Scott: Triplets (Members From Money Book 13)

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Scott: Triplets (Members From Money Book 13) Page 9

by Katie Dowe

  “Don’t worry about that,” he reached into the pocket of his sports jacket and came out with a velvet box.

  Her eyes snapped to his and then back at the box.” I am sealing our union and making it official.” He opened it and Kadine gasped at the dazzling diamond solitaire surrounded by dozens of tiny emerald stones. He took the ring out and reached for her finger, sliding it on. It was a perfect fit and had her wondering how on earth he knew her size as he had done when he was ordering her clothes last night. “Kadine Washington, would you do me the extreme honor of being my wife?”

  “I cannot think of anything else I would rather do,” she said her throat dry as she looked down at the ring and then back at him. “How did you manage this?”

  “I had ordered it from the middle of the week. They had sent something to me but I was not satisfied with it. I rather think this one is you.” He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her lightly. “Do you like it?”

  “I do,” she could not believe that she had found a man like him! “Are you going to be doing things like this often?”

  “Every chance I get. I told you I am going to spoil you.”

  “How much time do we have before we leave?” She asked him softly.

  “It is now some minutes to ten and we should get there for twelve but we are using the jet. What do you have in mind?”

  “I prefer to show you,” she said taking his hand and leading him into the bedroom.


  The place was magnificent and reminded her of Apple Farm with its acres of rolling lands and the lush greenness of the place. Scott flew low in order for her to get a better view and she was entranced by it. They landed some distance away and were met by a chauffeur who took them to the house. Leesa came to greet them wearing a soft white lounge pants and a moss green top that left her shoulders bare. She had big dangling earrings that almost reached her shoulders and had on white strappy sandals. “Darling really love the dress,” she said as she enfolded Kadine in her arms. “Shoo Scott and go and find the others. Lorenzo is already here with Monique and Patrick and Jeremy and I think Mark as well.” She took Kadine’s hand and they walked across the immaculate grounds towards the house. “It is so beautiful,” Kadine said looking around in a daze.

  “Isn’t it?” Leesa said proudly. “Let’s go for a small tour.”

  Scott could barely concentrate on what his friends were saying! He saw her with the other wives and saw when they oohed and aahed over the ring. He had seen the photographers milling around and saw when they snapped pictures of all of them together and her separately. At one point she had looked over and waved at him. He loved her so much that he could not wait for her to bear his name. He knew he was in danger of being like his father and loving her to the point of anything or anyone else, but he was determined that he was never going to let his children feel left out!

  They did not leave there until around midnight. When he had ascended and after a few minutes he realized that she was fast asleep. With a gentle smile on his lips he pulled a blanket over her and made sure she was warm before he concentrated on getting them home.

  Chapter 9

  The time flew by until it was just one day before the wedding. The media were having a field day of it. ‘Billionaire Organic farmer, Scott Taylor to wed the woman carrying his child.’ There were pictures of her splashed across the papers with her at the social along with the wives of the other members and some with her and Scott either going to dinner or her alone arriving at her workplace. She had become a media sensation overnight! She had spoken to her staff and they would be staying in the offices to run it from that end and she would be setting up an office at Apple Farm to work from there. Her brother and his family had been flown over a day ago and then her sister Karen and her family had come in this morning. Kandy and Brianna would be coming in later as well as Marcia and her family. She had wanted a small intimate wedding but it had taken a turn.

  Patsy had been the perfect hostess and had set up each family in a suite of rooms that they were delighted in. Scott had opened his massive theatre room for the kids to enjoy all the amenities they were used to and more. Khalif had liked him at the first glance and now had gone horseback riding with him, leaving her and Karen in one of the sitting rooms having a bite to eat. Karen Washington-Adams was a thin energetic woman who had been married to her husband for the past fifteen years. She was tall and slender and had the same flawless complexion as her sister but the resemblance ended there. Kadine was considered the beauty of the family and looked more like her handsome brother than anything. They had gotten their looks from their father and the two girls had gotten theirs form their mother. Her daughters — Kasey, fourteen and Maya twelve — were a combination of both parents and were raving beauties due to their mixed race with their father being white.

  “I had given up hope of you settling down and now you have bowled us over with all this,” she waved her hand vaguely at the elegance of the sitting room. They had been taking on tour as soon as they had arrived and had been amazed at it all. “Are you going to adjust?”

  “To being a billionaire’s wife?” Kadine settled back against the cushions. She had made little or no contribution to the planning of the wedding because Leesa and Kelly had taken charge; the only thing she had had to do was to fit her dress which had fitted her as if it had been made for her. “Scott is down to earth and a wonderful man who does not put any pressure on me so I am sure I will be able to cope.”

  “He has all these health and wellness inns all over the country and his produces are in all the supermarkets. I cannot believe that my little sister is marrying a man of his ilk.” Karen said with her large brown eyes twinkling. “And carrying triplets.” It had been confirmed just last week that she was indeed carrying three children.

  “I still cannot believe it,” Kadine felt the slight tremble in her hands as she put the cup aside. Patsy had sent refreshments for them and told her to get some rest for tomorrow. “Scott is interviewing nannies now even though it is still early days.”

