Turn Up the Heat

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Turn Up the Heat Page 7

by Randi Alexander

  Mackenzie couldn’t resist Gina’s gorgeous profile. She admired the tanned skin of her long, graceful neck, knowing how soft and fragrant it would feel on her lips. Knocking off her own hat, she bent her head and tasted the sweet, exposed skin.

  Gina groaned and melted into Mackenzie’s embrace. She unzipped her coat and pulled Mackenzie’s hand to her breast.

  A bolt of hot passion exploded low in Mackenzie’s belly, swelling her pussy and stiffening her clit. God, this woman was insatiable. As insatiable as Mackenzie was for her. Every minute, every movement they shared ignited a spark between them.

  Mackenzie pinched and rolled Gina’s nipple, suddenly questioning whether this feeling could last. Especially when they returned to their separate lives. She’d had enough boyfriends to remember how the initial fireworks sputtered and fizzled with time.

  Gina moaned and unzipped her snow pants, tugging them down to mid thigh. She unzipped her jeans and guided Mackenzie’s other hand down past her belly button.

  Mackenzie pushed aside her depressing, pensive thoughts. “Gina, you’re so damn horny. I can’t get anything done between trying to satisfy you, and you giving me an orgasm every hour.”

  “You love it, girl. Admit it.” Gina tipped her hips up to Mackenzie’s hand.

  Mackenzie growled. “God, I do.” She slipped her hand lower, inside the lacy panties, into Gina’s bare pussy, one finger going right to her clit. Her own lips tingled and creamed, needing Gina’s touch.

  Gina shuddered and sighed, and Mackenzie dipped lower to capture pussy juice from Gina’s swollen lips and carry it to her hard bead. She rubbed gently, knowing how tender her own clit was after all the times Gina had stroked her into orgasm in the last day.

  Gina’s whimper of pleasure turned Mackenzie’s lust into a desperation to please this perfect woman. She increased her pressure on Gina’s nipple while Mackenzie’s lips sucked and nibbled at her neck, just under her ear where Gina’s pulse beat fast for her.

  In seconds, Gina shouted, startling the horses—and Mackenzie a bit as well—as her quick response to Mackenzie’s touch made her body quiver.

  Mackenzie held her tight, sucking, rubbing, tweaking, riding her lover into yet another orgasm quickly after the first one.

  Gina panted and relaxed her muscles, relying on Mackenzie to hold her. “Sweet girl,” Gina whispered, “you’ve got me wrapped around your middle finger.”

  Mackenzie laughed at the play on words. She brought her finger to her lips and tasted the musky-sweet juices.

  Gina watched as Mackenzie lapped at her middle finger, and said, “I’d like to have you wrapped around my tongue.”

  Gina let out a cry and turned, diving in for a kiss so potent, Mackenzie had to brace herself not to sink to the ground. Gina pulled Mackenzie tightly against her, holding on with almost desperation as she kissed her thoroughly, dominating her, filling her with her taste, her scent, making her knees wobble and her core shudder with need.

  “Let’s go lay in your bed right now,” Gina purred.

  Mackenzie got them back on their horses and home in record time.

  That evening, Mackenzie in her jeans and cowgirl boots, and Gina in her black and white designer dress and red spike-heeled boots, climbed into the old blue pickup truck. They headed down out of the foothills to Mackenzie’s restaurant on the highway.

  As they drove over the freshly-plowed stretch of driveway, Gina pointed to the acres of land stretching snowy white in the setting sun. “You own all this? Do you plow it yourself?”

  Mackenzie grinned. Gina’s attempts at ranch lingo were cute. “No, I don’t work the land. I rent it out. I own the twenty acres around my house. The rest of the land is split three ways between my mom, my sister, and me.”

  “Oh. That makes sense.” Gina looked at her. “Since I didn’t see a tractor in your barn.”

  Mackenzie shrugged. “My dad used to farm it himself.”

  “How long has he been gone?”

  “Three years.” So many changes in her life in such a short time.

  After a couple minutes, Gina asked. “What gets planted here?”

  Mackenzie turned onto the gravel road from her driveway. “On the left and straight ahead, they grow hay for livestock, but the field on the right is something new. Sunflowers.”

  “Really? Why sunflowers?”

