Dances with Wolves

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Dances with Wolves Page 8

by Dances

  Pulling the mask back on her face, he nuzzled her cheek and breathed deeply of her scent. With a frown, he took another sniff and groaned. He could smell traces of his cousins' scents. He didn't like to contemplate what that meant. If all three of them had slept with her, could she be their mate as well? Tightening his hold, he felt her squirm uncomfortably, but he couldn't help it. Although his beast wasn't perturbed by the thought of sharing with the two men, who were like his brothers, he, as a man, was! He didn't want to share her. She was his. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, he rocked them both slightly and closed his eyes against the unwelcome thoughts bombarding him, but they refused to go away. Just as moments ago his soul had recognized that she was his mate, that same part of him spoke something else. She wasn't just his mate. He was to share her with Caden and Lucas.

  For the first time in many years, Phelan felt tears sting his eyes, so hurt was he by this realization. He knew that it was the man not the beast who didn't want to share, for his beast readily accepted their scents, which meant that it wasn't an issue. Had he been enraged and shifted uncontrollably, then it would have shown his response to the thought of sharing her with other wolves. Phelan rejected his hurt. It was ridiculous to feel disappointed. Fate wouldn't have chosen this woman to complete the O'Connell cousins if she hadn't been able to handle them, if she hadn't been able to love them all. It would take some getting used to, that he knew, but then nothing in life that was worth fighting for came easily. Jada was definitely worth fighting for. He'd known that from the moment he'd set eyes on her, and now, in his arms, sleeping after having mated, he felt that belief take hold in his heart.

  Wearily, he closed his eyes and, tilting his head against hers, relaxed against the tree and waited for sleep to come. With his mate in his arms, Phelan knew that this would be the best nap of his life.

  * * * *

  Feeling the hard muscular thighs under her bottom, Jada quickly realized that she'd fallen asleep in the black wolf's arms. Unable to help herself, she nestled her head against his throat and wondered sleepily why sleeping in this man's arms felt so damned right. It felt just as good as being with the other two wolves and that thought, rather than freaking her out, settled something in her soul and engulfed her whole body in a wave of peace that washed past worries and insecurities away, only to leave a stronger and more empowered Jada behind.

  His arms were tight around her, and, snuggled into his hold, she smiled. It felt wonderful to be so close to a man, to be invited into his personal space and accepted, because no man could hold a woman so close unless he wanted her to be there. In all her other relationships, she'd never felt comfortable enough to be so close to her partners. She had to take full blame for that, though. She had never wanted to get close to any man because they would eventually discover her infertility and subsequently end the relationship, and she was always left reeling and heartbroken. Because of her built-in defenses, she'd ruined all chances at real intimacy and had experienced it for the first time in the arms of these three wolves.

  What did that say about her as a person? That at thirty with three supposedly meaningful relationships under her belt, she'd felt true intimacy with three strangers. It either meant that she just hadn't met the right guys and that, God help her, only these three men could inveigle their way into her defenses, or it meant that she had allowed her medical history to have too much import in the running of her life. Perhaps it was a little of both, but she knew that there was something different about the wolves. She didn't know why, but she thought her body did.

  As ridiculous as it sounded, after sex with her other boyfriends, she'd turned on her side and fallen asleep on her side of the bed. She had never wanted to spoon or wake up in their arms. She'd never been a cuddler, had never wanted to be so close to her partner after such an elemental and profound act. Yet with these three strangers, her body persistently and continuously allowed them into her personal zone. She fell asleep on them, with them still inside her, relied on them to protect and care for her afterwards. Around them, she acted like a completely different woman, and, although it didn't concern her, it did make her wonder, why these three men? Why not just one of them?

  As staid and sexually repressed as she was, she was aware that some members of society did live in polyamorous relationships, but her? Jada Smith living in sin with three men? She didn't think so. Her entire body stiffened as she realized what she'd just thought. Who said anything about this sexual relationship lasting after the masquerade? Making a conscious decision to relax, she reassured herself that she expected nothing to come from this orgy, that it had just been an aberration. She wanted and expected nothing from these men, apart from good sex that was.

  Why did that not make her feel any better?

