Decadent Master

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Decadent Master Page 7

by Tawny Taylor

She could only hope!

  She briefly considered a hasty retreat. Public nudity wasn’t exactly something she was ready to explore. But then again, a small part of her was anxious to go for it, throw caution to the wind and see where this led. She couldn’t deny she’d enjoyed herself yesterday.

  And what if he saw her? Dierk? Her pussy warmed. What if he was watching right now? With one of those security cameras. Trying not to make it obvious, she glanced at the closest one, positioned over the dungeon’s entry.

  Oh hell, what did she have to lose? A little self-respect? She’d made a bigger fool of herself before and lived to tell the tale. She glanced to her right. The woman chained to the big cross wasn’t a perfect size two, but it wasn’t stopping her.

  And that woman over there, kneeling, she had her fair share of cellulite, too.

  Just go for it. You can do this.


  It wasn’t the easiest thing she’d ever done, undressing in a large room full of strangers. But, shockingly, it wasn’t the most difficult either. She stood off to one side, partially hidden by a tall swing suspended from a metal frame. Nobody seemed to care what she was doing.

  But she felt very small and vulnerable as she padded barefoot out to the center of the dungeon. Trembling hands clenched together, she lowered herself to her knees and then lay flat on the floor. The position, she quickly realized, was a relief. She felt somewhat hidden, since her vision was restricted.

  “Well done.” It was Rolf’s voice. She lifted her head, but he stopped her, gently pressing it back down. “I didn’t release you yet. I have asked some fellow Doms to join me in a moment, and this is the position I need you to hold.”


  “Yes, Master,” he corrected.

  “Yes, Master.”

  She heard footsteps approaching, lots of them. Her heart beat harder, faster as they came closer. She was surrounded by people. She had no idea how many. And her ass was out there for them all to see. If only the floor could open up and swallow her whole, right now.

  “This is a new submissive, Wynne,” Rolf said. “I would like you to tell me what you think of her ass.”

  One man said. “That is one of the freshest asses I have seen in a long time.”

  “I agree. Spankable,” commented another.

  “I bet it’ll pink up really nice for you,” suggested a third.

  “May I touch it?” asked a fourth.

  Instinctively, Wynne clenched her butt muscles.

  “Oh nice. Look at that,” commented a fifth.

  “You’re welcome to touch, but only the ass,” Rolf told them.

  Oh God, she was going to die of embarrassment.

  Instantly, there were hands all over her butt, stroking, squeezing, massaging, slapping. At first, she was sure she was going to die of mortification, but gradually, after it went on for a while, the awkwardness faded and she started to enjoy the touches. It helped when she closed her eyes and imagined a certain person stroking her.


  Was it possible he owned a pair of those hands that were kneading, pinching, smacking?

  Such obedience.

  Dierk focused the security camera on Wynne and zoomed in. If she truly hadn’t been in a dungeon before, it was remarkable that she would go that far the first time. Rolf had discussed her application with him last night, and he knew the little brunette’s main issue was a body image problem. He’d trained plenty of submissives with body image issues and none of them had stripped bare in a crowded dungeon the first time.

  The girl had guts. He admired her for that.

  He also admired her ass. It was round like he liked them, and he was sure it would pillow a hard cock very nicely. Too bad it wouldn’t be pillowing his.

  He wasn’t too proud to say he wished he was out there touching her smooth skin, rewarding her for her obedience. Rolf would do a fine job training her. She wouldn’t be difficult, she’d already proven that. She didn’t need a harsher, more demanding master than his brother, and still he burned to be the one to bring her to the brink of her limits.

  Rolf glanced up at the camera, as if he knew Dierk was there watching. Rolf narrowed his eyes for a split second then bent over and commanded Wynne to rise up on her feet.

  He would take her to his private suite now. A flare of jealousy burned through Dierk’s body.

  The cameras in Rolf’s suite had been shut off. He’d done that out of respect for his brother, a show of trust. But he was damn tempted to power them up. He could always come up with some excuse why they had to be switched on.

