Their Sub, Their Mistress [Club Esoteria 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Their Sub, Their Mistress [Club Esoteria 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Cooper McKenzie

  She looked back at him, and he said, “You will stay with us this weekend so we can explore whatever this is between us. Raven and I can both see that you’re fragile, but we want to help you heal and explore the lifestyle because I also think you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into this weekend.”

  Lace looked into his eyes and once again saw no revulsion, just the look of an interested and aroused male. Before her brain came too far out of the fog his and Raven’s kisses had enveloped it in, her head was nodding up and down. “Okay,” she breathed.

  “Good girl, little dragonfly. You won’t be sorry.” Hawk leaned in and brushed one more kiss over her lips. One hand came up, covered her left tit, and gave it a quick squeeze, causing Lace to suck a breath in surprise. “Now, let’s get your stuff inside so you can set up your display.”

  Chapter 3

  An hour later, Lace was so overwhelmed all she could do was stand and watch as Jenna and Whitney, with the assistance of Raven and Hawk, redid what she thought had been a perfectly acceptable display. After all, she was just selling her ready-to-wear panties, teddies, camisoles, and chemises.

  She and the other vendors shared space in various stations along the wall opposite the stage where most of the weekend’s action would be taking place. The long table had a white tablecloth on it, and since she had not thought to bring anything with her to spice it up, she turned to setting up her display. Opening the notebook full of pictures of special orders in the center of the table, she placed a stack of business cards in front of it. Around that center point, she sorted through the different clothing pieces packed in individual plastic bags and laid them out in an orderly manner, trying to keep styles together though the sizes and colors were jumbled.

  When she finished, she looked around, but except for Hawk and Raven, who were busy setting up their own booth, she knew no one. Not sure what she should do now, she sat in one of the two folding chairs that came with the table and pulled an empty sketchbook out of her oversized carryall that also held her clothes. Closing her eyes, she began to sketch a new outfit she had gotten a special order for. The man wanted a BDSM inspired wedding outfit for his slave woman who was also bride-to-be.

  She had barely started working when a familiar voice exclaimed, “No, no, no, no, no, no. This will never do.” Looking up, Lace found Whitney and Jenna standing in front of her table. “Pet, go get five or six of the hangers from my closet. The ones with the notches to keep clothes from sliding off. Oh, and bring my copper-colored two-piece outfit and the peacock dress. And my scarf box.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “I’ll get my new slave girl outfit,” Whitney offered.

  “Yes, perfect. And bring down a couple of the extra baskets from the storage room.”

  By then, Raven and Hawk had wandered over from their table. “What’s going on?” Hawk asked in his gentle Dom voice as he stared at Lace.

  “I don’t think Mistress Jenna approves of my display,” Lace said with a nervous smile.

  Jenna listened to the exchange with what appeared to be growing interest and a mysterious smile.

  “Well, it, um, well,” Hawk said, biting his lip to keep from grinning at her.

  “What he’s trying to say, sweetie, is that it sucks. It has no pizzazz, no sparkle, nothing to draw the customer’s interest to make them come closer to look over what you’re selling,” Jenna said. “But don’t worry, we’ll fix it, and I promise you are going to sell everything you brought and take home enough orders to keep you busy for the next month.”

  Since she had the entire contents of her stockroom with her, Lace hoped Jenna’s prediction proved false. Though if she did sell everything, she might be able to pay off one of the doctor’s bills and start paying more on the others. At that moment, she decided not to offer discounts on purchases of multiple items she had considered earlier. She might also try to get special orders to prepay as well.

  “What’s that look?” Raven asked, pulling her attention from finances and back to the present and reality.

  “Nothing,” she said as she walked around the table and stood in front of it. Jenna was right. Her booth sucked. “Okay, I’ll never be a booth designer. Do your magic, Mistress Jenna.”

  By then Jenna’s slave/mate, Antony, and Whitney had returned with the items Jenna had requested, and the Domme went to work. When Antony was called away to help another vendor, Hawk and Raven stepped in to rearrange the chains that hung from the ceiling behind the table.

  Once they were where Jenna wanted them, she and Whitney hung clothes from them. They did not just use their outfits, but also chemises, camisoles and thongs from Lace’s stock. Then they stood back and decided that one chemise needed to be lowered and Whitney’s slave outfit had to be raised several inches.

  Then Jenna and Whitney turned their attention to the table itself. After draping several of Jenna’s scarves across the table, they displayed her wares using the baskets and opening a few of the baggies and draped the satin and lace creations, inviting potential customers to test their softness. When they were finished, Lace did not recognize it as the same table.

  Then the Domme turned her attention to the Woolphe brothers display and did the same thing, which made Lace feel better. Finally Jenna left the area to answer a phone call from a frantic convention-goer who was lost and refused to talk to anyone but Jenna.

  “So, little dragonfly, what will you be wearing during the weekend?” Raven asked as he poked through the pile of chemises.

  “Uh, well, I thought I’d wear this,” she said as her stomach knotted with anxiety. She knew before he shook his head side to side that she was about to undergo the same kind of makeover as her display.

