where you can’t get it back I can.” He sat forward, watching each and every reaction the old man had to the photo in that file. “I need your help to get your granddaughter, Mr. Leonard, and in exchange I’m at your service.”

  James Leonard looked up at Josh and out of nowhere, he began to laugh until he started coughing. When Josh was about to get up to help him James waved him off. He took hold of a mask and put it over his face, taking several deep breaths.

  “I’ll do one better,” James snickered with a strain in his voice.

  “You find the bastard of my daughter and I’ll set you up for life.” He pointed an old finger at Josh and struggled to take several deep breaths. “You bring her here first, and I’ll line your pockets until they overflow. She and I have something to settle, something of great importance.”

  * * * *

  “You’re too quiet.”

  And she was. Jada was sitting on the sofa, legs drawn up to her chest, chin on knees staring into the fire. She couldn’t get over the simple fact that she broke down and told Kane about Chris and cried. She fucking cried! She never cried.

  “Jada?” He knelt down in front of her, resting his chin on his hands next to her feet. “Talk to me,” he sighed.

  She closed her eyes and moved away from him, off the sofa. Hugging herself, she went back over to the window and sighed.

  “God I hate the snow,” she moaned.

  “The snow or being locked away with me?”

  She rubbed her face and closed her eyes. She couldn’t do this. Couldn’t face him after she broke down in front of him. “I can’t do this,” she whispered.

  “Do what?”

  “I can’t stand here acting like I didn’t just have one hell of a meltdown in front of you!” she whined, not meaning to sound like a child.

  “You mean you can’t show me that you’re human,” he stated.


  “Jada…” he sighed.

  ”Don’t Jada me,” she snapped at him. “You don’t know what it was like living in that house.”

  “And you don’t know what it was like living in a damn cage,” he growled back. ”Don’t act like you are the only one to break down and cry. You don’t think I broke down in front of Drake?”

  “This isn’t the same thing.”

  “Sure it is!”

  Jada took several deep breaths. “My family lives by a very strict tradition.” She licked her lips, trying to find the right words to explain this to him. “Having children without being married is sinful.” She rushed out, “My grandfather drilled it in my head that I was a bastard, unworthy of everything and that the best thing for me would be to be alone. To die.”

  Kane wore a puzzled expression. “I don’t understand. I thought with Chris dead, you don’t have family now.”

  “I still have a grandfather,” she mumbled. “If that’s what I can call him.”

  “So you have family then?”

  ”No, I share a last name with someone,” she lowered her voice.

  “Nothing more.”

  “What are you trying to tell me?”

  She took another deep breath and let it out slowly. “My grandfather is a hard man. My mother was a mistake, one that he made sure she knew about all her life. He had his son and that was all he cared about. It crushed her when she learned that he never wanted my mother and demanded my grandmother abort her, but she didn’t. Everything he had went to my uncle, even what little love my grandfather had.”

  “And this is why you can’t love anyone?” She heard the doubt and shook her head.

  “At a party years ago, when my mother was a teen, she went to the gardens with one of the waiters and had sex with him. She was sixteen and got pregnant with me on purpose. Once he found out, he shipped her off to a boarding school. I was five when I met him. She refused to give me up, left school, and tried to raise me on her own. My uncle talked my grandfather into letting her come home. At eight my mother, aunt, and Uncle were killed in a car crash and Chris came to live with us. I got my grandfather’s hate, Chris got his love.”

  She smiled and pressed her hand to her forehead. “I’ve never told anyone this before.” She turned away from Kane and pushed her tears back. Tears that she never let fall over her family.

  “Then why are you telling me this now?”

  She felt him behind her and closed her eyes. Jada wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his arms and sheltered from the pain of her memories. She wanted to be held the way Chris held her when she was young. When the monsters of the night came to frighten a young girl who wanted nothing more in the world than to be loved. She’d fought Kane, every time he touched her, every time he forced himself on her—because she didn’t trust him—didn’t trust or believe the fact that it was possible someone loved her in this world. She wanted to believe in his love, wanted to believe she could spend a happy life with him, after having had little joy in her life. She didn’t want to spend her life alone.

  “We are two dysfunctional people, Kane.” She couldn’t face him. If she did, the tears were going to fall and she was going to crumble into a million pieces. “And once this lust that you feel goes away then there isn’t going to be anything left but—”

  He turned her
around fast, grabbing her arms tight and bringing his face down in front of hers. “This isn’t lust, Jada, and you know it.”

