ZetaTalk: Orientation

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ZetaTalk: Orientation Page 7

by Nancy Lieder

  The Service-to-Self entity will next seek to savage the perpetrator, through intimidation or by undercutting their


  This is a scene familiar to humans, much played out in the media. Individuals are framed for crimes they did not

  commit. There are threats, and blackmail attempts. Certain acts of vandalism are done, with the message that this is

  only the start. For those not oriented to Service-to-Self, these acts are unacceptable, and not even considered.

  Therefore, this option, which the Service-to-Self take without hesitation, is not an open option at all.

  The Service-to-Self entity will then proceed to attempt to disable the attack, by diverting the attack onto another or

  some sort of diversionary tactic.

  Offering up another victim, the one least likely to have defenses or retaliate against the entity selecting them, is tried first. Should this be a situation where the resulting attacks from the substitute victim are anticipated to be as bad as the original attack, this ploy is abandoned. Distraction is tried. The victim may attempt to start a fire, literally and

  figuratively. The child anticipating a deadline at school, for which he is unprepared, may foist a bomb scare on the

  school to buy time. The dog ate my homework, an excuse often used by all, is not the route taken by the Service-to-

  Self youngster, who would prefer to cause distress and chaos for the power trip this elicits. For those not oriented to Service-to-Self, diversionary tactics, where they exist and are acceptable, will have already been taken. If the victim cannot escape, they may point to the side, hoping to distract the attacker. This seldom works, or when it does, seldom

  works for long. The victim, having been chosen because he or she is helpless, is like a mouse in a box.

  Is there nothing the victim can do?

  The reader may have noted that there has been much discussion about Service-to-Self maneuvers. We have brought

  this forth in this discussion for a reason. Service-to-Self entities, seeking to gain converts to their orientation which they deem will be under their domination, use fear and resentment situations to gain converts. In the situations

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  ZetaTalk: When Under Attack

  described above, the entity not oriented toward Service-to-Self will be torn. Should they take the option used with

  success by others? Should they counter intimidate, toss another victim into the mouth of the attacker, or cause a chaotic situation with unpredictable and perhaps regrettable results? They decide not. Some decide to try these tactics, and

  draw themselves toward an orientation where victimization and perpetration are the name of the game. The psychology

  at play in prisons, or in slum areas where gangs emerge, show what happens to victims who take this route. They are

  caught, the way back fraught with greater victimization than the original situation they sought to escape.

  What does this leave the entity who does not wish to enter the Service-to-Self game? Where love is the answer, this

  has been tried. Where the victim is dealing with a hardened Service-to-Self entity, such tactics only bring forth a

  cynical laugh. Escape is not possible. Appeal to authorities non-existent or tried and failed. Diversion tried and failed.

  The strength of the victim not enough to counter the threatened attack, whether the attack is physical or psychological.

  What does the victim do? In this case they are best counseled to keep their eye on the horizon, the long term, and bear in mind that any situation of victimization must end, if only in death. We are saying, do not give in to the urge to get the upper hand by adopting the tactics of the Service-to-Self crowd. Gain the upper hand by stoicism. This robs the

  attacker of his goal, his reward.

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  PeopleTalk: In the Hands of Man

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  PeopleTalk: In the Hands of Man

  mailed Sep 10, 2004 by the author to various media hosts and outlets, among them Rush Limbaugh, George Noory, Art Bell, Matt Drudge, Don

  Imus, Joe Lieberman, Bruce DuMont, Larry King, Time Weekly, Wall Street, Examiner Weekly, National Enquirer, Earth and Sky.

  Some things are cut in stone and men can do nothing to alter the outcome. Other matters can change day-

  to-day depending on individual and group actions. Recently, I have written to each of you about The

  Passage of Nibiru, The Pact of Silence and The Really Big Power Grab with the hope that each of you

  would act individually to expose the pact, bring forward information concerning the periodic passage of

  Planet X and look into the power grab that megalomania has put in motion. As you may have noticed, I

  refer those I contact to the reliable information being presented by the Zeta Reticuli Service to Other

  people on their web site Zetatalk.

  There is an alien presence on Earth. Aliens have been here from the beginning. Some are here to help the

  human race and others are here to exploit man and recruit those who are self centered and do not care

  about their neighbor. The Zetas are one of about a thousand different Alien peoples on Earth at this time.

  The affairs of humans and the guests on Earth are overseen by The Council of Worlds to maintain a

  balanced learning atmosphere for emerging souls incarnate on Earth to learn, or help others learn, to love

  each other. That is the lesson each human is to learn on Earth in Third Dimension prior to moving on to

  the Communal Living lesson of Fourth Dimension.

