Unearthly Snowbound

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Unearthly Snowbound Page 22

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Becky woke the kids up to go to bed and then she grabbed her husband hand and led him to their bedroom. She made passionate love to him and Greg responded with true love back to his wife. Several hours later, after a dream, Greg was wide awake. The dream was not a bad one, but very mysterious and haunting. He couldn’t recall any of it, but a feeling of both warmth and wariness settled into his being. He looked at the bedside clock and it read four thirty. His wife was blissfully asleep and then Jasper came walking into the bedroom and made his way to Greg’s side of the bed. Greg had swung his legs and was in a sitting position as Jasper split his legs and put his head in Greg’s lap. He rubbed and petted Jasper and whispered soothing words to him. Jasper made small sounds of approval and licked his hand.

  Greg hit the shower and quietly got dressed in slacks and shirt with a dark colored tie under a wool sweater one of the passengers had made for him. He sat down at his desk and looked over his notes from the day before. Something was bothering him like the time back in Chicago when the bad guys tried to attack the train. He flipped open his cell and called the president. Jasper was sitting beside him, but he was quiet. The president answered the phone on the second ring and sounded like she was wide awake. Greg said, “Excuse me for such an early call but I needed someone to talk to.

  “I’m up and drinking coffee Greg. Come over and join us if you will.”

  He hung up and left a note for his wife that he would meet her in the mess hall for breakfast later on.

  It was only a short walk to the president’s car. It sat in the front of his wing of buildings next to the rock wall. The trucks had been removed and concrete blocks supported the car. An iron fence on three sides protected it from onlookers. A guard shack was placed at the gate and MP guards were stationed there twenty four seven. Greg walked up to the guard shack and the guard unlocked the gate to let him in. A secret service agent was waiting at the door and warmly said good morning to him. Greg found the president in her usual place at the conference table going over some papers she had written. Greg assumed she was forming a new government of sorts and he liked the way she thought about the future.

  She smiled at him as he sat down to a hot cup of coffee placed there by Janet.

  “Good morning to you all,” he said raising his cup to them.

  Carol and the president’s chief of staff were present. Hilary said, “Greg you are on the job early and your voice sounded like you had some concern about something.”

  Greg replied, “Yes the idea of being contacted scares the hell out of me. If true, how do we respond; in kind or with weapons and I would like to hear what you have to say about this bizarre situation.”

  Hilary smiled and said, “Well Greg I think we must first have an open mind and if possible extend our hospitality and friendship to them. If they have the power, if power is the right word. Maybe the right word is technology that can control our weather and disable our communication system. It would prove fruitless to attack them I'd think.”

  “My thinking exactly and we need to find a way to communicate back to them.”

  As if on cue, to break the tension, his cell went off. He listened and said he would be there shortly and hung up. He said, “That was Jenny Lee asking me to come to the computer center as they have some new information for us.”

  Hilary said, “You go Greg and update me at the mess hall if you are back in time for breakfast.”

  He nodded his agreement and called his driver who was asleep but said he would be there in fifteen minutes or less. Greg waited outside for him walking back and forth thinking about what might be the news from Jenny and Clarence. Not ten minutes had passed when his driver pulled up in the cart and off they went to the computer center.

  Once more sitting in their small office with reams of paper scattered everywhere, Jenny had another big smile on her face for Greg. She didn’t look tired at all as it appeared they had been at it nonstop since the day before. He admired their tenacity and dedication to the project.

  Jenny said, “I will give it to you as we have gleaned the message so far. One word, if you think of a message in words says: “Do Not”. We think the message contains about twenty five words, but we are a long way off from putting the pieces together. The “Do Not” is the first word in the message and our ‘”big brother” here is working overtime to decipher out the coded message. It would appear they are using a very sophisticated code which is giving the computer fits, but given time we hope to break it down completely.”

  Greg just looked and thanked them both and left without a question. He decided not kill his brain with trying to make a message out of “Do Not.” He decided to tell only the president they had partially broken the coded message. He looked at his watch and the first shift of breakfast was starting. He told the driver to go to the mess hall. Becky and the kids were there eating with the president. He sat down next to his wife and kids. Jasper was lying on the floor next to the president. Breakfast was a surprise of biscuits with pork gravy and hash browns. Greg felt he had died and gone to heaven with such a special breakfast. Then he realized it was Sunday and it was the president’s birthday after his wife whispered it in his ear.

  His face turned a little red and congratulated the president on her birthday. Hilary said, “Only a few knew it, but you know how word spreads around a small community like this one.” She went on to say, “I understand tonight a cake will be cut to celebrate the occasion.”

  To Greg it looked like Janet and Carol were behind the scenes making a special occasion out on her birthday. He agreed with them thinking the place needed a little life brought into it.

  After his wife and kids left Greg told the president the latest from the computer center. He said, “I think it best to not go off half cocked until we know more of the message.”

  Hilary nodded her agreement to keep it quiet for a while. Even now a buzz of talk was circulating the planet had been contacted by aliens. Hilary thought tonight she would inform the population at her cake cutting party with the truth of the matter.

