Corinne (Book One of The Red Diamond Saga)

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Corinne (Book One of The Red Diamond Saga) Page 9

by Jennifer Janne

  In his office, far from the scene, Conner struck a button on his desk that allowed the doors to open. Daniel swept Corinne into his arms the moment she stepped outside. Aaron winced at the sunlight as it shone into his face. He was not used to it. He had only been outside during the day a handful of times. When Daniel noticed him, there was no mistaking the similarity of his visage to Corinne's.

  “Aaron?” He asked Corinne.

  She nodded with a small smile. “Conner is letting him have a visit with us.”

  Aaron smiled edgily at Daniel, but the expression did not reach his eyes. Daniel surveyed him with a friendly manner, but Aaron struck him as a criminal.

  “Conner let you out?” Daniel asked. He noted the shift in Corinne's tone when she spoke the man's name. He could tell that somehow he had conned her again. “Did Conner also explain why I found myself in the car instead of by your side, like you promised?” His gaze had swung right back to Corinne.

  Corinne shrugged innocently. “I promised I would not leave you behind. But you're the one who walked away.”

  Daniel narrowed his dark lashes into a glare that indicated he was not done arguing about the matter. He was too eager to get away from the building, and the man who inhabited it, to question her further. As they walked toward Daniel's car, Aaron took in the sights of the scattered nature around him, from the trees, to the clouds in the sky. He was like a child, with his eyes widened in wonder.

  Corinne could not help but smile sweetly at him as she watched. Daniel, on the other hand, could not take his eyes off of Aaron for another reason. As they drove toward Corinne's apartment, Daniel found himself wishing that he had insisted they leave when they had planned. Perhaps if he had been able to get Corinne away from her supposed family, she would not have become so swept up in the middle of it.


  Once Aaron was settled into Corinne's apartment Daniel made excuse after excuse not to leave. Aaron sat awkwardly on the couch unsure of what he should do with himself. Corinne hinted impatiently that Daniel should leave.

  “I know you have to get up early tomorrow.” She reminded him with a tight smile. Daniel had been glowering at Aaron all evening and the tension in the air was very thick. She wanted a chance to be alone with Aaron, as she had her own grilling to do, but the police officer in Daniel was too protective to leave a strange man alone in the apartment with her.

  “How about if I stay tonight?” He suggested as he slid his arms around her waist and drew her close to him. He offered a playful smile, but she could tell by how hard his eyes were that he was being stubborn.

  “Daniel I really want to spend some time with Aaron, just us.” She frowned as Daniel's jaw clenched and he tightened his grasp around her waist. “He is my brother.” She pointed out.

  Daniel glanced into the living room where Aaron sat, staring aimlessly at the carpet beneath his shoes. With a lowered voice he glared into Corinne's eyes.

  “Blood does not make him your brother Corinne, if he even is. You have no idea who he is or what his intentions are.”

  Corinne rolled her eyes as she broke free of Daniel's grasp. She despised being treated like a child, or as if she was vulnerable.

  “And I will never find out if you don't let me have some time alone with him.” She argued and walked toward the front door. With a sharp movement she swung the door open and gestured for Daniel to walk through it.

  When she looked at him, she had the same hardness in her eyes, augmented by a hint of a challenge. She was daring him to engage in a battle of wills with her, and he knew from experience that he had little chance of winning.

  “Fine.” He sighed with displeasure. He was not in the least bit happy about walking out of the apartment. He paused in the doorway and turned back toward her, his expression as dominant as she had ever seen it.

  “You keep your phone by your bed, and if anything at all seems off, you call me.” His heated glare was so intense that Corinne had to glance away to relieve the pressure from it.

  “Alright, alright.” She muttered though as she shut the door behind him. She could not disguise a faint smirk. She secretly enjoyed it when Daniel acted like a cop, but that was something she would never reveal to him, as it would ruin the fun.