  She sighed and opened her eyes to look at the wolf in whose arms she lay. He was as beautiful as the other two. God, she really had lucked out at this party. Separately, each of them was a true hunk, would have looked A OK in Hollywood, but she'd been fortunate to experience each and every one of them! Talk about being blessed!

  His mask, like the others, covered the majority of his face. A slight stubble graced his chin, and she wanted nothing more than to have stubble burn over each and every centimeter of her body! His hair, although not long, was a lot longer than either of the other two wolves. It was long enough to curl behind his ears, but it didn't reach his neck. It suited him, made him look seriously masculine, and, in her mind's eye, she pictured him licking her pussy and her fingers working his hair and grabbing it in frustration as he teased her and drove her insane with his tongue. The thought made her shiver, and, with a start, she realized that as her mind had been processing those last thoughts, he'd awoken and his eyes were burning into hers.

  His voice husky, he asked quietly, "Sleep well?"

  Feeling suddenly shy, she nodded. "Sorry I fell asleep on you, both figuratively and literally." She ducked her head in embarrassment and sighed as his fingers reached up to chuck her under the chin and raise her face to his. As his lips pressed themselves against hers, the tenderness behind that small kiss made her want to weep.

  "Don't apologize, lass. Do I look unhappy or upset with you because my love-making wore you out?" he teased, making her smile up at him.

  "No, you look like the cat that ate the canary!"

  "Aye, well that's true." He winked then sighed sorrowfully. "Must be time to head back. The others are probably wondering where we are, especially if I'm not back for the football. Are you going to cheer me on?"

  Jada smiled and leaned up to press another kiss to his cheek, allowed him to move his head to the side so he could access her mouth with his own. Sighing against his lips, she whispered, "Of course I will. Do you want me to drool, as well?"

  He chuckled against her mouth and said, "Aye, lass, that I do." Lifting her from his lap and placing her gently on the ground, he jumped to his feet and reached for her hands to help her up.

  "Why thank you, kind sir," she said huskily in a mock southern belle accent.

  "You, my lady, you are very welcome," he said.

  She knew he was joking but serious at the same time. She stared on in surprise as he issued a loud whistle, and the horse they'd ridden on earlier trotted towards them, obviously having heard his signal.

  He grinned at her, placed his foot in the stirrup, and jumped on to the saddle. Walking the horse over to her, he reached for her hands and tugged her on to the saddle, seating her in front of him.

  "How the hell did you do that?"

  "Ah, now that would be telling! Let's just say that I came to an understanding with animals a long time ago."

  She didn't reply. She was content to lean against his chest and enjoy the ride back to the castle. With a little scowl she realized that she hadn't searched for Daffodil after she'd gone walk-about. Feeling a little guilty, because instead of looking after the terrified horse, she'd been too busy enjoying this man's body, she shrugged it off, hoping against hope that Daffodil would hav
e returned to the stables.

  The journey to the castle didn't take all that long. Very soon they neared the stables and the black wolf jumped off first and, very gentlemanly, reached for her and helped her gently to her feet.

  She smiled her thanks. "I'll cheer you on at the match." With a small smile, she spun on her heel and walked back to the castle. Although she'd enjoyed her little interlude with the man, she didn't particularly like the feel of his seed covering her inner thighs! Before she did anything else, she was going to have another bath to freshen up!

  Walking through the castle doors, she jumped as she heard Larissa screech, "Where the hell have you been! Daffodil came back ages ago, minus one rider! You! Are you OK? What the hell happened?"

  Shushing her friend, she answered calmly. "I'm fine. Don't worry. My knight in shining armor saved my ass. A rabbit jumped out of one of the hedges and frightened us both to death. Daffodil raced off, and this guy pulled me from the saddle on to his. It was lucky he was there actually. We were headed towards this crevice, and I knew that if Daffodil made the jump with me on her back, we'd both fall. He saved me from a broken leg or two!" she finished cheerfully and tapped her hand on Larissa's back.

  "Thank God, you're OK. When they told me Daffodil had come back alone, I was worried sick! I thought I'd wait an hour for you to come back, because I know what you're like with horses, and if you didn't come back, then we'd send out a search party. You missed lunch, but there's going to be cakes at the soccer match. You ready to go?"

