Dances with Wolves

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Dances with Wolves Page 10

by Dances

  Life really could be a bitch. There were women who searched and searched all their lives for one decent man to fall in love with, to marry and have a family with, yet they found no-good cheating bastards who fucked them, left them disillusioned and with a baby to raise, sans Daddy. Yet she, who couldn't have a family, found herself dating guys who intrinsically did. Who wanted to get married and settle down, wanted a family and the house in the suburbs with a yard out back for the little ones to play in. She always managed to get those guys and so had had to harden her heart, because she'd known that whatever time they'd shared together was finite. There was an end, didn't matter if it was tomorrow or three months in the future, the relationship wouldn't last. So, she'd taken pleasure in being dated, wined and dined by handsome charming men who were great company. She shared her body and received and gave pleasure, nothing on the scale of what she had experienced with Caden, Phelan and Lucas, but she'd never had reason to complain. She'd basically taken what was given and waited for the moment it all ended, as it always had.

  Jada didn't appreciate the fact that she was starting to feel way too much for three guys who were here for fun and sex. Her heart, once so protected and guarded, had started to open to these men and it scared her, because it would all end in tears, her tears and she didn't want that. Couldn't bear it. How could one person change so drastically within such a short space of time? How could years and years worth of defenses crumble so easily? She didn't know, wished she did, because there was no way this could end in her favor, and she'd need to know how to reconstruct those weakened barriers so that something like this could never happen again.

  It had all started so fantastically. She'd felt so damned good in their presence, all woman, and that had been pretty powerful for someone who had never felt one hundred percent female in all of her adulthood. That they could make her feel so wonderful had blinded her to the dangers, had kept her from seeing just how far she had to fall.

  Despite herself, Jada began to cry. She couldn't say they were purifying tears, tears that cleansed and soothed away the hurt, because they weren't. Nothing would or could do that. But it eased the ache that burned behind her eyes and for that she was grateful.

  Now that she was coming to terms with her feelings for them, would it be best to stay away from them from now on? Perhaps so. If she didn't see them, then she couldn't fall any further for them. God, she felt so stupid. Like an inept teenager, falling for her first crush, sobbing nightly into her pillow because he didn't even see her, never mind acknowledge her existence. Shaking her head, Jada couldn't deny that they had known of her existence, hell they'd livened up her life for the last two days, made her feel things she'd never imagined and so she had to be grateful for the experience. But in the interests of self-preservation, she had to stay away from them. Which was easier said than done, considering that she had never approached them. They'd approached her.

  Sitting up with a cringe-God her inner thighs were so damned sore!-Jada crawled out of bed and accidentally miscalculated how far away from the edge she was, and so fell flat on her back on the carpeted floor. The dull thud as her body jerked against the hard surface wasn't pleasant to the ears and neither was the feeling! She couldn't help but laugh, though, shaking her head she climbed creakily to her feet and walked over to the bathroom to run the taps. Setting the temperature to as high as she could stand it, Jada plunked her aching behind into the hot water, shivering as the heat hit sore spots and worked it's magic.

  Relaxing into the back of the tub, Jada tried to change the subject her thoughts automatically led her to, but it was impossible. Last night had been amazing. Never had she craved another man so much. Never had she felt so needy, so close to the edge that she'd felt as though she were dying. Somehow he had ratcheted up her need so high that she'd begged and sobbed, pleaded for him to help her. With a small gurgle of laughter, Jada submerged her head under water and shook her hair out as she remembered the all-consuming pleasure that had fired throughout her body when she'd climaxed. God, even the orgasms she'd experienced here, whilst fantastic, were nothing in comparison to last night. She had felt so animalistic, so primal in her lust, her need, that it had taken her over, and when that need had been quenched, she'd been drowned by pleasure. Hearing his roar and feeling the splash of his cum deep inside had ended the evening with a bang. There was something so satisfying in feeling the pressure of his climax throb against the tight walls of her pussy.

