Hungry Cowboy

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Hungry Cowboy Page 68

by Charlize Starr

  Even as she watched, the king kicked Henry's legs out from under him, wrapping his hands around his throat.

  "Sunlight!" Rachel blurted. "Is Henry still shielded?"

  Leila turned wide eyes on her. "Shielded?"

  "The sunblock spell." Rachel grabbed Leila's shoulder. "Help me with the spell."

  Her sister stumbled a little but nodded. Together they started chanting, desperate. Henry writhed under his father's grip, eyes wide as he punched the king's ribs to no effect. The energy formed around him, absorbing into his skin. Rachel clutched Leila's hand tighter and held a hand to the ceiling. She closed her eyes, thinking of the sun, remembering its warmth, the feel of the light on her skin.

  She felt that light again and when she opened her eyes, she and Leila were surrounded by it. The vampires screamed and howled, drawing away from the light. The nearest ones blistered all over their bodies, skin scorching black.

  There was a cry of pain from the king. He stumbled back from Henry. The silver knife was buried deep in his chest.

  Rachel let her magic go and the light faded from around her and Leila. Everybody was silent as the king fell to his knees. Henry rushed forward, grabbing him, pulling him close. Tears ran down his face as his father went still. The fire ring around the two witches disappeared.

  "I didn't want to kill you," Henry whispered. "I loved you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

  Rachel moved forward slowly as Henry wept. She put a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him, and glanced at the remaining vampires. One by one, they got to their knees and bowed to Henry.

  "What are you doing?" Leila demanded. "You're not going to try to kill us anymore?"

  Henry closed his father's eyes and stood. "My father is dead. I am the king and you are my brides. They know that without me, the kingdom will fall. And if they so much as lay a finger on my queens, they will die."

  His shoulders still slumped, and he stumbled as he embraced Rachel. She held him, trying to lend him her strength.

  "I'll send for Becky and Cheri," she said. "The vampire kingdom must welcome their princess."

  Henry nodded. "And we will bury my father with grace and dignity. But first… I need to restore my strength."

  Rachel nodded, holding his hand as she led him from the room. Leila snorted at the vampires, who were still kneeling, and followed.

  Chapter Ten

  What used to be his father's study was now his study. His father's chambers were now his chambers. The crown that had once looked so noble on his father's brow was now his burden to bear. Henry slumped in his father's–no, his–office chair, staring at the detailed map that showed every tunnel and corridor of the kingdom he now ruled.

  As a boy he used to sneak in here and sit in this chair, looking at that map, pretending he was king, deciding what supplies went where and what armies would be sent to subdue what uprising. It didn't matter that there hadn't been an uprising since this underground kingdom was founded. All he had thought about was how magnificent it would be to prove his worth in battle.

  At that time he was too young to understand that his father had to die before he could be king.

  Henry sighed, loosening the tie that he wore. He'd updated his wardrobe to what was current on the surface, but the suit just felt oppressive, especially after the grand funeral he had just held for his father. He doubted he would ever get over how he had received the kingship of the vampires.

  If he had listened to me, he would still be here.

  Or perhaps he wouldn't. Henry had a child. A daughter rather than a son, but perhaps the next monarch would be a queen rather than a king. It was a year to the day since Rachel had told him she was pregnant. Maybe his father would be dead anyway, one way or another.

  In any case, he was not going to make the same mistakes his father had. He would accept his future with the grace being a king demanded, and when his heir had an heir of his or her own, he wasn't going to demand that they kill the one they love just so he could live longer.

  The door opened. Henry turned, expecting to see one of his father's witch-brides. He had thought that they would cause more trouble than they had, but they understood just as well as the vampires that the kingdom would crumble without a king, and most had taken voluntary exile. Those few who had stayed had tried to convince Henry that he needed more brides as if Rachel wasn't enough for him.

  It wasn't one of his father's consorts who came into the room, however. It was Rachel herself, carrying their bright-eyed daughter. The baby had his blue eyes and Rachel's dark hair, and a little wrinkle between her eyes when she was about to cry that looked like Rachel when she sneezed.

  "I thought you might like to see your daughter," Rachel said, handing the baby to her father.

  Cheri waved her fists at him and smiled a toothless smile. Her fangs would be coming in soon, and they were already preparing to use a pump and bottle to allow her to continue to drink breast milk. They didn't know if witch blood would be deadly to a baby who was half-witch, but they didn't want to take the chance that Cheri would nip her mother while nursing and drink her blood.

  "It was worth it, you know." He looked up at his queen and smiled sadly. "As much as it hurts to have killed my father. You and little Cheri… our family was worth it. Protecting you… I'd do it again."

  Rachel kissed his forehead. "I just wish we could have made him see reason."

  "My father was not one to take advice or listen to anybody else. How many times did I beg him to stop the tradition of kidnapping women from the surface? No. I loved him, but he would have never listened to me about you and little Cheri."

  "At least you can get rid of that horrible tradition yourself now."

  He nodded, stroking his daughter's cheek. "How is Cheri?"

