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Broken Page 30

by Robin Nadler

  He ran his hand through his hair. “I know that, but eww.”

  “You’re a gynecologist, David, you have seen many different shapes and forms,” she moved closer to him in the booth.

  “I’m a fertility specialist, so I don’t get many 80 year olds.”

  She ran her hand over his thigh. “What can I do to make it up to you? Is there any way I can help you bring your appetite back?”

  He faced her and leaned down to cover her mouth with his. She kissed him back deeply and he moaned.

  “I think some sort of appetite is returning,” he nibbled her neck.

  “Let’s get this to go,” she murmured.

  “Waiter!” David yelled and they both laughed.

  Chapter Sixty-Five:

  Susan sat in her house and Lila brought over some soup for her. She sat down and smiled.

  “How are you feeling now that you’ve been home for a few days?”

  The older woman smiled. “I’m fine, but I still wish I could take back what happened. I hate that I was the cause of one minute of suffering for David.”

  “He loves you, and to be honest, finding out that everything he believed to be true about you really was true, he was thrilled. He adores you and none of this was or is your fault.” She smiled. “Have you heard anything about your sister?”

  “She is back in the mental hospital. I will try and visit her soon.”

  “David will go with you if you want,” Lila reached over and squeezed Susan’s hand.

  She looked into the younger woman’s eyes and Lila saw her tears. “I hope I made his life a tiny bit better. I hope I honored Julia by helping him move on.” She wiped her eyes. “Looking at you and seeing that beautiful ring on your finger, I feel Julia’s happiness.”

  Lila hugged her. “Thank you for being there for him. Thank you for getting through to me.”

  Susan touched Lila’s cheeks. “You and David will have a beautiful life with lots of children. I can’t wait to see that.”

  Lila sat down and her smile faded. “Susan, I have MS.”

  “I know. I’m overweight, we all have our burdens.”

  Lila looked at her and they both chuckled. “I think it’s a little different.”

  Susan sighed and nodded. “I know that, but if you wait for your life to be perfect, you’ll die alone, having accomplished nothing.” She took Lila’s hand. “I know you’re scared you may not be here in the future, and believe me, David knows that, too, but it doesn’t mean you have to live a life that is less than whole. It doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to feel the joys of parenthood and that David can’t go along with you on that journey. Believe me, when Julia found out she was pregnant, she never imagined dying of cancer and leaving her son. We can never see the future, and to be honest, you have knowledge of what you’re facing. You can fight it and you can do everything in your power to make sure you are here with your family.”

  Lila felt her tears fall and she felt silly.

  “I’m not trying to overstep, and I don’t mind one way or the other, but if you choose to have children, make that choice for the right reasons, not out of fear.”

  “You’re pretty smart, you know that?” Lila smiled.

  ”Now that we’ve established that, are you going to tell me what’s wrong with you?”

  Lila looked at her. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m a nurse, and I have been watching you. You are hiding something and you need to tell me what it is.”

  She was right, and Lila figured it was a good time to come clean.


  David had a great day at the office. He had been able to give two different families great news about their treatments and he couldn’t help but picture Lila when he spoke to them. He never really thought about having children, but now that he found her, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. The image of her carrying his child brought him to tears and he felt like a little girl.

  “Pull yourself together Bryant,” he said to himself. He finished his paperwork and looked up when he heard a knock.

  “Do you have a minute?” Lila asked.

  He grinned. “Like you have to ask,” he stood up. “I didn’t know you were coming here.”

  She smiled and walked over to him, hugging him tightly. “I had a really nice lunch with Susan and we talked about some things.”

  “Should I be worried?” he smiled as they sat on the couch in his office.

  “Not about that,” she looked at her hands.

  He got worried. “Hey, look at me. Did something happen?”

  She met his gaze and sighed. “I need your help.”

  “Okay, but you’re scaring me, Lila. What’s wrong?” he took her hand in his.

  She wiped her eyes and looked into his. “I think I might be pregnant.”

  Chapter Sixty-Six:

  David looked at her. “You think you’re pregnant?”

  She forgot to breathe. “I’m sorry. I would have never tried to get pregnant with my health issues, I mean without stopping my meds,” she rambled and was startled when he knelt in front of her and grasped her hands in his.

  “Lila, stop,” he said softly.

  She blinked and her tears spilled over her cheeks. She looked at him and he stroked her cheek, wiping her tears with his thumbs.

  “I love you. We are going to be married. I can’t think of a more perfect life than having a child with you,” he felt his own eyes well up. “If you are pregnant, it would make me the happiest man in the world.”

  She just stared at him and he continued. “Are you unhappy about this?”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I have always wanted to be a mother. I just never imagined it would happen this way.”

  “Lila, your health is so much better, and as for the meds, we will figure that out,” he hated that she had to worry about that.

  “I know, and that isn’t what I meant, well not really.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “When I came to see you that first time, I wanted to know what my options were. I thought that my chances for having a child were few and far between.” She touched his chin and smiled. “But this, falling in love with you and finding this amazing life has been like every fantasy I could have had is coming true. To find out we’re pregnant would just be too good to be true.”

  He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. “No baby, it isn’t, it’s what you deserve.”

  She held him tightly and they parted after a minute. “Shall we find out for sure?”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “I’ll take some blood.”


  Lila paced around his office while he went to get the result a little while later. So much was running through her mind. So many thoughts about what it would mean to have a child. She found herself beyond ecstatic that it was a possibility, but more importantly, that it would be with David. She jumped as he walked back in.