  His voice was low, lips thinned out. “I’ve only cared about one person my whole life until now. Only Sasha has mattered to me until you.

  When I have you in my arms and am so deep inside you, I feel like a complete man. And the moment you suck the life out of me when I come I only want to start over again. Don’t you understand that?”

  “You need someone who can love you and that isn’t me.” She tried to twist out of his hold, but he stopped her by kissing her, and stealing her breath away.

  Kane pulled her closer and deepened the kiss, plunging his tongue into her mouth to mate with hers. “What I need is you,” he sighed, lips touching hers.

  The phone rang and Jada was relieved by the sound. She pulled out of his arms and went into the bathroom, leaving him to talk. By the way his voice softened after he said hello she knew it was Sasha.

  She splashed some water on her face, took a few deep breaths, and went back out. Kane was still talking on the phone, a grin on his face while he walked around. Jada went over to the bed and slipped under the covers. She was tired, in more ways than one.

  * * * *

  Kane stood in front of the window, the same spot where Jada had stood, staring at the snow. It was his third snowstorm, and it still fascinated him. Amazed him in fact, with how the sky could bring something so cold down upon their heads. But the snow wasn’t what was on his mind. He was thinking about his past, and how much he and Jada had in common. He was missing the love as a child like her. Now she had it, just like him, if she would only open up and take it. She was tough; he’d give her that one. But as he’d learned over the last few years, one could be tough as stone and underneath it scared as a babe. Jada was very scared, and he couldn’t blame her.

  “I can see it.”

  Kane smiled and hung his head down. Sasha. “You’re snooping again.”

  “Why are you so sad? I thought you were happy.”

  “I am happy.”

  “I don’t see it. You’re sad.”

  He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Kane turned to the sofa, sitting down with a sigh. “I don’t know what to do to make her see that’s she not alone.”

  “But she isn’t alone, she has you.”

  Again, he smiled. Sasha was still pretty innocent when it came to this stuff, just like him. It had him wondering what he would do or how he would act once her time came.

  “Why are you thinking about me?”

  Kane shook his head. “You really need to stop reading my mind, Sash. I don’t read yours anymore.” Silence. “Sasha?” He frowned. She just left him, without one more word.

  “Was it something I said?” he mumbled before standing up.

  He walked into the bedroom. Jada was sleeping on her side covered to her waist his shirt on. She looked so good in his bed, in his shirt, so good in fact that it hurt. When she turned over to her back—

  the blankets going down her legs even more—the need to taste her hit Kane. He pushed his sweats down his legs then went up to the bed, getting in next to her slow and easy.

  He turned her towards him, moving a leg up over his hip. It didn’t take much for him to get hard, not when he had Jada not only close, but in his arms. He worked as easy as he could to get the shirt up and off. When he had it over her head, Jada woke up, her arms crossing over her breasts. Kane stopped her from moving around by grabbing her leg on his hips.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she gasped, squinting at him through tired eyes.

  He didn’t answer her, only kissed her. Kane wrapped his arms around her body, rolled to his back, taking her with him. He felt her relax on top of him and took full advantage of it. He kissed her deep, hands cupping her rear, squeezing the flesh, grinding her closer. She rubbed against him and he growled low at the back of her neck.

  Kissing her was only a part of what he wanted. Kane desired and hungered to taste all of her. He moved his hands from her ass to under her arms. Holding her over him, he moved her body up, bringing her breasts right up to his face. He sucked a nipple into his mouth, rolling it with his tongue. Jada sucked her breath in quickly, her nails dug into his shoulders when he pulled on it. With a popping sound, he released one so he could suck on the other.

  “What’re you doing?” she sighed.

  Kane glanced up while he used his tongue on her other nipple.

  She had her eyes closed, head back. He could smell her wetness and it caused pain in his groin. But as much as he wanted to be inside her, he wanted to taste her again. He wanted to taste everything!

  He moved them both on the bed, turning her and placing her on her hands and knees. He was a bit surprised that she wasn’t fighting him, and wasn’t about to slap a gift horse in the mouth. He brushed her hair from her back and his mark, going right to the back of her neck, kissing. One hand he used to hold his weight from her, the other he grabbed a breast, kneading the mound, pinching a nipple. He played with both while he kissed her back, moving his way down.