  Frank came in for breakfast and to see Greg and tell him that word had come the snow train was coming in this morning from Ft. Carson. Greg hung around drinking coffee with Frank and told him to put out some feelers on any dissenters or rebels opposing the new management. “We must nip it in the bud if we find any link to treason being circulated around. He went on to say, “You know we jailed the colonel and he might have some people loyal to him. After the president has her party tonight the first thing in the morning I will form an ad hoc committee and have a speedy trial for the accused. We will set an example for all to see with him.”

  Frank looking Greg in the eye agreed with every word he heard and said, “I will take care of snooping around and see what is stirring if anything.”

  Greg left for his office and when he arrived Steve was waiting for him. He invited him in and both had coffee and then Greg asked him what was on his mind. Steve said, “We have been going over and over the weather maps from the beginning and we are convinced that someone or something has a direct hand in this weather system. It’s too pat and in moves at a given rate contrary for winds and temperatures that normally control the flow of a storm system.”

  Greg decided to tell him the news from the computer center. Steve listened with full attention and then when Greg was finished

  “That would tie it all together, but why would they subject the earth to such a terrible thing as creating such hardship and death all over the planet. Think of the developing countries not prepared for climate change like this. All tropical areas covered in snow. If this continues for another month I doubt twenty percent of the population will be left on earth.”

  Greg nodded his agreement and said, “Steve, what if it was a plan by ET to weed out the weak and leave only the strongest to survive like Darwin’s theory.”

  Steve thought about it and replied, “Ok let’s assume that for a minute and say that is precisely what their intentions are. If that is the c
ase then maybe they are telling us we are overpopulated and our history of war is primitive and useless.”

  “Yes, that is what I’m saying and let’s consider different angles of this contact and get together with our scientists later today. I want a geologist, biologist, zoologist, a geographer and a physicist along with you to meet in the conference room at three pm today.”

  Steve stood up and said, “You got it and I think we will come with people who are not only brilliant in their field, but I will inform them if they sit there and say nothing, they will be peeling potatoes in the kitchen!”

  Greg laughed and said, “I’ll see you later.”

  Greg’s thoughts turned to Chuck wondered how the old timer was making out. His watch showed mid morning and he went for a walk to the entrance to the base to see what was going on. The walk would do him good. Passing many people on his way everyone to a person greeted him with a smile and a good morning. Maybe, he thought, I’m paranoid of a coup and over reacting. But he was trained to follow his instincts and he would continue to follow them until they proved not reliable.

  His snow suit was hanging in a locker next to the giant steel doors. They were guarded by the door MP and no one was allowed outside without protection or authorization. He had made the rule himself and was glad he did. He suited up and walked to the entrance which was a fifteen minute hike. Next to the entrance a plywood wall with canvas tarps blocked most of the cold air coming through from the outside. At the large double doors with a small door off to one side he put on his helmet and went outside. His timing was perfect as the snow train chugged its way to the siding next to the service entrance. The cold was shocking to his system. He had forgotten how bitter cold it was and thought about how he could ask his friend Chuck to go out in this terrible weather. He walked to the engine fighting the wind every step of the way.

  Chuck is his deep red snow suit climbed down from the engine and walked towards Greg. He stuck out his gloved hand and Greg took both of his hands in his and pumped them up and down. Greg shouted something through his helmet, but Chuck shook his head telling him he couldn’t hear him. They both walked back to the main entrance and once inside stripped down. Greg looked at Chuck and saw age in his face and he at once realized this fine old man had made his last journey. Time to hang up his engineer’s hat and train the young men to come how to operate a train safely.

  Greg called his driver and soon they were on the way to the mess hall. Chuck looked all in and motioned a mess hall guy to their table. Greg told him to make some soup for Chuck and keep it coming until Chuck said stop. Chuck grinned and said he would be fine after some hot soup and a ten hour nap. Greg didn’t press him to talk and waited for him to tell his story when he was ready to. Both drank some coffee and Chuck put in a lot of sugar in his and in a few minutes color returned to his face. Greg thought Chuck was a tough old bird and hoped he had this much stamina when he reached his age. A large bowl of beef soup arrived with bread and low and behold real butter. Greg looked at the mess hall guy and received a wink and it was obvious someone was holding out on him. Then he thought about the cake being made tonight and the mess hall staff was using real butter for the president.

  Chuck quickly finished off the soup and bread. He sat back and said, “Wow that hit the spot and now I’m ready to tell you about our trip.”

  He told Greg the same story Frank had reported in Colorado Springs but at the base they discovered warehouses full of what Chuck called K-rations. Greg knew them as a packaged food for the military on training exercises and in times of war. By all accounts it was barely editable but had the necessary calories and vitamins for survival. Chuck went on to tell him they loaded up one car with K-rations and the other cars with foodstuffs from the base. He said tons of food was still left there and they had left a team to guard the warehouses until all could be transported back to the mountain.