  “Well?” she tried to read him.

  “You’re pregnant,” he grinned like a little kid.

  “Oh,” she said, expecting the worst and then realized what he said. “Wait, I am?”

  He smiled and a tear fell down his cheek. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  She covered her mouth and she jumped into his arms as he held her tightly, her arms wrapped around his neck. They held each other for a long time before he helped her to sit on the couch.

  “How do you feel?” he asked her, his smile stuck on his face.

  “Scared, excited, overwhelmed, and kind of hungry,” she grinned.

  He laughed. “I would like to take you home and pamper you tonight. What do you say?”

  “Sounds amazing, but David, I need to make an appointment with an obstetrician. Who do you recommend for high risk pregnancies?”

  “I recommend me. Why would you want to go elsewhere?”

  She shook her head. “No. I want you to be the father and not the doctor. You can help me any way you want, but in the medical setting,
I want you to be my partner. Besides, I need someone who focuses on MS.”

  He understood her point. “Fine, but I reserve the right to be overprotective and overbearing.”

  She took his hand in hers. “I would expect nothing less.”


  About an hour later, Lila sat on the blanket by the fireplace, full and happy. They had some wonderful take out and now they were going to talk about things. David was cleaning up and he walked into the room, stopping to look in on the lizards.

  “Lila, I think something is wrong with Little T.”

  She got up and walked over to him. “What is it?”

  “He has some sort of fungus, look at his face,” David scrunched his face.

  Lila laughed and reached in to pick up the squirmy lizard. “Little T is going through his first peel. He is growing up,” she removed some of the old skin. “See, he is beautiful and bright underneath.”

  “Gross, but good for him.” He watched as she put the baby back and went to wash her hands. He led her to the blanket and they sat down.

  “So can I be shallow for a minute?”

  She giggled. “Always.”

  “You being pregnant makes me feel virile. I haven’t felt that way in forever.”

  “Virile?” she grinned. “I would say potent as well.”

  He felt his groin twitch at her words. “I think it’s all what I have to work with. You brought my inner man out.”

  “Your inner man?”

  “Whatever,” he grinned. “You make me feel like I’m whole. You make me know that this world has something amazing to offer and you make me want to live it,” he said.

  She ran her hand over his chest and he leaned down to kiss her. “You are whole, David, you always have been.”

  He traced his finger over her cheek and her lips before he sat back and watched as she pulled her shirt off. He pulled his off as well and slowly turned her on her back and laid her down on the blanket. She felt so loved and cherished by the way he touched her, that she knew, without a doubt he was her soul mate. He moved to kiss her chin and then her neck and slowly pulled her bra straps off before unclasping the lingerie and moving it aside.

  He looked into her eyes and saw they were wet. “Are you okay?”

  “I just feel so blessed, David. I don’t understand how this happened. I never thought I would find such a connection with another person, and after my diagnosis, I was resigned to being alone. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough for loving me.”

  He leaned on his arm and looked at her. “I wish you wouldn’t say things like that. You deserve to be cherished. You don’t deserve to be alone or to feel like you aren’t owed a happy ending. We both have been alone too long. We both deserve to feel this.”

  She nodded. “You’re right. I guess my hormones are just a little off.”

  He grinned. “The hormone excuse already?”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Get used to it. The next nine months are going to be full of things you have to adjust to.”

  He laughed as she sat up and pushed him onto his back. “Is that so?”

  “Yes, now let me have some fun,” she said as she pulled his pants off. She removed his boxers and ran her hands up his thighs.

  He bit his lip as she ran her hands all over him, avoiding his groin, but massaging his hips and thighs. “Lila, you’re killing me.”

  She straddled his leg and looked into his eyes. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “You are the best at manscaping,” she said and giggled as he sat up and began to tickle her.

  “You did not just go there,” he said and she was trying to catch her breath after laughing.

  “I’m sorry, I had to,” she hiccupped.

  “Now I don’t think I can continue,” he pouted.

  She wiggled out of her pants and panties and lay on the blanket, ready for him. “I suppose I could just take care of my own needs,” she said as she moved her hand over her chest, tugging on her nipples.

  He shook his head. “God you’re beautiful,” he said as he moved over her and entered her quickly, both of them crying out from the pressure.

  She bent her knees and he was afraid for a minute he would hurt her. She was so small and he didn’t want to brag, but he wasn’t. She looked at him and saw his concern.

  “Why did you stop?” she stroked his forehead.

  “I don’t want to hurt you. Is it too much?”

  “No, you are perfect. The way you feel inside is magnificent, David. Please don’t worry and just love me,” she murmured and moaned when he pulled out and began to thrust.

  They stopped talking; they just moved and loved each other deeply. He moved to take her pebbled nipples in his mouth as he thrust into her and she came hard against him with the added stimulation. She could feel him get harder inside of her and she tilted her pelvis up a little which she knew would send him over the edge.

  He groaned from deep within as he exploded and released everything into her, a release that seemed to be years in the making. He had never had such a moment and he worried he wouldn’t be able to move. He lay on her, her hands rubbing his back and her lips on his shoulder.

  “That was amazing,” she whispered to him. “And those aren’t my hormones talking.”

  He rolled to the side of her and the sweat on her brow matched his. “Fuck,” he managed to say.

  She giggled. “Very eloquent.”

  He grinned and she snuggled against him as he pulled the blanket over them. “I love you.”

  “And we love you, too,” she said as she took his hand and placed it on her stomach.


  For more information please check out my blog or follow me on twitter @buka163090




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