  “No, I don’t think so, little one. Don’t worry. We’ve got time to get you looking as enticing as your booth.”

  Lace wondered if she looked as skeptical as she felt. “How? I didn’t bring anything but two more dresses like this.”

  “Do you have anything at home? We can make a clothing run without a problem,” Hawk asked. “Or we could make a few alterations on this one.”

  Lace tried to think. She had finished and mailed out all the special orders. “I make these clothes. I don’t wear them.”

  “Whitney,” Hawk called to the submissive who was walking by with a basket of water bottles.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Do you have anything in your wardrobe that Lace could borrow for the weekend? Preferably one of her own designs. She needs to be her own best advertising.”

  “I think Jenna’s closet is the one we need to raid,” Raven said as he joined the conversation. “After all, we want our little dragonfly to attract attention to the booth and her lingerie, not herself. We don’t want any other men getting the wrong idea about why she’s here.”

  “You don’t?” Lace blurted out then felt heat rush to her cheeks as the two men looked at her.

  “Of course not. You’re spoken for, at least for this weekend. You’d better remember that or there will be a spanking in your future,” Raven said, leaning in and brushing a kiss over her lips.

  Immediately fire burst to life behind her clit and sent warmth through every inch of her. When he pulled back, she leaned to follow, wanting more but unsure how he would react to her demanding another kiss.

  “You’re right, brother,” Hawk said as Lace blinked and tried to rein in her need to continue kissing Raven. “Whitney, please let Mistress Jenna know we would like to borrow an outfit for Lace to wear tonight. We’ll figure out something else for tomorrow.”

  As the heat thrumming through her bloodstream cooled, Lace began to resent their high-handed actions. Sure her booth looked much more appealing, more like a small boutique than a sales table in a sex club, but why did they want to change her, too?

  “You don’t look happy, little one,” Raven said as he stepped closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his chest. “What’s wrong?”

  Lace looked at him then at
Hawk and dropped her head to look at the floor so they would not see the lie in her eyes. “Nothing.”

  She squealed when a hand landed hard on her ass. Before she could recover, a second swat was applied, which hurt just as much.

  She pulled away from Raven and turned to face off with both men even as she rubbed her ass, trying to ease the stinging pain. “What the hell?”

  “One thing we do not abide is lying,” Raven said as he met her frown with one of his own. “That was just a taste of future punishment. From here on out, for every lie you tell, you will receive five swats.”

  Lace’s mind went into confused overload. She was angry at being spanked like a child, but her pussy clenched with excitement that maybe these men actually did care. She looked to Hawk for help, but he wore the same expression as his brother.

  “No, little one, don’t look at Hawk. That’s the other thing that will earn you serious punishment. Trying to play us against each other is a big no-no. You should also know that we share everything and anything you say to one the other will hear about,” Raven said, stepping closer and demanding her attention once again. “Now, what was that look about?”

  Lace had to think back to what had started this show of dominance. “I appreciate Mistress Jenna’s efforts, but why can’t I just wear my own clothes?”

  “What are you wearing under that dress?”

  “Excuse me?” The question shocked Lace so much she had trouble remembering what she had put on that morning as she had dressed in the predawn darkness.

  “You heard the question,” Raven said as he slid the top fastened button through the hole. “Oh, never mind, we’ll just find out for ourselves.”

  Hawk moved in behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle to hold her still as Raven continued down the front of her dress to her waist. Then he knelt and started at the hem and worked his way up. When she tried to pull away, Hawk reached around and slid his hands into the open front of her dress, and covered her breasts.

  “Oooo, whatever she’s wearing is soft and silky,” he said as he pulled her back to lean against his broad, muscular chest.

  She gasped when Raven paused in his task and ran a hand up the inside of one leg from ankle over her knee and up to mid-thigh. “Her legs are, too,” he said.

  Lace gasped as her body betrayed her and allowed these two big, sexy men to take total command of her. For the first time in more than two years, she was not scared of someone touching her. She was aroused and getting hotter with each touch.

  * * * *

  Raven released the final button holding Lace’s dress together. Pushing the front panels apart, he sucked a breath as his eyes went so wide he wondered whether or not they would pop out of their sockets.

  Their little dragonfly was hiding the body of a sex goddess under her too-big, all-covering dress. He had felt and now saw the scars she hid, nearly a dozen white lines that ran across her legs like parallel stripes. They did nothing to detract from the otherwise perfect formation of her legs as they led from her ballet flats up to where they disappeared under a black lace slip.

  The slip skimmed her curvy frame and ended just a handful of inches below her pussy. Creamy white skin peeked through the lace, except over her tits and pussy. The peekaboo show enticed him to discover what she wore under the sexy piece of nearly nothing.

  Pushing the slip to her waist earned him a “No, please,” from Lace though she did not try to stop him. He ignored her protest and ran his hands around her wiggling hips to discover the panty she wore was actually a thong.

  His hands covered her bare ass cheeks, and he squeezed gently. Lace moaned and tightened, pushing back into his touch. Leaning closer, the scent of her arousal filled his lungs with his next deep breath. He also saw the wet spot on her thong, which seemed to be spreading as he breathed on it.

