The Bryson Blood Wars

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The Bryson Blood Wars Page 11

by Cynthia Blue

  “You know Ray wants to be a cheerleader,” Laliyka volunteered.

  “For real?” Clover replied with excitement.

  “Yeah for real,” Laliyka reiterated.

  “That’s great. She should go for it,” Clover said. “I still remember winning the state cheerleading competition. It was one of the greatest moments of my life.”

  “Yes it was!” Laliyka cheered. “We killed that shit, didn’t we?”

  “Yes we did, plus it was a great distraction from....” Clover stopped in mid-sentence and flashed back to the rape. The competition was about a month afterwards. Everyone thought it was too soon for her to be in a cheerleading competition after being raped but Clover insisted. “That bastard took so much from me. He wasn’t going to take the competition away from me either. I worked too hard for it.”

  “Good for you,” Laliyka said with admiration. “You know who I’ve been thinking about lately?”

  “Who?” Clover asked.

  “Mookie,” Laliyka answered.

  “Me too,” Clover admitted.

  Maycellia ‘Mookie’ Clofton was Clover and Opal’s older cousin. Mookie and Opal were very close. She was born and raised in Albany, Georgia and graduated from Morris Brown College. She became a data researcher for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

  Mookie always referred to Opal, Clover and Laliyka as her babies. Clover and Laliyka owed their cheerleading success to Mookie. Being a cheerleader all through high school, college and briefly for the Atlanta Falcons Mookie whipped them into shape. Mookie was also very outspoken about her hatred of Kayson. She was Opal’s pillar of strength. Mookie ended up murdered by a serial killer who was never captured about two months after Clover and Sharp started dating. Mookie’s death caused Opal to hit rock bottom and accept everything Kayson dished out and now it looks like history is repeating itself with Wallace.

  “Her murder still gets to me, especially Opal,” Clover said. “I wish Mookie was here. She would’ve really given Wallace the business.”

  “How’s Opal holding up?” Laliyka asked.

  “Well she’s maintaining, but I don’t know how long she’ll last,” Clover said with worry.

  Laliyka shook her head and asked, “Why does she put up with that nigga?”

  “I don’t know, but I really hate him. For some reason he reminds me a lot of Kayson.” Clover said. “Also, I’m still getting those notes I was telling you about.”

  “Those notes about Wallace being a threat?” Clover nodded. “What do you make of it?” Laliyka asked.

  “I’ll admit it does have a creepy feel but I don’t think the person sending them means any harm.” Clover analyzed. “But whoever it is seems to know Wallace a whole lot better than both of us put together.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was Sunday afternoon and that means game time at the Georgia Dome. The Atlanta Falcons are hosting the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. If the Falcons win this game they secure a wild card playoff spot. If not, they have to try to beat the undefeated New Orleans Saints the following week. Everyone was at the game, including family and friends. The only downside was Opal bringing Wallace, but since he was on his best behavior and everyone was having a good time, they decided to overlook it.

  It was almost two minutes left in the game and the Falcons were leading by three points. They needed a touchdown to secure the victory. During the break one of the teammates noticed the viewing screen getting ready to show a marriage proposal.

  “Hey check this out,” Joe Marcus, who was the cornerback, said as he pointed at the screen. I wonder who’s the lucky couple in here today?”

  “They’re about to show it in a minute,” Solomon said.

  To everyone’s shock the screen showed Wallace on bended knee putting a ring on Opal’s finger. The family couldn’t believe what they were witnessing right before their eyes.

  Wallace looked into Opal’s eyes with unconditional love and sincerity and began his proposal. “Opal, you are the most beautiful woman in the world. I know we’ve had our differences and I’m trying to work on them. I don’t want to lose you. I love you and I want you to be my wife. Opal, will you marry me?”

  Give this nigga an Oscar! Clover thought. If she didn’t know Wallace, his words would’ve touched her. Please say no, Opal! You can do so much better! Clover looked around and could tell everyone shared her thoughts and silent pleas to Opal to not say yes and dump Wallace once and for all.

