Again, Alabama

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Again, Alabama Page 20

by Susan Sands

  Anticipating the likelihood of sadness mixed with fun, each sibling had agreed this particular road trip would be best taken without the children. Once the ice was broken, and they’d trudged through the emotions, their next visit would be a purely joyous family vacation. Hopefully, Mom would be up for this invasion. Cammie had voiced the loudest concern on this topic, but was overruled by her siblings.

  Mom had never spent a lot of time discussing her feelings where their father’s death was concerned. They’d seen her grieve after his passing, but it was a quiet sadness that penetrated throughout the walls of their family home. Each of them had felt a special bond with Dad. He was a hands-on father before it had been cool. He’d laughed and played and parented with love and joy. His children were his life.

  Losing him was akin to having the background soundtrack of their lives silenced. No more booming laughter or deep, lively conversations about Alabama’s offense on Saturdays; life became quieter, less—fun. And as lively as her siblings now were, it had taken a long while for them all to get back to that. The accident had taken more than a beloved father and husband, but a vital life force, especially from Mom.

  Coming together again, where the tragedy occurred might just be what her family needed. Cammie prayed this was a good idea.

  She missed Grey, even though she didn’t want to.


  “Hi Grey, come on in.”

  “Thanks. Hey, congrats on winning the pie contest. I heard Heat Miser called you a cheater.”

  She nearly burst out laughing at the image that appeared in her mind’s eye of the cartoon character whose hair was perpetually on fire. “Good one.”

  “So, what brought about the change of heart in accusing you?” He asked.

  “I did. I told her I’d write an exposé when my contract was up and tell the world what a hag she was.”

  He laughed then. “I’m surprised your contract didn’t include a lifetime gag order.”

  “If they’d had more than ten minutes to think about it, I’m certain they’d have penciled it in. As it was, I think they got off with a pretty sweet deal in not letting me defend myself and tell the truth of how it all went down, at least for the next year.”

  “Better than sweet. Especially when they were telling you not to let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.” He shook his head as he said that, clearly angry at the network’s treatment and firing of her.

  “I had my moment yesterday, and it was especially sweet telling Jessica Greene how the cow eats cabbage. Can you believe she was threatened by me, with all her fame and fortune?”

  “Yes. I can. It was clear you were a rising star, and she’s a fading one.”

  She smiled at him then. “Thanks for that. Too bad that’s not the case anymore. She took that away from me. But at least she’s agreed to make a public statement exonerating me from any wrongdoing.”

  “Because of your threats. But who knows how that might help your career moving forward.”

  Cammie shrugged. “I wouldn’t have been able to make those threats had she not stalked me and not the other way around. So, it’s really her fault that she’s in this new and less than flattering position.”

  “That’s just awesome.” He smiled, all tool-belted male.

  She sighed. It was going to be a long day, knowing he was just down the hall.

  While cutting her losses might be the only way to avoid throwing herself at Grey and begging him to do what he would with her willing body, she hoped once she arrived back up north, she would be satisfied with her life as it was. Not that she hadn’t already been a wreck from the number done on her life by Jessica, but once things settled into a normal routine—would it be enough?

  This trip home admittedly had come at a crossroads for her. She was hiding, in a sense, from the world up there, hoping to find success and contentment as an outcast from her former life. Since she hadn’t yet decided what direction her life might take, how could she really know that Jason, with his unruffled manner, and non-hugging family, would fulfill her in a forever way?

  The truth was, she was hoping; hoping for the best and taking steps toward a goal instead of wallowing in self-pity, which was a positive and healthy way to live, right? It beat the hell out of living alone with fifteen cats the rest of her life.

  But how would she ever know what the end result of this hot, deep longing for Grey was like if she didn’t give it and him another chance. Could she do that? Let go of all her hurt and trust him? Was she that brave? Or would that be stupid? And what about his daughter? The questions flew around her brain like birds. But she didn’t have an answer for any of them.

  She did feel that Jason had been pulling away while she’d been here in Alabama, and what had become even clearer to her the more time she spent home was that she didn’t really mind at all. That in itself was an answer.

  Certainly, Jason couldn’t know about Grey, could he? He wasn’t a dumb guy, and she hadn’t behaved as a fiancé of another man should. Jason had tried in the past to get her to discuss her romantic past, but she’d always blown off his efforts by telling him he was the only one who mattered. He’d replied that everyone had a past, but never filled her in on his own. Now, that was curious, wasn’t it? Not only that had he not shared, but that she hadn’t bothered to ask.

  Lost in her musings, she worked on her mushroom pate. She considered her mother, up at the lake house, and wondered what had made her decide to go there alone, after all these years. This time of year was a veritable treasure trove of roadside fruit and vegetable stands headed through the North Georgia Mountains. This little road trip with her siblings would also afford Cammie the opportunity to pick up several other items she could use for her menus.

  Lost in her plans for fresh fruit tarts and cobblers, she suddenly spotted Grey standing just inside the kitchen doorway. “Oh, I didn’t hear you. Can I help you with something?”

  “I’m just going to grab some water.”

