Echoes of Summer

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Echoes of Summer Page 16

by Bastian, Laura D.

  He hoped to see that beauty again.

  Chapter Two

  When she finished entering the reading scores for the last student, Shelly stood up and stretched. The second most enjoyable part of her day was over, and now she could swim and finish her leftovers from last night’s takeout.

  Shelly sighed. How pathetic.

  The sting of Charlie’s betrayal had subsided to a dull ache, but at times she had to work hard at keeping a positive attitude. She’d traveled to other countries to teach English and met Charlie in China the summer after she graduated from high school. He was one of the other teachers in the program. He’d charmed her right from the start, and they’d fallen in love.

  A long distance relationship worked for them at first, while Shelly completed her degree in elementary education and Charlie finished his degree in engineering. He’d moved to Virginia near her to accept a job with a company helping to improve the living conditions of people in third world countries. He got involved in building low cost cement buildings that could withstand the hurricanes and also designing water purification plants for many countries in Africa.

  She’d always admired his humanitarian work, and when he’d proposed a couple years ago, she’d accepted, knowing they could go make a difference in the world. But Charlie had been reluctant to set a date at first, and when she’d finally convinced him to commit to a date, she thought things would be smooth-sailing. Finding Charlie with another woman had soured her on men. She would take the time to heal and look at her options later. She loved children and wanted some of her own, but she had time, no matter what her parents thought.

  Her students had been some of the most curious. Six and seven year olds were not known for their tact. Most of them were oblivious since they hadn’t been with her last year and known about her upcoming wedding. A few had heard from the older students that Ms. Erikson was supposed to get married and move away. They had asked her innocent and actually sweet questions about why she was still there teaching, but how could she explain infidelity and betrayal to first graders?

  She told them her plans had changed, and most of them took that as answer enough. A couple of the more curious ones had offered advice.

  “Just find a new guy to marry. There’s lots out there.”

  She’d chuckled at their innocence at first, but as that same counsel was repeated by more and more people, she’d begun to resent it. At twenty-seven, she really wasn’t in any rush to get married.

  Shelly grabbed her purse and pulled her ID off her neck, tucking it into the pocket of her gym bag the moment she was out the school doors. Her blue Mustang purred as she started it up. Charlie had wanted her to switch to a smart car, but this was her dad’s car and she’d always loved it. She pushed Charlie out of her thoughts once more and headed to the gym with the convertible top down. The pool called her name, and she couldn’t wait to wash away her cares in the water.

  Her lap lane was open, and the only other people in the pool area were using the sauna. Perfect. She adjusted her goggles and did her stretches before diving into the pool. The routine took over, and she glided through the laps. By the time she’d shifted to the breast stroke, she had been joined by another swimmer.

  The swimmer was a man, she was sure of that. Too much skin to be female. Not wanting to be disturbed, she tried to ignore him, though she wouldn’t be too upset if it was the same guy from yesterday. Shelly reminded herself how she’d tuned out distractions when she swam in high school competitions. How to be aware of the other swimmers’ location enough to know how much to push herself but not be sidetracked.

  She put on some speed, forcing the water to move out of her way. The man next to her kept pace right along with her. She enjoyed the competition. She hadn’t swum next to anyone for a while, and she realized she missed it.

  After switching to another stroke she did her customary ten laps and then finished off with a few lazy back strokes to cool down and catch her breath. Part of her wanted the guy in the pool to leave, and part of her wanted to talk to him. She up-righted herself to tread water. The man had his strong arms resting on the edge of the pool as he faced her. She smiled and moved toward him just a few feet.

  He smiled in return and shook his head, making droplets of water splash. When he spoke, his deep voice carried across the pool without the crazy echoes most people would make. He was familiar enough with a pool to know how to talk in one.

  “I haven’t been out-swam for a long time.”

  Shelly raised an eyebrow and swam a few feet closer. “You must not have been swimming in the right places.”

  He tilted his head to the side, showing his long, lean neck muscles. “Do you swim here daily?” he asked.

  Shelly debated for a moment. Did she want him coming every day? Did she dare let this guy know anything about her? “Almost daily.”

  “I’m Brandon.” He didn’t offer his hand, and she was glad. She didn’t want to come any nearer than she was.


  “It’s been a pleasure to swim with you, Shelly.” He put his hands on the edge of the pool, still not looking away from her and hefted himself backward onto the edge. He lifted one leg out, then the other, and stood up, smiling down on her. “I look forward to being soundly beaten again tomorrow.” He turned and walked away leaving Shelly with a full view of his perfect physique. She blushed when he picked up his towel and turned to catch her staring. She gave a half-hearted wave and returned to her lazy back float.

  Swimming with someone like him could be fun.


  His heart rate had easily regulated itself after the swim, but he still felt short of breath when he thought of Shelly. She hadn’t seemed to notice him in the pool at first, but as he began his laps he knew when she sensed him. Her strokes had changed. She’d turned competitive on him, and he loved it. A powerful woman like that would be lots of fun to get to know. She didn’t flirt at all, just seemed to be more focused on her swimming than on him.

  Still, he’d caught her watching him after he’d exited the pool. She wasn’t completely immune. It would be fun to see where this could go. Though he wasn’t ready for anything serious, a little harmless flirting at the gym would be good for him. After Kathy left, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to get involved again right away, but two years had passed, and he’d never opened his heart to the chance of anything. Shelly could be a good way to transition back into the dating world, build up a little confidence and get his mom and brother off his back.

