Die By the Drop: Shivers and Sins Volume 1

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Die By the Drop: Shivers and Sins Volume 1 Page 10

by Kaia Bennett

  “Oh God! S-stop!”

  This is just the beginning….

  Jesse reached around to squeeze and tweak my nipples, first over the fabric of my dress and then underneath.

  “Stop, stop, s-stop! Unngh!”

  My breath stopped, my chest swelled, tightened. When my voice exploded from my throat, I screamed. Tremors rocked me so hard, my head fell against Vaughn’s chest. The juicy sounds of my pussy, of their wet cocks smacking against my skin as they surrounded me, drove me higher. Their unmeasured breaths wafted past my overheated skin, mingling with mine, as I tried to regain my lost bearings.

  My pussy squelched as another rush of wetness coated Vaughn’s fingers. He had more patience than I’d given him credit for, each come-hither stroke within my channel measured for my pleasure.

  “Ask me nicely and maybe I’ll shove my dick in your greedy little cunt.”

  “Fuck you!” I growled in frustration, already dangling over the edge of my next climax.

  “That’s what he’s doing.” Jesse grunted and smacked my ass. “You don’t feel him fucking you, witch?”

  Vaughn gave me a lopsided grin. He thumbed my clit in rapid-fire circles while he flexed and released his fingers. I would’ve doubled over with pleasure if Jesse hadn’t held me upright, teasing my neck and earlobe with bites and licks.

  Gripping my chin, Vaughn wrenched my face toward him and stared, his gaze roving every flicker of sensation he forced on me.

  “She feels me. She feels me deep inside.”

  Jesse released my neck now that Vaughn held my face. He alternated between gripping each breast and tweaking my nipples into painful points while he thrust with purpose along the length of my cleft. My lip wobbled when I thought about the spray of come Jesse would leave on my ass, the sticky residue I’d feel under my dress. I tried to close my eyes and avoid the smug concentration on Vaughn’s face when he released my chin and returned to jerking his cock.

  With a groan and a nip at my fragile neck, Jesse came, the hot spray coating my ass. One of Jesse’s hands relinquished my breast and gripped his jerking shaft. He placed the head of his cock against my puckered star and pumped the last of his come against the entrance.

  “Fuck yeah.” Jesse panted and tapped his cock free of the last remnants while he bit down on the shell of my ear hard enough to pierce the skin. He ran his hands over the length of my stomach, up over my breasts, down my sides, riding my curves in an endless loop as if his hands couldn’t get enough.

  Vaughn picked up his pace, driving his fingers in and out, racing me to the finish line. I kept my eyes closed, praying he’d finish soon, until his breath wafting against my lips forced me to open my eyes and lock gazes with him.

  “No… more….” I moaned, frantic. I twisted my fingers in his shirt and scraped my nails down his forearms, trying to push his fingers out of me.


  My voice cracked and my eyes rolled back in my head as spasms wracked my entire body. I humped his fingers, abandoning pride as I hunted for every last drop of pleasure. His desperate moan followed by feral grunts, joined the splash of Vaughn’s seed against my mound. When Vaughn finished, he wiped the tip off on my hip and rubbed his come into my mons with his palm, his fingers still thrust inside my grasping pussy.

  Abruptly he pulled his fingers out of my pussy, fingers smeared with our mingled come, and smeared my face with the mixture. I balked, but held my face in his painful grip.

  “How’s it taste, witch?” He shoved his fingers down my throat until I gagged. “Is it as sweet as your blood?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. He removed his fingers and licked my lips with an insistent tongue, then shoved the slippery muscle deep inside my mouth. My muffled screams echoed from my mouth into his as he shoved three fingers back into my wet cunt. He denied my clit friction while he rammed knuckles-deep inside me. This time he made his thrusts sharp and hard, dangling me over the precipice of pleasure, dipping me in pain. Still, my slippery flesh clenched around him, even when he licked the side of my face.