  Opal was full of excitement. After all the mess and drama Wallace is finally showing his love and appreciation for her and now he’s asking her to be his wife. “Yes Wallace! I will marry you!” Opal blurted out and Wallace pulled her into a loving passionate kiss while the whole stadium cheered for them with their oohing and awing, except the family. They just gave fake ass smiles because, unlike the crowd, they knew the real Wallace.

  “Oh hell no!” Both Bray and Solomon shouted at the screen. The two were baffled about the other’s reaction.

  “Wait a minute? You know them?” Solomon asked Bray.

  “That’s Calista’s aunt’s sister,” Bray answered. “That guy Wallace is a complete asshole to her. How do you know them?”

  “Actually, I don’t know them at all,” Solomon said.

  “Then what’s with the negative reaction?”

  “That’s the couple I was telling you about from the restaurant. That was the dude who was treating his woman like shit and Carter thought he looked familiar.” Solomon explained.

  “This is fucked up,” Bray said with a sigh. He couldn’t believe Opal was going through with this fiasco. This man has humiliated her time and time again, privately and publicly. Maybe she’ll come to her senses in the end. Bray silently hoped.

  It was time to head back on the field. Bray still couldn’t believe what he had just witnessed. The ball was snapped and Bray was in such a daze about the proposal he lost focus and threw an interception. The safety from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who caught the ball took off like a bat out of hell.

  Shit! Bray thought angrily to himself as he and the rest of the team tried to tackle him, but it was no use. He was taking it to the house and time was running out fast. It looked like it was all over until the safety fumbled at the ten yard line which was forced by Solomon. He scooped the ball right up and ran it all the way back for a touchdown. It was a close call, but he made it right before the buzzer. The Atlanta Falcons were going to the playoffs. The team celebrated on the field and on the sideline.

  “We did it! We’re in the playoffs! You did your thing, Bray!” Joe congratulated.

  “No this game belongs to Solomon!” Bray turned to Solomon and they bumped fists. “Thanks for the rescue tackle!”

  “No problem man,” Solomon said. “I think I know someone else who needs rescuing.”

  He and Bray glanced over to Wallace and Opal’s direction and observed them enjoying their newly engaged bliss. “I couldn’t agree more,” Bray agreed.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I try to be the perfect wife and mother. The best all-around and sometimes I don’t feel like it’s enough. Ever since Kayson took my virginity I’ve always felt like I wasn’t good enough.” Clover addressed the rape survivors group with Skyla and Mai in attendance.

  “Clover, that’s not true, but I understand how you feel,” Skyla said with empathy. “I had my virginity taken away when I was nine and it took me all the way till I was thirty to give my heart and body to a man. Max showed me I was a woman worthy,” Skyla walked over to the podium where Clover was standing and put her arm around her. “You don’t have to put yourself under this pressure. You’re prefect just the way you are.”

  “She’s right,” Mai joined in.

  “I know but it’s hard sometimes,” Clover said, as Skyla led her back to her seat next to Mai.

  “That’s what we’re here for. To build each other up. It’s impossible to do it alone.” Mai said and hugged Clover. “I know, I had to learn too. It takes the powe
r of the group to guide you to the light.” She added.

  “Thank you so much,” Clover said before the next person took the podium. Light bulb!


  After the meeting was over everyone headed out to the parking lot. Clover rushed to catch up with Skyla and Mai. “Skyla! Mai! Wait up!”

  “Clover, what’s up?” Mai asked as she and Skyla stopped in their tracks waiting for Clover to approach.

  “Thanks for all your help back there,” Clover said.

  “Anytime Clover, you were there for us,” Mai said. “If there’s anything we can do for you, we got you.”

  “I was almost hoping y’all would say that, because I need you guy's help with something urgently important,” Clover said.

  “Sure, what do you need?” Skyla said.

  “Y’all remember Wallace’s marriage proposal to Opal at the Falcons/Buccaneers game, right?” Clover recapped with a highly disgusted eye roll.

