Echoes of Summer

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Echoes of Summer Page 11

by Bastian, Laura D.

  He bent down and lifted the boy then followed Madison to his room and placed him on the bed after she’d pulled the covers down. Something about the moment felt right, as if he should have done this thousands of times over the last seven years. A wave of sadness followed by a flash of anger at being denied this privilege struck him, and he focused his gaze on Milo instead of looking at Madison.

  She should have told him. She should have trusted him and not listened to the lies her parents had told her about him. He turned to her to ask why, but she wiped her eyes and looked up at him.

  “Thank you for being so good with him.”

  He nodded and followed her out of the room, closing the door as he went. She continued into the front room, and he joined her as she gathered the throw pillows and blankets. He took the popcorn bowl, drink cups, and Milo’s bowl into the kitchen then returned to see her standing in front of the television.

  “I didn’t know you brought this one.” She held up the romantic comedy.

  “Yeah, I thought we could watch it after Star Wars if it wasn’t too late.”

  “Maybe another time.” She held it out to him, but he didn’t take it.

  “I don’t have to get up early. And you’ve had a nap…”

  Madison smiled. “I have wanted to see this.”

  “So stick it in.”

  She hesitated for a moment, looking down the hallway toward Milo’s room then at the clock and down at the disk in her hand. “Okay.”

  She bent down to put the movie in, and Stephen returned to his corner of the couch. He didn’t hug the armrest, but tried not to take up too much space so she would chose the loveseat Milo no longer occupied or even suck herself into the other corner.

  When she sat down, she was only a few inches away, and he leaned back against the couch, purposely shifting his shoulders to lean toward her. She leaned back as well, and her head tilted toward his. She glanced at him, and he met her eyes. “You aren’t going to fall asleep, are you?”

  He smiled. “No promises. I didn’t have a nap today, so it all depends on how much this movie keeps my attention.” As the opening scenes began, he dramatically yawned, tilted his head further to the side until it leaned against her shoulder, and started snoring theatrically.

  “Shut up.” She giggled. “I’ve heard it’s a good one.”

  He stopped snoring but left his head resting on her shoulder. She didn’t move away and let her head rest against his. Stephen smiled. He’d sit through any movie she wanted as long as he could be by her. And if he were lucky, he might be able to sneak in a kiss or two.


  Madison struggled to stay focused on the movie. With Stephen in her home so late at night and them practically alone, she felt strange and a little naughty. Her son, their son, was sleeping sounding in the room down the hall, but she was basically alone with this man who sent shivers of longing down every inch of her body at the slightest thing. He looked at her in a way that made her melt. His touch was comforting, yet stimulating, and sent her emotions into a whirlwind of desire.

  And now that she was snuggled on the couch next to him, she just wanted to make out with him like they’d done as teens. That kiss on Wednesday had reopened her eyes to how much she had missed over the years. She didn’t regret not dating. It had just been easier not to, and she hadn’t wanted to put Milo through the turmoil of her break-ups. Besides, not many guys were that interested in getting involved with a single mother. But the guilt at having deprived Stephen of the chance to be with his son dug at her.

  She still didn’t know how much she wanted to let him into her life. She knew the attraction was there. They could be physically happy and satisfied — she had no doubt. But would he be good for them in the long run? She knew he’d changed since she’d last seen him. But how much?

  And would he be the kind to step into an instant family? Because she didn’t want it to just be casual. If she allowed him in, she wanted him for good. Milo needed stability. She needed stability. That’s why she’d worked so hard to buy this little house instead of just finding a rental apartment.

  She turned her attention back to the movie, then a few minutes later, Stephen shifted a little, taking his head off her shoulder for a moment and angling his body more solidly on the couch. He rested his head again on her shoulder and placed his hand on her leg, just above the knee.

  She looked at it for a moment, knowing exactly what he was doing. In a few minutes, he would bring his hand a little higher then let it rest and work his way up a little until he could place his hand on the hip furthest away from him and pull her into a side embrace. She debated for a moment on whether to take his hand in hers and hold it still so he couldn’t continue on his planned path or to let it run its course and enjoy the teasing.

  As he slid his hand up a bit, she smiled inside and let the butterflies have their way. When he moved it to halfway between her hip and knee, she knew the butterflies would turn into dragonflies, driving her crazy. Deciding to throw caution off the back of the couch, she turned to him. “I know that move,” she whispered, leaning closer to him.

  Stephen lifted his head in apparent surprise, and she smiled at the confused expression. “Move?” Stephen said. “What move?”

  Madison placed her hand on his leg, just above the knee, feeling the strong muscles beneath the fabric of his pants. She then moved it a little higher and met his eyes. He studied her, not speaking, but swallowed when she moved the hand a little higher. “Then, in a couple minutes, you’d have done this.” She reached across him and placed her hand on his waist. She leaned her head against his chest until she could feel the pounding of his heart.

  “Why, Ms. Perry,” Stephen said after a moment, “that’s quite the move you’ve got down.”

