Isaiah's Undoing- the Warrior's Curse

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Isaiah's Undoing- the Warrior's Curse Page 10

by Tigris Eden

  “Release my brother, snake,” Grey whispered. When Grey whispered, it was time to pay attention. He truly was a magnificent warrior, ever the master strategist in a tight spot.

  Apophis slowly lowered Raz to the ground and flung him away from him, causing the brother to fall back. Raz didn’t lose his balance, only stumbled a bit, then drew up to his full height again and cracked a grin.

  “Oooh, scary snake boy has a temper.” Raz’s voice dropped a bit lower and he stalked toward Apophis with deadly intent. The guardian couldn’t move as the knife at his throat was indeed iron, deadly to him. If he were even so much as nicked, he’d be sick for days.

  “Don’t move from this spot,” Isaiah told Dalila. She didn’t say a word, only nodded.

  Isaiah approached the guardian and got right up in his face. Isaiah’s eyes were the color of molten silver. “You will allow us to pass, with the woman intact and free of your touch, is that clear?” The Demon averted his gaze and looked forward.

  “Is. That. Clear?” Isaiah bit out each word, holding back the fire that threatened to consume him. When Apophis had touched her before, Isaiah had immediately seen blood spraying from the Demon’s every orifice. A rage so fierce it boiled below the surface of his skin grew, and he was two seconds away from handing Apophis his balls.

  How dare he touch her? She was everything pure and healthy, while this male was black and dirty. Isaiah was so wild with rage that he could barely keep his body from shaking. There was one thing he could use to take out the gatekeeper.

  Apophis thought them all rendered powerless in this realm, but truth be told, all his brothers were keeping their one ace in the hole secret from the Alliance. If the Alliance ever caught on to the depths of power he and his brothers really held, they’d be high up on the extinction list.

  Instead of destroying Apophis, Isaiah took the path less traveled, calmed his rapidly beating heart, and made the only choice he could. Reason. He was going to try and reason with Apophis the Chaos Serpent.

  “What you don’t realize, is that the only reason you’re still living is because Grey is a lot more patient than I am. Someone has taken the Book.” Apophis cut a glare toward Isaiah, and Isaiah could see the look of surprise in the serpent’s eyes. He was still under Grey’s Blann.

  “Grey, release him.” Grey stepped back and lowered his weapon. Not completely but enough to allow for breathing space. “That’s right, someone has taken the Book of Gates, and as much as I know you want out of this shithole, I don’t think you want them all out, do you? In what hour are your sons being kept?”

  Apophis’s eyes grew wide, and for a split-second, Isaiah thought he saw sadness and guilt there. Just as quickly, the look vanished, replaced by the cold, calculating visage of a killer. Apophis’s sons were, in fact, housed in the blackest of hours, and if that Gate were unlocked, the world would face the abominations that Apophis had fathered.

  “Do you know who has taken the Book? Why was it left unguarded?” Apophis asked.

  “We were taken unawares. The Book was stolen by someone we know, someone we trusted. We will bring him to justice. But time is running out. The Alliance has met, and the bickering and power plays have already begun. We cannot allow the Gates to be unlocked. The night cannot bleed into the day. Let us pass?” Isaiah asked one more time.

  Apophis’s stance became less threatening, and he inclined his head slightly in agreement. Grey stepped farther back and sheathed his blade. Isaiah reached his hand out to Dalila, who stood wide-eyed. She didn’t move. She remained rooted to the ground as if debating whether or not to take a step. She would be wise to come with him; Apophis could offer her nothing. After what seemed like hours, she finally took a step forward toward Isaiah.

  Suddenly, Apophis grabbed her by the throat and brought her back flush to his chest. Isaiah and his brothers all tensed, ready to do battle.

  “Mortal, I can have you anytime I choose. The only thing stopping me now is what little honor is left in my body.” Apophis snaked his tongue out and slid it from her neck to her temple.

  “So tasty, little mortal. I’m sure you would have fathered me a glorious son.” As soon as the words left his mouth, Dalila’s breath came fast and hard. She took a step forward, trying to remove herself from his grasp, and then she stepped back into the length of his body.