  He reached for the computer that ran the system. His fingers hovered over the keys as he sat and watched Wynne and Rolf walk out of the main dungeon and down the single corridor that led to all the private suites. He watched them stop at Rolf’s door. He watched them go through it…watched the door close….

  Should he? Shouldn’t he? No, he wouldn’t.

  Gritting his teeth, he went back to the grunt work he’d been doing before she’d come in: ordering supplies for the bar. But he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Actually, he hadn’t stopped since he’d first seen her, and it was driving him nuts.

  This was the last thing he needed.

  Well, she was here, back in Rolf’s private bondage suite. Glancing around, she could see it didn’t have the same vibe it had last time. The walls were still painted the same hue. The artwork still hung in the same place. And yet, the room had taken on a more sinister feel. The table, which had been pushed against the wall, was now positioned in the center of the room. And the armoire doors hung wide open, the contents on display.

  This was it. They weren’t going to chitchat today.

  She had no clue what she should do once they were closed inside. Head over to the couch and sit? Climb up on that table? What?

  After her gaze took a final lap around the room, she gave Rolf a questioning look.

  He circled her. “Every Dom-sub relationship is different, so do not assume that what I want is what another Dom would want and vice versa.”


  “First, I will teach you how to properly kneel.” He pointed to a spot not far from the entry. “Here.”

  She went to the place he indicated and knelt, resting her bottom on her heels.

  “No, not like that.” He gently positioned her with his hands, lifting her up off her heels, lowering her head, arching her back. His touches were firm but not harsh, and his nearness was both unsettling and a little arousing. “Much better.” He sounded satisfied.

  “Thank you. Master.”

  He took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Now, I will teach you how to present yourself to your master.”

  She wondered what that involved. “Okay.”

  “Whenever you enter this room, you will present yourself to me. What that means is you will take your position—standing if I am standing, and kneeling as I showed you if I am sitting—and wait for me to instruct you on what to do next. When you are presenting in a standing position, you will stand like this.” Once again, he used his hands to position her. Spine arched, arms held close to her sides, hands clasped behind her back, head down, shoulders back. “Yes, very nice.”

  Like earlier, his touches were authoritative, not exactly sensual, but still pleasant. He didn’t touch any part of her that would be considered an erogenous zone, but she tingled all over anyway. His scent wafted to her nose, carried by the slight breeze his movement stirred. Heat radiated from his body, warming her as he circled around her, checking her position.

  When he rounded her side, he tapped her bottom lightly. He stopped directly in front of her.

  She stared down at his knees.

  “You have surprised me today, precious. If you had any doubt that you’re a natural submissive, you should completely dismiss it. You are obedient, gentle, and eager to please, and any master would be lucky to have you. I expect several here at Twilight will approach me, to ask if they might train y
ou. Because we have no contract between us, binding you to an exclusive relationship with me, you are free to accept an invitation from any Dom you like.”

  Would Dierk be among the Doms who would approach her?

  “O-okay,” she responded.

  Rolf clasped his hands behind his back and strolled around her again. “You need not worry about your safety. All Doms at Twilight are committed to following our guidelines. To the letter. With your permission, I will file your application in the office, so that any Dom you scene with will have access to it.”

  “Okay.” Right now, there was only one Dom at Twilight she wished to scene with, outside of Rolf. Dierk, of course.

  She felt a little guilty about the fact that they were brothers. Rolf was gentle and encouraging, polite and patient, no doubt a good master for someone who was new to BDSM. But she couldn’t help feeling like she was doing something wrong because of her attraction to—correction, fascination with—his brother.

  Maybe, if Dierk wasn’t interested, she’d be better off choosing a Dom who wasn’t his brother?

  “One last thing and then we’ll be finished for today.” He patted the table. “Your reward.”

  She slid up on the table, sitting with her legs dangling over the edge.

  “How often do you masturbate?” he asked.