  She lifted her head, still keeping her hand on him, but it slid across his belly as she sat up enough to see his face. He trapped her fingers under his, keeping her from moving further away, and she froze, not sure what to do.

  She knew what she wanted to do. Her body remembered other things, though she hadn’t done anything like that for years. This time, she wanted to do it right. To be in a lasting committed relationship. And for Milo’s sake, as well as her own, she would wait until she was married.

  As she stared into Stephen’s dark eyes, barely visible in the dim room with just the light from the television, she caved a little. What would it hurt to kiss him again? She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against his cheek then moved closer to tease the corner of his mouth lightly with her tongue. He let go of her hand and turned more toward her, and she kissed his lips, enjoying the sensations it brought.

  After a few minutes, she pulled back. Stephen searched her eyes then took a slow breath. “I think that move was my favorite so far.”

  Madison smiled and pressed closer again, feeling his arms wrap around her as he pulled her back against him on the couch. She stretched out next to him for a moment, then he shifted her again to a more comfortable position and deepened the kiss. She joined him in it and kissed him back just as intently, her hands exploring his arms while his caressed her back, eventually finding their way under her shirt.

  He pulled back a little, and she paused, feeling surprised.

  He searched deep into her eyes and whispered, “Let me stay?”

  Her body screamed yes, practically begged her to answer him, but as memories of what had happened before promised her happiness, she knew it was fleeting. And it was too soon to head down this path again. She had to keep her head straight. Think with more than just emotions this time.

  His eyes had never left hers, and she knew the moment he saw the decision in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not ready for that,” Madison whispered.

  Stephen nodded and released his hold on her back.

  She pushed herself away from him slowly, wishing for a moment she’d given him a different answer, but she knew this was the right one. She moved over to her side of the couch, and Stephen sig

  “Then I’d better leave now. You’re too much temptation for me to stay longer.”

  Madison nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too.” Stephen rubbed his hands across his face then into his hair.

  He stood without looking at her, and Madison felt rejected even though she’d been the one who’d told him to stop. As he grabbed his shoes he’d kicked off during the first film, she wiped a tear from her eye then stood up to get the movie out.

  When she pressed stop, he spoke again. “You can keep it for the night. Go ahead and finish it. I’ll get it later.” He walked over to her and bent down to kiss the top of her head. “Thanks for dinner and a movie.”

  He turned and left, and as he closed the door, she sat back on the couch and stared at the black television screen. Had she done the right thing?


  Stephen rested his head against the steering wheel for a moment before starting the car. He was moving too fast and, given how things had progressed before, she probably thought the only thing he wanted was sex. He should never have asked to stay. He should have eased up on the kissing and told her they should take things slow. Let her know he could be a gentleman and in control of himself.

  Instead, he’d practically seduced her in her living room and begged to take her to bed. She was just too desirable to keep his mind together. He would need to back off and let this relationship progress at the right speed. Not try to go too fast just because they’d been involved before. And while they worked together, he couldn’t go far anyway. Mr. Carlson wouldn’t appreciate him making this professional relationship too personal.

  Once his contract was over, he’d be free to pursue her the right way. He’d have to talk to Mr. Carlson about how much longer he was needed. Until then, he’d keep things strictly business. He started the car and drove away.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Madison had sent a text to Stephen the next morning, asking if he was interested in meeting for lunch at the park with her and Milo, but he’d responded that he wasn’t able to make it and asked for a raincheck.

  Milo acted slightly disappointed but occupied himself with playing in his room.

  Madison spent the rest of the morning worried that Stephen was mad at her for turning him down last night. The more she thought about that, the more annoyed she became. She had the right to make that choice. And if he couldn’t accept that, it just proved she was right to refuse him. He needed to act like an adult. And if he was going to pout, she’d deal with it the same way she handled Milo. Hold firm and wait out his tantrum.

  On Monday morning as Madison pulled into her parking spot, she saw Stephen walking toward the building. She waved at him, and he nodded then entered the building without waiting for her. She grabbed her bag and worked her way to her office, still puzzling over his behavior. If he was still upset about having been turned down, then he was definitely not the type of mature man she needed.

  They would be meeting this morning to go over the potential client list again to see which ones to follow up with, and see if there were any new angles they could use to capture the attention of the others. It would be an interesting morning.

  Madison filled the candy dish out of habit and contemplated adding some extra Butterfingers. She decided against it and just left it how it was and sat down at her desk. She bent her head down toward her laptop, and memories of the wonderful massage from Friday night made her adjust her head to avoid straining her neck. She didn’t think he’d be giving her another massage any time soon.

  After working for an hour, she wondered where Stephen was. He should have come in to start the collaboration. She debated calling his office then shook her head and focused on getting her accounts up to date. She glanced up now and then as people passed her door, expecting to see him any moment, but time kept passing without any sign of him.