  When she stepped back into the living room Aaron was on his feet and pacing.

  “Hey I am sorry if I am causing problems.” He said nervously as he paused in front of Corinne. “If you want, I'll go back.”

  “Nonsense.” Corinne insisted as she sat down on the couch and patted the seat beside her. “Daniel's just a little protective. Kind of like Conner.” She thought making the comparison would help Aaron understand, but instead a flash of horror crossed his features.

  “I am sure, he is not like Conner.” Aaron said firmly. If Daniel was anything like Conner he would do everything in his power to shield Corinne from him.

  “Tell me, what Conner is like.” Corinne prompted; she studied his troubled expression as he reluctantly sat down beside her.

  “Uh well,” He shrugged as if there was not much to say. “He is passionate about his work.” He finished lamely.

  Corinne could tell he was hiding his true feelings. “You can be honest with me, you know.”

  Aaron looked as if he was about to speak, then he thought of Lisa and the warning Conner had given him before he left. Yes, Corinne was his sister, but Lisa had actually been his sister as they grew up together. He needed to protect her from Conner, and he knew that if he revealed too much to Corinne that things would devolve quickly into chaos.

  “Please tell me.” Corinne persisted. She reached for his arm to soothe him, and he jerked back instinctively. It was in that moment that Corinne's fears were solidified. She knew what it took to make a person flinch at any possibility of being touched.

  “He hurts you, doesn't he?” She asked gingerly as she let her hand drift back down to her side.

  Aaron was not sure what to say. He did not want to admit to it, and yet, he did not want to lie to Corinne either.

  “It's okay,” Corinne said tenderly. “You don't have to answer.” She paused thoughtfully and silence fell between them. Aaron was terrified by his new surroundings, though he ached to be a part of them. He felt as if that would never really happen. How could he become a part of something he had never been allowed to participate in? What was it like to have a real relationship, or to be able to make choices about life without getting approval first? These were things he doubted he would ever discover.

  When Corinne spoke again her voice was full of determination.

  “If Conner hurts you, then I am guessing Lisa is in danger to.” She lifted her eyes to Aaron's to find that his were full of concern. “I know how important she is to you.” She frowned and ignored a hint of jealousy. Lisa might never be Aaron's biological sister, but she would always be more of a sister to Aaron than Corinne ever would.

  “We can't do anything.” Aaron said hurriedly. “We can't go against Conner, or he might-”

  “Conner does not own you.” Corinne interrupted as she stood from the couch. “He lets you think he does.” She said flatly as she folded her arms across her chest. “You are more powerful than he could ever dream of being, and together-” She hesitated for a moment as she considered her next words. “Together we can stop him.”

  Aaron shook his head fearfully. Corinne was speaking the words of his fantasies. She was bringing to life what he had always hoped to do himself. Rebel against Conner, liberate Lisa and himself. These were only fantasies though, and they could never be reality.

  “You don't have any idea what you are talking about.” Aaron said sternly. “Conner is powerful too; he can make you do things even if you fight against him.”

  Corinne smirked arrogantly. “Not me he can't.” She pointed out as she recalled how he had attempted to keep her restrained, but through sheer will she had broken free.

  “We just need a plan.” She said dreamily as her mind was already running wild wit
h possibilities. Then she realized, no matter how determined she was, there was one person who was much more qualified to run this operation than her.

  She picked up her phone to call Daniel when she heard a knock on the door.


  “I don't think it was a mistake.” Conner growled into the phone as the voice on the other end berated him for allowing Aaron to leave the facility. “Please, if she thinks she is a prisoner she will never come willingly.”

  He sighed as the person who spoke back made it clear that Corinne was to be a prisoner and it made no difference how she felt as long as she was contained.

  “Fine.” He said defeated as he lowered the phone and struck the button to hang up. He tapped the intercom built into his desk.