  Sighing in pleasure, she quickly rallied herself, washed, then dried up and was scrubbing her hair as she walked back into her bedroom. Frowning at the sheet of paper that had been tucked underneath her door, she dropped down to the floor and reached for it. The letter was another itinerary. A Highland Festival was being held nearby and they were going to attend it for the next couple of days. Shrugging her shoulders, Jada realized that this could be the perfect opportunity to escape the three men. She could involve herself in the activities taking place at the festival and figuratively run away from them if she saw them coming towards her.

  Jada headed to the closet and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, a black T-shirt that she combined with a bulky Aran knit sweater. She dragged out the old pair of Wellington boots that she'd noticed the other day. She'd had them since she was fifteen and they'd stayed here all that time! Then reached for a cagoule, because she could count on one hand the amount of totally rain-free days she'd had in Scotland. Yesterday they'd been lucky. It had rained at night, but she doubted if their luck would hold out!

  Fully dressed, Jada sighed and knew that she would have much preferred to stay at the castle and occupy the library whilst everyone else enjoyed the festival. But she also knew that Larissa would have dragged her there regardless, so heading out of her room, she went and started to search for the rest of the party.

  The castle's drive was was filled with myriad cars, not one non-luxury version amongst them, it was a car lovers paradise. From unsuitable Ferraris to BMWs, she even thought she'd seen a Lamborghini, but she could have been mistaken. The whole thing was quite comical actually, these modern day vehicles set against the medieval castle, such a contrast. Smiling, she walked amongst the people in search of Larissa and nearly jumped out of her skin, when a rough brogue murmured behind her, "Jada, would you please ride with us?"

  Clenching her eyes tightly shut, because there was nothing more that she longed to do, she spun around and with a bright smile pasted on to her lips, said, "Hi …. Lucas, sorry I can't. My friend will be waiting for me."

  She watched his eyes narrow and his head tilt. "No worries, she will know that you've taken a lift with someone else. Please, Jada, come with me." His voice was deep and it washed over all her still-aching body like a soothing lotion. He held out a hand and despite herself, despite everything she'd said and told herself, despite knowing how hurt she was going to be when the masquerade was over, she took it and with the feel of that callused palm rubbing against her own, a shiver shot down her spine and pleasure radiated from each and every one of her pores.

  He walked her over to a shining car. Her eyes opened wide when she recognized the lady flying on the bonnet, a Rolls Royce! A new one at that! Hell, how much were these boys worth? She knew that Larissa was wealthy. Hell she would have had to be blind to have not seen that, but as she looked around the drive, she realized that this party was very exclusive, exclusive to the very, very wealthy! Jada was Larissa's only non-millionaire friend. She'd won a scholarship to the same high school that Larissa had attended and they'd been firm friends ever since. Jada had always been very aware of their different backgrounds, but never so much as at this very moment! Larissa held sex parties for gazillionaires!

  Shaking her head at the thought, Jada watched as Lucas opened the door for her and, holding her hand, helped her seat herself in the luxurious car. Blowing out her breath at the opulence packed into such a small area, she couldn't help but feel unbearably clumsy, so kept her arms tucked to her side, terrified that she'd break something
in the hideously expensive car! When Phelan opened the car door and sat down beside her, he chuckled at her, then whispered, "Don't worry, if you break something, we can afford to get it fixed, lass." He was surprisingly observant and had easily guessed what was concerning her.

  "Are you sure?"

  Laughing a little louder, he said, "Aye. Don't you worry your pretty little head." He leaned closer. "Where's my greeting?"

  Hesitantly she placed a hand between them and scooted along so that she was closer to him. Pressing a soft kiss to his lips, she allowed him to deepen the embrace, touched her tongue to his.

  Cupping her face between his hands, he looked deep into her eyes and said quietly, "That's better. Always greet me that way, Jada." His words were laced with emotion, but she was too scared to analyze what emotion it was. She didn't want to lie to herself by believing she'd heard .... ove in his voice, when it was really lust. With a soft smile, she moved away from him and sat back a little more comfortably in her seat.