  Madison fumed in annoyance. This was very unprofessional of him. If he couldn’t keep his personal life from affecting his business behavior, she didn’t want to even see the guy again. From the corner of her eye, she saw Stephen’s large frame walking toward her office. Finally he shows up. Before he reached her door, someone called his name. He raised his eyes to look at Carrie who’d joined him.

  Madison couldn’t hear them, but they were being very friendly, and Carrie was obviously working all the moves she could on him.

  Madison fought down the flash of jealousy that rose like bile from the pit of her stomach. She watched as Carrie placed her hand on his chest and let her fingers trail down his front a couple inches before she turned playfully away and added a bit of sway to her walk that wasn’t always there.

  Stephen watched her go, an unreadable expression on his face. Madison looked down at her own shorter legs and wider hips and deflated. She could never compete against that, and she knew it. Anger washed over her, and she kept her eyes down, not daring to look at Stephen until she could get herself under control. She hoped he would just walk away and not come into her office, but no sooner had that thought crossed her mind than he knocked on her door.

  Madison lifted her head slowly, trying to force her face into her professional smile. She met his eyes, daring him to give a good-enough excuse for his behavior.

  “Do you have time now to go over the client lists?” Stephen asked.

  Madison’s mouth opened then she closed it, knowing she shouldn’t say what she wanted to about his lateness. She nodded curtly. “I do have time, but not long. I have some things to take care of on the Sharston account this afternoon.”

  Stephen nodded. “I left my laptop in my office. Do I need it, or do you have the information there?”

  “I have it all,” Madison said. “But I’m not going to transcribe your chicken scratch again, so no paper.”

  Stephen’s eyes widened just a fraction as if he didn’t understand where that had come from. Madison didn’t even know why she’d brought it up. It had just jumped out of her mouth as a lame attempt to hurt him. Madison looked down at the laptop as an excuse to not look at him.

  She wasn’t being very professional, and it shamed her. She needed to do better, and the best way to be professional was to not get involved emotionally. Keep it all on the surface. And to do that, she needed to shut Stephen out of her thoughts completely and instead focus on working with Mr. Kohalohini.

  Besides, it was obvious he didn’t want to be involved with her. Not after she’d told him no. So she’d give him his wish. “We have a couple new potential clients here. One is a promising new startup company working out of their home office. The other is a small business that has opened two new locations.” Madison went over the list, explaining the options they had and what they could do to get them to sign like the others they’d discussed.

  Stephen nodded, moved around the desk, and looked at the screen. Madison turned it toward him to keep him from coming too close. That was the last thing she needed right now. Fighting her heart was harder to do when his presence was so in your face. Keeping him at a safe distance would allow her to keep her brain in charge and avoid any of the messes that would come from being involved with a co-worker.


  Stephen felt the coldness just oozing off Madison. Her body language shouted at him to keep his distance, and, after having pushed his luck a little too much on Friday night, he decided to listen to his gut. He would ease up some, and instead of sliding close to her like he wanted, he kept his chair a couple feet away from hers and studied the computer screen when she turned it to him.

  She discussed the client list with the efficiency of a long-time employee, and he wondered again why she wasn’t doing this job more than the accounts she had been finishing up when he’d come onboard. Mr. Carlson really didn’t need to pay Stephen’s fee when he had this untapped goldmine working for him already.

  As soon as she was done, she turned the computer back toward her, and Stephen debated on what to do. He wanted to talk to her, bring up the movie and the kiss, but she angled h
er body away from him. He reached for a mini candy bar to give him something to do while he tried to figure out what to say.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I have some calls to make.” Madison didn’t even look at him but kept busy on her computer.

  Stephen stood slowly and returned the chair to its original location. He kept his hands on the back of the chair, trying to keep from looking nervous. “Are we still on for meeting at the park with Milo?” It was always easier to be with her around the kid.

  Madison finally looked up at him, but her eyes were less than warm. “Tonight isn’t a great night. He was invited to his cousin Max’s soccer game, and he’d really like to go.”

  “Does Milo play?” Stephen asked.

  Madison shook her head.

  “Why not?” Stephen asked, curious about whether the kid was interested in any sports.

  “I couldn’t afford the fees involved.” Madison stared at him as if she were daring him to say anything more about it.

  He hesitated, wondering if she’d allow him to help pay for something like that.

  Instead of asking what he wanted, he tried a different tactic. “Does he go to his cousin’s games often?”

  Madison watched him for a moment then nodded. “Sometimes. Depends on the time of day, and if he’s already with Karen.”

  “What time’s the game?” Stephen asked. “Can I come?”

  Madison opened her mouth then closed it. He was almost certain she was going to tell him no, but then she put on a smile he knew wasn’t genuine. “I don’t think watching a bunch of seven-year-olds play soccer would be all that interesting to you. Why don’t you wait until tomorrow, and you can see him.”

  Stephen nodded. It was better than nothing. “We could go to the park again. Would you like me to pick you up?”

  Madison stared at him for a moment. “I’m sure Milo would love the park. In fact, I guess it’s time for you two to do something on your own, if you’re ready to try it solo.”


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