  Isaiah and his brothers stood there completely mortified. Could it be that she truly wanted someone as foul as Apophis? Isaiah could see her teeth grinding, and with a fireball’s speed, she yanked her hand back, grabbed Apophis’s dick, and turned to face him.

  Apophis’s face was masked in what seemed to be pleasure, but the expression quickly turned to rage.

  “You motherfucker. If you only knew the day I’ve had, you would not be putting your filthy, fucking hands on me. I will not let you, or anyone for that matter, push me around. Let us pass through your fucking Gates, or whatever the hell this place is, and be done with it.” She twisted her hand in a series of motions, and Isaiah thought for a split moment he saw a flash of claws and blood being drawn from where she had hold of the guardian.

  Mouth drawn in a tight line, Dalila got just a bit closer to Apophis, testing the Demon. Woman is fucking mad! Isaiah had never seen her display such aggression before, not even toward his brothers. She was fierce as she held Apophis in hand.

  “And just for the record, I’d die before I let you put any offspring in me, hear me? I’d rather swim in the sea of those black oil spots than allow you to father children on me.” She stepped back and walked into the safety of Isaiah’s arms.

  He was glad to have her back. Amazed by her courage, he thought she could be someone to fight beside him at any given time, any place. She was worthy.

  She is not your mate, dumbass. Keep it together.

  Only his mate could fight by his side. Together, they would achieve the status of Jabari among his kind. Isaiah swallowed the thought before it had time to take root and fester in his mind. Dalila was not Nubi. She was mortal. Fragile. Her life would end, and his would continue.

  Apophis stared down at Dalila for a moment as if he too were in shock. He adjusted himself, and as he did, Isaiah noticed that Dalila had indeed drawn blood from the guardian. Impossible.

  “I give you passage through the first hour. I bid you safe journey to your destination. If I see anyone of note, I shall send word.” The guardian cleared his throat. “There is still the matter of payment. I would ask a favor of you, Isaiah.”

  “What is it?”

  “I would like a message sent to the other side. I would like you to send a message to Annalise for me.” Apophis’s gaze darted away, but not before Isaiah saw the hurt and anguish there. Annalise was, in fact, still living after all the thousands of years, the only surviving woman of Apophis’s rampage. He had fathered a child with her, but no one knew where it was. It was said that she’d secreted the babe away, so that no one could find it and punish it for its father’s sins.

  Annalise was now sequestered away in a secret location herself, but Isaiah knew where she was. He would do this for passage through the first hour.

  “What word should I bring her?” Isaiah asked.

  Apophis cleared his throat and tightened his fists at his sides as if debating what would be the best message to send. “Tell her that I am sorry. That is all.”

  Apophis lifted his hands and opened the Gate for the first hour. There was a slight breeze in the belly of the mountain before the opening was clear. Isaiah took Dalila by the hand and led the way.

  As he passed the guardian, he warned Apophis that if Azazel entered behind them, the Demon should not let the fallen through.

  Chapter 10

  Fucking lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! More like Angels, and uglies, and snakes!

  The moment Dalila and the Seraphim walked through the Gate, sunlight bathed her in warmth, and she smelled the sea and flowers. She looked down and noticed that the sand on the beach was not white or brown, but almost pearles
cent, a pinkish color. It wasn’t like anything she’d ever seen before in her life.

  She looked out toward the ocean, and the water’s reflection was that of a rainbow. It seemed as if the colors were neatly placed next to one another and blended together perfectly, making more colors than she’d ever seen before.

  She didn’t even get a chance to really take in her surroundings as Isaiah tugged her forward. Two steps in, and the entire scenery she’d just witnessed vanished. The colors faded into the night, and they were suddenly standing in front of what looked like a large estate. Cobbled stones and immaculate landscaping—complete with statues—decorated the grounds. There was a massive circular driveway, and accent lights were spaced evenly to guide a person to a huge, two-door entry with two large statues standing sentry.