  “The area is perfect for growing them. They’re sold to a company that dries the seeds and sells them overseas.”

  “A whole field of sunflowers. I can’t wait to see it.”

  “It’s…” Whoa. Mackenzie froze. Gina couldn’t wait to see it? What did that mean? She’d be coming back again this summer? Mackenzie wanted that. Wanted to keep this romance alive. At least…until she started dating someone, then it would have to end. Permanently.

  Why did the thought clamp a cold fist around her heart?

  Gina chatted away. “Where do your mom and sister live?”

  “Up in Sheridan. On the other side of the mountains. My sister’s married and has four kids, so when Dad died, Mom was lonesome. She moved close to her to help out.”

  “That’s nice.” Gina slid her hands under her thighs. “You like kids?”

  Wow, this whole conversation surprised her. Mackenzie intentionally diverted the question. “They’re great kids. They love visiting and riding the horses.” Mackenzie turned on the radio. “Tell me about your family. From Sicily, right?”

  Gina chatted about her parents’ move to the U.S. when she was five, her life in Napa and move to LA, and her recent break from commercials to reality television. Before she finished, Mackenzie pulled up to the front of The Cowboy Café. She’d purchased it, and the twenty acres on which she built her house, with her inheritance from her dad.

  “This is it,” Mackenzie said, a smile on her face and pride in her voice. “Cute, huh?”

  Gina clapped her hands and smiled. “It’s charming.”

  Mackenzie parked and they got out and walked across the newly paved lot to the long porch spanning the entire front of the dark wood building.

  “Rocking chairs. Are these your idea?” Gina sat in one and patted the one next to her. “Sit a minute and enjoy the view.”

  The sun rode low behind the building, casting long shadows and soft light. In the distance, the snowy caps of the mountains glowed white.

  Mackenzie sat and they rocked in sync. Even though the temperature rode just above freezing, she relaxed into that lazy, late afternoon mood. For a few minutes. She had eight hours of work ahead of her, and no time to play tourist with Gina. She stood.

  Gina got up, too. “Okay, sweet girl, show me your place.”

  Mackenzie held open the door and Gina walked in, looking around at the mostly empty tables. Dark wood booths with red vinyl upholstery lined three walls. Big, solid tables and heavy wooden chairs, upholstered in red, filled the rest of the room. She could seat eighty people, just enough for her, a sous chef, and a couple line chefs to handle.

  Gina took off her coat and spun slowly. “It’s so big. And these pictures.” She walked to an empty booth and leaned in to look at the painting hanging on the wall.

  An older couple, seated at a table enjoying their earlybird specials, stared at her, the woman’s fork halfway to her mouth.

  Mackenzie hid a grin. Gina would cause a stir, if not because of her minor stardom, then definitely because of her dazzling beauty and sexy clothes. Her short skirt rode up, revealing Gina’s long, firm legs.

  Mackenzie bit her lip, the taste of that flesh still familiar from this afternoon when they made love in her bed because Gina couldn’t wait until morning to see the view of the mountains. Mackenzie’s fingers tingled with longing to touch her lover, to slip that dress off her, but leave the boots on as she slid her fingertips across Gina’s swollen pussy—

  “Chef, how are you?” her hostess called as she walked to her podium by the front door.

  “Hi, Kimmy. How does it look tonight?”

  The w
oman checked her reservation list and bobbed her head. “Slow until six, full-up until eight-thirty.”


  Gina walked up beside her, heels clicking on the wide, wooden floorboards. “Gina, I’d like you to meet Kimmy, my hostess and sommelier.”

  They shook hands. “An interesting combination of duties,” Gina said.

  Kimmy grinned. “Chef sent me to California for a week-long wine class last year. I pick a few wines to go with each new dish, and the entire staff taste-tests and votes.” She pointed to the open menu on a stand next to the hostess podium. “We list the wines next to the entrées.”

  Gina read a few of the vintages. “Impressive.” She tipped her head and looked at Mackenzie. “You’re a marketing genius, Chef Mackenzie.”

  She smiled. “Kimmy has an amazing palate. We just needed to develop it. Since she’s taken over the wine list, our bottle sales have more than doubled.”

  The phone on the podium rang. “Excuse me,” Kimmy said, reaching for the phone. “Nice to meet you, Gina.”