  “Making you come is easy. I could do it all day and all night, but I want your screams. I want your pain, I wanna hear you beg for—”

  Jesse and Vaughn swiveled their heads to some unknown disturbance outside. Vaughn didn’t finish describing what he wanted. I doubted he wanted me begging for his cock alone, though. Finally, he released my face from his iron grip and yanked his fingers out of my pussy. My jaw cracked when I stretched the joint, but the pain barely registered. Vaughn slid his tongue along his glistening fingers, thick with cream at the base.

  Jesse released my dress and shoved me away. I stumbled on shaking limbs, but caught myself before I sprawled onto the filthy floorboards.

  When I looked up Liam stood in the doorway, his eyes black with hunger. His nose rose in the air, scenting come and fear, before he stared down at me with a lick of his lips. The rapid rise and fall of his chest made me go still as a cornered deer.

  “I feel like I missed all the fun.”

  “You did.” Jesse zipped his jeans. I could almost hear his self-satisfied grin.

  Liam groused, watching me try, with tears in my eyes, to clean come off myself, only to rub the sticky fluids into my skin when I had nowhere to wipe my hands.

  Vaughn laughed, raised his hand in the air. He made a circle with the other hand and slid the circle over three fingers, pantomiming how he’d fingered me.

  “Goddammit!” Liam kicked a clump of plaster with his shoe. “All that wet pussy is making me hungry. Next time, you go get the fucking car and I’ll stay and bang the witch.” Vaughn zipped his jeans and grabbed his duffel with the smugness of a teenager bragging about his first time amidst virgins.

  The look Vaughn gave when he passed me on the way out of the house with Liam sent a cold chill of terror down my spine.

  “To be continued, witch bitch.”

  I retrieved my jacket, hugging it to me like a security blanket after a bad nightmare. Jesse pulled up the rear. I couldn’t bear to put the leather on my body even though the rain soaked me down to the skin right away. A black Ford Explorer waited for us, the tinted windows vibrating with thumping bass. A hip hop beat did battle with the storm. I turned my face up to the sky, closed my eyes, and let the rain wash away my juices and Vaughn’s spit. I cupped rain in my hands and washed away as much come and shame as I could from between my legs before righting my slick dress. A few tears threatened to leak from my weary eyes. I let the rain wash them away too.

  I startled when Jesse slid his hand under my dress from behind and burrowed his broad palm between my legs. He grasped my pussy with one large hand, knocking my knees with a few rhythmic squeezes, the rumble of Jesse’s chuckle against my spine unraveling my frail composure. He pulled me close, whispered in my ear while he traced my slippery seam, like even my come belonged to him.

  “I can’t wait till our next stop.”

  How long have I been in Tennessee?

  I stared in shock at the signs when we left the back roads and met traffic for the first time in days. I’d spent most of the journey unconscious so the sight of all these cars terrified and exhilarated me. I had the strange sense that the vampires and I were some of the last beings on earth, though they’d orchestrated our isolation from society. Now, society whizzed past, oblivious to the horror passing by them. They merged left, veered right, took off ramps towards places they chose to go.

  Toward home.

  Meanwhile, the road signs kicked me in the gut with every mile traveled, with every city inscribed on a forest green metal sheet pinned to an overpass.

  I-40. 75 South. Nashville. Memphis. Chattanooga.

  I’d never been this far west in my life. Chattanooga, Tennessee might as well have been on another planet. Why would they risk journeying into the middle of a bustling metropolis while saddled with a hostage?

  My ears rang from a non-stop mixture of hip-hop, alt-rock, and grunge. By the time we pulled into an Exxon
for gas, I couldn’t tell if they’d tortured me with the volume, or if I’d been lucky, so I couldn’t think my own morbid thoughts. My brain vibrated with lyrics, filled with PJ Harvey, Nas, Tupac, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Bush.

  “I have to pee,” I declared, louder than needed when Liam pulled up to the pump. He’d already turned off the car but the lyrics to Rage Against the Machine’s Killing In The Name still thumped in my eardrums.

  “Sure you do.” Vaughn snorted. “I bet you weren’t even thinking about running away either.”

  Liam popped open the gas tank cover then got out and jogged inside to pay for the gas. I flexed my thigh muscles in envy at his freedom to jog out in the open. I turned to Vaughn and narrowed my eyes.