  “Oh. Sure. Bottles are in the fridge, and glasses are in the cabinet,” she said. How long had he been working here now? Of course he knew this. He did look a little hot, as in, sweaty.

  “Thanks.” He reached up into the cabinet, his t-shirt stretching over his back in what seemed like a pre-porn movie scene minus the cheesy music.

  “No problem.”

  She watched as his long fingers held the glass and drained it. His neck was glistening with a mist of perspiration. Since when was a sweaty neck sexy? Maybe because every single thing about Grey Harrison was sexy. She held out her hand and reached for his empty glass. Their fingers brushed, just for a fraction of a second, causing more havoc upon Cammie’s insides. What was wrong with her? She was ready to jump on him right here in her mother’s kitchen.

  Grey cleared his throat, “I’ll head back to the library. I’ve got about another hours’ work left in there. Should I lock the front door on my way out after I’ve finished for today if you’re not around, or do you want me to call you before I leave?”

  “Just plan to turn the lock on the knob if you don’t see me on your way out. I can deadbolt it later. Mom’s gone to the lake, so I’m here alone.” Why the hell did she say that?

  “Got it. I’ll see you later. Or, I guess maybe, I’ll just see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” She tore her eyes away from his, and turned her back on him, diving back in to the mushroom paste. It could use a bit more parsley, she supposed.


  He’d been dismissed. Okay, but she was bothered. He’d made her uncomfortable, physically. She wanted him. The realization dawned as he pieced together bits of conversation and Cammie’s odd behavior. This wasn’t about the past any longer. Well, she still wasn’t satisfied with how their relationship had ended, but her discomfort around him wasn’t related to that any longer, he was sure of it.

  Making a move to test his new theory might end up with his looking like an ass again. He realized all her bluster was about her trying to deny her feelings.
Of course, they may only be physical, but it was a start.

  Grinning, he shimmed the two-by-four that would add temporary support to the doorframe in the library. He planned to enjoy this job and whatever else came of it. Grey planned as he worked. His intentions were not to lead her to do something she would regret, but for them to push through all the old emotions and figure out if there was anything valid left on her part. For Grey, she was the real deal.

  He’d learned the hard way that true love wasn’t something you took for granted, rather he planned on fighting tooth and nail, no matter what it took until either Cammie saw things his way, or it was clear that things would never work out between them. He saw a helluva fight ahead, but was prepared.

  He truly believed she wasn’t sure what she wanted or where she belonged. He hoped to persuade her that home is where her heart still belonged—with him.


  Cammie was cleaning up the last of the mess from the kitchen countertop, and figured she would go up and take a hot bath in her room, possibly read for a while, then watch the news and turn in early. Maybe she should call Jason. So far, she hadn’t heard the front door, which meant Grey was still inside the house. Instead of heading upstairs, she waited in the kitchen with a cup of hot tea, not wanting to take a chance of running into him between here and the stairs. She didn’t think she would survive one more encounter with his person without jumping him. It was a sad state of affairs.

  So, she waited. The front door slammed. Thank goodness; she’d made it through the day. Now she could relax. Shedding her top blouse from over the tank top, she dropped it into the washing machine in the laundry room, which left her in jeans. The house was completely empty now with Mom up at the lake. Kicking off her shoes next to the utility room door, she padded back into the kitchen to make certain the door was locked.

  Cammie pulled her hair out of its cooking knot and let it fall, then massaged her scalp as she continued her door-checking, “Ahhh….”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  She shrieked, startled. But then, she realized that Grey was still in the house. “You scared the crap out of me. I thought you’d gone home. I heard the door shut.”

  “I was loading up.” The man was shirtless.

  “Where is your shirt?” Dear God, he was trying to kill her. She couldn’t seem to avert her eyes, no matter that her brain told her to do so.

  “I was hot. It’s a small room. Next time I’ll wear a t-shirt.” She knew she should answer or make eye contact just now.

  “You okay?” He sounded amused. That got her attention. She pulled her head up and looked at him—his face. Didn’t help her much, damn.

  “Yep. I’m fine.” She became aware of her thin tank top, and that the peaks of her nipples were likely staring at him as hard as she was.

  He closed the space between them as he reached out and touched her face. She flinched. “Easy, you got a little something on your forehead.” If either took a deep breath, they’d be touching, head to toe, so close had he moved.

  “It’s from the cream puffs, most likely,” She babbled, her fingers itching to touch his muscled, chest. Who was she kidding? She wanted to rip every scrap off him and have a heyday.

  He swiped it off and licked his finger, “Hmm, my favorite.” A scathing remark about how cliché that sounded didn’t make it off her lips as she leaned in just as he wrapped her up in his big strong arms.

  The heat of his chest burned through her scant clothing as if it were nonexistent. One great big arm wrapped around the lower part of her back, pulling her hips against his, igniting sensations in her that she’d barely held in check all day. The other wrapped up in her hair at the base of her neck, massaging as he kissed her, devouring her lips, somehow fusing them as one. She inhaled his soapy, male scent. Dear God, she had to have him, now.

  Cammie didn’t recognize the kiss of this wildly passionate man as the same boy he’d been. But her soul recognized him.