  Believe them or not, I am setting forth the facts. You must validate the truth of these statements for

  yourself. That is part of learning. Not seeking fame or fortune or reward of any sort for myself and

  realizing a possible risk to my safety for attempting to expose the cover ups, I refer all who would be of

  service to others to contact Nancy Leider, the Zeta Emissary on Earth, and read the book, Zetatalk, study

  the archives of the Zetatalk web site and read the pages of the indexed information available in the site.

  Planet X is coming and that is set in stone. It passes by every 3,657 years on average. Last time it came by

  Israel used the chaos to depart captivity in Egypt. PX has come by thousands of times in a history that is

  recorded only in geology, legend, myth, folklore, pictographs and such.

  How men, especially those who have not yet heard about the coming Pole Shift and Transition from Third

  to Fourth Dimension will be caught unaware unless you or others tell them what their leaders, kings,

  presidents or such are, and have been for some decades, keeping from them that might now be of

  assistance in reparing individually for the future, will react when they learn of the deceit is in the domain

  of each individual. The Zetas have spoken to the issue of what could happen when the lie is finally made

  apparent by the appearance in the sky of the Red Dragon of legend, the dust and moons of Planet X

  swirling and writhing for all to behold; causing discussion of what it might mean for mankind. They have

  released two separate articles, " Two Scenarios" and " What They Fear Most," detailing two possible outcomes each depending on when man learns of the deceit and then relating the actions that may be

  taken by the common man and the response of the many conspiring governments to prevent loss of position

  and power.

  Please read those Hot Off The Press articles and decide which two scenerios you would prefer play out.

  The one that does in fact become a reality may depend on whether or not you who have the means to

millions of people finally determine it is in the interest of all men that the fact be made public, and

  not really in your interest to be party to the hush. It is in your hands. You, the media people, need to love

  all of your neighbors and do that which is prudential at this moment. Speak THE TRUTH! Do not remain

  silent. Only the brain dead need not be concerned about this serious, serious, serious decision. Continue

  the cover up or destroy the pact of silence and warn The People. Which will it be? Which scenerio will it

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  PeopleTalk: In the Hands of Man

  ultimately be? Maybe, just maybe, you can make a difference and the one for the better of two not so good

  scenerios will become how mankind reacts and how world leaders responds to retain their power and

  position in the hope of, in their minds, being the most powerman human upon the Earth.

  It is in the hand of man to make tomorrow what it will be or could be.

  by Robert

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  ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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  ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

  Note: written during the Jan 25, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have mentioned that Service-to-Self aliens do not do density shifting well, and as such are required by their masters to stay in 3rd Density while on Earth, lest they destroy themselves through their bungling. We have also mentioned that they stayed on the Dark Side of the Moon, hidden from human view, between interchanges on Earth.

  This all is distressing to these Service-to-Self visitors, as they prefer the relative comfort of 4th Density, so at the first opportunity they leave to where they can reside in 4th Density physical. The Dark Side of the Moon is still used on occasion when heavy visitations are being conducted on Earth, a campaign of some kind such as trying to gain control

  of the continent of Africa for the Service-to-Self. But in the main, this is vacant, as the Earth has moved not

  unexpectedly into Service-to-Other orientation, the polarization squeezing the Service-to-Self humans into smaller and

  smaller camps, so fewer visitations are occurring. The masters, the Service-to-Self aliens at the top of the pile, are

  sending their minions elsewhere, where the rewards might be greater. So what will those Service-to-Self aliens

  remaining do during the shift? Like the Bush White House crowd, the NASA/CIA crowd, who are hoping to hop to

  Mars and avoid the mess, they will leave. The Service-to-Other aliens visiting will do the opposite, and be side by side with their human counterparts, as we have stated within ZetaTalk.

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  ZetaTalk: Spiritual Health

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  ZetaTalk: Spiritual Health

  Note: written Aug 15, 1995

  Humans regularly go to the dentist, get their shots, work out at the gym, and take their vitamins. This is all to maintain physical health. Humans also go dancing, take up hobbies, tie one on now and then, surround themselves with music,

  and, especially on the West Coast, go for therapy. This is all for mental health. In the spiritual realm there is worship at church, meditation, and ... not much else. The reason for this is that the spiritual side of man doesn't manifest in the same way physical and mental problems do. Does one ever die of a sick spirit? Is one hospitalized because the spirit is sick? There seems to be no repercussions to neglecting the spirit. Those who attend church regularly fare no better

  than those who don't, and the benefits of meditation cannot be measured. So, why bother?

