Daddy Next Door

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Daddy Next Door Page 27

by Kylie Walker

  “I can saddle a horse. I’m not a kid.”

  It shouldn’t have, but it caught him off guard. They’d been getting along so well, and he thought that he had just been being protective. He hadn’t thought about what that might look like to his son, who wasn’t used to his overprotectiveness. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you are a kid.” Axel still seemed upset as he climbed on his horse. Asher mounted his and they started out the door of the stable and along a riding path.

  It was a beautiful day and they were surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. Asher couldn’t help but notice that his son still didn’t look happy. “Axel, if there’s anything you want to say to me, don’t be afraid to just say it, okay? I know that you were cheated and I accept responsibility for that. I really don’t mean to treat you like a kid. I’ve just never been around any kids, teenagers.”

  “You didn’t know.” It was said in a low tone, almost a mumble.

  “I didn’t know? You mean about you?”

  “Yeah, I know that you didn’t know about me when you left. Mom told me that she didn’t find out about me until later. That’s what I keep telling myself every time the anger comes back. I don’t really have a right to be mad. You didn’t know.”

  “Well as much as I’m glad you know that and you don’t think I’m the type of guy who would abandon my child, I understand that didn’t change the situation. You still grew up without a father. You still got cheated and you still have a right to be angry.”

  Axel nodded. “I guess what I still don’t understand is, I knew Grandpa well and I know my Mom. You say you love her and you loved her then. So why did you leave them?”

  Asher went over in his head a million times what he was going to say here but when the time came, it wasn’t as easy as what he had practiced. Mia was the only living person who knew the absolute truth. Axel deserved it as well. He took a breath. “My Mom and I were really close, did Grandpa tell you that?”

  Axel nodded. “Yeah, he and my mom made excuses for you by saying you couldn’t deal with her death and Uncle Travis’. That doesn’t make sense to me though because you left so many more people behind, people that could have helped you get through it.”

  “That’s true. I wish I’d been mature enough at the time to realize that. When it all happened, I was feeling completely overwhelmed. I did something the day my mom died that I couldn’t forgive myself for, and then your Uncle Travis died too. My father was angry with me and I thought your mother hated me.” Asher started from the beginning and Axel listened as his father told the story. He told him about what he had done to his mother, or for her. Asher could see the boy wince or frown every now and then. When he finished talking Axel was silent for a long time. He finally reigned in his horse and came to a complete stop. Looking at his father he said, “I can’t imagine losing Mom. I might go off the deep end if that ever happened. I don’t know if I’d be able to do what you did.”

  “Nobody ever knows what they are capable of, I guess, until faced with that situation. I still struggle with it. I have never been able to decide if it was the right thing or not. But, she begged me to put her out of her misery.”

  “I think if it was the difference between my mom suffering horribly and being at peace, I would like to think I’d be strong enough to do it too. I hope to God it never comes to that with Mom though. Like I said, I can’t even stand to think about losing her. I’m sorry you had to go through that with Grandma.”

  Asher’s heart was suddenly so full that his chest hurt. Axel was telling him that he didn’t think he was a horrible person for doing what he did. Mia told him the same thing. His father forgave him before he died. Those three people were the only ones that he needed forgiveness from. For the first time in seventeen years he felt like he could actually forgive himself.

  “Thank you for saying that. You can’t have any idea how much it means to me. I wish so badly that your grandmother could have met you. You remind me a lot of her, and I will do my best to remember that you’re not a kid. You’re as mature as any grown man I’ve ever known.”

  “Thanks,” Axel said, “Race you to the end of the road.” Before Asher could respond, Axel had clicked at his horse and taken off. Asher laughed and took off after him. Axel got to the end of the road long before his father. He had a cocky grin on his face when Asher got there.

  “You cheat like your mother,” Asher told him with a grin.

  “You don’t ever want to play Monopoly with both of us.”

