Hunted by Magic: a New Adult Fantasy Novel (The Baine Chronicles Book 3)

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Hunted by Magic: a New Adult Fantasy Novel (The Baine Chronicles Book 3) Page 15

by Jasmine Walt

  What if he really does want to be here?

  As though he sensed my gaze, Iannis’s whole body stiffened, and he turned sharply in my direction. Iridescent eyes clashed with mine, and an electric current zapped through me as he looked me up and down. Something like wary recognition flickered in his eyes, and I seized on that as hope filled me.

  “Iannis.” I took a cautious step forward, moving slowly as I might with a wild animal I was trying not to startle. “It’s me, Sunaya. I’ve been looking for you.”

  “Looking for me?” His dark brows pulled together in a frown as confusion filled his gaze. “I am not lost.”

  “Yes, you are.” I kept my voice low but firm as I stopped close to the edge of the stream. “You were flying to Dara in a dirigible bound for the Convention, but you never made it there. People have been looking everywhere for you. Solantha has been in a panic ever since we learned you were missing.”

  “Solantha,” he said slowly, testing the word out on his tongue. “My city.” A shadow passed through his eyes then, and he shook his head vehemently. “No, this is my home. I belong here with the Coazi.”

  “No, you don’t!” My voice began to rise as agitation got the better of me. “These are not your people, Iannis. You have friends and colleagues who desperately need you. Not to mention that I desperately need you.”

  “You do?” Iannis looked positively bewildered. “What for?”

  “Because I’m your apprentice!” I cried, throwing my hands up in the air. Not knowing what else to do, I tugged the chain I’d given to Iannis over my head and held it out to him. “We agreed to wear these, don’t you remember? So that we could always find each other in case one of us was in trouble?”

  The stone flared to life, and Iannis recoiled as if struck. “Get that away from me!” he cried, throwing his hands up as if to shield himself. A burst of magic emanated from his hands, and a hard gust of wind hit me, sending me flying backward. I sailed several feet through the air before landing hard on my butt with a yelp.

  “By Magorah!” I shouted, struggling up into a sitting position. “What the hell was that for?”

  “Halyma told me that the stone on that necklace was black magic, and it was preventing us from being together.” Iannis scowled at the serapha charm, which was still clutched in my fist. “She said the pain in my chest would go away if I took it off, so I did. Why do you have it?”

  “Because I was using it to track you down!” I snapped as I got back up to my feet. “Halyma is a liar, Iannis. She’s using her shaman powers to trick you into believing that you’re her lover, and that you belong here when you really don’t. She didn’t want you wearing the necklace because she didn’t want me to find you.”

  Something flared in Iannis’s eyes for a moment, and then that same shadow I’d seen earlier clouded his irises again. “Halyma is my sharalla. She wouldn’t want to hurt me.”

  “She’s selfish,” I insisted. “Come here and let me prove it to you.”

  “No!” The shadow in his eyes darkened, and Iannis retreated to the other side of the stream. “You are the one who is trying to trick me.”

  I ground my teeth together, frustrated beyond belief with this game of cat and mouse. I wanted to jump into the water and wrestle the necklace over Iannis’s head, but I knew he’d just hit me with his magic. Even if his brain seemed to be addled, he was still the Chief Mage, and there was no way I’d win that fight.

  Then do not fight, a cool voice whispered in my head, one I’d heard before. Sometimes it is better to use honey instead of flame.

  I sucked in another breath as another idea came to me, one that made me hot all over and incredibly nervous at the same time. It was risky, but probably the best shot I had at getting past Iannis’s defenses. And right now, breaking the spell on him was more important than my pride.

  “Are you giving up, then?” Iannis demanded as I took a step back from the edge of the stream and slipped the chain back around my neck. I could have sworn I saw something like disappointment in his eyes, but his jaw was set and his glare didn’t waver.

  “Well it’s too bad you’re not willing to listen to me,” I said as I slid my pack from my back and dropped it on the ground near Iannis’s buckskins. “But since I came all the way up here, I don’t see why this whole trip has to be a whole waste. That stream looks pretty inviting, and I intend to have myself a bath.”

