Their Sub, Their Mistress [Club Esoteria 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Their Sub, Their Mistress [Club Esoteria 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Cooper McKenzie

  She was grinning widely as she turned off the highway and drove down the driveway to her grandmother’s house forty-five minutes after leaving the club. Her confidence and mood was as high as the stars until they broke through the trees and saw a big SUV parked in front of the house.

  “What are they doing here?” she asked, though she had a good idea of the reason for their visit.

  Chapter 12

  “Who is it?”

  “I believe the Woolphe brothers beat us here from the club,” Lace said, easing to a stop before entering the circle. “What I don’t understand is why?”

  Whitney giggled until Lace turned and frowned at her. “If you don’t know, then I think we’re going to have to do remedial training on the differences between women and men. Girlfriend, they’re falling for you, though I doubt they would admit it to anyone at this point.”

  “Falling? For me? What makes you say that?”

  Whitney grew serious. “How about the fact that they collared you Friday night without hesitation? Or the fact that they monopolized every minute of your time, both when you were at your table and afterhours as well? Or the fact that they’re here when they could have easily walked away just like you did? Nope, those two are feeling some serious Dom attraction.”

  “So what do I do?” Lace asked, feeling as if she was in the middle of the desert with no landmarks in sight and no compass.

  “I’d say you get out and talk to them. Find out what they want, what they have to offer, and where they see this relationship going.”


  “Do they want a once-in-a-while playmate for those times they’re in New Bern? Or are they looking for a woman to love forever? You also need to figure out, and damned fast I think, what you want from them.”

  “That’s easy as I don’t have a clue,” Lace said.

  “Then tell them that. Maybe you can ask for time to think about the weekend, and your reactions to them and what they asked of you, and all that.”

  “Mmmm, sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the ride,” Lace said as she opened her door.

  “Do you want me to stay?” Whitney asked as the two women climbed from the car.

  “No, thanks, I think I’ll be okay alone with them. Drive safe on the way back to the club. And tell Whitney and Taurus thanks for a great weekend,” Lace said as she pulled her suitcase from the backseat.

  “Call me later and let me know what happened,” Whitney ordered gently.

  Lace accepted the hug the other woman always gave her upon leaving before turning and watching as Hawk and Raven climbed out of the SUV and came around to the back. They took up identical stances with feet planted wide and thick, muscular arms crossed over broad chests.

  Lace’s cunt clenched and cream overflowed just looking at the two. At that second, she realized she had been lying to herself thinking she could get along quite well without these two.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked as she slowly approached, stopping long before she wanted to.

  “We need to talk,” the one standing on the left said, his voice full of Dom power that sent a shiver of need through her.

  In her heart and soul Lace knew he was Raven even though the two wore matching leather pants and vests and had their hair pulled back in matching braids down their back that she had done for them.

  Not sure she wanted to have this conversation, she set her feet and matched their stance, crossing her arms under her breasts. This pushed them together and up, which drew both men’s attention. Raven licked his lips while Hawk smiled, his expression growing predatory.

  Finally, she took a deep breath as her hands shifted and she hugged herself. “We need to talk about what?” She internally winced at the high, tight, slightly panicked tone her voice had taken on.

  Hawk and Raven frowned for a few seconds before their expressions cleared and went strangely blank, as if they were wearing masks. Dropping their arms, they stepped forward and sideways, parting so she could not watch them both at once. Though her nerves jangled with fear, she could not move. These two had become her men, and she could not run away and hide, no matter how much she wanted to.

  “The spanking you earned for leaving without talking to us first,” Hawk said.

  “And then, after we put this back where it belongs,” Hawk said, holding up the collar she had left with Jenna, as they took another step, “we’re going to talk about whether you would rather move to Washington or would have us move here.”

  “But, but, but we barely know one another,” she sputtered, turning her head from one to the other.

  They wore matching expressions in which she read a determination to get their way no matter what.

  “Doesn’t matter, we’ll get to know one another. What you need to decide is whether you want to be with us or not. But know this, we are a package deal,” Hawk said as they took a step closer this time.

  “But what if one of you decides you want someone else?”

  The men finished closing the distance between them. “Won’t happen,” Raven said at the same time Hawk answered with, “We know what we want, and we want you.”

  Lace looked up into their handsome faces then whirled around and saw that Whitney and her cute little car had disappeared. She was on her own, and they were waiting for her answer.

  Was this what she wanted? No matter how much they had helped her the past two days, she was still a long way from the strong, confident woman she remembered being before the attack. She needed professional help before she allowed these men to saddle themselves with her.

  “I can’t,” she said as she slowly turned around. “Not yet. You helped me so much this weekend, but I need some time to fix myself. I think it’s time I talk to a therapist like the doctor suggested when I left the hospital.”

  The men nodded though they did not look like they understood. They maneuvered around her until she found herself trapped between them, Hawk in front of her and Raven pressed up against her back.

  “Can’t you see a therapist and see us, too?” Hawk asked, a finger under her chin lifting up until she was nose to nose with him.

