Battle Beyond Earth: Revenge

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Battle Beyond Earth: Revenge Page 8

by Thomas, Nick S.

  “How many have we got?” he asked.

  “About half the fleet is preparing to jump with us, including the Yavuz and the Nakbe. Many of the Cholan vessels are not coming, and just half of our own fleet is joining us.”

  “They’re badly mauled from the last fight, I don’t blame them. Let them recover and be ready for the next fight. There will plenty of time for them yet."

  It bothered him how little support they had. He could see that not one of the Aranui vessels was willing to follow.

  “You live as long as they do, maybe you might be a little more careful with how you risk your life,” said Fortier.

  “Bullshit, you think we feel our lives are any less important as humans just because we live less years? Nobody sane wants to die.”

  “I’m glad to hear it, Colonel.”

  The Captain paced up beside him so they could talk more privately as the crew behind them made the final preparations.

  “What is our plan when we get to the other side?”

  “I can’t say till we know what we are dealing with.”

  “Then let us at least send some scouting parties out first and get a picture of what is going on.”

  “We already know what’s going on, and you send a few light craft out there, they’ll probably never come back. No, we hit them in force or not at all. It’s the last thing they will be expecting. As far as they are concerned, we have fled for our lives, exactly as we did before. We left Earth behind. I left her behind, and the survivors there to the horrors of her invaders. Never again.”

  “Then it will be an honour to serve with you in this endeavour,” said Fortier.

  Taylor looked in his eyes to see both sincerity and sadness.

  “This is not the end, Captain. Oh, no, this is just the beginning. If you think I am going to let my world fall like this, you have another think coming. History has shown us one thing, humans are survivors.”

  That brought a smile to his face.

  “What?” Taylor asked.

  “It’s just that I studied your exploits at the Academy, how could I not? Although I never thought I would see the day that I went into battle beside you.”

  “Yeah, well, welcome the party, and try not to get your head blown off.” Taylor held out his hand in friendship.

  “Begin the jump sequence!”

  A thirty-second countdown began on the screens.

  “When we get on the other side, we could face anything. Stay calm, and stick to what you know. It’s like any other exercise, like in training,” said Taylor.

  “Countdown to jump in five, four, three, two, one, jump!”

  Lights flashed before their eyes, and in an instance they were there with Earth in plain view. It was a beauty to behold, but even as they marvelled at the planet, a long shadow was cast over them by something moving past their upper hull. A few seconds later, the entire ship rocked as they were struck. They managed to stay on their feet and watched an empty hulk of a ship pass on by. It was so badly damaged that it wasn’t even clear what ship it was, or even which part of the hull. A moment later a dozen dead bodies went past their screens.

  “Poor bastards,” said Taylor.

  “Where are the Morohtans?” Jones asked from in the background.

  It was true. They were nowhere to be seen. There were dozens of wrecked vessels floating in space, and two were burning up in orbit as they were dragged into the atmosphere, but nothing still operational.

  “They could be on the far side of the planet, lurking in wait?” Fortier suggested.

  “Scan the system thoroughly. Every world, every moon, I want to know what is here and where,” ordered Taylor, “And while you’re at it, look for survivors. Pick up any boats with life signs.”

  He studied the barren view before him. It was like a floating graveyard for vessels, and so many bodies. A bridge crewmember behind him threw up on the deck. He turned to look at them, and they looked up at him as if expecting to be struck down where they knelt.

  “It’s okay. No man or woman was ever meant to witness this,” said Taylor.

  He had become so accustomed to death, but he still remembered how sickening it felt the first few times. Now the bodies were little more than numbers on a page unless he knew them by name.

  "Ah...Colonel..." began Fortier.

  "What is it?"

  The Captain pointed as he brought up what he was seeing on a screen. It was a map of Earth, and with twelve live video feeds from different battles raging on the surface. He heard several gasps from the crew around him, but it didn't surprise him at all. It was exactly what he had been expecting to see. Jones paced up beside him to study it, too.

  "They have invaded every continent and eight of the largest cities," said Taylor.

  "I don't understand."

  Taylor looked at him. "Understand what?"

  "They can destroy worlds, like the Krys could in your war."

  "It wasn't my war, and neither is this one," he snapped.

  "Okay, but you know what I mean. What are their intentions? If it were to wipe us out, wouldn't they just destroy the planet? Or attack with some kind of biological weapon that would cleanse our species?"

  "Would you do it to the enemy?"

  "No, but we are not savages led by despotic leaders."

  "Right now we're not led by anyone, Jones."

  "We both know that's not true, or what is it we are doing here?"

  He looked at the brutal fighting that was going on across the screens. Explosions rang out as city blocks were levelled.

  "Why aren't they jamming these signals?" Taylor asked.

  "Maybe they want us to be able to see it," added Jones.

  That was just the sort of sadistic thing Taylor would expect from the enemy.

  "Get me a direct line to General Greer. Use my authentication codes."


  "She has been invested in this more than any other since this began. If anyone can give us a good insight into this, it is her. And more than that, she's probably the only person on Earth right now that will take my call."