  Mackenzie nudged Gina and they walked through a pair of short, swinging doors into a smaller room. The bar.

  Gina glanced around. “Rustic. I love it.”

  A long, wooden bar ran the length of the room, fronted by tall, comfortable bar stools. A dozen tables with four chairs each were spread around the room.

  Gina walked to the bar, looking at the picture on the wall behind it. She turned and smirked at Mackenzie. “Who’s the sexy redhead?”

  The life-size painting of a full-figured partially-nude woman, reclining on a luscious, dark-green velvet couch, came with the building, but Mackenzie wouldn’t have gotten rid of her for any amount of money.

  The look in the woman’s eyes, impatiently reaching out to her lover, always gave Mackenzie an unsettled feeling, as if she were missing something in her life. Looking at Gina, she knew what it was. She’d love to see Gina laid across that couch, bare flesh parting for Mackenzie’s eager mouth, her nipples hard and ready for her kisses.

  Gina stepped close in front of her. “What are you thinking right now?” Her seductive, wicked tone made Mackenzie’s fingers itch to grab her. She wanted to kiss this woman, lay her on the bar, and drive her insane with delight. “You know exactly what’s on my mind—”

  Again they were interrupted, this time by the clomp of boots behind the bar, and the sound of ice cubes hitting the metal cooler. “Hi, Chef.”

  They turned, and Mackenzie said, “Hey, Travis. This is my friend, Gina. She’s hanging out here tonight. Be sure to keep an eye on her for me?”

  Travis turned his head to look at them, but didn’t move, staring at Gina. He glanced up and down her body a couple times before mumbling, “My pleasure, Chef.”

  Gina giggled and batted her eyes and Mackenzie rolled hers. She whispered, “Flirt.”

  A handsome hunk of man, Travis seemed to always get whatever he went after. When she hired him, Mackenzie laid down the law about not dating co-workers. He had enough customers hovering around him that he didn’t have to chase after the staff. Gina wasn’t staff, and the way he looked at her, Mackenzie pictured her lined up squarely in his crosshairs.

  Mackenzie turned and walked toward the kitchen. “C’mon, let me get you out of here so Travis can get back to work.”

  They walked through a door marked “Employees Only” into Mackenzie’s pride and joy. A brand new stainless steel kitchen.

  “Ciao, bella!” Gina said as she walked around the room.

  The sous chef stopped his prep and stared, wiping his hands on a towel as he came forward, grinning excitedly. “Gina Volto. In our kitchen. Chef, what’s going on? Are they gonna film Wyoming’s Top Chef here?”

  Mackenzie and Gina laughed as Gina shook hands with Bruce. He offered to take over the rest of the tour for Mackenzie, reminding her that she had a lot to get done before the rush.

  The two walked away. Mackenzie stomped into the locker room and hung up their coats. Sitting on the wooden bench, she took a moment to sort out her emotions. Seeing Travis’ reaction to Gina, and Bruce’s blatant admiration, she’d suffered flushes of jealousy. Gina was bi. She liked both women and men. Mackenzie knew that. She also knew that this was not an exclusive arrangement. Gina would be going home to her own life. That included dating other people. So why the dark misgivings? Hopefully, Mackenzie would soon be dating some great guy herself.

  As Mackenzie changed into her whites, tucked her hair up in a bun, and settled a small paper hat on her head, she pondered Gina. While the knowledge that she’d be leaving Wyoming drew out her possessive side, it also triggered a sense of relief. As if some small slice of guilt at her forbidden affair wedged its way into her conscience.

  “Confused.” Mackenzie didn’t have time to puzzle through it. She shook off her personal life and delved into chef mode, checking supplies and setting up her station. A full house meant eighty hungry people, and she had to be at the top of her game.

  By six thirty, the orders poured in. Mackenzie, Bruce, and the cook interns worked together in a choreographed dance of hot pans and oven mitts. At one point, Mackenzie spotted Gina standing in a corner watching her. She smiled and tossed her a carrot. Gina caught it and pressed the tip to her lower lip and flicked her tongue over it.

  Mackenzie’s clit hardened just watching her, her core heated and quivered with need. Until Bruce called, “Watch your fish, Chef.”

  Mackenzie jerked back to reality and slid the trout onto a plate, saving it just in time. She smiled at Gina, and pointed to the door. “Out of my kitchen, woman.”