  “W-what?” Iannis’s eyes widened as I tossed my jacket to the ground. By Magorah, but had I really just heard the unflappable Chief Mage stammer? “You can’t use the stream while I’m here.”

  “Why not?” I asked innocently as I tugged my shirt off over my head. I stretched my arms overhead for a moment, giving Iannis a good view of my nearly bare torso, then allowed the shirt to flutter to the ground. “Is that some kind of Coazi law?”

  “No, but Halyma would be furious…” Iannis momentarily lost his train of thought as I unhooked my bra from the front, letting my breasts spill from their confines. Hunger gleamed in his violet eyes, fanning the flames that were already spreading through my lower belly. He cleared his throat as I tossed the bra away. “She wouldn’t want me to bathe with another woman, and might well hurt you in her displeasure.”

  At least he didn’t want me to be harmed. Maybe this wasn’t so hopeless after all.

  “Who said anything about you bathing with me?” I undid my belt buckle, then slowly shimmied out of my pants and underwear all at once. My breasts swayed along with the movement, and I nearly grinned at the look of raw longing in Iannis’s eyes. Damn, but why hadn’t I done this sooner? “We’re just sharing the same stream.” I stepped out of my pants and toed them away as if my blood wasn’t pumping with fear and excitement, as if my breath weren’t coming short at the thought of entering the water with Iannis wearing nothing but my skin.

  “I should leave,” Iannis said, but he made no move as I stepped into the water. His violet eyes burned a trail of fire across my naked body as I slowly waded in, and though the cool water lapped at my skin, the fire inside me only built as I closed the distance between us. He was so close now, within arm’s-length, and I held my breath as I approached. Part of me was afraid that this was just a dream, that in a few moments I would wake up and the glorious naked man before me would be gone.

  But when my fingertips alighted on his chest, it didn’t vanish into nothingness. The smooth, cream-colored flesh was real, as were the hard muscles that lay beneath the skin. A sharp, indrawn breath caused his chest to rise, and the crisp, dark hairs teased my skin as I flattened my hands against his chest. His heartbeat pumped hard against my palm, and I caught the flutter of his pulse at the base of his throat as I drew my gaze upward to his sternly handsome face.

  “Why are you doing this?” he whispered.

  “Because I need you,” I murmured back, and my heart ached at the raw truth in those words. Sliding my hands into the hair at the base of his skull, I allowed myself to savor the feel of his silky cherrywood tresses gliding against my fingers, something I’d thought about more times than I could count but never imagined I’d actually experience. This moment was so surreal, and for a beat in time nothing else existed but the two of us. There were no consequences, no friends or family breathing down my shoulder, no past, no future, no anything. There was only the heartbeat beneath my palm, the water swirling around my hips, and a pair of iridescent eyes that blazed so hot I thought they might consume me whole.

  Before either of us could change our minds, I unclasped the chain from around my neck, then slipped it around Iannis’s neck while pulling his body into mine. Our lips clashed, and I nearly dropped the necklace into the water as a bolt of white hot heat lanced my body. Strong arms banded around me as the necklace clasped, and I could feel the heat of the two charms glowing between us as Iannis kissed me back, crushing his mouth against me as his fingers dug into my hips with bruising force. My knees went weak as his arousal pressed against my inner thigh, my fingers digging into his broa
d shoulders as I gasped, and then his tongue was in my mouth, tangling with mine. He tasted dark and sweet and spicy all at once, a flavor combination unlike anything I’d ever tasted, and I kissed him hungrily, wanting more, wanting everything he had to offer.

  “I remember you now,” he rasped, pulling back just far enough to let those glorious words feather over my lips. “I can’t recall ever doing this, but I remember you. How could I have forgotten your fiery spirit for even a moment?” His hand drifted up to press against my cheek as his eyes burned into mine, and if I had been a lesser woman, or perhaps had a looser grip on Iannis’s shoulders, I would have swooned.