  “I remember. It was something.” Skyla said, and Mai nodded in agreement. They were being nice about it. “Why, what’s up?”

  “You guys know how Wallace is and the way he treats Opal. I refuse to stand idly by and watch her flush her life down the toilet,” Clover ranted.

  “And you shouldn’t,” Mai agreed.

  “Back at the meeting when you said that it takes the power of the group to guide you to the light?” Mai nodded and let Clover continue. “I came up with an idea. It’s a longshot but I don’t know what else to do and it was the only idea I could think of.”

  “Any idea is better than no idea at all,” Skyla said.

  “Exactly and I need you guys help with this idea,” Clover said.

  “Of course we’ll help, if we can,” Mai said.

  “What’s the plan?” Skyla asked.

  Clover began to explain. “Alright here it goes. I’m going to set up a meeting with close family and friends to help me convince Opal not to go through with this wedding. I think if we stand in a united family front on this, Opal will see she has love, support and no one will judge her in any way, shape or form. That way she’ll see the light and Wallace’s evil spell over her will be broken.”

  Clover continued to formulate the plan. “Since Lil’Sharp and Ray are in New York for their debate competition, I know Laliyka will be down. Also, I need to contact Sharp, Colton and Calista and tell them to come.” Clover faced Skyla and Mai to explain their roles. “Now, here’s where I need you two. Skyla can Myk and Sami spend the night with you? This is a sensitive matter and I don’t want to risk the chance of them being in the house with the ability to eavesdrop.”

  “I can do that,” Skyla said.

  Clover then turned to Mai and requested. “Mai, I need you to contact Leo. I want the both of you to come to the meeting to share your stories. I know it’s asking a lot but I’m desperate. I have to get through to Opal some how!” Clover hoped if Mai and Leo shared their stories of abuse with Opal she’d be able to see there’s a chance to get out and have a happier and better life.

  “It’s cool with me and I’m sure Leo will be cool with it too,” Mai said.

  “Thanks a bunch girls,” Clover said, and gave Skyla and Mai a group hug.

  “No problem,” Skyla said, and the trio pulled out their phones and made their necessary calls and texts for the meeting.

  “I sent my mass text message and everyone is getting ready to come to the house. Sharp is getting the kids ready. He’s going to drop them off at your house Skyla.” Clover reported.

  “Okay great, I sent Max a text to let him know what’s up.” Skyla informed.

  “I just got off the phone with Leo and she’s on board. She’s finishing up her final rounds at Satin Acres and she’ll be right over.” Mai briefed.

  “This is great, but there’s one more thing. How are you going to convince Opal to come to your house without Wallace?” Skyla asked.

  “I’m way ahead of you,” Clover answered. “I told Opal I needed her to close up and gave her three more assignments to catch up on then to swing by the house without Wallace.”

  “Alright we have our marching orders. Now let’s hit it,” Skyla said before they went their separate ways hoping this plan of Clover’s would work. Opal’s life depends on it, more than they know.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Calista was enjoying her quick shower after a long day at the practice. She wanted the shower to be longer but she had to go to Clover’s house for the meeting about Opal and Wallace’s upcoming wedding. Calista didn’t know what she was going to say to talk Opal out of marrying Wallace, but she wanted to show her love and support.

  Calista began to lather up her body and stopped when she heard a moaning sound. She was positive the moaning didn’t come from her. She knew for a fact it wasn’t Bray because he was in New Orleans, Louisiana getting ready for the game. If the Falcons beat the Saints they’ll be division champs and have a home playoff game. Calista get a fucking grip! Calista felt like she was starting to become delusional and it terrified her. She was afraid to tell anyone what was going on with her. She didn’t want anyone to think she was crazy.

  Calista rinsed herself off and got out of the shower to dry off. She went into the bedroom to find some clothes to put on before her phone started to ring. She rushed over to the night stand where her phone was and glowed when she saw it was Bray calling and answered, “Hey baby, hold up while I put on my headset.” Calista grabbed her headset and turned it on. When the headset connected to her phone she resumed speaking, “What’s up?”