  Her cheeks burned. Would she ever get used to talking so frankly and openly about this stuff? “Uh, not very often.”

  “Do you have a hard time making yourself come?”

  An even more awkward question. She shook her head and muttered, “Generally no.”

  “Good.” He headed toward the armoire. “Do you use a toy or just your hands?”

  When would this line of questioning end? “Usually just my hands.”

  “Have you tried a dong? Dildo? Vibrator?”

  “I have.”

  He pulled out a wrapped dildo, medium sized, pretty much comparable to the average guy’s penis, and pretty darn lifelike. He unwrapped it, rolled a fresh rubber onto it, then handed it to her along with a tube of lube. “Okay.” He took a step back and nodded. “Go ahead.”

  Go ahead?! “Masturbate? Now? Here?”

  “Yes, now. Would you deny yourself the reward you’ve earned?”

  “No, but…” She’d never touched herself in front of anyone before. She wasn’t sure if she could make herself come when she knew she was being watched. She stared down at the rubber cock in her hand for a moment and then glanced at Rolf.

  He didn’t look pleased. “I said, masturbate.”

  Oddly his demand made her heart beat a little faster, little tingles spread through her system. Maybe the apprehension and vulnerability would work to her advantage?

  “Y-yes, Master.”

  She tended to come more easily when she was on her back, legs bent and spread wide apart. So she squirted some lube onto her fingertip, closed her eyes, lay down, and touched her clit.

  Ooh, nice.

  She set the dildo on the table, leaving it within reach, and used her free hand to part her labia. Oh yes, that felt good.

  She started with slow circles, using gentle pressure. Gradually, things started happening. Little ripples of pleasure spread out from her center and her body started tightening. Stomach. Legs. Chest.

  She increased the speed and pressure of her touches. It didn’t seem to be hindering her, knowing Rolf was standing nearby watching her. Waiting. In fact, it seemed to be helping. When she imagined him focused on her pussy, a wave of heat rushed up her chest.

  Then she imagined Dierk was the one watching, and her blood began to boil. She clenched her pussy around burning emptiness, and reached blindly for the dildo.

  She wanted to be filled, needed to be filled.

  Getting closer.

  Still stroking her clit, she pushed the dildo into her pussy as far as it could go, then clenched her muscles to amplify her pleasure. In her imagination, she saw Dierk standing over her, looking on sternly, her Master, waiting impatiently for her to come.

  Hot. So hot.

  Her legs began trembling. She stretched them as wide as she could and worked the dildo in and out in a steady rhythm that matched the rapid strokes over her clit. Her blood was pounding through her body now. Her skin was tingling all over. Sweat was trickling from her hairline. She kept going, driven to orgasm to please him. To please her master.

  His dark eyes. She saw them in her mind’s eye. His lips. His hands. Tapered fingers. Thick arms and hard, muscular body.

  Her master. Master Dierk.

  Her pussy clenched tighter. She was going to come. So close. Right there.

  “Stop,” Rolf demanded.

  Stop? She jerked her hands away from her quivering pussy. She’d been so fucking close. One more stroke. One more thrust and she would’ve been done.

  Gasping and shaking and hot, she opened her eyes and looked at him. He was standing directly in front of her, with a perfect view of her burning pussy.

  “Once you’ve caught your breath, you can start again.”

  “That was harsh.” She started to draw her knees together, but he stopped her with a glare.

  “You’ll thank me later. Don’t hide my pussy from me.”

  His pussy. Wowwwww. Did that stoke some flames.

  She really did get into this stuff. It was sexy and exciting, a dark thrill. “Okay.” She took one slow, long inhalation and released it. “I’m ready.”

  He nodded. “Begin.”

  Her pussy was still tingling and wet, and it didn’t take long for her to be shaking and burning on the verge of ecstasy again. She had her imagination to thank for that, as much as that thick dong gliding in and out of her clenching pussy. The images she conjured of Dierk were almost enough to make her come without touching herself.