  “Take me upstairs, please. Now.” She breathed the words, hardly able to contain her control.


  Grey hoped he could make it upstairs with Cammie. He was ready to explode from a single kiss. He caught her under the knees and took the stairs two at a time, “Your room?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  He continued to kiss her somehow as they entered the bedroom and he kicked the door shut. Good thing this house was built so well. Her big four poster was the most welcome sight he could remember, besides Cammie in that tank top a few minutes ago.

  He laid her on the bed, and employing all his self-control, stepped back to simply look at her, hair unbound, lips swollen from kissing him, and those amber eyes from his dreams darkened with passion. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

  She reached out her arms, and he fell into them. She became the aggressor then, working to unbuckle his belt and divest him of his jeans, which he was only too happy to assist with. Once she had him completely naked, she took her time undressing. Had she suddenly become shy?

  “Is something wrong?” He asked.

  “No, I’m just looking at you, thinking that if I’d done this ten years ago, things might be a whole lot different now.” She continued to slide her jeans down her thighs, which threatened Grey’s control.

  “We can’t go back, you know,” he said.

  “But I think we both owe this to each other.” She was only in her tiny lacy bra and panties now.

  “Don’t know about that, but I’m thankful for the opportunity.” He pulled her over toward him on the bed, taking his time and settling into a less-hurried, deeply sensual full-bodied embrace, leaving her with no doubt as to the effect she was having on his body.

  “Can we—I mean, I need to—” She was breathing hard and pressing herself against him in an age-old mating rhythm that left no doubt as to what she wanted from him.

  “Oh yes, we can.” He helped her divest of her underthings until they were both completely naked.

  “I’ll get a condom.”

  He hadn’t even thought of that. Everything had happened so naturally, it just hadn’t occurred to him.

  She was back in a flash.

  Grey couldn’t wait to get his hands on her skin again, and immediately Cammie’s urgency took over, and she really didn’t seem to be able to wait any longer, which suited Grey, because he was in a considerable amount of distress.

  As she rolled atop him, her gorgeous breasts begging for his touch, she glided him slowly inside her very slick and swollen perfection, their eyes met and caught, and then she leaned down and whispered, “I’ve waited so long for this.”

  He joined their mouths and when she came it was sudden and very intense, her cries escalating while his deep, rhythmic movements increased her satisfaction while building to his own soul-shattering climax. It had never been that way with anyone else, ever.


  The second they’d burst through her bedroom door, Cammie had been beyond the point of no return, like an animal with its mate.

  When she’d seen his naked body spread out for her enjoyment, she’d thought she’d gone to heaven. She’d had to take a moment and slow things down, lest she make a complete fool of herself. Sex in her past had been a relatively calm undertaking, until Grey came back into her life. Now it was primitive.

  Imagining her life without this kind of passion again wasn’t an option. Now she knew why lives were ruined and people killed one another for this kind of experience. Because it was worth it. But she feared it was more than that with Grey. Much more.


  As they lay there together, covered with only a sheet, Cammie’s head resting on Grey’s bicep, neither spoke for a few minutes. What happened next could affect the course of the rest of their lives, so the words really mattered. Grey had no idea what was going on in Cammie’s mind. What had just happened only solidified his feelings for her. He only hoped this hadn’t confused her further.

  She stretched her length against him and turned to look at him. She smiled
a misty and very satisfied smile. Well, that boded well. She hadn’t jumped up, gathered clothing, and demanded he get the hell out. So far, so good.

  “I don’t know what to do about this, you,” she said softly.

  He knew what he wanted to do, but he didn’t want to spook or push her, although what they’d just done had been far beyond a push he thought ruefully.

  “We don’t have to do anything right now,” he said. “It was incredible—I mean, indescribable would be a better word.” He felt himself getting hard again just remembering what had just occurred.

  She must have seen the sheet rise from where she lay. “Oh. Look at that. I can tell you aren’t lying.” She giggled.

  “Obviously, my body cannot lie.”

  She rubbed against him suggestively, “Might I interest you in figuring out our current quandary by another attempt at problem solving?”

  “You want to solve my problem?”

  “It does seem to be a growing one.”

  He glanced down toward the tented sheet, “Indeed, a problem solver could be in order.”

  “I volunteer.”

  This time, their lovemaking took on a playful, sensuous, and less urgent nature. They explored one another, tasted, and drew out the experience in ways he hadn’t experienced with anyone else. It was an extremely intimate undertaking for Grey. And very appropriate, as he adored her and wanted her for the rest of his life.


  Cammie was so confused by the time Grey left, she couldn’t even string together a complete thought. What the hell was she doing involving herself emotionally with Grey now? She’d just experienced the kind of satisfaction and closeness with him that she’d never even dreamed existed. Now what? There wasn’t a clear answer.

  She couldn’t stay here for an extended period to see where this went. She had a life and a home in a state several hundred miles away. Her career, while currently nonexistent, kept her away shooting on location for extended periods, not to mention her incomplete relationship with someone else that she now realized must end. Not because she didn’t care about Jason, but because she now knew what had been missing between them.


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