Echoes of Summer

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Echoes of Summer Page 1

by Bastian, Laura D.



  Title Page

  Other Books By


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty


  Dear Reader

  Also Available


  About Author

  Sneak Peek of Sink or Swim

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Echoes of Summer

  When her former boyfriend shows up eight years later, Madison isn’t sure if she’s more relieved or angry he doesn’t recognize her. Especially since she’s forced to work with him for a few months and he has no clue she kept such a huge secret from him.

  When Stephen finally realizes Madison is the same girl he knew as Bea from his grandparents’ town, he’s excited to catch up and reminisce about those summers — but she seems cold and wants nothing to do with him.

  The truth comes out and he learns he’s the father of a seven-year-old son, throwing him into completely unfamiliar territory as he tries to develop a relationship with his child and attempts to rekindle the romance he’d once shared with Bea.

  Can they each overcome their sense of betrayal and learn to be united for the sake of their son, and perhaps find love again?

  Echoes of Summer


  Laura D. Bastian

  Other Books by Laura D. Bastian

  Sink Or Swim

  Eye On Orion

  Beyond Orion

  Guardians of the Gate

  Copyright © 2015 by Laura D. Bastian.

  All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written permission of the author.

  Cover Design by Novak Illustrations

  Chapter One

  Madison peeled the wrapper off her fun-sized Butterfinger and popped it in her mouth. She rarely indulged, leaving the candies on her desk for clients, but she’d worked through lunch on a presentation and was starving. Only seventy-three minutes until she was off and could head home. She’d swing by Jessie’s Grill and get a juicy burger and a huge order of cheese fries and some plain ones for Milo. Her seven-year-old thought the only good thing on a fry was ketchup.

  She took a drink of water and swished her mouth out then took a breath mint before her appointment with her boss. She grabbed her laptop, wondering if he wanted to see the proposals for snagging the Doewin’s company she’d been working on with Robert for the last few weeks. If they could nab that new personal hygiene manufacturer, it would skyrocket Carlson Ad Agency to the top.

  A quick glance at her clock told her it was time to head to Mr. Carlson’s office. She opened the glass door and fitted her smile into place. First impressions happened more than once, no matter what it was called. Every time you saw or heard of a person or product, a new opinion formed. That’s why she went by her middle name instead of Beatrice. Madison sounded much more professional, yet still fun and interesting. Not old lady. It was always a good idea to show her best, and a smile was the place to start.

  “Great work on the cereal account, Madison,” Robert said as he joined her in the hallway on his way to his office.

  “Thanks, Robert. I hear you’ve almost closed the deal with the sports drink. You’ve got this.” Madison gave him a thumbs up, and Robert returned it half-heartedly before disappearing through his door. He’d been struggling lately to stay focused with his daughter fighting leukemia. Madison had been filling in for him on the Doewin’s proposal and was close to being ready.

  Madison smiled and nodded at the others in the office as she made her way to Mr. Carlson’s door.

  His secretary smiled and waved her in. “He’s expecting you.”

  “Thanks, Kathryn. I love your necklace. Was that something from your trip?”

  Kathryn’s eyes lit up. “Yes, my husband picked it out at this cute little shop we’d stopped at after touring the lava tubes. Oh, I wish I could go to Hawaii once a month.”

  Madison smiled. “Wouldn’t that be fun? I’m so glad you got to go.” Hawaii was on her bucket list. As long as she didn’t visit his island, she’d be fine. Maybe once she closed this latest deal, she would go, but she didn’t really want to go to Hawaii with a young child alone, and there was no one in her life at the moment who could accompany her.

  The secretary rubbed the plumeria flower design between her fingers with a dreamy look on her face.

  Madison sighed. “You’ll have to tell me all about it soon. Tell Trisha hi for me, will ya?”

  Kathryn nodded. “Will do.” She returned her attention to the computer monitor, and Madison reached for the door to Howard Carlson’s office, thinking about the guy she swore she’d never waste another minute on. Stupid Hawaii. Stupid Hawaiian family who sent their drop-dead gorgeous son to work his grandpa’s farm every summer since he was fourteen. Stupid first kiss that had melted her soul and then turned her into an idiot with every one of his kisses that followed. She hated thinking of Stephen, but every time she looked into her son’s eyes, she could see his father clearly.

  Madison forced the memory of Stephen Kohalohini back into the box he’d been breaking out of for the past eight years and opened the door. Mr. Carlson stood as she entered, and a man with broad shoulders, shiny black hair, and beautiful brown skin stood and turned toward the door.

  Her mouth dropped open to see the very man she’d just banished from her thoughts standing in front of her. He smiled, showing perfect white teeth against his full lips, and that familiar crinkle that surrounded his eyes reminded her of all the good times they’d shared over that summer. Of the mischief they’d gotten into. Of the only time she’d been arrested.