  “Where are we? And where on Earth did the sun go?” she asked.

  The brothers all looked puzzled by her questions but kept silent as Isaiah ushered her forward.

  “This is our home, and there was never a sun, it’s remained dark here for some time,” Isaiah answered.

  Dalila didn’t believe him for one second. She allowed him to escort her inside the massive home. Once the door was shut, Raz and Grey headed off in separate directions to places within the estate. The foyer was vast. Portraits and tapestries alternated at intervals along the wall and made one feel as if they were standing in a museum.

  At least they have taste.

  There was a cascading stairway that led up to a mid-level. Then more stairs continued, winding up to what looked like four floors. At the back of the stairs was the biggest floor-to-ceiling window Dalila had ever laid eyes on. It gave the impression of openness and freedom.

  She looked all the way up and noticed that the ceiling was more than four stories tall, was dome-shaped, and glass. Incredible.

  Dalila turned and looked back at Isaiah, who was now talking to a woman who had suddenly appeared.

  “Yes, Lana, get her a room ready on my floor. Make sure that everyone is alerted to her presence, and that everyone treats her accordingly.”

  So that was Lana. Isaiah had tried to tell her that he hadn’t called Dalila by another’s name, when in fact, he had.

  Lana was beautiful, tall and slender, with pouty lips and a perfect nose. Her eyes were a warm honey color, almost like Dalila’s but duller, and her hair looked like spun gold. Dalila immediately decided not to like her. Why should she? This was the woman Isaiah had thought was in the shower with him when he’d had his little episode of incoherency.


  Dalila bit back a groan. It wasn’t Lana’s fault she had no clue that her man was a two-timing Neanderthal.

  Bastard. Dalila amended.

  Isaiah started to walk away, and Dalila quickly followed to catch up.

  “No, stay here with Lana. She will see to your needs. We can talk in the morning. Get some rest for now.”

  “I will not get some rest. You have some explaining to do. Where the hell are we? I know we’re not in Kansas anymore. You owe me an explanation. I need answers,” Dalila screamed.

  She was tired and cranky, and she felt used and tossed aside. How could she compare to Lana? Why the hell should you compare yourself to her at all? He’s out of your league.

  Isaiah didn’t even look back at her as she yelled. He continued toward the back of the house without a further thought to her tantrum.

  “Mistress, please follow me,” Lana said politely.

  Dalila turned back toward the beautiful woman and inwardly shrieked. She knew she was no perfect catch, but did she have to be constantly reminded of her imperfection? The woman in front of her was blindingly beautiful. Curse my genes, she thought.

  “Where are you taking me?” Dalila asked.

  “To your room, mistress. Shall I draw you a bath? You look weary from your travels.” Great, she was polite, too. She wouldn’t be polite if she knew what had happened in the shower back at the farmhouse earlier today.

  “No, I can draw my own bath, but thanks for asking. And you don’t have to call me mistress, it’s just Dalila.”

  “Dalila.” Lana nodded and led Dalila up the stairs to the fourth floor. The halls were dark. There were no windows except for the ones at the stairs’ landing, and as they headed farther down the hall, the way became even darker. The silence was becoming awkward for Dalila, and she decided that she might as well get to know the woman that Isaiah considered his.

  “How long have you been with Isaiah?” Straight to the point, no use beating around the bush.

  “I have served him for over six centuries, mistr—Dalila.”

  “Wow, six hundred years. Are you an Angel, as well?” Dalila asked.

  “I am,” was all she said.

  Angels could only be with other Angels. That made sense. Lana stopped at a door that had beautiful artwork and a brass handle. She opened it and beckoned for Dalila to step forward. There were other women in the room, scurrying about. Dalila looked back at Lana and wondered how the hell they had known to prepare a room for her. To her astonishment, Lana answered her question without Dalila so much as voicing her thoughts.

  “We were told of your arrival the moment you entered our realm, Dalila.” Lana smiled softly. “I can hear your thoughts, all of them, it is one of many gifts we have.”