  His father hadn't harmed his oldest bride. She had been locked in her room but was given everything she needed. She was old, though, and her strength was failing her, although she had been thrilled and honored that he and Rachel had named the little princess after her.

  "She's doing well. She has a bit of a cough, but the healers think that she still has a good five years left."

  Five years sounded like no more than the blink of an eye, but Henry would take it. Deep down, he thought that Cheri might be ready to pass on. She remained cheerful and bright-minded, but she was tired, and the events of the past year had been hard on her. More than once she had mentioned that she was ready to sleep.

  "Leila started her schooling today," Rachel said, sitting on the desk. "She's looking forward to learning how to use her magic properly. And I think she might have her eye on one of the other students. I would never have thought… but I guess now that she doesn't think she has to look after her older sister, she can relax."

  At that, Rachel rolled her eyes, and Henry laughed. "She'll do just fine. What about you? Are you going to rethink going into school?"

  "No. I'm going to learn how to control my magic, and that's it. I don't need to learn all those spells and incantations. I'm getting a better handle on how to control these visions, and that's good enough."

  Henry nodded. Cheri gurgled and he sat her up, bouncing her in the way that always made her smile. His heart always felt lighter when he saw how bright and alive his little girl was. All his brides–they were still his brides, even though he knew he would only ever sleep beside Rachel–were doing well in their chosen tasks. Becky had returned to the surface to complete her medical training, but she was going to return once she graduated.

  He looked up at Rachel again to see a soft smile on her face. She looked so utterly relaxed and so very beautiful. He fought the urge to pinch himself at having a woman like her looking at him in that way.

  "So, I had a dream last night."

  "A dream or a vision?"

  "A vision. I can't remember everything about it, but I do know that you have a long and happy reign ahead of you. And we have a long and happy life together."

  Henry reached for her hand and kissed each of her fingerti
ps. Cheri giggled. "How long?"

  "Long enough to be forever." Rachel bent over him, pressing her lips to his. Her lips were so sweet, her sighs like the sound of heaven. "I love you, Henry."

  "And I love you." Holding Cheri carefully, he wrapped an arm around Rachel's waist and pulled her closer. "Until I take my last breath, I will always love you."



  The Vampire Prince's Baby


  A curvy orphan looking for a man to free her PLUS a sexy Vampire Prince on a quest to gain the throne PLUS two dangerous fights that must be won!

  It's a great honor to be chosen to marry a son of the Vampire Empress.

  Found Burlap doesn't care about honor. She also doesn't care that mating with a vampire might kill her. All she cares about is getting away from the boring orphanage she grew up in.

  When Vampire General Alexandru offers her that chance, she accepts without hesitation.

  Alexandru has just one thought on his mind when he chooses Found to be his mate, producing a child so that he can prove himself worthy to be the Empress' heir and take on the title of Emperor someday. The Empress has decreed that only a son with a human mate who bears his child may have the honor and Alexandru is determined that he is the one she will choose.

  But there are dangerous obstacles in the way. Bear Shifters are threatening his territories and he must take action. Plus Alexandru's jealous brother Vlad has his eye on his bride.

  Alexandru will not rest until he manages to claim the Empress' favor–and Found–for his own. Will he manage to do so? Only one way to find out.

  Chapter One

  Alexandru opened the throttle on his refurbished 1969 Harley Davidson, enjoying the feel of the wind on his face. The night was inky about him and it was only by going this fast that he could push past the hunger that burned in his throat. He had a couple of blood bags in his backpack, but he was too impatient to stop and drink.

  As a general of the Vampire Empress, he held extensive lands that he protected from both Shifters, animalistic beings that could shift from human to animal forms, and his own brothers. Well, half-brothers. All of them shared a father, but Alexandru's mother had only given birth to him and his sister.

  He often traveled across his territory, but rarely had the opportunity to take the time to just enjoy riding. He always had business to attend to.

  And that was what he was doing here, riding along the rough roads between large stretches of fields full of crops and animals. Snatches of smells–pig, cow, tree, asphalt–all bombarded his senses as he rode, blowing away as quickly as they came.

  The Vampire General passed a broken sign that read Bayside Orphanage and headed for the large house at the end of the gravel driveway. It wasn't in terrible repair, but it could use a fresh coat of paint and a new roof.

  He could almost smell her blood already—the girl he had chosen was waiting for him. It had only been a few weeks since he sent out a call for all women of child-bearing age in his land to send a droplet of blood to him so that he could take a human bride. The moment he scented hers, he knew she was his.

  The orphanage mistress, a tiny, wrinkled woman, waited for him on the steps. He cut his engine, put the kickstand down and approached her.

  "My Lord, please spare the girl," the mistress rasped. "She has done nothing."

  "Step aside," Alexandru said impatiently. "My bride awaits me."

  Since the death of the Emperor, Alexandru's father, the Empress had refused to drink vampire blood. As a result, her mortality was returning and it was impossible not to see the lines on her face or the gray in her hair. She appeared to age more every day.

  Her sons would continue their faithful servitude towards her for as long as she lived, but it would not be yet another seventy years before she was laid to rest beside their father. Once she was gone, the brothers would divide into factions, warring against one another until a new Emperor took his place.