  Asher laughed. “Thank you for today, Axel. I hope we can have a lot more like it.”

  Axel took a deep breath and said, “I’ve been hurt and angry for a long time. Mostly because I just couldn’t understand any of it. I do feel better knowing the truth about what happened. It might take me a while to get used to all of this, but just so you know, I’m glad you’re back.”

  Asher was speechless. He wasn’t sure why he was surprised at his son’s level of maturity. He had been raised by Mia and she was the smartest, kindest, most forgiving person he had ever known. Axel really was a lot like Lily too. Asher wasn’t sure if he had a right to be, but he was damned proud of the boy…man. They finished their ride back with small talk. Asher talked to Axel about the types of horses on the ranch and which one he might like. Axel told him a little more about himself and the activities he was involved with in school. By the time they got back to the stables Asher’s feeling that everything was going to be okay was magnified by a thousand.

  Axel slid off his horse in front of its stall and as Asher dismounted he said, “Are you going to stay?”

  It took Asher a second to realize Axel was talking about him staying with them. He smiled at his son and said, “The only way anyone could get me away from you and your mother now is if they killed me. I’m here for the long haul, son, and I am so happy about that.”

  Axel grinned. God, he looked so much like Mia. Asher turned to un-cinch the saddle and he felt his son slap him on the back. “That’s good to know…Dad.” Asher had to keep his back to him for a few seconds to fight back the tears he felt welling in his eyes. When he was sure he had pulled himself together he turned around and looked at his son.

  “Dad. I like that, a lot.” Axel grunted as Asher wrapped him up in a hug. He better get used to it, Asher thought. He had seventeen years of them to make up for.

  Chapter 24

  After visiting the second ranch and meeting another family of really nice people, Asher and Axel headed back to town. On the way back Asher asked, “Are you hungry?”

  Axel grinned. “Always.”

  “Me too,” Asher agreed. “How about we stop by and see your mom and have some lunch?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Asher couldn’t stop smiling. He was happy he had taken Axel with him today and they’d had a chance to talk. He was still smiling when they walked into the Bar and Grill. It took his brain about half a second to wipe the smile off of his face when he saw what was happening. The place was packed with people and they were all just sitting or standing there like little scared bitches as far as Asher was concerned, watching the drama behind the counter unfold. Mia was at the center of the drama. James and two huge men in suits were behind the counter and James was yelling at Mia only inches away from her face. Her pretty eyes were wide with terror and Asher felt a wave of rage pass through him, he saw red. Nobody had a right to make Mia afraid.

  In that frozen second between stand off and fight, Asher saw James’s eyes flicker from him to his men. He was making the mistake of thinking it was three against one. The two large men flew towards him while James looked on. Asher took the first one down with a jab to the throat. As he lay writhing on the floor, gasping for breath the second one was taking a swing. Asher grabbed his arm in mid-air and twisted it into an unnatural angle. He heard the bones snap just before the man screamed. He left him on the floor crying like a baby and grabbed James by his throat. James had his hand inside his jacket, undoubted
ly going for a weapon but brought both hands up protectively when he felt Asher’s hand tighten around his throat. With one hand Asher shoved him back into the counter and held him there as he pulled the gun out of the man’s coat. He handed it to Mia and then used that same hand to crush James’s nose. Blood spurted out and flew across the counter and the floor. Asher let go of his throat and he crumpled but Asher didn’t stop there. He just kept picturing the terrified look on Mia’s pretty face as he went down to the floor and continued pummelling the other man. He heard Mia scream, “He has a gun!” and turned in time to see the idiot with the broken arm holding a Glock nine on him with his good hand. Asher stood up and before the other man could even process that he was on his feet; he threw out one of his long legs and kicked the gun out of his hand. The man fell back and screamed like a little girl again. Asher reached down and pulled him to his feet as he begged for his miserable life. He used one hand to hold him while he reached down and pulled the other guy up. That one had caught his breath, but he wasn’t willing to confront Asher again. They both looked on the verge of pissing their pants as he looked down at James and said, “Get him out of here and make sure he knows that if he ever comes around any of my family again, I will kill him.”