  She waved her hand to encompass the room. “Pleasure Angels can hear your true feelings, seek them out, and then use that to ensure the most satisfying of outcomes. I am honored that you find me perfect, but you are mistaken.” Lana looked sad when she said those last words, and Dalila could not help but wonder what would cause such sadness.

  “It is because I lack the key components of becoming what we Angels so greatly desire. We lack the one thing that we covet above all things: choice, freedom to choose. Our purpose is clear from the moment we are made. I am a Pleasure Angel. It is my duty to give pleasure to my charge, never taking any for myself.” She gave a sad smile.

  “Do not be sad for me, rather I am honored that he has allowed me to be in the presence of a mortal. I’ve never met one before. May I ask that we take tea together at first light?”

  She looked so hopeful. They all did. The moment Lana had expressed her joy at being able to be in her company, the other women in the room had stopped and nodded in appreciation. It was as if Dalila were a shiny new toy, and they were the children able to play with it.

  “Tea sounds wonderful, Lana, I’d be happy to.”

  Lana clapped her hands and asked the other ladies to leave. She hurried them out of the room and then silently shut the door, closing Dalila in.

  Ω Ω Ω

  Isaiah walked to the bar in his study and poured himself a drink. He knew he needed to have a conversation with Dalila, but now was not the time to discuss such things. She hadn’t been seduced by Apophis. That was on a long list of firsts for him. She shouldn’t have been able to see the souls, nor should she have been able to see anything at all inside the mountain, let alone the realm between the hours.

  Either the Gates were bleeding into the earthly realm, or she was a very sensitive human. That was rare, but not unheard of. Usually, infants and people on their deathbeds were able to see the blending of the realms, but Dalila did not fall into either category. He was proud of her reaction toward Apophis; women had fallen at the guardian’s feet when he had free reign on Earth.

  Isaiah took a sip of his drink and delighted in the burn as it coated his tongue and throat. He needed to find the Book and fast. The only other thing left to do was to contact the Psyche Demon. She was mean and extremely standoffish, and for reasons unknown to him, she only wanted to deal with him and not his brothers.

  There was no affection between the two of them, just business. She always wanted to meet in private, which was fine with him. Only this time, he would need his brothers’ counsel. All of them would need to join forces to locate the Book. Zariel would not be pleased if they allowed the Book to roam free too much longer. Isaiah tensed at the
knock at the door.


  The door creaked opened, and Lana stepped inside. She was one of the most beautiful Pleasure Angels he had ever laid eyes on. Milky white skin, perfect complexion, almond eyes, and hair of the silkiest gold. He never enjoyed her presence, only tolerated her to tend to his needs. She was aware of it, too.

  They had made their living arrangements as amicable as two beings could. Lana was curious by nature, and Isaiah knew that she was more than overjoyed by Dalila. The mortal represented everything that Lana wasn’t, everything that he knew the Pleasure Angel secretly wished she could be. Not to gain the attentions of Isaiah, but to know what it was like to make her own choices and have the freedom to choose.

  Isaiah pulled at his collar. He too knew what it was that Lana so desperately sought. Only the ache in his chest had dulled and become obsolete after so many centuries of knowing that his one true mate was never to be found. Never to be born again. She had been taken away from him carelessly, and he’d never gotten the chance to lay eyes on her. She was never given the choice to atone as so many other souls were. The shadow warriors ate the souls, devoured them, forcing them into complete darkness, forever silencing their light. There was no rebirth for the lost Nubi.

  “She has been put in the quarters across from yours. I assumed that was where you wished her to be.” Lana always got to the heart of things, no matter the issue.

  “It does not matter where she sleeps, as long as it is on my floor. You assume too much to know what it is I need,” Isaiah answered.

  She couldn’t read his mind or his feelings. She hadn’t been able to do so for a very long time. Isaiah knew that it was a result of all the time they had spent together. Pleasure Angels were to be traded out and used among his brethren, to give the illusion of variety. It was something he saw no use for, and since he was the captain of the guard, he saw no reason to switch out—unlike his fellow Seraphim.


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