  “People eat. People shit and piss, and shave their legs, and all sorts of things you can’t do from the back seat of a fucking car!” With each word my voice grew more shrill. “If you don’t want to deal with that, don’t fucking kidnap people!” I turned to Jesse, who watched me, temple propped on his knuckles. “I can go in a toilet or I can go right here in your nice new ride. But I’m going. To use. The bathroom.”

  Jesse smiled and turned to stare out of the window. Another car pulled up with a couple inside. In front of the convenience store, a group of teenagers stood talking.

  “Make sure she takes a piss and gets whatever supplies witches need.” Jesse ordered Vaughn, then opened the door and hopped out, slamming it shut behind him. The wind kicked up his hair as he strode towards the store with his hands shoved into his jeans pockets. Heads turned to watch him. The teenage girls by the entrance giggled and pretended to orgasm when he disappeared inside.

  “I hope it goes without saying. If you so much as blink funny, next stop will be your last. We’ll kill every person at this gas station if we have to. Then we’ll hit the road and find one of a million places to dump your body before sundown.”

  A shudder coursed through me and my mouth went dry as cotton at the promise in his malevolent gaze.

  Vaughn turned to face me. His eyes were that bleached blue I found just as terrifying as the predatory blackness when he fed. “I don’t care how much Jesse likes fucking you, or how smooth you taste going down. Those are my boys in there. They’re like brothers to me. You fuck Jesse over, or put him and Liam in danger, and I’ll make that vision you saw in my head seem like a vacation. You understand?”

  I nodded.

  “Say the words, Evie.” I swallowed at the hushed tone he used when he said my name. Gravelly, and full of promise, his voice made something low in my belly stir despite my disgust. “Say ‘Yes, Vaughn. I’ll do whatever you say, Vaughn’.”

  “I don’t have a choice, Vaughn. Fuck you, Vaughn.”

  He laughed and swung open his door. “Close enough.”

  I unbuckled my seatbelt with shaking hands. My damp palms skidded off the door handle. a cold sweat broke out over my skin.

  I can’t. I can’t go out there.

  I hesitated, trapped in my anxiety, while all around me the world moved, sprinted forward, dove in and out of parking spaces, and halted alongside gas pumps. People everywhere. People who could help save me from this nightmare if I was brave enough to call Vaughn’s bluff.

  If I scream, if I run, what could Vaughn or any of them possibly do? No matter what he says, there are more people here than they could kill. Someone would see, someone would get away from them.

  My mind swung the opposite direction.

  The security cameras are only as good as the tapes in them. They could kill a bunch of people. Even if they got caught, I’d still die.

  My door swung open and I almost fell out, but Vaughn caught me around the waist with one arm. With his free hand, he palmed my ass, lifting the back of my skirt. My tights had huge runs in them from when he’d ripped them open. the hole was an unsettling reminder of what he’d wrung out of me at the farmhouse.

  “Don’t!” I whispered when I wanted to roar.

  “Don’t!” Vaughn mocked my tone and poked out his bottom lip for good measure. His face cleared of his faux distress and he gave me a toothy grin. “I love it when you beg me to stop. Turns me on.”

  I tried to pull out of his grasp but he slung his arm over my shoulder and hissed in my ear. “Remember what I said about causing a scene?” He marched me toward the store, tightening his hold if I so much as a tensed when another person passed.

  He’d snap my neck before the word “help” escaped my lips.

  Hope stirred, taking on the form of the girl I imagined in the corner of my mental cage, guarded by the beast within. Hope, still clutching the ashes of my former life said, Tilt your face up. Make sure everyone sees you as they pass. Make them all remember, make sure every camera catches you alive and here in Tennessee, a place you’ve never been to, and have no reason to go.

  The beast approved, so I lifted my chin, threw back my shoulders and stared at every person I passed. I knew how to keep my face impassive, but my gaze sent a silent S.O.S. to each person who looked my way. I prayed I lingered in their thoughts along with Vaughn’s face.