  "Not just yet. I'll be along in a little while. I just need to freshen up. My brush with death made me a little sweaty!" she joked, kissed her friend on the cheek, and then ran off to her room.

  Quickly jumping into the bath, Jada scrubbed herself clean and dried herself off. She grabbed a pair of black chinos and matched it with a tight-fitting white shirt. Dragging some comfortable ballet pumps on that caused her no pain, she was ready for the match and ran down the stairs and into the hall. She asked the butler for directions to the match and soon walked over to the small clusters of deck chairs and little coffee tables that littered the edge of the playing field. Spotting Larissa, she headed towards her and started looking around for the three men who'd been dominating her thoughts so recently.

  Spying them just as she reached Larissa, she sat down and sighed in admiration. All the men were wearing kilts and nothing else. Her three wolves were easily the best looking men on the pitch though, their bodies muscled and strong, every inch of their skin extremely lickable! She noticed how well they worked together, passing the ball to each other in tight conformation, easily taking possession and making it difficult for the other team.

  Jada had no idea how the game actually worked. She just watched the three wolves and enjoyed the delicious view. Tearing her gaze away from them, she smiled at Larissa. "I'm starving. What have we got to eat?"

  Larissa rolled her eyes. "Sex does burn off a lot of calories, doesn't it?"

  "Hmm," Jada answered noncommittally, hiding a smile at her friend's sigh of annoyance.

  "There's cherry cake, shortbread, carrot cake, apple scones, and Dundee cake. Also, because Martha knew you were coming, she made you some butterscotch and chocolate fudge."

  "Seriously?" Jada said, sighing happily. "God, I love that woman! I swear she should have been my mother! Saying that, though, I'd probably be three hundred pounds if I was her daughter. My waistline always takes a hit when I stay here." She grinned. "I'll have a little of everything, methinks." So saying, she leaned forward and grabbed a plate from the coffee table. Taking a slice of the cherry, carrot, and Dundee cake, she piled a scone and a few shortbread biscuits on the side.

  Larissa laughed. "There's plenty to go around. You can pace yourself, you know!"

  "I know, but I always feel better when my plate is loaded." Taking a bite of the cherry cake, she sighed in pleasure as the moist cherry concoction hit her taste buds. Next she took a bite of the carrot cake and as the sweet carrot and cinnamon melted in her mouth, she gave a long groan. "I love Martha. Can I steal her from you?"

  "No, she's my cook. I need her!" Larissa joked. "Wait till you taste the Dundee cake. I already had three slices."

  Taking a bite of the rich fruit cake, Jada moaned. "That's sinful. How the hell does she do it? Every damned time, as well! It just gets better and better." Finishing that piece, she bit into some shortbread and sighed again. "You did this on purpose, didn't you? Cake torture to get all the gossip out of me!"

  Larissa giggled. "Don't be silly! I have far more effective ways for that. Anyway, I already know. I can see three men in extremely similar masks that you can barely take your eyes away from. Not saying that I blame you. They're very yummy. If you hadn't already sneaked them away, I would have asked them to join Alex and me." She sighed mournfully. "The things I do for my best friend."

  Jada whacked her on the arm. "Do you dope everyone with sexual stimulants at this party? Wherever I go, I hear moans and groans. It's either your fault or it's something in the water!"

  "I think you'll find it's the water, darling." Larissa winked.

  Jada wasn't so convinced, but she didn't say anything else as she bit into her scone and enjoyed the sight of her three wolves tackling some other guy for the ball.

  Cheering loudly as the wolves' side won 3-2, she clapped her hands and then pulling Larissa from her deckchair, linked arms with her, and together they walked back to the castle. They said little over the course of the return trip and separated to go to their rooms and change for dinner. Already having bathed earlier on, she just looked in the closet and picked out a dress to change into later. Setting her outfit on the bed, she grabbed the matching shoes and, leaving them beside the bed, left her room and went back down the stairs. She headed for her favorite sitting room, the library. She loved the atmosphere, loved that it was jam-packed with books and that she could just sit there and enjoy the silence.