  “You met him when you came here for the two weeks?”

  “I did and something connected immediately. He loves me Karen and I am not able to say it back.”

  Just because Mom and Dad could not stand a bone in each other’s bodies does not mean that it is going to be the same for you and Scott,” Karen reproved her knowing exactly where she was going. “Mitch and I have been married for fifteen years and we are happy and so are Khalif and Doreen.” Their sister-in-law was in the kitchen helping with the planning of the menu for tomorrow.

  “He cheated on Mom and she sat there and took it, I cannot understand why she did.”

  “Love makes us do strange things,” Karen put her cup away and turned to her youngest sibling. “Mitch cheated on me when I was pregnant with Kelly,” she smiled slightly as Kadine’s eyes widened. “I thought about leaving him. I was so angry but he begged me and I reconsidered. It took me years to trust him again and I kept reminding him about it until I almost drove him away. I never brought it up again and we are extremely happy. Scott adores you and I could see that the minute I saw the two of you together. You are going to be growing three children and when that time comes, you are going to be too busy to say the words. I would advise you to say it now.”

  That night there was a rehearsal dinner when the rest of the guests had arrived. Kadine had not seen her sister Kandy in two months and was surprised at how much weight she had put on. She had not been sending any pictures or posting anything on social media for quite some time. Brianna was a slim pretty woman of mixed heritage with short curly black hair and very friendly.

  “Don’t say it,” Kandy warned her. “I am working to take it off and that is all I am saying on the topic. If I was not gay, I would try and steal away that gorgeous man from you.”

  “No chance of that happening. My heart belongs to her alone,” Scott told her as he pulled Kadine into his arms.

  “A pity,” Kandy drawled. �
��Welcome to the family honey,” she said planting a kiss full on Scott’s lips.

  Kadine felt the surprising tug of jealousy as her hands tightened in his. “Back off Kandy.” She told her sister mildly.

  Dinner was a noisy and exhilarating meal and Patsy and the kitchen staff along with Khalif’s wife had outdone themselves with the serving of delicate lamb chops, fried chicken, fish fillet and fresh vegetables picked that very afternoon. The wives and their husbands would be coming over very early in the morning to get dressed here at the farm. Patsy was in her element as she entertained and Scott could not believe how much it felt like home to have so many people there. He had stubbornly refused to have Kadine sleep away from him and she had felt the same way too. “Besides, we gave the suite you used to your friend Marcia and her family.” He had told her.

  “There are more suites here. I cannot understand why though.” She had said to him.

  “I envisioned the future,” he had told her with a gentle smile.


  The May sunshine was brilliant with just a touch of coolness to the weather, making it perfect for a wedding. The members of the club had flown over along with their wives. The entire suites had been cleaned and given over for them to shower, change and get ready for the ceremony. Outside near the pool, the tents had been set up in case it rained and the animals had been sheltered and locked up inside the barn. Tables had been set and the entire household and the farmhands had been given the time off to attend the wedding of their beloved employer. People from near and far had been flown in to witness Scott Taylor tying the knot. Leesa and Kelly helped the bride to get dressed along with her two sisters who were wearing turquoise and jade. She had spent the night in Scott’s arms after they had made love. He had held her trembling body while he whispered how much he loved her. She still had not said it back to him.

  Her dress went past her knees a little bit and the stylist who had been flown in to attend to hair and makeup had been kept busy but had attended to her first. Her thick black hair had been clipped a little bit and piled on top of her head with several strands escaping at the back of her neck. Azaleas and daisies adorned the front of her hair and her makeup was flawless. The neck of the dress dipped somewhat to expose her flawless cocoa brown skin along with the diamond and emerald necklace that Scott had given her last night with earrings to match. She had started showing a little bit but the folds of the dress hid it successfully. “Aunty, you look like a movie star,” Kelly said reverently as she stared at her.

  “Yes, you do,” Maya piped up. “Uncle Scott said that we can come here whenever we want. Can we?”

  “Of course,” she smiled at them and was grateful at Scott for his generosity.

  “Ready?” Kandy asked her quietly.

  She took a deep breath and nodded.

  Scott straightened as the wedding party started to come in. He had Bradley as his best man and the man sent him an amused look at the expression on his face, his thoughts going back to his own wedding so many years ago. His eyes sought his wife who looked incredibly beautiful in a figure hugging champagne pink dress that looked perfect on her. Their children were beside her and his eyes strayed to his teenage daughter Leigh-Ann with her blond curls and her brothers who looked like they wanted to be anywhere except here. Leesa smiled at him and he felt his heart picking up speed. She was always able to do that to him! He heard the music change and realized that his friend’s bride was an incredibly beautiful woman. As she made her way towards him on her brother’s arm, he smiled as Scott went to meet them halfway.

  “You look incredible,” he whispered as he placed her hand on his arm.

  “And you look like the most handsome man I have ever seen,” she whispered back admiring how he looked in his black tuxedoes.