  Where the spiritual side of man does not demand care and attention, it is the one aspect of a human life that remains after death. What occurs during an incarnation either strengthens or diminishes the spirit, and this sum total forms the basis for the next incarnation. That's why one should bother.

  What is spiritual health? As with the human intellect, the spirit grows best when exposed to breadth. Watch the sunset

  and contemplate the vastness of the Universe rather then crack another beer and stare at the TV. Look with wonder at

  the variety of human forms and personalities rather than close this out as an intrusion on the status quo. Take

  responsibility for a small task that improves the life of the least among you, and get hooked on how much better this

  makes you feel about yourself than if you had spent that bit of time fussing over yourself.

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  ZetaTalk: Spiritual Awareness

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  ZetaTalk: Spiritual Awareness

  Note: written Jan 15, 1996

  The human animal, from birth, deals with many distractions that obscure communications from the spirit. Hunger,

  sexual urges, fright, pain - all demand center stage. Social distractions are just as insistent, as the companion who

  demands constant chatter requires as much concentration as a throbbing toothache. Both refuse to go away. Humans

  wanting to be in touch with their inner selves develop many techniques for separating themselves from the distractions

  - long walks, wilderness retreats, prayer, gardening, meditation. The key practice is to diminish the noise and listen to the upwellings, concentrating on the song the spirit is trying to sing. The key is to eliminate distractions. If this can be accomplished best while folding laundry at an empty laundromat, or walking the dog, or pretending to take a nap, it

  matters not.

  Where the physical world can be a distraction, yet it is part of God's universe just as the soul is. The soul is aware of the physical world, as these are memories that the soul carries with it, one incarnation to another. The entity well

  integrated with the physical world is making a true connection to God’s universe, celebrating the rich connections. The notion that spirituality is separate from the physical world is perpetrated by elites who would tell you that only special individuals who can separate themselves from the physical are able to understand the spirit world. This is nonsense!

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  ZetaTalk: Self Righteous

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  ZetaTalk: Self Righteous

  Note: written May 15, 1996

  The self righteous are invariably those who are anything but righteous - they are self focused, and in our opinion this is not right. The arrogance of the self righteous is symptomatic of spiritual immaturity, where superficial actions are

  taken to stand for what should be spiritual depth. Rather than empathize with others they chose to stand apart. Rather

  than muddy their hands and feet they walk the safe, clean path. Do they think the higher spiritual realms are attained

  by avoidance and clean hands?

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  ZetaTalk: EST

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  ZetaTalk: EST

  Note: written Aug 15, 1996

  Among the self-development programs promulgated by humans there are some that are exceptional, encouraging

  growth in the advocates by unleashing mental or emotional shackles, but most simply use existing channels of learning

  and strict or even harsh rules. EST falls into the latter group, producing graduates that are more akin to well trained dogs than thinking humans. All resistance to the imperviousness of rules is broken, so that the advocate becomes a

  virtual robot in the instructors hands. Thus guided,
the advocate presumes they have improved, when in fact they have

  improved only in the eyes of their instructors. EST, like many cults, creates followers that can be counted on to obey, as all who were inclined otherwise dropped out of the program in disgust.

  These types of programs are the opposite of what they claim to be, self-improvement or confidence builders, which

  would be the case were the programs run by individuals oriented towards Service-to- Others. Slavish obedience even

  in the face of pain and humiliation is quite the opposite, a program run by those in the Service-to-Self, who have many guises for their aims.

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  ZetaTalk: Survival of the Fittest

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  ZetaTalk: Survival of the Fittest

  Note: written Oct 15, 1996

  Polarization of the orientations occurs even in cultures where the life support systems are ample, so that all living

  members of the intelligent species survive. Polarization of the orientations occurs due to myriad decisions the entity

  makes, that build upon each other until the trend is undeniable. For those leaning toward the Service-to-Self, each self-focused decision requires that they harden themselves against others, and focus on what they consider the rewards for

  having done so. This tends to harden them, increasingly, as these decisions are made, until cruelty becomes a power

  trip, all sense of empathy having been lost. For those leaning toward Service-to-Others, each rescue of another is

  rewarded by the comfort and joy that another experiences, which is likewise experienced vicariously. Sacrifice is

  weighted in this light, so that as empathy and the ability to experience comfort vicariously increases, the sacrifice

  diminishes in proportion.

  On worlds where there is no contest that can be termed survival of the fittest, this polarization still emerges and in

  approximately the same time frame. Death may not be the outcome, but maiming or torment is just as terrible.


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