  Clearing his throat, he asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

  Her eyebrows shot up and she croaked, "You've got a fridge in here?"

  His chuckle was answer enough.

  "Do you have orange juice?"

  He leaned forward, opened a small compartment that she hadn't seen before now and rummaged around, obviously finding the bottle because he withdrew his hand and reached for a glass to empty the bottle's contents into it. She accepted the glass with a shaky smile and sipped the fruit drink. She should have felt uncomfortable with the way he was watching her, but what else about this weekend was normal? She didn't feel any discomfort, in fact she reveled in the sultry gaze that was focused purely on her. Jada didn't meet his eyes, but small thrills of happiness exploded over her body when she realized that maybe things weren't as hopeless as she'd thought this morning.

  She jumped when the front doors opened and Caden and Lucas climbed in. Neither man said a word, just started the engine and waited to drive out of the long queue. Silence, of a different kind, reigned within the small constraints of the car. She sipped her drink and continued to look out of the window, focusing on sights she hadn't seen in years. They spoke little during the journey. Words weren't necessary. There was a surprising level of comfort to be found in just being with them and incessant chatter would have spoiled that.

  As the car pulled up at the festival ground, she looked around and only just realized that all three of them were wearing kilts. With a quirked eyebrow she looked at the other guests, who were just starting to exit their cars, and noticed that all the men wore them, too. Lucas jumped out of the car and opened her door for her. Tucking her hand into the crook of his elbow, he walked to the back of the car, waited for Caden to depress the lock and tugged a picnic basket out. Carrying it in one arm, he walked her over to the spot that the party had obviously taken over and, after pressing a long kiss to her mouth and dumping the basket on the ground by her feet, he left her with a wink. She stood on shaky ground, watching as all three men walked over to a guy, obviously fond of his own self-importance, who carried a clipboard, and entered themselves into whatever competition was taking place that day.

  Shaking her head, she bent down and started to unpack the picnic basket, which was filled with all kinds of food, from sandwiches to cakes and thermos flasks. Seeing Larissa, she walked over to her and sat beside her on the ground. Larissa smiled a question at her and Jada answered in kind. They said nothing as they tucked into a sandwich and watched the men.

  The games started quickly. Within moments some events were crowded by men obviously waiting to compete. She saw her three wolves and couldn't help but be impressed by their aura of command and strength. Hoarsely, she asked, "What's the first event?"

  "Caber Toss. Basically, it's a huge long pole, weighs a hell of a lot, too. The competitor has to lift it and put it on their shoulder. They've then got to run with it, and toss it fully, so it flies end over end, if you see what I mean. They get points on how accurate they are, on how far over the pole is tossed. You'll see what I mean," Larissa answered easily.

  Jada nodded and watched as two men lifted the pole, which must have measured 20 feet long. They then rested it against the competitor, who, spreading his legs, bent down and placed his hands around the pole. She could see him trying to harness the cumbersome pole, as he stood and tried to steady himself. Then moving back and forwards for balance with the huge stick in his hands, he tossed it into the air. She watched it fly end over end and land on the ground. The audience cried perfect noon, so she assumed he'd done it right.

  "Damn, perfect toss!" Larissa muttered angrily.

  Jada chuckled. "Got high hopes for Alex have you, babe?"

  "Whenever he wins, the sex is explosive, so of course I've got high hopes!" Larissa gave an evil grin as Jada shook her head.

  "You're incorrigible!" They sat in silence as the other men competed. No one had managed to perfect the toss as the other guy had yet. Unconsciously sucking in a breath, she noticed that it was Caden's turn. She watched the muscles in his arms play, saw the strength and determination on his face and couldn't help but shiver in pleasure when she thought that this man had been in her bed for the last two nights. He didn't give a perfect toss, neither did Lucas who competed next. Phelan on the other hand, did. She grinned when he jumped up and pumped the air in glee.