  “I don’t know. I think I need to do this alone, at least to start with,” she whispered. “Do you think you could give me some time?”

  She fought an urge to say to hell with it and claim these two as her own. But she wanted to come to them whole and healthy both mentally and physically. Whether they cared or not, it mattered to her.

  “How much time?” Raven asked as he wrapped his hands around her hips and began to massage the flesh.

  When the brothers leaned in and each began to kiss and lick either side of her neck, she closed her eyes and her mind shorted out as she moaned with her quickly building need. They worked their way down to where neck flowed out into shoulder and began to suck at her skin.

  After several long minutes, they raised their heads, and Raven stepped around so she could see them both. “Well? How long?”

  Lace’s stomach knotted as she tried to focus on the question at hand. “Two months?”

  “All right, sweet dragonfly, you can have your two months,” Hawk leaned in and kissed her left cheek.

  “We will meet you at the Club Esoteria bar in two months and half a week on Friday night at nine o’clock,” Raven stated before kissing her right cheek. “Wear something sexy.”

  “Okay, two months and half a week from today,” Lace said with a smile even as she blushed at his request. “Now you need to get back to the club.”

  The brothers nodded but seemed reluctant to leave. After they each gave her another quick kiss, this time lip to lip, they climbed into the SUV, and Raven drove them around the driveway and into the woods.

  As soon as the SUV was out of sight, Lace wanted to call them back. Could she do this? Was she really brave enough to do the work she needed to do without them pushing her and helping her?

  As she carried her suitcase up the porch steps, unlocked the door, and entered the house, she took a d
eep breath. She could do this. For herself as well as for the two men who had just driven out of her life. She only hoped they would be at the club when the two months had ended.

  Chapter 13

  Lace was certain everyone could hear her knees knocking as she walked into the main room of Club Esoteria just a few minutes before nine on the evening they had agreed to meet. She could not wait to see Hawk and Raven again. She had so much to tell them about her recovery as well as a need to tell them how much she had missed them during their time apart. She also intended to beg them to take her under command. After two years of being strong, independent, and alone, since meeting them, she had come to the realization that she needed someone, needed them.

  As she slowly crossed to the bar, she looked around, but did not see them. The sights and sounds of the room seemed to settle something in her soul that she had not even known needed soothing. She could feel eyes on her, people watching her, but she did not flinch or hide herself.

  Instead, she took a deep breath, straightened her spine, and kept her head up though her eyes would drop in respect whenever she passed a Dom or Domme. As she approached the bar, she saw Whitney and Jenna talking. Moving toward them, she slowed, not sure she should disturb them. As she decided to move to the other side of the bar, Jenna caught sight of her.

  “Lace! Oh my God, you’re here!” She sounded nothing like the powerful Domme she was as she squealed her excitement. She grabbed Lace in a tight hug before passing her off to Whitney for an equally enthusiastic greeting.

  “Yes, I’m here,” Lace said.

  “And that outfit! Where did you get it? It’s amazing!” Whitney exclaimed as she motioned for Lace to circle.

  Heat rushed to her face as she turned so they could see the full effect of her outfit. “I made it,” she admitted softly.

  Similar to and yet quite different from the slave outfit she had made Whitney, she had used a soft, flesh-colored netting for the full chap-style leggings held up by a black leather belt which buckled low on her hips. She wore a black satin thong with a wider than normal ass strap under them, which matched the barely there black satin and leather strappy top that barely contained her full breasts. Her makeup was subtle, and she had dusted all exposed skin with a glitter-filled powder.

  “You made it? It’s incredible! And perfect for life with your Masters,” Jenna said with a wide smile.

  “If they show up,” Lace said with a shrug. “I have not heard from them since they left my house two months and five days ago. They’ve had time to think as well. Maybe they changed their minds and decided they don’t want to be with me.”

  She squealed in surprise and pain as two large, hard hands smacked her ass cheeks, one on either side. Before she could process what was happening, hands grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back. In seconds, her arms were wrapped in soft leather that covered most of her forearm, which quickly and effectively manacled her arms across the middle of her back.

  “Nice outfit, dragonfly,” Hawk said as they turned her to face them.

  “Very sexy,” Raven said, smiling his predator’s smile at her.

  With her arms secured, she could not hug them and was not sure she had the balance necessary to kneel in order to kiss their boots as she pled for them to take her back. Instead, she looked her fill.

  They wore worn jeans and white T-shirts instead of the leathers they had worn before. Not much different than what some of the other Doms in the room were wearing, but on these two being fully clothed was a bigger turn-on than seeing them in nothing at all.

  Lace’s nipples beaded, pressing against the satin of her top, drawing both men’s eyes. Her pussy clenched and overflowed with her cream which, by the twitching of their noses and their deep inhalations as they stepped even closer, they had picked up on.

  “Brother, I do believe someone is happy to see us,” Raven said as he ran a hand up her arm and across her shoulder.

  “I think you’re right. Question is, how happy?” Hawk said.