  Jones just about managed a smile, but it was hard in the face of what they were dealing with. A few minutes later another screen flashed up, and there was Greer. She was shaking about as if inside some kind of moving vehicle. She wore full armour as if she was in the thick of it, and was covered in dust and debris with a cut on the side of her cheek. Explosions rang out in the background, and he could see the fear on her face.

  "Colonel, am I glad to see you!"

  "I am sorry that we had to withdraw, but we came back as soon as we could. Tell me what is going on down there?"

  "We have engaged enemy forces at sixteen areas throughout the United States. Contact has been made across much of the planet's surface. I am at present fifty clicks north of Washington DC. We have received calls for assistance. In all honesty, Colonel, we are really in trouble. National Guard forces are being deployed where possible, but we are being overwhelmed. Everyone is. Ground forces everywhere are fighting for their lives. It’s everyone for themselves."

  "If this is what they can manage in a few hours, imagine what they can do in a few weeks," said Jones.

  "We could sure do with whatever help you can provide, Colonel. What is the status of the fleet?"

  "We've been hit pretty hard, General, but we're here now and ready to get back into the line."

  "I'm not sure how much longer there will be a discernible line, Colonel. If things don't change substantially in the next twenty-four hours, it could be over."

  "It's that bad?"

  She nodded in response.

  "I wish I had something else to tell you. We can hope it's a little better elsewhere, but none of the reports I have seen show any sign of it."

  "The Vice President of the Alliance, is he alive?"

  She looked surprised by his question.

  "Why, where is the President?"

  She could already tell the answer as she looked into Tay
lor's eyes.

  "The VP of the Alliance was engaged at a conference with our President and a number of other officials when the invasion began. They were evacuated to a safe location..." Taylor looked relieved, but she wasn't through, "...but we received reports of an aerial attack supported by ground forces against the President's vessel."

  "Is there a chance any of them made it through?"

  She was already shaking her head.

  "The entire area was obliterated. Whatever hit them did it in force. Real overkill. It was as if the enemy knew exactly where to strike."

  "Enemy agents? Spies?" Jones asked.

  "Probably," replied Greer.

  "So what is the plan?"

  "Help out where you can, Colonel. A little air cover would be welcome, and any boots you can get on the ground."

  "We're on our way, Taylor out."

  Jones was wide eyed and silenced, too stunned to say anything else.

  "Full speed ahead! There are people that need our help!" Taylor shouted.

  The orders were quickly relayed, and they lurched forward as they made their way through the field of wreckage and bodies.

  "Colonel, this is...overwhelming. Far more than we can hope to handle," said Fortier.

  "I get that, Captain."

  "Well, what are we going to do? We can't be everywhere."

  "We’ll head for Greer, and assist her and her people."


  "Because, Jones, she's one of the only people in charge who understands what is going on and knows what needs to be done. If we are gonna help anywhere, it might as well be there."

  "And it just so happens to be on your home soil?"

  He scowled at the Frenchman.

  "Don't you dare, Captain! I spilt more blood over your country than you can imagine. America has long since been my home, but Earth will always be."

  "It makes sense. She's the best ally we have on the surface," added Jones.

  "Get a message to Vega. Move in to deploy ground forces and provide aerial cover on the eastern seaboard of the United States."

  "Where are you going?"

  "It’s time for you to take the reins, Captain Fortier, as you should. I am a marine, and I intend to do what marines do best. I will leave a company aboard to assist your people in the defence of this ship, but we are going down there, and we are going to kick ass."

  "That's your plan? Jump into a ground war?"

  "The war is already there. We are just doing what we can to help out. Provide what cover you can, and keep a look out for the enemy fleet. I am guessing much of it is on the surface, but don't be surprised if reinforcements come looking for you."

  "And if they do?"

  "You fight, Captain."

  He turned and left without another word. It was clear that Fortier had never been under such pressure before, but he was still the best man for the job.

  "So you have a plan?" Jones asked after they had left the bridge.

  "You already know it."

  "Yes, but you have to have more than just that."

  "I have an idea, yeah."

  "Thank God for that. I thought you were just throwing us into a meat grinder."

  "Plan or not, it's gonna feel like that, Jones."

  "You don't think our skills would be better used elsewhere?"

  "How? For all that we are, we are fighters, and that's what is needed now."

  They soon reached the docking bay to find the last of their Regiment boarding the craft.

  "We must have what, fifty thousand ground troops that we can deploy?"

  "Something like that, but since the fleet was divided, I just don't know. We didn't restructure or take count. We have a mix of troops from three races, and all we know is that they all want to follow you."

  "Well, then you better keep me alive."

  Jones sniggered, but only briefly as he realised it was true. Taylor was what was holding the entire Alliance together now. They climbed aboard Alita's craft together and sat down beside the cockpit.

  "Welcome, Gentlemen," she said calmly.

  "You sure you are good for this?"

  "It's a bit late to be asking now, Colonel. You'll soon find out."

  "I don't like surprises."

  "Improvise and overcome," she replied with a smile.