  “Madison,” Mr. Carlson said, waving her closer. “I’d like you to meet Stephen Kohalohini.” Mr. Carlson looked at Stephen as if asking if he’d pronounced the name right.

  Stephen smiled, “You’re a natural, Mr. Carlson.”

  “Stephen, this is Madison Perry, the best account executive we’ve ever had.”

  Madison froze a few feet away from the desk and stared at the dark brown eyes studying her. He didn’t remember her. She’d gone from chestnut to blonde, learned how to use makeup, went by her middle name for work, and had gained twenty pounds, but apparently she’d been so forgettable Stephen didn’t remember those summers together at all.

  Mr. Carlson took a few steps around his desk and stood next to Madison. “I’d like you to show Stephen around the office. I’ve hired him as a consultant to help us increase our productivity and get some more clients. He�
�ll also help you cover for Robert as new client manager until Robert gets back into full swing.” Mr. Carlson looked at Stephen. “I’m excited to have you with us.”

  “I’m excited to be here as well, Mr. Carlson. And Madison, I’ve heard so much about you. It will be a pleasure learning the ins and outs of this office from you.” Stephen extended his hand, and Madison forced the smile to return to her lips. First impressions and all that. The second his long fingers wrapped themselves around her small hand her heart fluttered, and she knew she was in trouble.

  Stupid heart.


  Stephen couldn’t believe his luck. He’d be working closely with this blond-headed beauty. If he understood right, this was the little lady he’d be working with on the Doewin’s account. Mr. Carlson wanted that deal. He was sure he could help bring this agency into the twenty-first century and get them utilizing social media and Internet options for advertising.

  Madison’s smile captivated him, and something about it seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place it. Not many women left a lasting impression on him, but Madison was well on her way to it. In fact, the more he looked at her, the more he felt he knew her from somewhere.

  Madison turned to Mr. Carlson, and Stephen felt the loss of her hand as she pulled back from the handshake he hadn’t released yet. He wanted to look into her hazel eyes and see that smile turned back to him but focused on the words Mr. Carlson said.

  “Stephen will be a wonderful resource to work with. I’d like the two of you to collaborate on the Doewin’s pitch. He can give you some pointers on how to catch the new crowd.”

  Madison’s smile slipped, and her face whipped around to study Stephen. The daggers in her gaze surprised him, and his own smile dropped away. Was this the first she knew about their working together? Madison turned back to Mr. Carlson and stammered for a moment before taking a quick breath and starting over.

  “I am sure Mr. Kohalohini is a wonderful consultant, but I don’t think I need his help on this.” Stephen was surprised she hadn’t butchered his name like most mainlanders did. “Robert and I have some really good ideas. Besides, what will Doewin think about switching from Robert this far into the negotiations? I don’t think it’s the best thing for us to do at this time.”

  “Nonsense,” Mr. Carlson said. “Things like this happen all the time, and you are still involved. In fact, I don’t think Robert has spent more than a few hours with any of the representatives from Doewin. You’ve been our face. Stephen here will slip into position easily, give you pointers, and help you hook them deep, and reel them in. Besides, Robert has requested time off to spend more time with his family. When things improve with his daughter, we’ll bring him back in and you can share what you’ve learned from Stephen.” He patted Madison on the shoulder.

  Madison nodded slowly as if coming to terms with the changes, but she didn’t look pleased. Mr. Carlson turned to Stephen. “I expect a detailed proposal from you tomorrow morning first thing. Doewin is being courted by too many agencies. I want them signed with us soon.”

  Stephen nodded. “We’ll get them.” He turned his gaze to Madison. “I’ve got some great ideas and would love to hear what you’ve got as well.”

  “Have her explain them over dinner,” Mr. Carlson said. “You can count it as business expenses and get her out of the office. She spends too much time in here as it is.”

  Madison stared at Mr. Carlson as if she couldn’t believe what he’d just said, but Stephen wasn’t going to argue. Especially when just given permission to take this lovely woman out to dinner. Madison couldn’t turn him down for dinner without upsetting the boss, and he was going to make sure he took advantage of this opportunity to impress the heck out of her.

  Stephen thanked Mr. Carlson and ushered Madison toward the door. “So tell me what you’ve got so far. I understand you’ve been working on this proposal for quite some time.” Stephen glanced back at Mr. Carlson who had returned to his desk chair and picked up his phone exuding the attitude of don’t interrupt me.

  The second they got out the door, Madison smiled at the secretary who nodded sweetly in return and waved a couple fingers as she talked to the person on the other end of the phone. It was obvious Madison was well-liked in the office, and her open personality would help them land this account. She dropped the smile the moment she caught sight of him, making him second-guess his assessment of her qualities. She marched down the hallway, and Stephen had to take huge strides to catch up.