  The men hustled to pull James to his feet and then with him hanging between them, they half dragged/half carried him out the door. The Bar and Grille erupted into applause. Asher just glared at the patrons as he tried to slow his breathing. He was still pissed that not a single one of them had stepped up and tried to help Mia. He turned his attention back to her then. She looked like she was in shock. He gently took the gun she was still holding from her hands and wrapped her up in his arms. He felt his son’s hand on his shoulder as he held her. After several minutes passed, she pulled back and looked up at him with tears in her pretty eyes and a smile on her face.

  “Thank you. You are amazing.”

  “Hell yeah!” Axel said. Mia furrowed her brow at her son and he looked abashed. “Sorry Mom, but that was so cool. My Dad is cool. I want to learn how to fight like that.”

  Asher couldn’t help feeling proud of the fact that his son thought he was cool. He grinned and winked at Axel and then brushed his lips along the side of Mia’s pretty face and said, “Did he hurt you?”

  “No, not this time…” she seemed to catch herself as she said that. Asher’s entire body stiffened.

  “What do you mean…this time?” Axel and Mia exchanged a look and before either of them said anything Asher said, “If I’m going to protect my family, I need all of the facts. Has he hurt you before, Mia?”

  She nodded. “He got scary, after I found out he was doing illegal things and confronted him.”

  “He got abusive,” Axel said.

  Mia looked at her son with sorrow in her eyes and said, “He was mean mostly and scary, but a few times yes, he did put his hands on me. It’s why I got the gun.”

  Asher’s chest was rising and falling rapidly and he had almost a death grip on her. “You won’t need it,” he said. “Damn straight,” Axel said, looking up at his father. Mia shook her head at her son and he grinned. Asher couldn’t help but relax just a little bit and smile back at him. He looked back down at Mia and said, “Let’s get you out of here, okay?”

  She nodded but seemed reluctant to let go of him. He continued to stand there and hold her until she was ready. As they left, she was telling her staff what to do about closing up. One man who had been sitting at the bar approached Asher. “I wanted to apologize to you for all of us. I don’t know if you remember me? We went to school together. My name is Brian Folger. These men, the Proctor’s and their thugs, have terrorized this community. For one thing, they own most of our homes and businesses. If we so much as say a word against them, we’re on the streets. The other thing that happens is people disappear or end up in the hospital after experiencing ‘accidents’ at their hands. None of this is an excuse for cowardice, especially to a man like you, I’m sure. But I hope that you will at least realize we were paralyzed by our own fear. I like to believe that if he would have touched her, I would have at least tried to do something.”

  Asher could see the embarrassment mixed with terror in the man’s eyes. He put his hand on Brian’s shoulder and said, “I remember you, and I believe you. This has gone on far too long. I don’t plan on letting these men continue to terrorize our town. I’d appreciate whatever help I can get, but the truth is I’m not afraid of taking them on myself if I have to.”

  “I think your attitude about them will help motivate the rest of us,” Brian said. Asher smiled at him and then Mia and Axel were back at his side and he took his family home.

  On the way there Asher finally asked, “What was that about today? What did James want?”

  “He was telling me that I needed to convince you to sell him the ranches and the other properties your Dad left you. He told me that…” she stopped and looked at Axel like she didn’t want to say it in front of him. Axel rolled his eyes.

  “I’m not a kid, Mom. I wanted to kill that guy when I saw him on you like that too. I despise that man and his entire family. Nothing you say is going to ever make me think less of you and it couldn’t possibly make me think less of him, he’s already pond scum to me.”

  She took a deep, shaky breath and said, “James said that since I was spreading my legs for you like a whore I shouldn’t have trouble using my…” she hesitated again and Asher had the feeling she was searching for a word she felt comfortable saying in front of her son. “My body,” she went on, “To convince you to do what I want you to do. He told me it would ‘keep you alive’ if I convinced you to sell and go away.”

