Daahn Rising

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Daahn Rising Page 4

by Lyons, Brenna

  MacNair’s voice sounded far away. “Humans seem to get their heads on straight after mating, the same as the Xxan do. He shouldn’t be any different.”

  Mating... He liked the sound of that. He liked her wet, inviting heat even more.

  “And a two-week transfer to SLAL is all you need from me?”

  The space stations in geostationary orbit over the North and South Poles: SLAL... Scientific Liaison to Alien Life. Evan stared at him, anger cutting through the misty confusion clouding his mind. “I’m no one’s experiment,” he protested.

  MacNair met his gaze. “You said your only concern was whether or not Zondra could have children for you.”

  The spike of pleasure at that idea was as unusual for him as it was undeniable. I can’t be what she needs. Evan nodded, his heart sinking... but not his cock. The reasons for his refusal of her stole his peace... but not his arousal. That was as potent as always.

  MacNair kept talking. “Two weeks at SLAL. Maybe three, and Zondra will be bonded to you, as she would to a Xxanian male.”

  “Bonded?” Evan’s voice was thick, his mind still struggling. Zondra’s stroking hand wasn’t helping. He pinned her hand to the desk, staring her down in warning.

  MacNair’s answer took a moment to sink in. “Her scent — Zondra’s biosignature — will be permanently altered. She’ll carry your scent, be tied to you, crave you... for the rest of her life. And you will crave her as well.”

  He nodded, digesting that. He’d heard the Xxan mated for life. It’s not like I don’t crave her now. Would life with Zondra be that bad?

  “She’d also be ripened; she’d be fertile... for you.”

  His muscles tensed, and he glared at MacNair. “By who?” If they thought he’d stand by and let some Xxanian male fuck her to finish Zondra’s sexual maturation —

  “You, Duncan. You would ripen her.”

  Evan faltered, abruptly confused by that pronouncement. “We’re that compatible? I thought —”

  “Not quite. If you were, I’d rent you a honeymoon suite and be done with this insanity. But I can promise you that Zondra will be ripened by you. Not a Xxanian Dominant. You.”

  His heart pounded in excitement. There went my last reason for refusing her. Maybe. “You’re sure we can —”

  “It works in reverse,” MacNair reminded him. “There’s no reason it shouldn’t work for you and Zondra, and these guys have had three generations of trial and error to get it right. If I thought for a second they were dabbling, I wouldn’t make promises to you.”

  Evan focused on Zondra. “And you want this?” he asked her. “You’re sure? Bound to me forever?”

  “Oh yes.”

  “I take it this means I can have my desk back?” Pira asked.

  Evan lifted Zondra into his arms, sealing his mouth to hers. Her legs wrapped around his waist.


  The trip to the shuttle bay was a feast of sensation. Evan’s mouth meshed with hers, trailed to her throat, nuzzled her breasts, and returned to her mouth again.

  The corridors sped past without making an impression on her senses. With his musk so close at hand, she didn’t even smell the recycled air and oil that usually bothered her aboard ship.

  She heard someone make a sound of appreciation, and Pap Mac snapped an order that no doubt sent the sailor hauling backside away. Normally Zondra would have cared about making such a spectacle of herself, but this wasn’t a normal day. Evan was with her, and he’d agreed to be her mate.

  Zondra gasped at the feeling of Evan’s weight over her on the cushioned couch in the shuttle’s passenger cabin. Before the outer door was secured, his hand was under her skirt again. This time, he found the tie at the waist of the panties and pulled it loose. Then the other. He eased the fabric away, leaving her nude beneath the skirt.

  “I’ll just secure this door,” Pap Mac stated, heading into the control pod of the shuttle.

  Evan ignored him. He worked his pants open and shoved them away from his cock. Both doors slid shut, and he was inside her, heedless of who might have seen them.

  Zondra didn’t care, either. All that mattered was his cock, working her hard.

  And I thought he didn’t want me? By all indications, he’d been nearly mad for her. Thank the Seir-God.