  Gina took a bite of her carrot and sashayed to the exit, her hips doing some kind of sexy swing that gave Mackenzie a naughty shiver of lust. Mackenzie glanced at Bruce who stared at her, wide-eyed. He quickly looked away, a telling blush coloring his cheeks. Shit. Bruce guessed what was going on.

  Chapter Nine

  Should Mackenzie speak to Bruce, ask him to keep his theory about Gina and her to himself? Did she care if her staff knew she had a woman lover? When Gina left for LA, would the rumors hurt Mackenzie’s chances of finding the right guy?

  Mackenzie deglazed the pan in which she’d just braised lamb chops, and mumbled, “Confused.”

  A half hour later, when a customer sent his compliments to the chef, Mackenzie washed her hands and headed out into the restaurant. At one of the booths, Gina stood talking to the customers. What was she up to?

  Mackenzie found the table. The gentleman stood and shook her hand. “Best steak and scallops I’ve ever eaten. The wife’s trout was done perfectly.” The woman smiled at Mackenzie and nodded. Mackenzie appreciated hearing good things directly from customers. She made a point of showing her face in the restaurant a few times each night.

  She felt a hand touch her elbow. Gina stood next to her. “Isn’t Chef Mackenzie incredible?”

  The couple agreed, Mackenzie introduced Gina, and thanked them before walking away with Gina by her side.

  She smiled. “Have you been talking me up to my customers?”

  “No.” Gina scrunched her face. “Well, maybe a little. It’s fun to play hostess. It gives Kimmy more time to do her wine thing.”

  Mackenzie glanced around the room. Kimmy stood at a table holding a bottle of red. “True. I wish we could afford another front-of-house person, but it’s not happening right now.”

  Gina looked thoughtful. “I have an idea.”

  Mackenzie squeezed her arm, gently brushing her fingers against the side of Gina’s breast. She whispered, “I do, too, but it’ll have to wait until we get home.”

  Gina’s eyes darkened, and she sighed. “Home.”

  Mackenzie blinked. Damn. That one word, spoken by both of them, packed a hell of a lot of meaning. “Okay, we’ll talk later,” she said, backing away. “I’ve got to get back to work. See if you can stay out of trouble for a few more hours.”

  Gina winked and grinned. “I like trouble.”

  “Yeah, I know you do.” Ma
ckenzie laughed as she walked through the kitchen door.

  After just a few minutes, Travis came into the kitchen. “Chef?”

  She looked up from her cream sauce. “Yes?”

  “Becky Lynn isn’t feeling well. She has to go home.”

  The liquor service would slow way down with only one bartender. “Can you call Jody or Craig—”

  “Gina said she’d be happy to step in. Okay with you?”

  She nodded. “Sure. Have her fill out new-hire paperwork when there’s a break. Just to cover our asses.”

  Bruce’s gaze snapped to her face.

  “Thanks, boss.” Travis disappeared through the door.

  Bruce cleared his throat. “So, Gina’s staying a while?”

  Mackenzie didn’t know. She wanted her to stay, but for how long?

  “Bruce, Gina does whatever she wants.”

  By ten thirty, the restaurant emptied. The bar had only a few patrons. Mackenzie walked out of the kitchen in her street clothes, carrying their coats. She sat on a barstool, tossing their coats on the stool next to hers.

  At the other end of the bar, Gina showed Travis how to make some complicated drink. She looked adorable with a bar towel wrapped around her waist like an apron, and her hair tucked behind her ears.

  Gina sipped the cocktail. “Yummy.” When she handed it to Travis, he turned the glass and ran his tongue over the spot where Gina had drunk from.

  Mackenzie’s eyes popped wide. A possessive charge sent heat flooding her neck and face.

  Gina shook her head and swatted his arm. “Behave, or I’ll get you fired and take your job.”

  Mackenzie tamped down the urge to throw something at him. He was a cutie. A lot of girls ended up staying until the bar closed and going home with him. But Gina? Was she interested in him?

  Shit. Was she jealous? She unclenched her jaw, and unfisted her hands. Evidently, yes.

  Travis laughed and took a sip of the drink. When he spotted Mackenzie, he asked, “The usual, Chef?”

  Gina turned toward her. “Hi, Chef. All finished in the kitchen?”


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