  "Master, the girl is an innocent," the mistress tried again, but Alexandru pushed past her.

  The Empress hated to think of her sons killing each other, as well as the toll such a war would take on human lives. So she decreed that she would name one of the generals, vampires who had already proven their military aptitude, as her heir.

  The catch was that he must have a mortal wife and a child from her in his arms before he was considered possible to be the heir and next Emperor.

  Alexandru always knew he was meant to take his father's place and had been building his army and power since he was old enough to shoot a gun. This new declaration meant he had to adjust his plans, but he was certain that he could control the bloodlust that caused his brothers to kill their wives, rather than mate them.

  As he stepped into the orphanage, his eyes found his bride instantly. The almost non-existent beat of his heart sped.

  She stood near an empty hearth. An alluring, delicious scent wafted off her dark olive skin, and her slanted dark eyes gazed steadily at him. Alexandru drew in a deep breath. There was no fear in her scent. A suitcase sat near her feet and she picked it up.

  "Let me look at you first," he instructed.

  She set the suitcase down and stepped forward. "Do you wish me to undress?"

  The mistress, who had followed him in, whimpered.

  Alexandru shook his head. "I can see everything I want with you clothed."

  He circled her, feeling uncomfortable like he was inspecting a prize horse rather than the woman who would be his wife. She had good, wide hips that would be perfect for birthing. Her breasts were the size of a grapefruit and would provide his children plenty of milk. She was a good, stout girl—thick and strong, not like the wives his brothers kept choosing.

  "If you come with me, you will never return," he told her, stopping to stare down at her. She had to crane her neck to meet his eyes.

  "That's why I sent in my blood. I want nothing more than to get away from this place."

  The orphanage mistress gasped. "Do you think so cruelly of me?"

  "I think nothing of you at all," the girl replied, not moving her eyes from the Vampire General. "I was born for better things than a lifetime in an orphanage."

  "If you go with him, you were born for death!"

  "Perhaps I was, then."

  Alexandru's brow rose. Odd… she did not scent of depression. He didn't think she was as willing to die as she made herself believe. He put an arm around her, breathing deeply of her scent. O-negative. It was the only blood type that could bear vampire young, although the reasons for this were unknown. He lifted her effortlessly and carried her out to his motorcycle.

  "My things," she protested.

  "You have no need of them any longer." Alexandru deposited her onto the bike and climbed on himself. "We will be wed before sundown tomorrow and you will have everything you could want at your fingertips."

  The girl nodded. "What should I call you?"

  "Alexandru. It's my name. And you?"

  "Found," she said, her arms tightened around his middle. "Found Burlap."


  When Found woke the next morning, she had the briefest moment of panic. Her, marrying a vampire general? There was nothing special about her, nothing that warranted Alexandru coming to rescue her from that orphanage where day in and day out she thought she might shrivel up and die from boredom. She should have been released long ago, being a legal adult for almost three years now, but with nowhere else to go, she had stayed.

  She sat up in bed gazing around the room she had been given. It was more luxurious than anything she had ever experienced. Not only did her bed have a feather mattress, but it also boasted curtains that fell gracefully at each of its four ebony pillars. Fluffy pillows surrounded her.

  A vintage chaise lounge sat beside a bookshelf full of expensive-looking crystal figurines. Next to this was a vanity dresser with diamond jewelry sitting on top of it. Found felt like a princess. Well, she sort of was now. At least she would be
once she married Alexandru.

  A silk Persian carpet caressed her calloused toes when she swung out of the canopy bed. No sooner had she done so than a tall, willowy woman bustled in, bringing with her a wheeled cart.

  The woman clucked her tongue. "How am I meant to make a wedding dress for you by sundown? I ask you how?"

  Found smiled, reminded of the old grumpy hen that she used to gather eggs from. "Hello."

  "Why, yes, hello," the woman said, distracted. "I am Wava. I ask you again, am I a miracle worker? A wedding dress in one day! It shall be hideous and I shall die of shame. Very well, if Sandru wants to be a laughing stock, I'll have to refashion one instead of making it from scratch. What's your name?"

  "Found Burlap."

  Wava's dark brows disappeared under her bangs. "What sort of the name is that?"

  "The one the orphanage mistress gave me when I was found on her doorstep wrapped in a burlap sack."

  She still had the sack–or at least she had, until last night. It had been left behind at the orphanage with the rest of her things. Well, that was for the best. This was a new life. Being tied to the past wouldn't help her anyway.

  "Found Burlap. Well, I suppose it's better than no name at all." Wava put her hands on her hips. "Are you a virgin?"

  Found expected the question, but she still felt her face grow warm. She took a deep breath, heart beginning to quiver nervously. What if Alexandru no longer wanted her when he knew the truth? The call for blood from candidates hadn't specified she had to be one.

  Would she be expected to outline her sexual history? There hadn't been much else to do at the orphanage and more than once she had slept with a man, hoping he would take her away. They never had, but she didn't much care now.


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