  Without another word and without caring or even acknowledging there was anyone else in the room, Hawk reached down and cupped her mound. Slipping a finger under her thong, he slid it full length into her cunt before twisting it back and forth slowly.

  Lace sucked a breath at his bold, invasive action. She then whined a protest when he pulled his finger from her and lifted it so anyone who was looking could see it glisten with her juices.

  Raven looked from his brother’s finger to her, holding her eyes as he licked his lips. “Looks like she’s very happy to see us.”

  Hawk nodded. “Shall we go somewhere private to negotiate the terms for our surrender?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Raven responded. “How about you, little one? Are you here to claim us and take us under control? Or to tell us to go pound sand?”

  Lace was shocked they were asking her. It sounded like they were submitting to her. But how could that be since she was the one with her arms secured behind her back? After swallowing hard, she managed to whisper, “Claim you.”

  Both men released breaths that she had not realized they were holding. Then Hawk turned and waved for the bartender’s attention. When he turned back, he held a key in one hand and three bottles of water in the other. “Shall we?”

  Instead of releasing her arms, Raven bent, and in a second Lace found herself hanging from his shoulder. She wanted to demand Raven set her back on her feet but bit the inside of her cheek instead. The brothers were now moving fast across the room and up the stairs. If she was standing on her feet, she would never have been able to keep up with them.

  So she relaxed and watched the muscles of Raven’s ass move in his jeans. What a yummy sight. She wished her arms were free so she could slide them down the back of his jeans and see whether he wore boxers, briefs, or went commando.

  She was so intent on his ass that she did not notice when they had entered a playroom until Raven bent and put her back on her feet. Once there, it took a moment to find her equilibrium, during which her men sandwiched her body between them to keep her from falling over.

  “Hello, Mistress,” Raven said, pulling her into his body and kissing her soundly and thoroughly.

  When he released her, Hawk moved in and greeted her equally enthusiastically. Once he broke their kiss and stepped back, he removed the leather holding her arms secure. Then the two men knelt before her and each took one of her hands between both of theirs.

  She looked from one to the other in confusion. Then she noticed that they, too, were barefoot, as all submissives in the club were required to be. “What did you mean your surrender? And why are you barefoot?”

  “While we are dominant, we want you to be comfortable in our relationship. And if that means that you’re in charge and dominating us, then so be it,” Hawk said.

  “We don’t care who’s in charge, as long as the three of us are together. You are the only woman for us,” Raven continued.

  Stunned, Lace turned and looked around the room. It did not look like it belonged in a sex club. It looked like it should be in a luxurious bed and breakfast or in a French villa.

  “But what if I want you to be in charge?”

  “Just tell us what you want and we’ll be most happy to give it to you,” Hawk said as Raven nodded his agreement.

  “I want you naked. Now,” she said with a smile.

  She watched, amazed, as the men stood and stripped. In less than a minute, their clothes were neatly folded and placed on a chair, and they were once again kneeling before her. She had a hard time focusing on anything except the hard cocks that jutted from their bodies, long and hard with deep-red heads.

  “Undress me,” she said gently, not sure how far she could take this before her own submissive side pushed forward.

  Once again, they stood then efficiently disrobed her. Instead of kneeling again, they sandwiched her between them, their warm skin feeling so good against her own.

  “Fuck me, please, like you wanted t
o. One in my pussy and one in my ass,” she moaned as she wrapped one arm around Raven’s waist in front of her and the other around Hawk, who was pressed against her back. “Claim me as your woman.”

  Twin groans met her words as hips canted and pressed erections harder into her body. “It would be our pleasure,” Raven said, taking her mouth with his own and kissing her long and deep.

  Hawk’s hands slid around her body and cupped her breasts, driving her need to a level where she could no longer hold still. Her hips began to move back and forth, pushing harder against first one and then the other.

  The brothers seemed to act of one mind as they slowly danced her across the room to the bed. Once they reached it, Hawk released her for a moment and went to the armoire across the room. He returned a moment later with condoms and a bottle of lube. He handed her the condoms then the brothers stood tensely as she slowly sheathed their cocks in latex.

  Hawk climbed on the bed and laid down then motioned for her to join him. She climbed on the bed then crawled to his side. Wrapping one hand around his cock, she slowly stroked him until his hips began to thrust up from the mattress. While holding the base of his cock, she straddled his hips and fit its head to her open, dripping-wet entrance. Taking a deep breath, she began to bob up and down his shaft, taking him deeper and deeper on each downward thrust. She continued until she had taken him fully.

  “Damn, dragonfly, you’re so fucking tight,” he gasped, his hips continuing to thrust upward.

  “Oh my God,” Raven said as he moved in behind her. “She’s wearing a plug.”

  “I wanted to be ready for this,” she moaned as Raven slowly pulled the plug from her ass.

  She leaned down until her nipples brushed through the hair covering Hawk’s chest. Then she slowly moved them back and forth, teasing both her and the man under her. She tried to relax as Raven added more lube to her ass before fitting the tip of his cock to her puckered star.


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