  As Chuck was finishing up his story in walked Colonel Travis and two of his staff in tow and as Greg motioned them to sit down, Frank walked in too. All were hungry and again Greg sat there patiently while the colonel and his men ate.

  After eating Greg listened to the Colonels report. It sounded very much like the other reports and very professional. Greg opinion went up a notch of Colonel Travis. Greg said, “Colonel Travis I’m having a meeting at three pm today and if you have rested up by then I would like you to attend it. There have been some recent developments you are not aware of and you need to be brought up to speed on these revelations. I’m sure you will hear a few rumors before three but keep an open mind until then.”

  “Chuck would you take a rest and if you’re up to it I would like you there too. If not and you are resting don’t worry about it and I will see you at the birthday party tonight.”

  Greg left and went back to his office to make some notes on the three o’clock meeting.

  Greg skipped lunch and his secretary brought him a cup of noodles and a fruit drink. By two thirty he had an outline of what he felt were questions that needed answers to. He rode to the conference room and when he walked through the door all were present and accounted for.

  Steve stood up and said, “We are here and all are agreed to voice their opinions and facts as they know them.”

  Steve sat down and Greg asked the first question to the geologist about the effects on the earth from the freezing weather on the soil. The geologist explained how the earth would freeze deeper and deeper as time went on and then the botanist chimed in with her report on how the plants and trees would be affected. Soon the whole group, with Steve as moderator, was in a seminar; and copious amounts of information were flowing around the table. Greg had brought a recorder and was making the occasional note as point and counterpoint went back and forth. Two hours later he broke up the meeting and told the group the cake cutting was scheduled for six o’clock and that he would take what they discussed and makes some notes and make up some questions in a meeting to follow in a few days. He left for home to change clothes and pick up his family for the president's birthday.

  The birthday party was a grand success. The mess hall was packed and a makeshift band played some music. The onlookers spilled out into the tunnels and were dancing to the music. Bubba had a perpetual smile all night long. After a speech by the president, which went over warmly by the people she retired and the hall was cleared of tables for dancing. Greg and Becky danced the night away and it was said that Chuck was one of the last to leave. In fact he left with a striking woman with silver hair hand in hand. Because of the president’s birthday, Bubba and Wendy postponed their wedding until the following weekend.

  The next morning when Greg went to his office, Frank was there waiting for him. Sitting down in Greg’s office, Frank gave him a report on any suspicious characters or rumors floating around. He said his men could find no sign of trouble brewing, but that didn’t mean something wasn’t going on that he was not aware of.

  Greg responded, “Frank I know you did your best and I still have this nagging ache in my neck. Between you and me I will postpone the trial and see if something surfaces.”

  “I will dig deeper and place some recording devices where needed. In addition, I will have one of my men pose as a dissenter at the jail. Greg liked that idea and approved the plan. Frank took his leave and Greg decided to look in on the progress of Jenny and Clarence.

  He walked to their office in the space administration where Jenny had told him they would be working in their own offices for awhile waiting for the mainframe to produce additional material. Walking there Greg decided to have a bodyguard with him from now on. He was not always making friends and felt the need for protection as time went on. He still carried his hand gun but felt the need for someone to watch his back. He would ask the president to assign a couple of her secret service agents and from now on he and the president should wear a bullet proof vest.

  Approaching the space center office coming out the door was Roy. He hadn’t a chance to talk to him much since his arrival b
ack to the mountain and he stopped him for a little conversation. They shook hands warmly and he was a little embarrassed coming from Jenny’s office. He told Greg all was well and that most of the cars had been unloaded of food stuffs and was under lock and key. Greg bid him farewell and went into the lab where he found Jenny and Clarence at their respective computers.

  Jenny looked up at him and Greg found a spare computer chair and wheeled it around to face the duo. Clarence was staring at the computer and couldn’t be disturbed. Jenny with her white teeth smiling at him made Greg a little envious of Roy. Jenny’s eyes went down as she noticed he was staring at her. Greg quickly said, “How’s it going?” And kicked himself for such a dumb question.

  She saw his uncomfortable demeanor and saved him by saying, “We have come up with two more words we think fit into the last part of the message. Remember we told you there was about twenty five words in the message and it started with ‘Do not’ and now we have tentatively come up with at the end of the message the words: ‘save’ and ‘begin’. We still feel it is too early to make heads or tails of the full message but in time we will crack this nut. We have our best code breaker working on this at the same time as we are. I’ll let you know as soon as we have more to add to the puzzle.”

  Greg stood up and thanked her for the information and walked out of the lab headed for the mess hall. He thought he might find Chuck there drinking coffee with some old timers like him. A ritual of sorts was begun as some senior citizens were showing up after breakfast to chat over morning coffee. When Greg walked in he found Chuck and about five old horses drinking coffee. Chuck asked him to join them and Greg sat down feeling very comfortable with the old guys. They chatted about the weather and the dance the night before when Greg asked Chuck, “Chuck what you think about sending an expedition to California to look around LA.?”


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