  “Shh,” he soothed, silencing her. He sat back on his knees, right behind her. ”Stay just like this, Jada. Don’t move.”

  He rubbed her back, moving his hands in large circular motions down her back to her ass. When he got to the curves, to the flesh of her rear he squeezed then kissed each cheek before parting them and licking the crevice. Damn, she tasted good.

  “Not a good idea,” she panted.

  “Don’t think, just feel,” he purred.

  * * * *

  She was shaking with the need for an orgasm that she didn’t have a clue as to why. He wasn’t doing anything really to her, but touching and kissing her lightly, so why did her body feel ready to explode? Because you want him to make you scream. You’re craving him as much as he craves you, you dumb ass! Jada was helpless to do anything but wait. Kane took hold of the cheeks of her ass, squeezing them and parting them for fingers that probed and pushed into her pussy, which was very wet, then back to her rear. She moaned. There was no way in hell she could hold the sound back.

  She tossed her head back, welcoming the slight burn from his fingers, shaking with the need to come. She almost came when his tongue touched the small ring of her ass. Jada lost her breath in the pleasure, and was powerless to stop her hips from bucking, or from stopping at pushing back into his face, wanting a stronger contact.

  “I want your ass, Jada.” His voice was so thick and low it sent chills down her spine. It didn’t help when he touched her straining clit. “I want to sink my dick into your tight ass and fuck you so hard you will feel it tomorrow all day long.” He slid his finger out, teased around her pussy only to push her juices back, lubricating her up this time with two fingers. “That’s all I want tonight. I want to lick this sweet pussy, and fuck that tight ass. And I guarantee, after you get used to it, you’ll love it and beg me for it.”

  He moved behind her, but she had her eyes closed, trying to push it back, to will her climax away. When he sucked her clit into his mouth and rolled it with his tongue, she was lost. Jada screamed her climax, dropping her hips down, pressing her pussy into his face, riding out the pleasure. Three fingers slid into her rear easily, intensifying the orgasm, and this time she didn’t give a fuck.

  “Stop, please!” she screamed when her clit became too sensitive from the rapid flickering of his tongue. “I can’t handle it anymore.”

  He stopped, but his fingers didn’t. Kane kept moving them in and out of her ass, getting more of her juices from her pussy, spreading them back. She grabbed onto the sheets and held her breath as she waited to see what he was going to do next.

  Kane moved again, coming behind her once more. He never gave her any warning. He shoved his whole length into her pussy, causing Jada to arch her back. He pushed into her several times before pulling out and placing the head against the tiny ring.

  “Slow and easy this time
,” he said, his breath brushing against her shoulder over the mark he’d left. “I’m going to take my time. I’m going to push my dick in slowly, and feel each stretch, each throb we both have.”

  He pushed and she held her breath. Jada could barely think from the feelings of being stretched from behind. Yes, this time was different. This time it felt like Kane had some control and was trying to be easy with her. It was something she really wasn’t expecting, not after that first time he took her anally.

  “Breathe, Jada.”

  She did and it almost shattered her sanity. Jada never felt such an intense need to be taken, filled, and fucked to screaming completion. She took gulps of air into her lungs, holding onto the blankets and sheets until her knuckles turned white. It burned, it thrilled, and turned her on unlike anything she ever experienced with him. This slower, tender side of him felt different, but the fullness that she felt in her ass was the same, the tenderness drove her crazy.

  “I can’t stand this.” She shook her head, panting. The pressure was so intense, she felt on the verge of tears, so great was her passion.

  “Neither can I,” he groaned. “You’re so fucking tight. It’s taking all my willpower to not come right now.”

  “Kane, please!” she was begging now and didn’t give a damn.

  His fingers dug into her hips painfully, but she welcomed the discomfort, knowing he was readying himself to give her what she craved—what she needed. “Get ready then.”

  She nodded, held onto the bed, took a few deep breaths, but wasn’t prepared for what she got. Kane shoved it all into her. He stretched her ass, burning her from the inside out with his thick cock.

  She screamed, pushed back, and gulped as much air into her lungs as she could get. He moved, stroking her with enough force and power that his balls slapped against her pussy. Jada knew that right now she was dying. The pleasure became too intense and, to make it worse, Kane moved one hand to her pussy and rolled her clit. The climax hit unexpectedly. She screamed until she was hoarse and couldn’t scream anymore. Kane kept moving, and he thrust his cock into her ass, slapped into her enough that she rocked forward.


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