CEO in the Sand

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CEO in the Sand Page 2

by Summer Wynter

  “That’s a reason I always come alone. If I came with guys from work, they’d leave me alone as soon as some pretty girl came into their sight. Nope. Not me. I’ll just sit at the lounge and…”

  “Wait for some girl to come up to you instead?” Stacey teased. Where was this coming from? She never came on to a guy before. It was always the other way around.

  “Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve ever had a girl come up to me while I sat at the counter. But I am glad you were the first,” he smiled.

  Stacey blushed. The nightly dinner band had begun their set and it was getting harder for her to hear Jax talking. “Hey! Want to get out of here and go somewhere quieter?”

  “You read my mind. Let me pay for our drinks and we’ll decide where to go.”

  “And I’ll go tell my friend that I’m leaving.” She rushed to where Morgan was talking to a cute fellow in a geeky tee shirt and glasses. “Hey! I’m leaving!” Stacey had to yell to be heard over the music. “Going to find someplace quieter!”

  Morgan got up and pulled Stacey aside. “Things working out with the mystery man, I see. And to think, I just saw him from behind, don’t even know what he looks like.”

  “Oh,” Stacey’s eyes widened and she nodded her approval. “He’s a good one.”

  Morgan let out a laugh of excited triumph. “Where you going to go?”

  Stacey shrugged. “We haven’t decided yet.”

  “Alright, well,” Morgan glanced toward the bar. “Be safe, and have fun. You know how to reach me.”

  “I’ll give you a call in the morning.”

  Morgan looked back at the guy she had been talking to. “You may want to call me in the afternoon. I think I may be having some luck myself.”

  Stacey laughed, shaking her head. “You’re too much Morgan. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Walking back to the bar, she saw Jax waiting for her at the door.

  “Everything all set?” he asked.

  “My friends are busy themselves so it didn’t matter to them that I’m leaving. Would you like to go back to my place? It’ll be quiet there.”

  She stood stunned as soon as she’d said it. Jax pretended to consider it.

  “Sounds just fine to me.”

  What had she done? She couldn’t believe she suggested that this man come over to her place. She didn’t know him. It just blurted out without thought to how it sounded. She considered taking it back but… that smile of his. Things seemed to be going well, she couldn’t stand the thought of ruining something potentially great. Sometimes it was alright to take risks. But even still, her brain was buzzing. She never had a guy over unless she was in a relationship with him, and now here she was in a cab with Jax on their way to her apartment. She tried to play it cool as she nervously twisted her hands in her lap.

  Periodically, she glanced over to inspect his body language. He didn’t appear nervous at all. Just calm, cool and collected as can be. She began to think this could be okay.


  “This is a nice place you have here,” Jax said, as Stacey let him in.

  “Thanks,” she said with a small laugh. “I’m sorry it’s not very clean. Work has been so busy that I haven’t had any time to fix up the place.”

  Jax looked around. “Don’t worry about it. It’s a lot nicer than my place.”

  She smirked. “Somehow, I doubt that.”

  “Why?” he asked, sounding amused.

  She folded her coat over her arm and considered him.

  “Somehow… you strike me as having achieved a bit more than this.”

  “Do I?” he said, raising a flattered brow. “I’m sorry to ask, but what was it you said you did again?”

  “I’m a social worker’s assistant,” she explained, making a last-ditch effort to fluff her hair in a mirror that hung on the wall. “Usually I have a little time for myself, but this week I had to meet with more people than usual. New cases calling in, and all the ruckus that comes with it.”

  Jax calmly walked closer while she spoke, taking in her appearance as he listened. When she turned back, she found him much closer, staring into the blueness of her eyes. She was a little startled but offered a small smile all the same.

  “It sounds like you’re kept very busy,” he said in a softer tone.

  Good lord, this man was handsome. Stacey took a second to admire him, thinking of a response.

  “Yeah, but,” she shrugged and tucked a stubborn lock of hair behind her ear, “It’s alright.”

  “Is it?” he asked, inching closer to her.