  Hot. Hotter. Tight. Wet. Need wound through her body and pulled her muscles into knots. She gasped and arched her back. “Please let me this time.”

  “Let you what, precious?”

  “Come. Please.”

  “Not yet. Hold on.”

  She stopped thrusting the dildo inside, just left it buried deep in her pussy. She slowed the strokes over her hard little clit, squeezed her eyelids closed and held her breath, hoping she could stop herself from coming.

  “Not yet.”

  Ohh, this was hard. And frustrating. And ohmygod, thrilling. She started shaking more violently, and it felt like huge waves of searing heat were billowing up her body.

  Almost. One more stroke.

  She stopped her hand. Her pussy twitched.

  “Now.” Rolf whispered, his voice sounding exactly like Dierk’s. In that instant, she let it be Dierk’s. She passed her finger over her clit, pulled the dildo out, and jammed it in one last time. As an inferno blazed through her body, her back arched off the table. He said over and over, “Sparrow. Sparrow. Sparrow.”

  Sparrow. She was a bird, flying, soaring, and swooping through the air, carried on a hot, turbulent current.

  The contractions lasted and lasted. The rush pounded through her body again and again. It was an orgasm unlike any she’d ever had. Longer, and a hundred times more intense. So strong she felt it in every single cell of her body. From her scalp to the soles of her feet.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhh,” she heard herself say as she rode wave after wave of ecstasy.

  She had finally learned what an orgasm was supposed to feel like. And now that she had, she couldn’t wait to have another. And another and another.

  With him. With Dierk. Even if it was only in her imagination.

  Dierk gave his rigid cock one final swipe and heaved forward as his cum surged up and out, spilling into the trash can sitting at his feet.

  Holy shit, what that little submissive did to him.

  She was trouble, not because of who she was, but because of what she made him want.

  He wanted her.

  He wanted love.

  But he couldn’t have either.


  Dierk wasn’t so
much angry when he saw his brother Rolf pull Wynne’s file and hand it to Zane as he was concerned. There’d been rumors—which Zane denied, of course—that he didn’t exactly respect his submissives’ hard limits.

  Being a Dom himself, Dierk knew there were times when a submissive might appreciate his or her limits being tested. And he also recognized the fact that there could be a fine line between testing limits and breaking them. So, he had put Zane on formal probation, warning him he would be watched at all times, including when he was in his private suite.

  Zane had taken it better than Dierk had expected.

  Still, Dierk had good reason to be worried when he heard that Zane was interested in scening with Wynne. She was very inexperienced and had little understanding of her own needs and limitations as a submissive yet.

  “I think it’s a bad idea,” Dierk told Rolf when he returned to the office, Wynne’s file in his hand.

  “She said she was open to scening with other Doms.”

  Dierk leaned forward, narrowing his eyes. “And after what you told me about Zane my first night, you feel comfortable with this?”

  Rolf glanced down at the file. “Not 100 percent, but if we both keep an eye on him, he won’t have a chance of getting carried away.”

  That was bullshit. “Why even give him the chance?”

  Studying Dierk’s face, Rolf set the file on his desk. “Because I felt Zane would give Wynne something I can’t. She’s searching yet, and I think it’s unfair to vet her options for her. She’s not mine. She made it clear she isn’t ready to commit to me or any other Dom.”

  Dierk snatched up her file and opened it. He skimmed her application. “She doesn’t have enough experience to know if she’s over her head.”

  “She has her safe word.”

  Dierk waved Wynne’s file. “Are you convinced she’ll use it?”

  Rolf’s nod was emphatic. “Yes. Positive.”

  Dierk wasn’t so sure and his doubt must have shown, based on his brother’s reaction.

  Rolf’s eyebrows rose. “You told me three new submissives joined the club this month. Not one. Three. Why is it I haven’t heard a word about any but Wynne? You’ve asked me how her training has been coming every single day.” Rolf crossed his arms over his chest. “What’s up? You have a thing for her? She’s pretty enough, so I couldn’t fault you if you did.”


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