  "How long until we can launch?"

  "ETA...three minutes."

  It felt like a long time. There was not a single one among them now who wasn't a well experienced combat veteran, but none of them had experienced something on the level of a mass invasion like they were about to deal with. Taylor seemed to slip into a daydream as they watched the seconds count down. Jones hoped that meant he was working on the plan, but he didn't want to ask. At last the doors began to open, and the beautiful blue atmosphere and the light reflected from the Earth flashed into the cockpit of the craft. It broke Taylor out of his daze as he turned and admired it.

  "It looks so peaceful, doesn't it?" said Jones.

  It was true that so far up they could see no evidence of the brutal conflict on the surface. But even as they travelled through it, a huge explosion erupted near the coast in such a vast explosion that they couldn't miss it.

  "That could be New York," said Alita.

  She looked at her scanner and nodded in confirmation.

  "Poor bastards." Taylor remembered that it wasn't the first time in his lifetime that it had happened. "There's just no let up from these savages, is there?"

  She reached forward and increased power, and they soared out into open space.

  "So what's your plan?"

  "I'll tell you if we can make it happen, Jones."

  "Greer put her position at fifty clicks north of Washington. I am picking up readings of a large enemy presence to the west, north, and east of her positions," announced Alita.

  "Much longer and she'll be encircled," replied Jones.

  "What kind of strength does she have?" Taylor asked.

  "Looks like about six thousand troops, at least two hundred tanks, no air cover. They are taking a beating."

  Taylor looked at the screens either side of her showing the assault force that they were leading. Hundreds of assault craft and fighters, in what in any other situation would be awe-inspiring, but in this case, it was a sad sight to behold. They could only speculate how many would not make it out.

  "I have orders to put you down three to four klicks to the southwest of Greer's last know position, is that correct?"

  "Yeah," replied Taylor.

  "You want to roll their flank up, drive them towards the sea?"

  "Yep, we can't afford to get bogged down in this, Jones. We strike hard and fast with overwhelming numbers, and we do not stop until the enemy presence has been ground into dust."

  "You think you can do that quickly?"

  "We have to, Alita. If it can't be done fast, it's no good at all. You both heard Greer; the world is at risk of falling. There are many more people that will need our help. And better still, if we can win some victory, no matter how small, we may yet get Irala and the rest of them who stayed behind to come in and help."

  "That's a whole lot of maybes," doubted Jones.

  "You’re right about that. The only thing we can say with any certainty right now is that this is one big cluster fuck."

  None of them said a word as they all sat back and waited to do their part. It wasn't long before they broke through the atmosphere, and Taylor had a feeling of deja vu. He thought back to the days when the Krys occupied Earth, and they had to conduct clandestine raids to make any attempt at harming the occupiers. He felt that Earth was once again going the same way.

  Moments later a missile trail zoomed past their ship, and a score of Morohtan fighters came into view, trying to intercept the relief force. Gunfire and missile trails darted back and forth as friendly fighters surged ahead to engage the enemy. Taylor leaned into the cockpit for a better look of their position.

  "What city is this?"


  "What? You're kidding me."

  She shook her head.

  "Population of eleven million."

  "Well, I'll be damned!"

  They swooped over a seemingly never-ending mass of suburbs, office blocks, and malls. Black smoke bellowed from almost a dozen different locations in the distance.

  "I never thought I would see the day that there was an all out war on Earth," said Jones.

  "Then you're a fool. While there is life on this world, there will be war."

  "We managed for hundreds of years without anything coming close to a war as you know it," said Alita.

  "Yeah, well, I guess then you're lucky."

  "Not so much," replied Jones as he pointed forwards.

  Taylor tapped his comms unit to create an open channel to all that were with him, and he didn't care who overheard it.

  "We hit the ground running, and we go north. You do not stop unless absolutely necessary. I want a broad front, maintain the advance, and let's drive these bastards out!"

  "This is it," said Alita.

  There was nowhere for their craft to put down as it was still a densely constructed urban environment. Alita brought them in as close to the roof tops as she could and slowed down to maintain her position.

  "All right, let's go, go, go!" Taylor yelled.

  Bailey hit the door release, and wind and dust rushed inwards. Babacan was the first to take the leap out the door, and the rest soon followed. Taylor finally reached the door and jumped. They were twenty metres over one of the broader streets. His platoon was rapidly spreading out as they hit the ground. A few gunshots zipped past in the air above, but nothing close enough to worry about.

  It never felt good to jump from a perfectly good aircraft, and he'd never been comfortable relying on the boosters to get them to the ground safely, no matter how many times he had used them. He hit the ground and turned northwards, running as quickly as he could.

  "Good luck, and stay safe," Alita's voice rang out in his ear over a private channel. He looked back at the aircraft and gave a friendly salute before pushing on. Gunfire raged in the distance with such ferocity that he had not heard in a long time. He prayed that Greer was still alive. She was the sort of friend and ally he needed.

  "Don't stop. Keep going forward!" he shouted to those ahead of him as they took a knee and waited for the others to keep up.


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