  “Yeah, well that shamaness did a number on you.” I shifted a little, and my nipples scraped against his chest, sending little zings of pleasure through me. Iannis’s eyes gleamed hungrily, and my lips parted as his head dipped down –

  “Sunaya! Come quick!” Fenris cried, and I jumped, knocking my forehead against Iannis’s. “We’re under attack!”

  “Shit!” I clapped my hand against my throbbing forehead. “I’m coming, I’m coming!”

  “What’s wrong?” Iannis demanded as I leapt from the stream and made a beeline for my clothing.

  “Fenris just sent me an S.O.S.,” I explained as I hurriedly dragged my clothing on. “I guess your shamaness friend is trying to kill him now.”

  “Damn,” Iannis swore as he rushed out of the stream. I forced my gaze away from his naked body – I couldn’t afford the distraction – and focused on shoving my feet back into my boots. “That wolf who sneaked into the village was Fenris? Of course he was.” He sounded chagrined as he grabbed for his own clothes. “Did you bring anyone else?”

  “My friend Annia. I’m sure she’s with Fenris right now.”

  Iannis and I sprinted down the hill, following the cacophony of shouts and cries. I was a little surprised that he was keeping up with me, but I didn’t have time to dwell on that. We burst into the camp to see women herding their children into the safety of the huts, while pandemonium reigned closer to the fire pit. Annia and Fenris stood back to back near the fire, Annia with her bow drawn and Fenris in human form with his hands outstretched, power crackling at his fingertips. They were surrounded by warriors, and Halyma was facing down Fenris, a ferocious glare on her beautiful face as she held a feathered staff aloft and chanted some sort of spell that made the head of the staff glow bright with power.

  “Halyma!” Iannis shouted, drawing the shamaness’s attention away from Fenris. “Stop! These are my friends!”

  “These people are outsiders!” Halyma’s dark eyes flashed, and her nostrils flared as she caught sight of me. “Cursed man-beasts and white men, trespassing across our lands and trying to take what is ours!”

  “They are not trying to take anything,” Iannis said sternly, and I inwardly sighed with relief – he was sounding more like his old self. “They came here because they were concerned about me.”

  “They are trying to take you!” Halyma shrieked, her cheeks reddening with anger. “You are my sharalli, and I will not let them have you!” She leveled her staff in my direction, and a ball of deadly energy shot straight toward me.

  Iannis shoved me to the side, and made a slicing motion with his hand as he shouted a Word. A glowing force field materialized in front of him, deflecting the ball up into the sky where it dissipated.

  “You…you defend her?” Halyma whispered, her dark eyes filling with tears. She looked so dejected that I would have felt sorry for her if she hadn’t just tried to kill me.

  “Of course.” Iannis put his body between Halyma and me, partially blocking my view of the shamaness. “These people are my friends, Halyma. How could you try to hurt them, knowing that?”

  “Because they are taking you from me.” Halyma’s voice hardened, though the tears did not disappear, and she pointed a shaking finger at me. “I knew that one would come eventually. That is why I told you to get rid of that necklace! And yet you defy me by wearing it again.”

  “I am not yours to command.” Iannis’s voice hardened as well, and the air around him crackled with power. “I am grateful that you found and healed me, Halyma, but you cannot keep me here against my will. My people are in danger, and I must go back to them. As a leader yourself, you must understand this.”

  Halyma was silent for a long moment, and for a second I thought she might actually let us go. But then she lifted her chin proudly and squared her jaw.

  “I care nothing for mages or their troubles!” she spat, her dark eyes gleaming with anger. “I saw something in you that I thought would be different, but you are just like the rest, taking what you need from us and leaving us to suffer. If you want to leave me, I will send you to the afterlife!”

  She pointed her staff in Iannis’s direction and began a chant, but Iannis flung out a hand and shouted several Words. Some kind of strange, sizzling yellow and black energy shot out from his palm and slammed into the shamaness, knocking her flat on her back before she could complete her chant. Her body began to shake as energy crackled over her skin and clothing, and she bucked and writhed as though she were having a seizure.