  He kissed the small triangle covering her mound before smoothing the slip back down into place. Then he stood up afraid if he stayed down much longer, he would bury his face between her thighs and not come up for air until she was completely relaxed and begging for mercy.

  He met Hawk’s eyes and smiled his approval. When his brother nodded in return, Raven leaned in and gave Lace a long, deep, lingering kiss.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” he said once he lifted his lips from hers.

  From her expression, he knew she did not believe him. As if reading his mind, Hawk slid his hands from her breasts down to cover her belly. Raven pushed the dress off her shoulders and saw two sets of black straps.

  His cock began to throb with its need. Smiling, he looked deep into her eyes to see her arousal overruling her fear as he slid the straps of her slip off her shoulders and down her arms. Then his fingers traced down the straps and pushed the material down far enough to uncover a front hook black bra that almost overflowed with the bounty that were her tits.

  Licking his lips, he looked at his brother. “We need to take this somewhere more private. Now.”

  Hawk nodded his understanding, his own expression tense. “Take her to the elevator. I’ll talk with Taurus about having someone watch our tables.”

  Raven was the one whose head rose and fell with agreement this time. Pulling Lace’s dress back up to cover her shoulders, he wrapped one front panel over the other then bent and set his shoulder against her middle. Wrapping his arm around her legs, he straightened. She hung over his shoulder relaxed for several heartbeats before she began to struggle.

  “Hawk, put me down!”

  Reaching up with his free hand, he smacked her ass cheek. “Hold still, little one. I don’t want to drop you.”

  She stopped trying to free herself as he strode toward the back of the main room of the club with her dangling over his shoulder. He chuckled when she began to slap the cheeks of his ass with her palms. “Little one, I suggest you stop that or face the consequences.”

  She hit him twice more, harder than before. Hard enough to make him jump at the heat that shot through his lower body straight to his balls, which were pulling up close to his body. It had been a long time since he had held a woman, touched a woman, wanted a woman as much as he did this frightened little dragonfly. From the hungry look Hawk had sent her way, Raven knew his brother felt the same way.

  Now to find out if Lace felt it as well.

  Chapter 4

  Since she could not see where he was taking her, Lace had to trust Raven. After his warning, she pulled back and spanked him twice more. As the blood rushed to her head, she closed her eyes to remind herself that he would not dare hurt her with Jenna within screaming distance. Then he pushed open a door and carried her through it and suddenly they were surrounded by silence.

  “Raven?” she asked in a shaky voice as her fear swamped her again.

  “Shhh, little one. It’s all right. No one’s going to hurt you, especially me or Hawk.” His voice was soothing as he rubbed one hand up and down the back of her legs.

  Then he set her down. She wobbled with dizziness when he released her. Before she toppled over, he stepped close and pulled her into his chest. With her balance thrown so far off kilter, she wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight.

  Something about these two men made her feel safer than she had felt since her father had died her senior year in high school. For a moment, she felt as if she had found the hero she had always wanted and had never met.

  She closed her eyes and rested her head against Raven’s chest with a sigh. “What now?” she asked though she was not sure she really wanted to know. Fear had ruled her life for so long. If Raven told her what they were going to do, she might balk and run back to her table instead of taking a chance that he was correct in saying they would not hurt her.

  Before Raven could answer her, Hawk pushed through the door they had just come in and joined them in what looked like a beautifully appointed lobby.

  “Ready for some fun?” Hawk asked as he crossed to the elevator doors and pushed the call button.

  “Past ready,�
� Raven said.

  “Lace? Are you ready for some fast, intense playing as the elevator runs up and down a couple of times?” Hawk asked her opinion for the first time.

  Lace looked from one brother to the other. Her mind raced through a million thoughts in the next nanosecond as she considered what they were offering her. A few minutes of sexual play that might just unravel a few of the knots she had lived with that had grown impossibly bigger and tighter since they had come into her life a few hours before.

  Did she dare take the chance?

  Could she trust them?

  Taking a deep breath, Lace knew the answer to both questions was yes. Though these were the first men, except the deliverymen she saw on a nearly daily basis, she had met since before the attack, they seemed genuine in their attraction. And since she was so far out of her comfort zone already, why not just throw herself off a cliff and trust them?

  “Okay. Sure. Why not?”

  “In that case,” Hawk said with a smile that set her pulse to racing as he extended his hand palm up, “take off your dress and hand it to me.”

  As Lace shrugged the dress off her shoulders and took it off, she wondered what kind of relationship they were entering into. Well, the only stupid question is the one not asked, so she swallowed hard. She laid the denim dress across his palm and then looked into his eyes.

  “Does this make me your submissive?”

  “Would you like to be?” Hawk asked, his voice soft and deep, sending heat and tingles through her body.

  When faced with the question, Lace froze. She shrugged and dropped her gaze from his. “I don’t know.”

  “Would you be our submissive for the next oh, say fifteen minutes?” Raven said, moving in behind her until she could feel the heat of his body through the few bits of clothing she still wore.


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