  “You never tease me,” he repeated.

  Answering that was difficult. Her breathing was ragged, and her head was spinning in pleasure.

  “Say it.”

  “Never,” she gasped. “N-never tease y-you.”

  Evan withdrew and leaned over her, issuing a challenge. She whispered his name, at a loss to understand the challenge to answer it properly.

  Two fingers speared inside her, and Evan started working her with them. Zondra reached for him.

  “Hands on the edge of the lounge,” he ordered.

  She complied, and he smiled. Her legs trembled with the need to move, but she was sure that was part of this game.

  “Very good. I want a better view of you. Bend your knees and hang on to those come-fuck-me heels of yours.”

  The position pushed her skirt to the tops of her thighs, giving him an unobstructed view of her body beneath.

  “Mmmm... Very nice. And all mine. Isn’t it?”

  Zondra nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “Yes, I’m all yours.”

  His eyes demanded more. His fingers slowed, denying her the climax rising in her body.

  “After mating, I will never want another man.”

  “Do you now?” That was falsely calm if she’d ever heard the tone.

  And I have. “No.”

  “That’s why you did this, isn’t it? Because you still want me too.”


  Oh Seir-God. Hearing it was enough to make her come.

  As if he knew what she was thinking, Evan withdrew his fingers and started stroking her clit in lazy circles. “An answer, Zondra.” He wasn’t asking. He was ordering her to answer.

  Her body reacted fiercely to the aphrodisiac of him dominating her this simply. “Yes. I couldn’t bear to think of another male —”

  He moved like the proverbial snake humans compared lunges to. She squeaked at the suction against her clit. His tongue teased a trail down to her slit and thrust inside. Evan sucked at her musk, tested her responses, driving her mad for what he’d started.

  He groaned into her body, nearly bringing her off the couch. “I missed your smell and taste so much,” he breathed.

  Zondra fought for a steady breath.

  “And now you’re here.” He rose up over her again, the challenge still in his eyes. “And you’re going to do everything I want you to do. Aren’t you, Zondra?”

  Yes. He was everything she’d ever wanted and more. How could she refuse him?

  “Everything I want,” he demanded.

  Oh yes. She nodded, then managed to stammer out the answer.


  That was all Evan needed to know. He stripped off his dungaree shirt and dropped it to the floor. His T-shirt came off next.

  “Lighting twenty percent,” he barked. When the computer complied, he pulled off her glasses and tossed them away.

  Her green-gold eyes went right through him, making his cock bob excitedly for its...


  He turned her on the couch, situating her delectable bottom off the edge, and bound her wrists with the T-shirt. Zondra moaned and pressed her buttocks toward him.

  “You like that,” he teased.

  “Yes.” It was more a gasp than a word.

  Evan thrust deep inside her. Where I should have been for the last week. “You’re mine.”

  Zondra met him, thrust for thrust, rocking her hips into the cradle of his. Her cries rose and went harsh.

  “Mine,” he insisted. He wanted to hear her say it almost as much as he wanted to take his next breath.


  “They took you away too soon last time. I wasn’t nearly done with

  “M-mating...” She gasped, then screamed in pleasure, her inner muscles fluttering around his length.

  Evan pushed harder, spurred on by the thought of it. “What about it, Zondra?”

  “Lasts thr —” A gasp. “Three d-days.”

  “Nova eclipsing!” Three days? They hadn’t told him that.

  Zondra climaxed around his length, milking him with her tight little body.

  The combination of that and the thought of three days lodged inside her shot him over with her.

  “Fuck!” he exploded. It felt like he was expending a week’s worth of cum at once. And I’m still ravenous for more of her.

  Visions of their first night together dragged a groan from him. “I want what you promised. Now.”

  “Promised?” Her voice was a wisp of sound.

  “Climb on my cock and fuck me senseless. You never have followed through, you know.”

  Her arms jerked to a stop against the T-shirt in her hurry to comply. Evan reached out to untie it, but Zondra wrenched her wrists apart, popping the knot open.