  “Come on!” I grabbed Fenris’s hand. “Let’s get out of here!” Raising a hand, I conjured a ball of fire and aimed it at the shamaness’s tent. The structure burst into flame, and those of the Coazi who weren’t trying to help the shamaness rushed to put out the fire, giving us the diversion we needed. The four of us made a run for it, sprinting from the camp as hard and fast as our legs could carry us, and I prayed to whatever god might be listening that we would make it out of this blasted mountain range alive.


  It took over an hour to lose the Coazi – even though most of them stayed behind trying to save their shamaness and her burning hut, a good number of them still came after us. Iannis and Fenris took over the defense against the ones who chased us, deflecting arrows and spears with the use of magic. We did not retaliate as Iannis still seemed to have friendly feelings for them, and after all we were intruders on their land. We continued in our full-on sprint for a good two miles after the last confrontation before we finally slowed.

  “Okay,” Annia gasped, clutching at a stitch in her side. “We’ve got to stop or I’m going to explode. Surely we’ve lost them now, haven’t we?”

  “We have,” Iannis confirmed as we slowed to a trot. I arched a brow, amazed that though his cheeks were flushed from the run, he was barely winded. “But the Coazi have small parties that roam these mountains, so it would not be wise to assume that we are safe. We really should keep moving.”

  “Well I’m sorry, but unlike you three I’ve got human limitations,” Annia snapped, still clutching at her side. “I can’t sprint for miles on end.”

  Iannis stopped abruptly, and I nearly ran into him. “Come here,” he commanded.

  Annia stopped as well. “Why?” she demanded, suspicion in her voice.

  “So that I can help you,” he said patiently. “There is little point in making you suffer through your ‘human limitations,’ as you call them, when I can provide a workaround.”

  “Alright.” Annia stepped forward cautiously. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Just stand there for a moment.” Iannis squatted down, and Annia jumped a little as he wrapped his fingers around her ankles. He spoke a few Words, and glowing circles of magical energy formed around Annia’s ankles. The energy spread up her legs and over the rest of her body, and her eyes widened as she was briefly enveloped in the strange glow. The magic hummed over her for a few moments, then disappeared in a shower of sparks.

  “Wow.” Annia ran her hands down her sides as Iannis rose. “What the hell did you do to me? I feel amazing.”

  “I gave you an energy boost,” he said simply. “You should be able to run for several hours more without tiring. It will wear off eventually, but for now you should be able to keep up with us.”

  Sure enough, when we resumed our run, Annia kept up without complaint. We ran another e
ight miles, mostly downhill, until we came across a cave that looked suitable to bed down in for the night. Iannis and Fenris warded the entrance, and Annia and I built a small fire in the back of the cave where the glow could not be easily seen from a distance.

  Once Iannis and Fenris had secured the entrance, they joined us around the fire. My eyes roamed over Iannis as he stared into the flames, the firelight flickering over his handsome features. When I’d first met him, I’d never thought I’d see him sitting cross-legged on a cavern floor in beaded buckskins, with his hair tousled and a healthy flush on his normally alabaster cheeks. It was a good look for him – no, better than good. He was downright sexy. No wonder that shamaness had desired him – any red-blooded woman would have. Even so, there was no way I could forgive her for putting that spell on him. What Halyma had done to Iannis was little better than slavery.

  “Now that we’ve had a chance to catch our breath, why don’t you fill us in on what happened?” Fenris asked as he handed Iannis a packet of beef jerky. “We’ve traveled quite a way to come to your rescue, at considerable risk. It would be nice to have the blanks filled in at last.”

  “Indeed, and I am grateful.” Iannis’s eyes swept over us all, lingering on me just a beat longer than everyone else. Heat swept through my stomach, and I fought the urge to bite my lip. “I am greatly in your debt, for going to such lengths to find me. If you had not, I might have lived for years or decades as Halyma’s sharalli. Her mind magic is extremely potent.”

  “Just how the hell did she manage to bewitch you into staying with her in the first place?” I demanded, jealousy adding an edge to my voice. Even though I knew Iannis had been under a spell, it still chafed me that he’d allowed himself to be caught like that in the first place. I mean, he was one of the strongest mages in the Northia Federation. Shouldn’t he have been able to resist one puny shamaness?


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