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Tempted Page 28

by Rita Thedford

  Henry smiled and took Millicent's hand. “I am vastly relieved to see my daughter so happy in her marriage, Christian. I must admit, I had a feeling about the two of you."

  Elizabeth glanced at her husband in time to see his answering smile. “As always, you are astute, sir. We are happy. Now, tell me what I can do to help while you are confined?” Christian asked.

  Henry frowned. “As you know, I have become more involved with the museum. A large shipment of ancient Egyptian artifacts has arrived from the East, and I was overseeing the acquisition until my heart seizure."

  "Say no more,” Christian said. “I shall present myself this afternoon and ask what I might do to help smooth things along."

  Elizabeth cleared her throat and stood. “Mother, we should let the gentlemen discuss their business in privacy. Perhaps, we could catch up on all the local gossip. Hmm?"

  Millicent's eyes widened briefly. Elizabeth had never given a whit for gossip and well her mother knew it. Curiosity lit her expression but, much to Elizabeth's relief, she politely bade the gentlemen good-bye, and the two of them left the room.

  Once in the hallway, Millicent took her hand and gave her a look. “What is wrong, dear? And do not tell me you wish to hear the latest news of the ton, for I will not believe it."

  "Do not look so alarmed, Mother. I just need to talk, ask your opinion about something."

  Nodding, Millicent took her hand. Together they went into Elizabeth's old bedroom, where they sat upon the bed as they had when Elizabeth and Lottie had been very young ladies. They removed their slippers and tossed them to the floor before inelegantly tucking their stocking feet beneath them.

  "I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to have you home again, if only for a short while. The house has been so lonely,” Millicent said.

  Elizabeth stacked bed pillows against the headboard and leaned back with a sigh. Reaching to a bedside table, she plucked a small portrait of Lottie from it and traced a finger over the beloved face. Kissing it gently, she put it back and turned her attention to her mother. “But you have Father."

  Her mother grinned. “'Tis not the same. Men are pleasant on occasion, but the company of other women is such a lovely thing, is it not?"


  "Well, I do not have to ask if you are happy in your marriage, for the evidence is on your face for all the world to see. And what a find is Christian Delaford! Handsome as sin and utterly devoted it seems."

  Elizabeth sighed, loving the communication that had always existed between her and her mother. “He is wonderful, Mother. He is my world."

  "As you are his.” Millicent nodded. “But tell me, dear, what is troubling you? Are you well?"

  "I am not sure."

  Millicent sat up slightly. “Shall I send for the doctor?"

  Elizabeth gazed into her mother's eyes and sought to soothe the worry there. “I do not think so. Surely, I feel some woman's malady. My menses have stopped, and I feel swollen as a stoat."

  "Oh, dear."

  "And here,” she said, lightly touching her bosom. “I am so dreadfully tender.” Her eyes filled with tears, but her mother only smiled. “What?"

  "You are quite emotional as well, are you not?"

  Tears rolled down Elizabeth's cheeks, and she wondered if she were losing her mind to cry so over absolutely nothing. Perhaps it was the stress, a delayed reaction to her quick marriage, emotional upheaval, and the news of her father's illness. “I have never, ever been a sniveler, Mother. What the bloody hell is wrong with me?"

  Millicent laughed with delight and took her chilled hands. “Oh, my dearest, you are with child. ‘Tis as simple as that!"

  Except for the hours spent in Christian's bed, Elizabeth had never felt such euphoria. A babe! Dear God in heaven, a babe conceived in love was the most wonderful gift in the world. A thrilling sense of wonder consumed her as she made the realization that her mother was quite right. Elizabeth practically hugged herself in her glee!

  After swearing her mother to silence, she lay upon her bed alone and pondered the future. What a glorious beginning for the two of them!

  Feeling the effects of stress, travel, and impending motherhood, she drifted off into a dreamless sleep. When she finally woke, she saw that someone had covered her while she slept. Christian, no doubt.

  Unable to stop smiling, Elizabeth started at the gentle snick of a door closing. He came to the bed and sat by her side. “Awake, my love?"