  “Send Gavin and Patrick to Corinne's apartment.” He said sharply into the speaker. The woman acknowledged his request. Conner sat back in his chair and drew his hands across his face to try to soothe his nerves. No matter how much he felt he was in charge, he always had to answer to someone else. If he had it his way things would work out perfectly, and now he was going to be forced to make an enemy out of Corinne.


  When Corinne opened the door she expected it to be Daniel coming back to check on her, and she had already dialed his number and was waiting for him to answer. Instead, two large men filled the doorway. Corinne started to back away and as she did, Daniel answered the phone. Before she could speak the men were forcing their way into the apartment.

  Aaron jumped up when he saw them. He recognized them and knew what they had come for. Without protest he held out his hands in front of him. Corinne on the other hand was not surrendering without a fight. She lunged toward the kitchen to retrieve a weapon but one of the men seized her by the shoulder and dragged her back away from it. The other man had already cuffed Aaron. He turned to Corinne to help his partner as Corinne swung wildly and kicked at the much larger man.

  “Let me go!” She screamed. In the struggle her cell phone tumbled to the floor. She had no idea that Daniel was listening to every word as he raced back to her apartment, hoping he would make it in time. Corinne was easily pinned to the floor by the two men. Her arms were forced behind her back and her wrists were cuffed. When she continued to squirm, one of the men jabbed a needle into her arm to sedate her.

  Aaron fell to his knees in the living room as he watched the last ounce of Corinne's fight leave her. He stared up at the large men above him.

  “Are you going to give us any trouble?” The first one asked, who Aaron recognized as Patrick.

  “No sir.” Aaron replied, feeling as if he was a child again.

  “Do you need the shot?” The other man, who Aaron knew as Gavin asked.

  “No sir.” Aaron answered respectfully. He knew there was no point to fighting back. He envied the innocence within Corinne that still let her hope she could be free. It was an innocence that Aaron had never had.


  When Corinne awoke she was in a small room. She was lying on a cot, facing the wall. When she sat up, she could make out a small sink and toilet and a narrow door with a tiny window at the top. She felt as if she was in prison, and her head ached fiercely. She wondered if somehow she had gotten drunk without remembering it, and then she recalled the prick of a needle. Her first thought was of Aaron. She could only hope that he was okay.

  She stood up from the bed, still woozy from the drugs her body had been pumped with. Carefully, she approached the door. Before she could pound on it, the door swung open. She nearly fell into Conner's arms as he stepped inside.

  A light flicked on, obviously controlled by someone outside of the room, as Conner guided Corinne back to her bed.

  “Take it easy now.” He soothed as the door slammed shut behind him. “I understand that you are confused.”

  Corinne sat down on the bed only because she was too dizzy to stand. “Why have you done this?” She asked weakly.

  “You are too important not to contain.” He said coolly, as if she were a project, not a person.

  “You have to let me go.” Corinne insisted.

  Conner stood with a pitying smile. He shook his head as he spoke.

  “Corinne, this is your home now. You will not be leaving.” With that he turned toward the door. When the lock released, he was able to step through it. Corinne could only stare after him as he closed the door, and she heard the lock click shut.

  She sank back against the cot as she gave in to the notion that she could do nothing while her mind was spinning.


  Daniel had arrived at Corinne's apartment to find the door left wide open and the living room in disarray. He knew that she and Aaron had been taken, though perhaps it had all been a set up in the first place. He had not heard Aaron protesting, only Corinne. Perhaps Aaron's visit had just been a ploy to get Corinne vulnerable.

  There was no time to wonder. Daniel began dialing every number in his phone. He had favors he could call in, and this was the time to do so.

  In the end he was able to get a partial warrant to search the main offices of Conner's company. He would not be able to search in areas that Conner would not agree to, but at least he would be able to get inside of the building.

  He waited outside of the building all night until the first employee arrived. Immediately he served the employee the warrant. He was flanked by two other officers, and now with their hands on their guns, and their expressions stony, they let the employee know that he had no choice but to let them in.