  The Xxan are stronger than humans of the same size. He would have to remember that.

  The thought faded into the background at her move up and off his cock. Evan sank to the floor, his head spinning. Zondra turned, straddled his bent legs, and lowered herself to sheath him again.

  He clasped his hands on her hips, and Zondra raised an eyebrow at the move.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I believe you ordered me to fuck you senseless,” she hinted.

  “I see.” Evan started to move his hands to the lounge, then hesitated. “One more thing.” He grasped her crop-length peasant shirt in both hands and ripped it open, popping buttons off the lightweight material.

  She seemed stunned by the move but not upset that he’d destroyed the confection hiding her breasts from him. After a moment of stillness, Zondra eased the shirt off and let it fall.

  He planted his hands on the edge of the lounge, lowered his head, and sucked one deep pink nipple into his mouth. Zondra’s body trembled in response, causing a massage effect against his cock.

  Her hands closed on his shoulders, and she started circling her hips slowly. “Evan, I can’t fuck you properly if I can’t move freely.”

  He released her, mourning the loss already. “For now, but soon I’m going to spend a long, leisurely time sucking those pretty titties.” This time she was going to take his cock down to the root, just as she’d promised.

  Her thigh muscles tightened against his, and she levered herself up to nearly the tip. Her descent was brutally quick and efficient, to the base and a little wiggle there before she rose again. Demonstrating perfect control of her muscles, she repeated the move... faster and faster until his breathing was ragged and harsh.

  It took a few moments to relax into the sensation. Evan kept expecting her to move too far up and lose his cock, coming back down on the edge. That would be extremely painful for both of them. But Zondra wasn’t human, and yet another bonus plan to mating with a Xxanian crossbreed was her athletic prowess. There was a reason why the Xxan were only allowed to compete against other Xxan in sports.

  Her sounds were sharp and excited, and his rose to meet them. Evan let his eyes slip shut, embracing the sensations. Though he loved being in charge, there was something addictive about Zondra committing herself to making him come this way.

  He held back for her, wondering at how long it was taking her to come.

  “Please, Evan,” she begged.

  His mind moved sluggishly toward an explanation for her plea. “You want me to come first?” He was so accustomed to making her come before him that he hadn’t even considered coming without her.

  Zondra voiced a faint sound of agreement.

  Evan captured her lips, meeting her thrusts, letting himself go. Her scream of delight started at the first jet of his cum into her body, and her contractions started a few heartbeats later. It was a glorious feeling, forcing him to extend his normal release. The effect was mind-altering; his vision blurred, and his body tensed and jerked in response.

  She leaned into his chest, her inner muscles slowing their frantic clenching. “Oh Seir-God. We will have to do that again.”

  Part of him wanted to tell her she’d be doing exactly what he wanted to do. Another wanted a repeat too badly to consider arguing. “Definitely. But I have other things in mind first.”

  A hum of satisfaction rumbled from her lips, vibrating her body. The sensation coursed up his still-buried length, spurring him toward whatever his muddled mind decided was next on the list of sensual delights.

  Candles. Living out the dreams of long, slow seductions in a tub for two or more was definitely on that list.

  The overhead speaker crackled to life, and MacNair’s voice filled the space around their sweat-soaked bodies. “Ten minutes to dock, Duncan. I’d really like you both to be dressed and ready to meet the team when we arrive.”

  Evan let loose a string of curses that their reunion had ended so soon.

  The admiral laughed heartily at his response.

  “Something funny?” he snapped in return.

  “Nope. Not a thing. It just brings back memories of old times with Daahn. Just remember... the sooner we get past the preliminaries, the sooner you get to bond Zondra to you.”

  “Yeah. Got it.”

  The speaker went silent.

  “It’s an intercom system,” Zondra offered. “When the speaker is off, the mic is, too.”

  So MacNair had granted them privacy. Evan nodded.

