Decadent Master

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Decadent Master Page 21

by Tawny Taylor

  He laid out his sleeping bag, stretched out on it, and kicked off his dusty boots. It was a small town. It wouldn’t take long for folks to hear he was back. He smiled into the gathering shadows. What would Paul and Julia do then?

  Paul let himself in through the back door of Julia’s small condo and found her in the kitchen stirring something that smelled like chicken on the stove. He came up behind her and planted a kiss on the back of her neck. She squeaked, and he wrapped his arms around her hips and nuzzled her throat. Strands of her silky brown hair tickled his face. She dropped the spoon into the pan and swung around to face him.

  “Don’t you ever knock?”

  He touched the brim of his Stetson. “No, ma’am, I was brought up in a barn, remember?”

  She leaned back against the countertop, her blue eyes serious, her normally laughing mouth a worried line. “That joke is getting old.”

  “Yeah, I reckon I’ve been making that one since kindergarten.” He raised his eyebrows at her. “So, what’s up? You seemed kind of jittery when you called.”

  “I just spoke to Roxanne. She says Luke is back in town.”

  Paul blinked at her. “Our Luke?”

  Well, he’s scarely ‘ours’ anymore, is he? We haven’t seen or heard from him in ten years. But Luke Warner is definitely here.”

  Paul studied Julia’s flushed face. “And?”

  “And what?”

  “What do you want to do about it?”

  “About Luke?” She shrugged, and one of the thin straps of her blue camisole fell down from her shoulder. He noticed she had no bra underneath. “I don’t know.”

  Paul stepped closer until his large body was only inches away from Julia’s. Her nipples tightened through the thin cotton of her cami, and her breathing hitched. He put his hands on her waist and set her on the tiled countertop, reaching over to turn off whatever was cooking on the stove.

  “You want to see him, don’t you?”

  She looked up at him, and he bent his head and licked a slow, lascivious line along the seam of her lips.

  “He’ll be hard to miss in a town as small as this.”

  “That’s not an answer.” Paul slid a hand under her camisole and cupped her right breast, used his finger and thumb to twist her nipple to a hard, needy point. She sighed and shoved her hand into his hair, wiggled closer to the edge of the counter, until her sex rode the thick ridge of his cock in his jeans.

  “You want to see him up close and personal, right?” He murmured between kisses and nips. He went still when she caged his face in her hands.

  “Don’t you want to know why he left?”

  “Of course I do, but…”

  She smiled at him and unbuckled his belt and straining fly. “But, you’re worried I’ll run off with him?” She wrapped her hand around his cock and squeezed hard, just the way he liked.

  “Yeah,” he admitted, as she pulled down her shorts with one hand and let them fall to the floor. “You always liked him best.”

  His fingers plucked at her clit and then slid into the thick wetness of her pussy. He took her hand away from his cock and shoved himself deep into her slick heat, held still as she shuddered around him. Sometimes he liked it like this, hard and fast, Julia having to catch up, giving him every orgasm right around his thrusting shaft rather than against his fingers or mouth.

  Tonight he wanted to fuck her hard, as if he could somehow slow down time and make her realize she didn’t want to go anywhere near Luke Warner, that she wanted only him. She cried out and her pussy clenched around his cock. Paul kept slamming into her and only climaxed when she came again, squeezing every last drop of cum out of his balls.

  She stroked the back of his neck, her fingers soft. “I don’t like him best. I like you. You stayed, remember?”

  He lifted his head to stare at her. “I had no choice. I couldn’t go off and leave the ranch, now, could I?”

  “My hero.”

  She smiled at him, and he had to smile back. “I don’t mind if you see Luke, honey. I’d like to see him myself.”

  “You would?” Julia studied him and then her gray eyes narrowed. “Not if you’re going to beat him up, Paul.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.” He pulled out of her and handed her his handkerchief to clean up. “I’d sure appreciate an explanation though. He was my best friend, too. We did everything together, had our first smoke, our first beer, our first mutual jerk off…”

  “Your first fuck.”

  Paul kissed her nose. “I prefer to think we were making love to you. It was so fucking sweet. You were so fucking sweet to let us.”

  Julia slipped down from the countertop and pulled her shorts back on. Her slow, dreamy smile indicated that she was as caught up in the past as he was. “If it was so sweet, why did Luke skip town right after?”

  Paul tucked his cock back into his boxers and zipped up his jeans. “I don’t know. That’s one of the reasons I want to talk to him.”

  Julia washed her hands and turned back to the stove. “I hear he’s staying at the old drugstore on Main.”