  “Should we save the tour of the office until tomorrow, and we can get started on the proposal right away?” Stephen asked.

  Madison slowed down a fraction and pointed stiffly with one hand. “The copy room and supply closet is over there. The breakroom is over there. The restrooms are behind you down this hall. And I have no clue where your office is.”

  Stephen blinked in surprise at her tone but tried to ignore it. “No worries, I’ll just follow you to your office where we can get to work. Then we can head right to dinner.” He pulled out his phone and instructed the voice-activated assistance to find the phone number to his favorite restaurant.

  Madison stopped and whirled around. “I’m not going to dinner with you. You can order take-out if needed, but we’ll be here in the office until seven. Then I’m leaving. I have a prior commitment.”

  Stephen shut off his phone and nodded. “Chinese… or pizza?”

  Madison blinked, and a strange expression crossed her face. It reminded him of something, but she shook her head and said, “Pizza. Deep dish. Chicago-style.” She spun on her heels and marched forward, giving him a view of her long hair that reached the center of her back, her healthy curves below that, and strong calves leading to her fitted knee-length skirt before she disappeared into what he assumed was her office.

  Oh, he would enjoy working here with someone of her spunk and personality.

  Chapter Two

  “Unbelievable,” Madison muttered as she let the door to her office swing shut behind her. She texted her sister to see if Milo could stay until seven and sighed with relief when she said no problem. Her eyes fell on the picture of her son on the corner of her desk. He should have had a daddy who cared, but instead Milo had gotten a man who’d never even returned her phone calls or emails and didn’t know he existed. Madison opened her laptop and grabbed a Butterfinger while her mind wandered to her first sight of Stephen in Mr. Carlson’s office. As her mind flooded with images of his broad shoulders, she shook her head. “The jerk doesn’t even remember me, and here I am thinking about how much he’s filled out over the years.” She grabbed another candy, ripping the wrapper off and shoving it in her mouth followed soon by a third. She needed to get a grip. She was better than this, and she’d never acted so rudely to a co-worker in her life.

  But she’d never had a bad break up with someone she was expected to work with either.

  How could Mr. Carlson do this? Hire someone to teach her about Internet marketing? She’d been trying to convince Mr. Carlson for ages to branch out, yet he always wanted to stay with his tried and true. Now he was hiring a man to do what she already knew. And why hadn’t Robert mentioned something about this? She’d been working on this project with him for weeks and he’d never once mentioned he was considering taking time off.

  A knock on her door made her jump. She grabbed the picture of her son and slid it into the drawer, then chewed fast, shoving the candy to one side of her cheek. “It’s open.”

  Stephen popped his head in her office. “Mind if I come in?”

  Madison took a slow breath before responding around the chocolate still in her mouth. “Of course not. Have a seat.” She pointed to the chair her clients usually occupied, and she walked around the desk slowly to give herself time to swallow. She took a sip of her water bottle and adjusted her smile into place.

  Stephen’s deep brown eyes studied hers, and she felt uncomfortable. He probably could tell she didn’t want to work with him. She needed to be more professional
than that.

  “Look, Madison,” Stephen began, “I wanted to apologize if I sounded forward back there. I should have consulted you first on whether you had plans for the evening. It was wrong of me to assume you were willing to go to dinner just because Mr. Carlson suggested it. I think you’re right that staying here in the office is a better idea. We have all the resources we need to pull together a fantastic proposal and still get you to your appointment in plenty of time.”

  Madison smiled at his use of the word appointment. He almost seemed to be asking for more details. Well, let him think she had a date. “Apology accepted. And welcome to the company. Before we get started on the proposal, do you mind sharing with me some of your prior experience?” She wanted to know about his past and where he’d been for the last eight years, but that would have been totally inappropriate to ask.

  Stephen leaned back into the chair and lifted one foot onto his knee, looking completely at ease in her office.

  She kept her back straight and put on her most professional smile as she listened to him describe his education all the way back to his high school on Oahu then his university training in southern California during the same time she’d been giving birth to and raising his child alone. He moved onto the different ad agencies where he’d worked, some of which surprised her. He was talented, and when he described some of the accounts he’d been involved in, Madison understood why Mr. Carlson was so excited to have him at their agency.

  That didn’t mean she had to be happy about him being there, but if she wanted to keep her job she would have to be careful how she acted. And since he didn’t remember her, she would let it stay that way and keep Milo completely out of this. Besides, Stephen likely wouldn’t be here long. Robert would return; there was no way Mr. Carlson would replace his stepson permanently.

  When he finished, Madison nodded, impressed. “I’m glad you’ve joined us then, Mr. Kohalohini.” She opened her laptop and found the files she’d been working on, feeling nervous to show him her work. What if he wasn’t as impressed? She turned the laptop around and slid it across the desk toward him but kept her hands on the back of it to indicate she didn’t want him to just take it.


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