  Zondra reached for the lacy underwear, and Evan swept them into his hand. She stared up at him, her eye slits widened as a result of her climax.

  “I believe I’ll keep these.” He slid them into his front pocket. “You can sit there and inspire me for a few minutes while I dress.” But there was no question that looking at her lithe body was going to keep him aroused.

  Who am I kidding? Her scent on my skin will do that. Memories of her scent and touch will do it and have for more than a week.

  If the order to sit naked while he dressed surprised or offended her, Zondra showed no sign of it.

  Evan pulled his half-opened dungaree shirt on and tucked it in. He fastened his pants over it and decided to leave it open. SLAL knew why they were here. What sense did playing at social graces with them make?

  None. But that didn’t mean he was going to expose Zondra to them.

  With exaggerated care, Evan smoothed her miniskirt down her thighs. Zondra rose against his hand, seemingly begging for another quick round before they docked.

  “Soon,” he promised her. “As soon as they’re done with us, you’ll take me in every possible position there is.” He didn’t question it.

  Zondra moaned at the command.

  Evan stuffed her ripped shirt in his back pocket and retrieved the knotted T-shirt she’d slipped out of. He untied it and shook it out, then pulled it over her head. It was vastly oversized, covering her chest and extending past her skirt. To someone that didn’t know better, it would appear to be all she was wearing, especially with her scrumptious nipples tenting the fabric. Just seeing her in his clothes made him hard.

  Again, Zondra tipped her hips in silent offer.

  Silent plea.

  Evan was on the cusp of talking himself into another quickie when MacNair tapped a warning that he intended to enter through the control pod door.

  Evan stood, disgusted with himself that he’d wasted their chance deliberating. He lifted Zondra to her feet, then called out a terse, “Come on in,” to her godfather.

  MacNair slipped into the main cabin and focused his gaze in their general direction. A moment of stillness passed.

  Evan stiffened in response. “Problem, MacNair?” he challenged.

  “No problem. You’re more fully dressed than most soon-to-be-mated men are, I suppose.”

  “Would having my dick hanging out be more appropriate?” he growl
ed in response.

  “No!” Zondra and MacNair’s exclamations came in unison.

  Their reaction forced a smile to his face.

  Zondra huffed in seeming exasperation. “Are we going to —”

  “Absolutely.” He waved MacNair toward the outer door.

  Halfway there, MacNair stopped, lifted something small from the table’s surface, and stuffed it into his shirt pocket.

  “Pap?” Zondra asked.

  “Just a button.” He peered at her as he worked the door controls. “I imagine I’ll find more of them.”

  “I imagine you will,” Evan agreed pleasantly. He scooped the discarded glasses from the floor and offered them back to Zondra.

  “You won’t need those,” MacNair informed them. “When there is a Xxanian aboard, all areas of the lab he or she will visit are set to a Xxanian’s comfort level.”

  “Good. Seeing her eyes really fires my cock for more.”

  The admiral shot him a dirty look, then turned his back. The door opened with a hiss of equalizing pressure, letting in a blast of warm, moist air.

  Chapter Four

  If Zondra could blush, she imagined her cheeks would be a fiery red. It seemed Evan and Pap Mac liked needling each other.

  At my expense. It was a Dominant show to them, she was sure. Dominants must establish a line of ascension.

  Pap Mac went down the ramp first. Evan took her hand and preceded Zondra down in Mac’s wake.

  The lighting wasn’t the only thing set to her comfort level. The air was made to simulate a nest environment. It was humid and comfortably warm, smelling of green, growing plants and a faint hint of musk and clove.

  Not enough to seem ostentatious to the Xxan but enough to hint at home. Zondra wondered if the intent was to put mating Xxan at ease with the environment.

  There was a group of six scientists waiting for them at the far side of the landing bay. One stepped forward and extended his hand to them, and Evan released Zondra’s hand to take it and observe the niceties.

  “Welcome aboard SLAL One, Petty Officer Duncan.”

  He nodded and released the scientist’s hand. “Duncan will be fine.”


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