  Christmas carols and a door chime greeted me when Vaughn opened the door and led me through. Once upon a time I’d have rolled my eyes at the chipper holiday tunes infiltrating stores this long before Thanksgiving arrived. Now, I struggled to hold back tears, wondering if I’d ever see another Thanksgiving with my family.

  And if I do make it back home? Can I look my family in the eye ever again after what they’ve made me do?

  “You got a bathroom?” Vaughn asked. The clerk behind the counter scratched his sandy beard and slid Vaughn a big wooden tag with a key attached.

  I stared the cashier down, releasing his gaze only when Vaughn forced me to face the bathroom we approached. I looked up into every camera I could spot and only relented when ushered inside the bathroom.

  “Hurry up. You still gotta pick up your ‘supplies’ before we can leave.”

  “Takes longer to shop than it will for me to pee.” I snapped my head up and stared at him in the middle of pulling down my ruined tights.

  Vaughn grunted and stared between my thighs. My squat over the toilet and my dress dangling as low as I dared allow, cast my sex in shadow. Still, he leaned back against the sink and licked his lips like he could see every one of my secrets.

  “Can you not stare?” My teeth hurt, I clenched my jaw so hard.

  “If that’s stopping you, you don’t gotta go that bad.”

  I sighed and hiked my skirt up higher, revealing my pussy and the stream of urine exiting my bladder.

  When I’d finished and wiped, I pulled the useless tights up and turned to flush. The slick, upward stroke of a tongue teased the back of my neck. I shuddered but couldn’t turn to face Vaughn or wipe his spit away. He gripped my throat and reached around to shove a hand between my legs.

  “Every time I think about your bare pussy under this dress it makes me wanna fuck.” His fangs nipped at the back of my neck, a superficial pain stinging my broken skin.


  He squeezed my throat. I gasped futilely while Vaughn fiddled with the buckle of his belt.

  “Just a quick taste.”

  I slammed my eyes shut as the damp head of his cock caressed the swelling inner lips of my pussy, breaching my entrance until the tip nestled inside me.


  A knock sounded at the door. Vaughn huffed and I shook off his embrace, shoving my dress down in fury while I struggled to catch my breath.

  “Just a minute!” I hoped whoever stood beyond the door could hear my anguish. I swiped my lower lids. My tears spilled over when I squeezed past Vaughn to wash my hands, but I masked them with the cool water I splashed on my face.

  When I wrenched the door open, a preteen boy in a baseball cap scrambled to use the toilet. Vaughn exiting after me piqued his curiosity, but not enough to slow him down. I stomped to the front of the store and grabbed a shopping basket.

  Outside the bathroom, Vaughn resumed
his abrasive method of keeping tabs on me, an arm slung around my shoulder. He snatched my basket with his free hand, watching everything I dropped into the blue plastic like a hawk.

  I can’t even sneak a burner phone or a pocketknife into my jacket.

  Though I hated myself for giving up even for a second, I focused instead on what would make me feel like I’d returned home. What would give me a moment’s respite from the pain this journey would continue to inflict? A comb and brush. Travel-sized bottles of shampoo and a big bottle of conditioner. Oh thank God, they have hair moisturizer, too!

  Imagining the flowery scent as I spread the cream over my curls made me sigh with relief when I saw my brand of choice. I grabbed a scarf to wrap my hair at night, but when I stared at the soft fabric I felt silly for wanting to take care of my hair. The strands would just end up wrapped around a vampire’s hands and stuck to my face with sweat, wouldn’t they?

  Vaughn snapped his fingers and brought me out of my melancholy. Down the line we moved to the bars of soap. My gaze lingered over my usual brand but I reached for my father’s. The original scent of Coast flooded my nostrils as I put the box to my face and inhaled. I could see in my mind the marbled blue and white bar filling the air with the masculine scent. The ache for my father became so strong I’d have hurt less if someone punched me in the face.

  The weight of Vaughn’s arm eased off my shoulders and he snatched the soap before leaning close to my ear.

  “If you cry and draw attention to yourself, I’m gonna be pissed. Save your tears for later, when I can enjoy them.”


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