  “That wreck? Why the hell isn’t he bunking with his aunt? Maybe he’s out of money and came back because he had no choice.” Paul sat down at the table and stared at the stove expectantly. It was a five-mile drive back to his ranch, and he already knew he had nothing but beer and beef in his refrigerator. If he was staying over, and after Julia’s call, he’d had no choice but to turn around and come see her, he loved getting fed as well as fucked.

  “I have no idea, but perhaps we should drop by tomorrow and see how he’s doing?”

  Paul grinned at her. “Yeah, perhaps we should.”


  “Yeah, honey?” Paul croaked and opened his eyes to find Julia propped up on her elbows looking down at him, her breasts grazing his chest, her long legs straddling his hips. He had no idea what time it was, only that he was in her bed and that it was still dark. Despite the fact that they’d already made love twice, his cock stirred against her wet, warm sex.

  “That question you asked me. The one I didn’t want to answer?” Julia kissed his forehead. “You’re right. I would like to get up close to Luke again.”

  Paul carefully lifted her off him and rolled onto his side. He tried to sound casual, even though he knew she wouldn’t buy it. “So, do you want me to stay out of the way at the ranch while you fuck him?”

  “Why would you do that?”

  He shrugged and tried to smile. “Because I’m trying to be the better person, here. I’m trying to give you choices.”

  “That’s not like you at all.”

  “I know.” Hell, it was the hardest thing he’d ever contemplated, giving Julia up, especially to Luke Warner.

  She reached out and touched his chest, stroked her fingers over his nipples. “I kind of thought you’d like to be there, too.”

  He studied her carefully in the dim light. “When you say ‘there’ do you mean like, physically there?”


  His cock reacted quicker than his brain, showed its appreciation of the idea by filling out hard and fast. In the beginning it had always been the three of them and they’d learned about sex together. Somehow, it had felt right and he couldn’t shake the notion that it would always feel right. “Like, both of us?”

  “That depends on Luke, doesn’t it?” Julia’s tentative smile cut through the darkness. “I always think of us as a threesome, don’t you? Or does that make me some kind of voracious slut?”

  “Not in my book, honey.” He rolled on top of her and drove his cock deep, felt her curl her arms and legs around him and hold him tight. “I’m happy to do whatever you want as long as I’m part of it.”

  She lifted her hips into his thrusts and he kept on pumping, slid his hand between them to finger her clit and bring her off with him. He couldn’t contemplate sharing Julia with any other man but Luke, and, to be fair, she’d never expressed an interest in fucking anyone else. And, as far as an
yone knew, they’d been a couple since high school. The least he could do was give them all a chance to explore every aspect of their old relationship. That was only fair. He groaned as his cum exploded into Julia. Sex with Julia was always excellent; with Luke involved, it might be awesome.

  Julia sipped her second cup of coffee and squinted into the sunlight filtering through the blinds of her small kitchen. Paul had gotten up early and gone home to his ranch. Since his parents had decided to retire to Florida, he never had the luxury of walking away from it completely. Despite having some staff to help out, something always required attention, even if it was as dull as repairing fence line or doing the accounts.

  When it got really busy out there, during cattle drives, birthing or branding, Julia often went out and stayed with him. She half-smiled. Otherwise she would never see him. And she liked seeing him. Liked the way he used his big, strong, body too…

  With a sigh, she got off the stool and picked up her briefcase. Time to get to work and face another day of exciting fiscal challenges at the one and only bank in Gulch Town. Not that much ever happened. The most exciting thing this year was when Mr. Murphy’s crazy sheepdog had gotten loose and chewed up a load of paperwork and a couple of chairs.

  She’d been beyond excited to become assistant manager because it meant she could stay in her hometown, but it also meant she had to deal with Mr. Glynn, the complete asshole who ran the bank and was slowly driving her nuts. Unfortunately he had at least four years before he was due to retire, so unless she wanted to move jobs, or be sent to prison for murder, she was stuck with him. And she’d never wanted to leave, had she? With an ever-changing cast of stepfathers, her only security had come from Paul, Luke, and Gulch Town.

  As she walked to her car, she wondered how Luke was doing. How on earth was he going to survive in that wrecked old store his family had abandoned years ago? She knew that several offers had been made to the family to buy up the prime retail space, but they’d all been refused. Had Luke intended to come back all along? Had he been the one behind the family decision not to sell?

  On that tantalizing thought, Julia got into her car and drove the five minutes to work. If Luke was moving back, surely he’d need funds? And, as Mr. Glynn preferred golf to sitting behind his desk, she was nominally in charge of the only bank in town. It looked like she might be seeing Luke even sooner than she had anticipated.

  APHRODISIA BOOKS are published by

  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  119 West 40th Street

  New York, NY 10018

  Copyright © 2010 by Tawny Taylor

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  Aphrodisia and the A logo Reg. U.S. Pat. TM Off.

  ISBN: 978-0-7582-5721-5




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