  “Sure. It’s tiring but-” the lock came free and she tucked it back again. “I get quite a bit out of it.”

  “Do you?” Jax asked. He was very close now, gazing down at her.

  “Uh,” she uttered, and quickly turned it into, “Uh-huh.”

  Again, the pesky lock of hair fell against her face. This time Jax reach out to claim it.

  “Like what?” he asked, twisting it carefully around his finger before tucking it behind her ear. Her pulse quickened.

  “Like…” her voice trailed off, as his fingers hovered near her cheek, “- stuff.”

  Jax smirked in amusement. “‘Stuff’, huh?”

  She tried to nod but didn’t think her head even moved. Her eyes were locked on his.

  He took a careful step closer to her, less than a foot away now.

  “I hope they give you recognition for all your effort,” he spoke quietly. His fingers moved to catch a lower lock of her hair and move it in front of her shoulder.

  “I’m… They do,” she mumbled. “I’m sure they do.”

  He twisted the hair loosely around his finger, then let it go. His shoulders slumped a little and his hand fell back to his side. The spell was broken and Stacey blinked at him.

  “What…” She asked nervously. “What is it?”

  Without warning, Jax leaned down and kissed her.

  She tensed up in surprise. But even more surprising was how gentle the kiss was. It movement was swift, yet not aggressive at all. Just as suddenly, he pulled back to look at her.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since you came over to me at the lounge,” he whispered. A smile spread across his face.

  She stood, dumbstruck. Once she was sure her mouth wasn’t hanging open, she quietly cleared her throat and tried to remember how to articulate English.

  “So,” she tried, relieved to hear some clarity in her voice. “Did you want something to drink?”

  Jax’s hands moved to his pockets. “Stacey, let’s be honest. You don’t usually invite men home, so what’s going on tonight? I’ll listen.”

  She shyly went to tuck her hair back again, only to find out it had never come loose. “No, you’re right. I don’t usually. I was just wanting to get somewhere quiet and suggested this before I even realized what you must be thinking.” She raised her eyes back to his.

  “I’m not going to sleep with you, if that is what you were thinking when I asked.”

  “No, no of course,” he said with a hint of a laugh. “We all need a night to unwind.”

  “So you’re ok with just hanging out and getting to know each other?”

  “Yes of course,” Jax said. A ringing sound came from his pocket and the fresh smile on his face fell immediately to a look of distaste. He pulled out his phone, and the name that flashed across the small screen sent a wave of disappointment through him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said with an aggravated huff. “It’s an emergency I have to tend too.” He put his phone away quickly so Stacey wouldn’t see the woman’s name.

  “Is everything alright?” she asked.

  “Yes, but I do need to go. Terrible timing.”

  “I can call you a cab, if -”

  “No, it’s alright. I’ll take care of it.” He looked sidelong at the floor and slid his jaw to the side in thought. “I just need to…”

  A look of aggravation crossed his face and he turned toward the door with a grumble.
/>   “Is it really bad? If there’s something I can do -”

  “It’s fine! I mean, everything’s just fine,” he said, instantly calm again. “Nothing serious. Something at work that I need to take care of right away. Looks like I’ll have to take a raincheck on that drink.”

  She nodded and brought her hands together in front of her. The disappointment was evident on her face.

  Jax’s expression immediately softened, and he came back to give her another soft kiss. Longer, than before.

  He flashed her that gorgeous smile and whispered, “I’ll give you a call so we can have an official date.”


  Jax called her the next day and apologized again for leaving so abruptly. A call they both thought would be short and sweet, but turned into an hour long conversation. The sound of his voice built a fluttery warmth inside of Stacey. And his small laughs brought a fond smile to her lips time after time. All the while, he made no further remark about the fact that he’d kissed her. And she was hesitant to bring it up, even as the giddy girl inside her wanted to talk all about it.