  Asher and Axel were both silent. Asher felt a deadly rage flowing hotly through his body. He glanced over at his son and from the look on his face he could see that Axel was a lot more like him than he thought. The boy looked like James was lucky he wasn’t there in front of him right now. Taking several deep breaths to calm himself down, he slid his arm over Mia’s shoulders and drove with the other hand. He kissed her head and inhaled the sweet fragrance of her hair as he said,

  “I’m so sorry baby. I’m so sorry they put you through that and I’m so sorry for all of the times I wasn’t here to protect you. Just know that there is no way I am selling to those people, nor am I going anywhere, ever. I promised you and my son that I’m never leaving again, and I meant it more than anything I have ever said. James Proctor and his family are the ones who will be leaving, if they know what’s good for them, and I guarantee you that he won’t get close enough to hurt you again.”

  Chapter 25

  Mia woke up a few mornings later wrapped up in her Asher’s arms. It was a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to describe in words if her life depended on it. She loved the way he felt against her. She loved being able to feel his heart beat against hers when they laid chest to chest. She loved the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he slept. Mia loved everything about him. He pulled open his green eyes as she watched him wake up and a slow, sexy smile spread across his face.

  “Good morning beautiful.”

  “Good morning, gorgeous. How did you sleep?”

  His smile broadened. “I slept great. I’d actually forgotten how amazing sleep can be when you’re comfortable.” He kissed her forehead and said, “God baby, I’m so glad I’m back. It feels so good to be home, and even better to wake up at home with you in my arms.”

  “Me too. Nothing feels like waking up in your arms, Asher.”

  “I agree,” he said, dipping his head down and capturing her lips with his. As he kissed her he flexed his hips against her. They were both naked after making love last night and falling asleep in each other’s arms. She felt his erection press against her and then she felt one of his hands give her breast a gentle squeeze. His fingers encircled her nipple and it grew and swelled immediately with his touch.

  Mia squirmed and pressed herself harder into him and as she did she felt him suck in a deep breath and s
queeze down a little bit harder on her nipple. Moisture formed between her thighs as much from still being tangled up in his long limbs as from what he was doing. He broke their kiss and rolled her so that her back was facing him. Then, he rested his face against the nape of her neck and nuzzled her there, sending goosebumps running down her spine. He put his hand over her other breast now as he began kissing across her neck, shoulders and upper back. Mia’s insides turned to jelly under his touch, and at times like this, she could almost feel her brain turn to mush. She felt him rock his erection into her again and she raised her leg slightly so that he could rest it in the moisture between her legs. She felt him groan against her flesh and bite down on the piece of her neck he was sucking. He nibbled his way up to her ear lobe and bit down on that too before whispering, “I love you,” into her ear.

  Mia shivered. “I love you too.” She straightened her legs and that caused him to straighten his too and press his throbbing erection into her with more force. They both moaned. Mia took his hand off her breast and slid it down her body to the top of her mound. Asher didn’t hesitate to let his fingers find her swollen clit and begin to massage it. At the same time he thrust forward, letting his hard cock glide against the outside of her lips. It felt so good, Mia was in heaven. She enjoyed the sensations of his touch for as long as she could before finally moving his hand again and rolling onto her back. She needed him inside of her.

  He pulled her into a tight embrace and their mouths met again. They exchanged a gentle, intimate kiss and Asher rolled back onto his back, pulling Mia up on top of him as they did. Her breasts were crushed up against his hard chest as the kiss deepened and became more passionate. He cupped her bottom with one hand and the other rested on her waist. She slowly drew her knees up and positioned herself so that he could enter her. He entered her slowly at first, gently stretching her, filling her up, possessing her completely. She sighed and rested her head against his neck as he pushed himself all the way in.


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