Unearthly Snowbound

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Unearthly Snowbound Page 27

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  A holograph of sorts appeared in three dimensional form showing the earth in concentric circles of prime centers and inside those were smaller circles of local centers. The map circled the room slowly revolving around for each representative to view his home area.

  As it passed by Greg and his group he saw mini-circles inside three larger circles of the USA and Canada. As he knew he was destined for the Oregon area, he saw it encompassed all of the Pacific Northwest and parts of Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California including British Columbia. The largest circle denoting a major center was a dot located on the border of Idaho and Oregon. He knew that was where he and his family were going to live. He looked at his watch and saw the dial spinning like hours were seconds.

  The voice continued, “Detailed maps will be provided for every center on earth. As the universe is so large, one map cannot be shown. However, individual maps can be seen on your new computers. Now the fourth contact group will be your instructors. They will be with you for many of your years to come to assist you in ways you don’t understand now. Our population count of your planet is roughly one billion. A lot of human life forms are gone to another life way. They are not dead as you know the ending of life, but they have moved on to another space and time. All of your ancestors live a life in different ways than you now understand; and from the beginning of your human kind we have observed your planet evolve. The age of us is not countable. There is no end as you know the end of life. We keep evolving. Once we had physical bodies like yours, but that was so long ago it is only a memory. We feel and have all of the senses you do and more. Now I and the other four members of our contact group will divide you up into five different circles and begin the information flow.”

  Suddenly the room without motion changed the table and seating arrangements. Five circles now encompassed the room with a purple energy light in the middle. Greg felt knowledge flowing into his brain at a phenomenal rate. He thought at any time now it would explode for overload, but that never happened. He sat there mesmerized and still as time went on. After what seemed only a few minutes the seats and tables were again in a full circle and the one purple light hovered in the middle.

  It said, “Now you are ready to return to your respective places on earth to begin informing your people about the next contact group that is coming. We suggest you just relax and let it flow. Get to know your people. Food will be provided as you are used to it: albeit healthy and nutritious and equal portions for everyone young and old; be frugal and live happy. We will return someday and be reacquainted. By then you will be at a level to tell stories and we will tell you stories of our travels.”

  The last thing Greg remembered was the purple light moving at a blur out through the wall.

  Back again in his house, this time it was no surprise to his family. The kids said, “Hi dad, nice to see you back.”

  Becky made him a cup of coffee and sat down with him on the sofa. Greg said, “How long this time?”

  “Hum almost two weeks.”

  Greg was a little shocked and said, “It felt like maybe an hour or two.”

  “Care to talk about it?”

  “In a minute I must take a shower if I’ve been gone that long.”

  She laughed and she just remembered no words were spoken only telepathy. He took a shower and made contact with the president. He told her he would meet her in the mess hall in the morning.

  For Hilary morning brought forth overland communication with Washington. Through a phone hook up sending from the Mountain to Washington was no problem. The satellites were still out and would remain so forever. Months later Greg knew a space ship had came by and picked up all the junk in space and what they did with them, who knows.

  Hilary was exasperated. Washington was calling for some kind of retaliation not believing what their ears heard. She said, “Damn, ask one of the secret service guys if his gun works.”

  A few minutes later a diminutive voice came back and said, “I see what you mean.”

  She hung up on him and left for the mess hall to talk to someone with sense. A voice in her head told her to reminding her to remain calm and she did just that.

  Greg said hello to her as she walked through the door. He remarked how well she looked and he was happy to see her. She nodded agreement and told him about the dumb vice president wanted to wage war on the aliens. She and her staff sat down and he told her a few things but not all as the total information in his head would take days to download to her.

  About the same time, Blackie was having a fit that his gun wouldn’t work. He started to yell at his driver and his tongue fell out of his mouth. Only gurgling sounds came out as his driver laughed at him. Blackie ran at him with his fist raised and his arm fell off onto the floor and rolled to a stop next to his driver's feet. Blackie raised his other arm for a blow and it too fell off on the floor. Armless and without a voice, Blackie would not give up. He drew back his leg for a kick and his leg fell off at the knee. He toppled down on the cement floor and lay there crying his eyes out. Blackie had learned the hard way and all of his gang went their separate ways.

  Greg and family met the president and her staff in the mess hall. Greg told her some things, but like he said to his wife, too much information for one sitting is out of the question. Greg used his voice as telepathy was a one on one and even though he could use it for multiple communications; he preferred vocal use with friends. The president was visibly depressed. Greg realized her position was over as a leader of a nation. He had a plan for her, but now was not the time to reveal it to her.

  He told the table he would have a base meeting again in the conference hall this afternoon at two o’clock. Oatmeal was served for breakfast with an orange and banana. Roy was shocked when one of his staff told him he found boxes of oranges and ripe bananas in the store room. Greg sent a silent message to Roy telling him to expect more of the same in the future.

  After breakfast they all went outside to enjoy the nice weather. Lots of people were outside enjoying themselves. The snow had pretty much melted off. The base staff had built benches for people to sit on and canvas tarps kept the people in the shade. The president was tagging along and Greg held her hand as they walked down the road.

  He talked to her and said, “Hilary, don’t worry about the future. You will accompany me and be my companion and right hand person. We will live in Eastern Oregon not far from Boise Idaho. The location is the center for the region assigned to me. Smaller centers will be located in or around former cites. For now trust me and you are now part of the family as is Carol, Janet and anyone else that cares to join us.”

  They spent a few hours walking around and meeting people. A calm friendly atmosphere hung over the base. No weapons of any sort were seen and even though the secret service men and women tended the president, they would soon drift off and be relocated as intended by the plan.

  After lunch with Steve, Jenny and Greg the regulars moved off to find a seat in the Hall. Greg assigned Jenny and Greg to make the announcements and he would sit with his family and observe.

  Before the allotted time the place by one thirty was full and the ones who couldn’t sit down sat outside in the tunnels on benches brought in from the outside.

  At two Greg moved to the podium and began his report. “My friends, we will give you an overview of our living plan and the details will follow after relocation. Each of you has been given a piece of paper where you have three choices of location. Each Center has a maximum population and expansion due to the birth of children. One thing I want to tell you is this: Life is never easy and hard work is the rule of the day. Peace and happiness will fall on the earth like never before. We will live in harmony with the earth and all of its inhabitants. We will grow our own food and the surplus goes to the local Centers for the educators and staff along with the students.

  This is as close to utopia as we can get. There is no utopia in the true sense of the word. In the Americas a brief example of this kind of living was shown to
us by the Native peoples who were first on this land where we are standing now. We can learn from them again. It was always said by the First People that the land and the old way of life would someday return and it would appear they were right. Now for some specific details Jenny and Steve will address your inquisitive minds.’

  Greg sat down with his new found family and thought about the future where he could watch his children grow up and help his fellow man.

  The End




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