  They made their way up to the minister and the ceremony began. “Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered her to witness the union between these two: Scott Andrew Taylor and Kadine Diana Washington. If there is anyone here who has a reason for this not to happen, please speak now or forever hold your peace.” He waited a spell and then continued. “I have known Scott since he was a child and I have known his parents. I have been there when he lost his siblings and his mother and then his father. I have seen this young man grow in strength in spite of the many tragedies surrounding him and am personally pleased of the success he has made of himself. I am here as a part of a very important milestone in his life. He has turned the small sleepy town of Apple Valley into one of extraordinary growth and we are all proud to know him. He has told me that he wants to repeat his own vows so I will allow him to do so now.” The minister stepped back a little bit and Kadine felt a rush of anxiety as she looked up at him. “Say what’s on your heart,” he whispered to her. “Kadine, I have waited for this moment for all my life and it was well worth the wait. All the pain and disappointment of my youth was leading up to this. I love you plain and simple! I will always love you and I am going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much. You are my heart and the best part of me and I will never take that for granted. You have agreed to be my wife and for that I will always be grateful. Thank you my darling, my heart, my life.”

  Kadine’s fingers held onto his and tears filled her eyes. “Scott: I owe my friend Marcia a world of gratitude,” she paused as the woman called out, “And I will be collecting!” causing the guests to laugh. “I never dreamed that I would ever meet someone like you. You have showed me that in a world where people are selfish and cruel that something like this can exist, someone like you exists. I love you,” her breath escaped her at the look in his dark blue eyes. For a minute she knew he wanted to haul her into his arms and she could feel him steeling himself not to do so. “I never thought I would love like this but I was warned by the rest of the wives and of course Marcia. I will honor you and respect you for as long as we both shall live.”

  They stood there staring at each other until the minister started speaking again. “The rings please.” Her nephew Matthew handed it to him. “Scott Andrew Taylor, do you take Kadine Diana Washington to be your lawfully wedded wife to love and to cherish through sickness and health until death do you part?”

  “I do,” he said clearly.

  “Kadine Diana Washington, do you take Scott Andrew Taylor to be your lawfully wedded husband to honor and obey in sickness and health until death parts you?”

  “I do.” She said firmly, her eyes on his.

  “Put the rings on.” He told them. “Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  He did not hurry even though his heart was exploding in his chest and he wanted to crush her to him. She had told him that she loved him and he had been waiting to hear the words. His hands trembled as he cupped her cheeks and brought his head down to meet hers. She was his and nothing else mattered. He vaguely heard the strains of ‘All of me’ as his lips took hers; he held a rigid control over his body as she sank into the kiss and opened her mouth beneath his. The feelings exploded inside him and threatened to swamp him. It was the throat clearing behind them that had him breaking away from her, his dark blue eyes smoldering, his hands tight on her waist. “My wife,” he whispered harshly trying to get control of his emotions.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you for the very first time Mr. and Mrs. Scott Andrew Taylor.”

  There were cheers and best wishes and throwing of rose petals as they made their way down the aisle.


  The area was cleared for dancing and eating with a long trestle table laid out, piled with food of all descriptions. It was time for toasts and several people jumped up to toast the couple including Brad, Lorenzo and Patrick as well as her brother and sisters. Then it was Scott’s time. He held his glass in his hand and looked down at his wife briefly before looking around at the crowd. “I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming to this most special occasion and also want to advise you that my wife and I will not be staying long,” h
e waited until the laughter had abated before he continued. “Ever since I met Kadine Taylor I knew she was going to be my wife. I never knew how and when it was going to happen but I would have waited the rest of my life for her. I would like to propose a toast to this absolutely gorgeous and wonderful woman who is my wife and the mother of my children!” he lifted his glass to thunderous applause as he pulled her up and kissed her roughly.

  Very soon after the husband and wife dance was announced and they went onto the cobbled path, his arms wrapped around her waist as they held each other close and danced to the latest love song by Mark Seville and sung by Diana Rowe. “We are leaving very soon.” He murmured into her ear.

  “So you have told everyone,” she teased him as she looked up at him. She could feel the sexual tension in his lean body and it was transferring to her.

  “I need you,” he looked down at her hungrily, his eyes roving her exquisite face. He looked up impatiently as her brother tapped him on the shoulder. “Ten minutes,” he whispered as he took her lips with his before letting her go.

  “He is in love with you,” Khalif observed quietly as he took his sister in his arms and went around with her.

  “I know,” she smiled a little smugly as her eyes followed him. He had gone over to where her nieces were and was talking to them. “I think Kasey is a little in love with my husband.”

  “As are Kelly and Maya,” he told her dryly causing her to laugh. “He is a stand-up guy and not like Dad.”

  “I know.”


  They went back to the cabin. He had considered taking her to Italy or Paris but she had told him that she wanted to go back to the first place they had made love and felt the magic. It had been cleaned and packed with food thanks to Patsy and the bed linens had been changed.

  It looked so different when it was not surrounded by piles of snow and the trees loomed over like towering giants. The air was clean and crisp and the weather was a little chilly. He carried her over the threshold and kept her in his arms as he went into the bedroom where he placed her on the bed. He took off her shoes and massaged her feet and then took off her stockings before helping her off with her dress. It was still early enough for them to go and take a walk but Scott just wanted to be with her.


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