  “I’m good, baby girl. What’s going on with you, Doc?” Bray asked.

  Calista walked over to her walk-in closet looking for something to wear and decided on a pair of light blue jeans, a white polo shirt and some flats. “I finished my shower and now I’m getting dressed,” She said.

  “Doc, why you making me stiff up before practice? It’s in fifteen minutes,” Bray teased.

  “Boy, stop,” Calista said with a giggle as she was getting dressed.

  “Anyway, all kidding a side, what you got going on?” Bray asked.

  “Long day at the practice and now I’m getting ready to go to Aunt Clover’s house,” Calista said as she was getting dressed.

  “What y’all getting into?” Bray asked.

  “It’s not really a social visit. Aunt Clover is getting everyone together to try to convince Opal not to marry Wallace,” Calista said as she put her hair in a ponytail.

  “I hope you guys are successful,” Bray said. “Opal is a nice woman who deserves so much better.”

  “I know. I know.” Calista agreed. “Opal is family and we love her. Hopefully, this family unity will open her eyes. That reminds me, Aunt Clover invited your aunts Mai and Leo to the meeting as well. Aunt Clover hopes their stories will help.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Bray agreed. He knew how Mai and Leo went through hell and back for a long time before they found their happily ever after with his uncles Phoenix and Rocco, respectively. “Look baby, it’s time for me to head out, but I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Okay goodbye!” After the call ended Calista took off her headset, disconnected it and placed it on the nightstand. She put her phone in her handbag, grabbed her car keys and headed for the front door to the leave. She was about to open the door when her phone started to ring again. She dug through her purse to answer it.

  Calista giggled as she answered the phone assuming it was Bray calling her back. “Bray, you just can’t get enough of me can you?” She teased. “Now hurry up and stop playing before you’ll be late for practice.”


  “Uh....hello?” Calista called out. She quickly figured out Bray wasn’t the caller.


  “Hello? Who is this?” Calista called out again. To her it sounded like someone was jacking off. “Who the fuck is this?!”

  “He’ll never fuck you like I will!” The caller moaned out and hung up before Calista could respond.

  Calista was petrified with disgust and fear. Her suspicions were correct all along. She did have a stalker. She dashed out of the house in horror, jumped in her car and took off as fast as she could.

  With Calista out of sight her deranged secret admirer was in the laundry room digging through the hamper collecting a couple of Calista’s thongs. He made himself comfortable in a nearby chair. He took the handful of thongs and took a deep inhale inside them like they were fresh flowers.

  He pulled out his dick and used the thongs to jack off moaning out. “Girl, I need you! I will have you! That pussy is mine!” A lot of people would think this type of behavior was sick, obsessive and disgusting, but this man found this to be more satisfying than any type of intimacy with his dumb ass tub of lard whining bitch of a fiancée, Opal.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “The kids are all settled at Max and Sky’s,” Sharp said, as he entered the living room where everyone was gathered. “Where’s Clover?”

  “She’s upstairs talking to her mom on the phone,” Mai answered. “I hope this plan of hers is successful.”

  “If not, I got my straight razor on deck,” Laliyka said and everyone giggled.

  “Girl, you are something else,” Colton said and shook his head.

  “You know how I roll Colton. I ain’t scared to go to war on that nigga.” Laliyka said with a grin.

  Colton noticed Calista sitting quietly in her own thoughts like something was bothering her. “Baby girl.” He called out to get Calista’s attention.

  “I’m sorry daddy. What?” Calista snapped out of her trance. She was still thinking about the disturbing phone call she received.

  “You’re awfully quiet. Is everything okay?” Colton asked with concern.

  “I’m fine daddy. A little bit drained that’s all,” Calista said and gave Colton a hug. She didn’t want to lie to her father, but she didn’t want him to worry. She knows how Colton is when it comes to his only child who’s his precious baby girl.


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