  She grinned when she noted that it was empty, and, choosing the window-seat, she sat down, lifted her legs up, and leaned her head against her bent knees. Staring out of the window, she studied the beauty of the green fields, the chilly air merely adding a crispness to the entire scene. Hearing the door to the library open, her head popped up, and she looked at the door. It took a lot to not jump up out of her seat. In fact, it drained nearly all of her control to just sit there and watch him, allow him to make the first move.

  "Hello Jada."

  She nodded and replied, "Hello."

  "Do you mind if I sit with you?"

  "No, of course not."

  "It's a beautiful room, isn't it?"

  "Yes." She sighed, her eyes warm as she looked around the library, touched on the roaring fire and the old-world charm of the books. "I love it here. It's one of my favorite rooms. You never told me your name," she said, changing the subject abruptly. "I can't keep on thinking of you as red wolf now, can I?"

  He smiled. "Caden."

  "Your name's Caden?"

  He nodded slowly, tilted his head at her and asked, "Do you regret last night?"

  "No," she answered vehemently. "Not at all! Why, do you?"

  "No," he said calmly. "You just seem a little uncomfortable, that's all."

  "Well, if I am, it's not because of last night!" Jada said tartly then sighed. "Sorry, I'm not very good with people."

  Caden laughed. "Well, you were good with me last night. I have no complaints." Leaning forward, he brushed a hand against her flushed cheek and whispered, "No need to be embarrassed, lass."

  She smiled hesitantly and rubbed her face into his palm, the intimacy unexpected but right nevertheless. She sighed. "I have to get ready for dinner."

  "Want to meet here when you're ready?"

  She nodded and smiled, pressed a kiss into his palm and stood up. Looking at him, she whispered. "See you later." Then, walking from the room, she quickly hurried back to her bedchamber to ready herself for the night ahead.

  For this occasion, she'd chosen a blac
k number. It was short, would probably hit her above the knees, and had a black lace overdress that covered it entirely that flared into a train at the center of her lower back. She struggled into it with some difficulty. It was very tight and clung to every curve, but she knew it would make her look very Jackie O, and she wanted to look classy tonight. Elegance would give her an extra confidence, and she had the feeling that she'd need it with the three men she'd slept with.

  Caden. She whispered the name, rolling it around her mouth, tasting it on her tongue. She smiled and looked into the mirror to check her appearance. Satisfied with the look, she decided to leave the feathers off the mask. The black satin suited the simplicity of the dress and with that decision made, she left the room and headed back to the library. Walking through the door, she smiled when she saw him standing in front of the fire in evening dress. Closing the door behind her, she said, "Penny for your thoughts?"

  "They're worth much more than that, a luaidh." He smiled somberly. "You look beautiful."

  It should have been trite, but it wasn't, tears threatened as the depth of meaning behind that cliché hit her heart. "Thank you."

  He walked over to her, raised her hand to his lips, and pressed a delicate kiss to her inner wrist. "Come, I'm sure dinner's about to be served." They walked out of the library and headed to the dining room where they managed to take the last pair of seats. The night seemed magical somehow and all because this wonderful man called her beautiful. Shaking her head in self-derision, she shook out her napkin and took a bite of the starter, a small portion of roasted grouse with blood pudding and griddled vegetables. It was a heavy starter, but it was quite delicious. She concentrated on eating the dish, for she was quite hungry, having eaten no breakfast or lunch and only a little the night before at dinner.

  The room was loud with noise and music. People chattered and laughed, yet she and Caden were quiet, both seemingly absorbed in their meal. They were nonetheless hyper-aware of each other.

  For their main meal they had a fish stew that Martha called Finnan Haddie. It was a hearty dish and warmed a person right through, the flavor of the haddock strangely delicate yet pungent at the same time. As dessert was served, she happened to look down the table and her gaze clashed with the black wolf. Feeling a blush redden her cheeks, she smiled hesitantly and nodded in greeting. She saw Caden react to her greeting, his head spinning to look at the black wolf, who gave a cocky nod of the head. She frowned but said nothing, focused on the chocolate, orange, and whiskey mousse, which she immediately recognized. It seemed as though Martha was producing her favorite dishes for her, and, knowing Martha, she probably was! The cook had always had a soft spot for her.


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