  Phelan and the other guy who had completed a perfect toss, stood forward and obviously had to take the toss again to see who had won. Phelan went first and managed to do it again, the other guy wasn't so lucky. On seeing that he'd won this event, he blew her a kiss. It was then that she realized they were all competing for her.

  Clearing her throat, she asked, "What's the next event?"

  "Weight throw. They've got a 28 and a 56 pound weight. They have to throw it as far as they can. It's a little like discus. They get three attempts and see that wooden board, over there? That's called a trig. They're not allowed to step on it or move past it. If they do, the throw doesn't count."

  "Right," Jada said and watched the men move over to the next event. She couldn't help but notice how gorgeous her men were, their bodies not necessarily the brawniest or the heaviest, but God, they were beautiful. How could she hide from them? She couldn't, that was the damned answer!

  Lucas stepped up first this time, behind the trig he lifted the weight and swung it back and forth a few times, then standing firmly on the ground, he spun his body around and his weight moved with the momentum, on the third spin he released the weight with a loud grunt.

  "Damn, that was a good throw!" Larissa said, a little awe in her voice. "Hell, I bet that's won him this event." Her prediction was correct, despite the other equally-strong competitors Lucas's first throw traveled the farthest. He too blew her a kiss and as Larissa cocked a brow at her, Jada smacked her on the arm to silence her friend. "Next event is the last one for today, Weight Toss. The guy has to toss a 56 pound weight over a bar one-handed."

  Jada watched as the men gathered around the next piece of equipment. There was a big H stand in the middle of the field. One of the competitors walked over to it and turned so that his back was facing the H-stand. Bending down, he swung the weight back and forth, then on a shout, stood up straight and released the weight. It flew upwards and over the bar. This game lasted quite a while, as the height of the bar increased each time and the men, who managed to not knock it over could compete again. Soon it was down to three, one of the locals, Caden, and Alex. Ordinarily she would have rooted for Alex, but she couldn't stop herself from hoping that Caden would win. It was close, but he managed to do it. Although he'd knocked the bar with the stone, it had stayed put and the weight had cleared. Larissa had scowled at her in displeasure, but Jada had shrugged her shoulders. It wasn't her damned fault that those three men were perfect hunks and athletes to boot! Feeling his gaze on her, Jada met Caden's and watched as he too blew her a kiss.

  Grabbing a sandwich, she shoved it in her mouth to hide her embarrassm
ent and saw the three of them smack hands in a high five. Jada smiled behind her food as every woman in her vicinity sighed at the three of them. Sweat stained their shirts, legs bare to the cold air, every inch of them powerful and strong, was it any wonder every single member of the female race sighed over them?

  She stood and separated herself from the majority of the crowd from the party, walked over to one of the quieter picnic blankets. Grabbing some food along the way, she settled herself on the ground and waited for them to find her. Because find her they would and soon did. She lay with her legs crossed at the ankle and the weight of her torso rested on her elbows. She didn't acknowledge them, but they didn't need her to. All three of them sat around the food she'd brought them, chatting amongst themselves about the events they'd just taken part in, eating and drinking as they spoke. She smiled as she watched them devour every bite and asked, "Want some more food?" Their heads spun around to face her and although she knew they'd been conscious of her every move-only God knew how she was aware of that fact!-they looked at her like they were surprised she'd spoken.

  "Nay, we're good, thanks lass," Caden replied, then frowned as Phelan moved closer to her and bent over her to place a kiss on Jada's hungry lips. His hand smoothed down her shoulder and quickly cupped her breast, it settled on her belly, the warmth fed her hunger for him and for a few seconds more, their tongues played and teased. His mouth broke away from hers and looking at each other, Jada couldn't help the suggestion that flared in her eyes. Phelan clenched his own shut and whispered, "Minx." She grinned up at him and leaned close to press another kiss on to his lips.

  "Enough!" Caden growled roughly.


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