  "Mmm, what a wonderful rest,” she said, holding out her arms. He leaned in and took her in his arms. Kicking off his shoes, he stretched out beside her. As she laid her head on his shoulder, he teased a curl that had come loose while she slept.

  "You have been tired of late, I've noticed,” he murmured. “Do you suppose I am at fault for keeping you awake most nights?"

  Recalling the long nights of passion spent in his arms, she smiled. “Absolutely not! A man and wife are meant to learn about each other, and I have never received such a fine education, professor."

  Christian rose on his elbow and took her lips with his and helplessly, she melted against him. He was so hard and strong, and he smelled positively wonderful. Reaching up, she plucked the ribbon from his hair and teased the long black stuff with her fingers. He sighed against her lips then moved his attentions to her ear, her throat, and back again to her lips.

  "We should go home,” she whispered, delighted by him. “How wonderful it will be to love each other in our own big bed."

  "Bloody hell!” He sat up and drew his fingers through his rumpled hair. “I promised your father that I would see to things at the museum. I am so sorry, darling."

  "I understand.” Quickly hiding her disappointment, she stood and straightened her skirts. Following suit, he fumbled with the cravat she'd plucked apart with her fingers as they'd kissed. He put his hair to rights. “You may take me home where I can supervise the unpacking. I will order a late supper for us in your chamber."

  He cupped her face in his hands. “Our chamber."

  "Yes, our chamber."

  Tonight, oh yes, tonight while they were abed, she would tell him of the babe growing inside her. Envisioning every possible scenario, she held him to her body and reveled in his love.

  * * * *

  Christian dragged himself up the long stairway and drawing out his pocket watch, he cursed beneath his breath. When he'd arrived at the museum offices earlier today, he'd found them in a state of wild disarray. Without someone to oversee their progress, the artifacts might never have been dealt with properly. Though he was happy to assist Lord Henry, this was not something he'd wanted to do on his first day back in London.

  Recalling his talk with a sleepy Elizabeth earlier today, he realized suddenly how tired he was as well. Since reconciling with his bride, he'd not slept an entire night all the way through. He couldn't get enough of her and found that being randy was a perpetual state of mind.

  Laughing softly, he wondered if he would ever sleep through an entire night undisturbed or would it would always be like this between them, hot, hungry, and ravenous for more. Naturally, he would meet the challenge without complaint.

  Even when their children came, his deepest desire was to have things between them remain the same. How dear it would be to give his children the experience of a loving household. There would be no philandering for the Duke and Duchess. Never in a thousand years would he allow his relationship with her to disintegrate into a shattered union like his parents had suffered.

  Wicked thoughts filled his brain as he imagined all the varied ways of lovemaking that he would happily teach his wife. No, their marriage would never become stale. Perhaps something wonderful could, after all, come from his sordid, hedonistic past. Memories of their lovemaking, the dangerous glint of passion in Elizabeth's eyes just before she fell apart in his arms, caused him to hasten his steps.

  Opening the chamber door, he walked into the dimly lit room and stopped to absorb the intimacy in the air. She stood near the
bed, carefully drawing back the dark counterpane. Looking up, she smiled and raised herself to her full height. A brace of candles on the bedside table cast her in an ethereal glow. She looked like an angel. His angel.

  "Sweet,” he whispered. “You take my breath away."

  She said nothing, her eyes luminous, mysterious in a way he'd never seen before. “Come, love,” she said. “Our dinner waits."

  Hungrily, he watched her, all thought of food drastically diminished. Sheer black lace draped her body like a second fitting of skin. Miniscule scraps of black held the gown over her shoulders, and the enticing dip at the front showed her bosom to delightful advantage. Creamy swells peeked daringly over the low décolleté, the soft mounds making his mouth water for just one taste.

  Dipping his gaze lower, he saw the faint outline of her nipples through seductive lace. The dark triangle between her thighs lay hidden in shadow, making him long to touch her there. Her limbs, long and pale, taunted him with visions of how they felt wound tightly around his hips. Swallowing hard, he glanced up and saw feminine knowledge in Elizabeth's luminous eyes. A cat's smile touched her lips.