  As he walked out of the gym, he noticed the blue Mustang convertible he’d admired when he’d arrived. What he wouldn’t give to have a chance to drive that. Someday he’d find a car like that for himself. He climbed into his Audi and headed to his brother’s.

  With his new job secure and a steady pay check coming in, Brandon no longer dreaded visiting Rory. He’d grown to love his niece, finding playtime with her actually enjoyable. Rory and his wife Michaela were loving and welcoming, but they were too full of questions and unhelpful dating advice. Rory had offered him a job as incentive to move back after Kathy left, but it had nothing to do with the architectural degree he’d worked so hard to earn. No, Brandon would do things on his own terms. It felt nice to be able to stand on his own without help from anyone.

  Brandon took a slow breath and looked at the former church building sitting on a couple acres tucked behind rows of full trees. Rory wasn’t flamboyant by any means, but his home was an amazing find. Brandon admired the progress that had been made. When Rory came to him for advice on how to remodel this old church into a home, without losing the uniqueness of the place, Brandon had been flattered. Brandon wanted to maintain the integrity of the chapel, including its hand carved woodwork and stained glass windows. They had collaborated on the project over the phone and through Skype calls. It was amazing to see what Rory had accomplished and where he’d taken Brandon’s advice. His work on Rory’s house had impressed Davis and Nill Architecture Inc. enough they’d tracked
him down and made him an offer to work with them.

  When they’d offered him the job, he’d debated long and hard about if he wanted to return to his home town. It had taken a while to learn to accept that his strengths were different than Rory’s. And coming back home would help him prove to himself he could stand on his own two feet and be in control of his life. Besides, his mom’s health was declining and he didn’t want to miss out on the last years of her life.

  It would be good to be home. As Brandon reached the front door, Rory opened it and shook his hand.

  “Come on in, Bran. Michaela made her breaded chicken and homemade rolls.” Rory turned and Brandon followed him into the spacious home.

  “I’m going to finish setting the table.” Rory took a few steps toward the kitchen and dining room area tucked around the edge of what had been the chapel. He hollered up the stairs, “Jessica, come on down, sweetie.”

  Brandon looked up to see his niece at the top of the stairs that used to lead to the choir loft. The stain glass windows caught the evening sun, casting a colorful glow around her.

  “Uncle Brandon!” Jessica shouted and ran down the stairs. Brandon braced himself and opened his arms to catch the excited eight-year-old. “I’m glad you came to our house.” Jessica whispered when he hugged her. “You’re more fun than Daddy.”

  Brandon couldn’t help grinning, knowing he had one-upped his brother in this small way. “What game should we play after dinner this time? Do you have the same ones as Grandma?”

  “No, but I have a new doll. I’ll use her, and you can use the other ones.”

  He nodded along seriously, excited to know she liked his company and only slightly worried about playing dolls.

  Rory peeked into the foyer. “Jessica, please bring your uncle to the dining room. Dinner’s ready.”

  Jessica stopped jabbering immediately and a serious look crossed her face. “We’d better hurry. Mommy gets ornery when she’s hungry.” Brandon took a few steps, and Jessica spoke in a mock whisper. “She’s hungry a lot. The baby inside her tummy must eat it all.”

  Brandon smiled and whispered back conspiratorially. “Then we’d better hurry so she doesn’t eat our food.”

  Michaela raised an eyebrow at them as they entered the dining room. Brandon hoped she hadn’t heard his teasing, not sure if he wanted his seven-months pregnant sister-in-law upset with him. She watched him as he pulled back the seat for his niece. Jessica grinned up at him as he pushed her chair in, and Brandon knew he’d scored a few more points as favorite uncle. Michaela smiled at him as he sat down and dished up a serving of chicken.

  Brandon looked around the room, taking in the hand carved mahogany table that complimented the hardwood floors of the old chapel. The wide open spaces were broken up with little touches of Michaela’s style and Brandon couldn’t help approving of her choices.

  “I love how you’ve kept the feel of the old building but have turned it into your own personal space. Not many people can do that.”

  Michaela smiled. “I had some great advice. Thank you for all your help on this project. It’s been a dream of mine since I first saw one done in an article online.”

  “My pleasure. It’s good to see the final product in person.” He’d visited on occasion as the remodel had begun, but most of their interactions had been at his parent’s house since his return to Virginia. This was the first time in the finished product.

  “How are you enjoying your work?” Rory asked. “I heard you’re working on the new library near your office.”

  “It’s a great place to work. They do a lot to give back to the community.”

  “Now that you’re settled, have you given any thought to Mom’s request?” Rory asked.

  Brandon frowned. That was a mild way of putting their mother’s obsession. “I’m always thinking of Mom’s request, but until I meet the right girl, you’ll have to be the one to give her grandkids.”

  Michaela patted her belly. “Yeah, we’re working on it. But I know this great girl we could set you up with.”

  “I just got to town. Give me some time to look on my own first. I’m sure she’s out there somewhere.”

  Rory and Michaela nodded and the conversation turned to safer topics, but Brandon couldn’t help thinking of Shelly from the gym. He pushed that thought away, knowing he’d just met her. He shouldn’t be thinking of kids with a practical stranger.

  To read more find Sink or Swim on Amazon




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