  When he did as he was instructed to do, Daniel and the two officers found themselves in a nearly empty building. Conner came out to greet them with a tense smile.

  “Officers, I am not sure what this is all about.” He eyed Daniel with animosity.

  “I am here to find Corinne.” Daniel said sternly. He had to be careful how he spoke in front of the other officers, as they would be duty bound to report any misconduct.

  “I am sorry but you must be confused.” Conner chuckled lightly. “Corinne is not here.”

  Daniel slipped his hand into the waistband of his pants and grasped the butt of his gun as he glared threateningly at Conner.

  “You bring me Corinne, or I swear I will take apart this whole building and find every dirty little secret you are hiding here.” The two other officers had their hands on their weapons as well, but they glanced warily at Daniel.

  “The warrant states you may only search the main offices and areas I permit.” Conner pointed out.

  Daniel suddenly drew his weapon and aimed it right between Conner's eyes.

  “Do you think I give a damn about what a warrant says?” He shouted into the man's face as he froze beneath the threat of the weapon.

  The two officers hesitantly drew their weapons to back up the detective, but both knew that they were violating the warrant by using undue force. Daniel was relieved that they chose to back him up instead of pointing their guns at him, but he knew there would be serious consequences for his actions. Those consequences would be nothing compared to potentially losing Corinne to this man.

  “You have three seconds to get her in front of me or I pull the trigger.” He cocked the gun and released the safety, and began to count in a clear firm voice.

  “One,” Conner shuddered as the gun moved closer to his forehead. The two other officers glanced at each other as they wondered what to do. They could not let Daniel murder the man, and yet he was the senior officer, and they knew that he did not act irrationally.

  “Two.” Daniel said through gritted teeth.

  Conner nodded quickly. “Okay, okay, I'll get her, just put the gun down.”

  Daniel shook his head. “Not until she is in front of me, you only have one number left, are you going to waste it playing games with me?”

  “No!” Conner said desperately. He called out to the air in front of him, knowing that their activity was being monitored. “Bring Corinne!”

  The elevator doors opened and Patrick led Corinne toward
Daniel. Daniel did not move his eyes from Conner, nor did he lower his weapon.

  “Corinne, go with the officers.” He said in a commanding tone. Corinne was shocked by the situation, but she could not simply go with the police officers. She knew that if she left now, she would never see Aaron or Lisa again.

  “Daniel, Aaron and Lisa are being held against their will. I can't leave without them.”

  Conner gasped at her words and glanced in her direction.

  Daniel shoved his gun in Conner's face to get his attention. “Don't you even look at her.” He hissed as he pointed the gun first at Conner, then at Patrick. One of the officers moved forward and restrained and searched Patrick.

  “Aaron and Lisa.” Daniel said sternly. “Release them, and we will leave. If I have to go find them, I will make sure every last detail of your research gets to the media.” He paused as Conner's face drained of all color. “Understand?”

  Conner was able to do a lot of things, but compelling a bullet not to shatter his skull and kill him was not one of them. If he had been prepared for the invasion he could have prevented it, but he had been too distracted by what was happening with Aaron and Corinne to pay attention to his instincts.

  “Fine.” He said shakily. “But you can only take them if they claim they are being held against their will.”

  He summoned Aaron and Lisa, and the elevator doors opened a second time. This time Gavin was with them, holding one of their arms in each of his hands. Aaron looked wildly from Daniel and his weapon to Corinne, who tried to reassure him with a smile.

  Lisa was terrified as she saw Conner held at gunpoint.

  “What's happening?” She asked as panic rose within her.

  “Just tell these officers that you are being held against your will, and we can all go home.” Corinne explained as calmly as she could.

  Aaron glanced at Lisa who shook her head firmly. “No Aaron, don't.” She pleaded. Conner was all she had ever known and she was not ready to walk away from him.


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