  "You expect me to dine now? With you teasing me this way?” Though he smiled, his voice was hoarse with desire.

  Slowly, she came to him and looked into his eyes. He felt his body grow hot as she looped her arms over his shoulders and nipped his lower lip. “Ah, Christian, a man must keep up his strength, do you not think?"

  "Lead the way, Madame."

  A cold repast of chicken and thinly sliced roast beef, cheese, and fresh fruit was set upon a table near the center of the room. A bottle of claret waited to be poured. Amid the array of food, a long-stemmed yellow rose graced the table's center. Marzipan candies in the shapes of seashells dotted the surface of a small silver tray.

  After drawing out her chair, he seated himself across from her. Unable to stop wanting his bride, he quickly devoured the meal, leaving only the tray of candies untouched.

  "Come,” he said, holding out his hand to her. Taking up the plate of candies, he drew her into his lap.

  "Open for me,” he whispered, lifting a pink confection to her lips. With a hand at the nape of her neck, he lightly stroked her into obedience.

  "Mmm, smells like cherry.” Her lips parted, and her eyes turned lambent. The seduction in her voice rolled through him like warm butter. With the tip of her tongue, she gave the sweet a stroke.

  His body clenched.

  "Taste, love."

  Nibbling the end, she closed her eyes in apparent bliss and drew the candy deeper into her mouth. “Mmm. Delicious."

  Looking into his eyes, she smiled, all innocent temptation.

  "Your turn,” she murmured, choosing a pale yellow shell. When he consumed it in one bite, she leaned against him. “How is it? Lemon?"


  "Kiss me, darling. Let me taste it, too.” He cupped her jaw and took her mouth, tasting candy and sweet, warm woman against his tongue. “Oh, yes. That is so good."

  "The candy or me?” he breathed.

  "Both. Tart and sweet all at once. You are a delicious man, husband. Let me taste you again."

  * * * *

  Later, cocooned in the tangled sheets of their bed, Christian eyed the empty plate where the candy had been. Grinning wickedly, he leaned over Elizabeth and teased a nipple with his tongue. “You wear the candy well, sweet."

  He suckled her slowly until she laughed and wriggled against him.

  "Stop! I cannot bear any more."

  She smiled up at him, and his heart ached anew. She was the sweetest most precious thing in his world. “I love you. I cannot think of a time when I have been happier."

  A sudden shy look appeared on her face. “Can you imagine anything that might please you even more?"

  "No.” He shook his head, but sensed she had more to say. “Tell me, darling. Something is on your mind."

  "Would a child please you, Christian?"

  Shock caused his world to reel, his gut to clench with hope. His eyes widened as he stared at her beautiful face. “Are you saying—"

  Elizabeth nodded quickly, all the hope in the world in her eyes. “Yes, I think."

  He grasped her shoulders. “Have you seen a doctor?"

  "Not yet, but I have talked with Mother, and all the signs point to a babe."

  Closing his eyes at the all-consuming joy coursing through him, he pulled her close and breathed the pretty fragrance of her hair. “Dear God, that you could give me such a gift. I hoped, but never imagined this could happen so soon."

  "It is true, Christian. I know it in my heart."

  Drawing away, he gazed into her eyes. Sudden concern clouded his features. “How do you feel? Have you been ill and not told me?"

  She laughed. “No, of course not. A bit of sickness in the mornings, and I am very sleepy most of the time. My emotions have been riding a thin edge, but Mother says it is quite normal. We should expect our son or daughter sometime in late February."

  Tears of joy and pride burned behind his eyes as he tried to imagine a child of their own to love. Visions of home and family tore through his mind, making him weak with longing.

  Reverently, he lowered his hand to her breasts, feeling the firmness of skin. “Tender, darling?"

  "Some,” she admitted shyly.

  His gaze intent, he let his hand slowly move lower until it settled upon her flat belly. “Our babe grows here,” he whispered, awe tingeing his voice. “Unbelievable, is it not?"

  "Believe it, Christian."

  With all the gentleness he possessed, he bent low and laid his head there where the tiny creature grew. Pressing a kiss there, he felt Elizabeth's fingers in his hair. Moved beyond himself, he felt tears burning in his eyes. Such a gift! He'd thought he could never love his wife more, but now he knew how wrong he'd been to make such an assumption.