  They met after work and went for a quick meal. He welcomed her as a gentleman, pulling out her chair for her and so forth, but made no effort to touch her, nor did he even give a sign that he would like to. Stacey began to question if she was reading much too much into this. She felt like a high schooler waiting for their crush to make a move. She did her best to come across as relaxed but inside she just felt foolish. As they spoke together though, she noticed he didn’t really appear less interested. But he wasn’t coming across with the same level of playfulness he had before. Maybe it was just because they were in public? She couldn’t tell. She kept telling herself it was just paranoia from bad experiences that she was feeling, and that nothing was at all was going wrong.

  Despite her silent worrying, the conversation flowed as easily as the wine and before either of them knew it, the sun was setting and it was time to leave.

  They walked out on the street together, neither of them coming out with any sort of farewell. Stacey turned slightly from side to side and considered him. He simply looked back at her, seeming to have enjoyed himself.

  Feeling warm from the light buzz, she dared herself and asked, “Quick drink back at my place?”

  “Sounds fine to me,” he said. Anything for a little more time together.”

  She smiled.

  They spoke a little in the car, but mostly let the radio fill the silence. Shortly thereafter, they pulled into Stacey’s driveway. Jax said nothing and exited the car. Stacey took a breath and hoped that she really had been worrying for nothing. He hadn’t made a move to hold her hand or anything. She reached for the door handle but found it opened for her, and Jax held out his hand for hers. A little surprised, she took it and stepped out. His touch lingered for only a moment before he let go and shut the door.

  “Thank you,” she said a little sheepishly.

  “Certainly,” he said.

  She blushed a little at the chivalrous attention and walked slowly to the door, found the key, and led the way inside.

  “Coffee?” she inquired. “Or hot tea?”

  “Tea, please,” he answered, taking a seat on the couch.

  “Won’t take a minute,” she said, debating whether or not she sounded a bit too eager.

  “No need to rush on my account,” he said. He settled back and draped his arm across the couch top.

  Stacey returned a few moments later with two hot teas and sat them down on the couch table. He’d sat right in the middle of the couch, placing them in close proximity of one another. Stacey tried to be subtle in taking a breath to ease her nerves. What should she say next? She took his tea cup and turned to offer it to him. He made no move for it.

  He simply stared at her. With more intent than could be denied. Thoughts of small talk, let alone refreshments seemed to be the farthest thing from his mind.

  Stacey’s heart thudded in her ears and she tried to hide the sudden shortness in her breath. But from the subtle hint of a smirk forming on his lips, she wasn’t succeeding very well. And she was staring. She swallowed, glancing down to make sure her hands weren’t shaking. Jax leaned forward then, carefully taking the cup from her and setting it back onto the table. His eyes never left her, and he didn’t seem at all concerned with the sudden closeness.

  “Too hot?” she asked, sounding much quieter than she’d intended. His eyes moved from hers to her lips and he spoke just as quietly.

  “I think so.”

  His breath ghosted across her lips, his own just mere inches out of reach. Jax made no attempt to move further or closer, but merely hovered with his arm extended toward the forgotten cups.

  She realized her own hands were still suspended in front of her, her fingers curling in the warmth coming off his body. He shifted his hips smoothly, straightening up just enough to look down at her.

  “I suppose,” she murmured, trying to get some semblance of clear thought back. “We should wait.”

  He turned his head ever so slightly. His lips parted but still he did not move.

  “Wait for what?” the words were breathed more than spoken and Stacey’s boldness overtook her. She closed the blasted gap herself and kissed him. He returned it without hesitation, and the next one. And the next. Her fingers brushed along his chest and she slid them inside his open jacket, placing both hands to his sides. The heat of his body felt so inviting, and she added fervor to her movements.

  His hand brushed her cheek before moving around behind her neck, and she felt the last of her tension melt away. She pulled him to her and scooted closer until their legs pressed together.

  Jax’s lips moved with as much care as purpose, gracing first her lower lip, then the upper, and back again. And throughout it all, he gave her firmer, lasting kisses that kept her guessing. It was wonderful. She dared to trace her tongue lightly against his upper lip, enticing his own out to meet it. Pulling her closer to him, he raised himself higher, causing her head to tilt back more. Her mouth fell open further and he smoothly slid his tongue in. The refinement with which he did so only made it that much more delightful, and Stacey felt a soft moan escape her throat before she knew it was there. With the same grace, he retracted it and kissed her again, sucking lightly at her lips. His hand came back for his thumb to caress her cheek. She opened her hazy eyes to see him gazing down at her again.