  "In all my life, I will never forget this moment,” he said, rising to face her. “Thank you, love, with all my heart."

  Her eyes were damp with tears, but she smiled suddenly and sat up in the bed. “I have been quite busy this afternoon,” she said. Drawing a robe over her nakedness, she belted it around the waist and turned to him. “Come with me. I have a surprise."

  Feeling more than a little indulgent, he followed her, puzzled when she opened the door adjoining their rooms. When he saw what she'd done, his confusion turned to delight. “My crib."

  "Yes. I had it brought from the attic along with other baby furniture, I hope you don't mind."

  "Of course not.” He smiled as she rushed about the room pointing out things she'd fetched.

  "I love this,” she said, lightly sending a painted, wooden rocking horse into motion. “It is a little chipped, but should offer our son a good ride, do you not think? One day I shall tell him that his father rode upon it."

  "Splendid idea, love.” Emotion, love for her, curled through his heart. “But come now, you must not tire yourself."

  "I am fine, truly."

  He drew her back into their room and eyed her slender figure. “How fine is fine? You have not seen a doctor yet, and I hesitate to touch you, sweet. And God knows, I am dying to make love to you again."

  She smiled coyly and dropped the robe from her body. “Then perhaps tonight I shall ride."


  Elizabeth took the cloak a servant held out for her and turned to An Li and frowned. She was so worried about her friend. “Are you sure this is where you wish to be, my dear?"

  "I am much happy in Charlotte House,” she answered.

  Carolyn moved protectively to An Li's side and put an arm around her narrow shoulders. “We could not give her up in a million years, Elizabeth. Since Harriet's young son has arrived, we need all the help possible, and An Li has been a godsend."

  "Of that I have no doubt.” Elizabeth smiled at An Li. “Should you have a change of heart, however, our door is always open."

  An Li nodded, and Elizabeth couldn't help noting the cloud o
f grief over the young woman's eyes.

  "Thank you, but with new marriage, new baby coming, you must need have time with Christian, yes? And Harriet is much tired with her wee Toby."

  "An Li is so wonderful with him,” Carolyn said affectionately.

  During her visit, Elizabeth was warmed by everyone's easy acceptance of An Li. There was a new confidence in the girl that relieved Elizabeth greatly. An Li seemed to have a renewed sense of purpose and had found her place in the world.

  "Oh, Your Grace, I must show you what I have learned.” Ann rushed in, all youthful exuberance, and held out a small bundle of soft thread. “Mrs. Brown is teaching me to knit! Is it not wonderful? I have begun knitting a tiny blanket for your baby."

  Elizabeth eyed the half-knit, pale blue yarn and seeing Ann's enthusiasm, smiled broadly. “Wonderful!” She touched the beginnings of the baby blanket and a sense of magic overwhelmed her, yet again. A baby! Swallowing the lump in her throat, she caught Ann to her in a hug. “How very thoughtful. I am delighted that you have thought of me."

  Carolyn reached for Elizabeth's hand. “You have given us such wonderful news, dear. We shall pray for you in the coming months."

  "Thank you,” she said, turning to go. “An Li, will you walk with me to the carriage?"

  An Li nodded, and together they walked into the afternoon sunshine. Thomas waited discreetly some distance away while Elizabeth stopped at the open door of the curricle. Turning to An Li, she gave her a measuring look. “I have had not one single moment alone with you. Are you certain that you are all right?"

  "Yes. I love here. All women nice. Like An Li and respect, too."

  "I had no doubt of it, but something was happening between you and Lord Darlington. I sensed feelings between you and had hopes of a future between you."

  An Li cast down her eyes and shook her head. “It would never work between us. Do you not see? I could never let him be shunned by his world. An Li not fit there. Not ever. He need fine lady to give him sons. Fine lady to take to fancy party. He should be proud of wife, not feel shame."

  "Who could ever be ashamed of you, An Li? You are a beautiful woman.” Elizabeth was incensed, but a part of her realized the horrible truth of An Li's words.


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