  “I’ve wanted you for a while now, Stacey,” Jax whispered. And hunger in his eyes left no room for doubt.

  She said nothing and leaned up to kiss him again. She was vaguely aware of her hands beginning to move over his body of their own accord. Jax’s other hand wrapped around her and drew her in to press against him. Stacey felt even braver now and took her turn with her tongue as both his hands slid down her back and around her ribs. She felt her chest rise with anticipation as his fingers played at the buttons of her blouse, expertly opening them one at a time. When the last button was free, his hands went up and brushed against her breasts, bringing chills to her body. A soft gasp interrupted her kisses and he repeated the action.

  Stacey brought her hands to his shoulders and cast off his jacket, undoing the zipper of his pants as he freed his arms of it. She helped him slide his shirt up over his head and brought her mouth to his neck. Using what she’d just learned from him, she gave special attention to the space where collar met shoulder.

  She felt chills as her blouse was slid from her shoulder. Jax’s hands cradled her shoulders while his fingertips pulled a bra strap down. His own skilled lips returned the favor and she shivered. Stacey ran her tongue up his neck as his hands found her hips.

  “You taste pretty good, Mr. Burn,” she said huskily.

  He let out a husky breath of his own that sounded almost like a growl. With one swift motion, he rolled his hips and lifted her enough to bring her down on her back. She gasped at the sensation of falling, but quickly recovered when she felt the strength with which he held her. Jax lowered himself on
top of her, covering her body with his. He rolled his hips again; the eager stiffness between them no longer a secret. Another small moan escaped her and she took his head in her hands to claim his mouth again. Their tongues danced together more before he quickly pulled away and looked straight into her unfocused eyes.

  “I’m going to find out if that’s true for you too, Stacey,” he replied, holding her gaze while he worked at bringing her skirt off.

  Her foggy brain barely process what he’d said before his fingers laced under her black panties and slid them down in one motion. His breathing was quite heavy as he looked shameless at what she had to offer.

  “Jax -” she tried to speak her discomfort as suddenly feeling on show, but he lowered himself between her legs and kissed the inside of her thigh. Stacey’s hand’s gripped at the couch to try and scoot herself away but Jax’s arms wrapped up from under her legs and held them close. A quick nip of teeth against her sensitive skin, a swipe of his tongue, and then his target changed altogether. Stacey gasped when she felt his tongue run up along her most private place. The brief feeling of violation instantly gave way to one of gratitude as he did it again even slower, the heat of his tongue lingering.

  Her breath shook and her hands gripped tightly at the couch.

  “Hah, ngh!” She tried to hold her voice back but couldn’t keep from whimpering as his tongue explored even further all along the edges. His arms tightened around her legs as they tried to squirm. Again he ran the entire thing along her soft flesh, which was growing wetter by the second. Her breath became shaky again, and she looked past the lacy fabric of her bra to see his eyes looking back up at her. Eyes as confident as if he could make no error. She whimpered again and heard his name escape her lips.

  Then for the first time, he let out a moan of his own. Deep and low, and utterly arousing. Heat fluttered in her belly and her breath became shorter. Jax closed his eyes and pulled her hips closer before delving his tongue inside of her.

  Her mouth opened in a strangled attempt to stay quiet that quickly failed. She tossed her head with a cry a pleasure as she felt it moving inside of her.

  Her hands tensed and clenched at the furniture. Her hips rolled against his skilled administrations and her gasps grew higher in pitch. Jax read each sign with ease, and as she neared her peak of intensity – he withdrew. She immediately looked down at him, whimpering now is neglect. He glided up her quivering body, kissing every inch of her. Slipping his hands up under her bra, he raised it up and over to expose her lovely breasts. A strangled moan escaped her as his fingertips moved over them with the lightest of touches. He took a nipple into his mouth and suckled, easing his teeth across it just for the sensation.


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