The Case of the Rising Star

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The Case of the Rising Star Page 16

by Zavo

  Chapter Ten

  “Russell? That’s simply impossible, Derrick. Not only would he be too scared to leave Sawyer, but there’s no way he could afford it. Also, I don’t believe for a second that Russell would do anything to hurt me.”

  “Michael has confirmed it, Gordon. Russell’s name was on the passenger list for a flight a little over a month ago. However, I’ve been unable to confirm he is working at Paramount. I have to assume he got hired under a false name. Was there something special about Russell, Gordon?”

  He stared off into the woods for several minutes, and I began to think he wasn’t going to answer my question. I didn’t want to push him. He then turned to me once more.

  “Why don’t we find a place where we can sit and let the horses graze?”

  “Great idea, Gordon.”

  We rode for another half mile before we came upon a little grotto with a stone bench. My mother had had them placed throughout the grounds. We dismounted and let the horses loose in the lush grass that grew beside the trail. As I took a seat on the bench next to Gordon, he took up his story again.

  “Russell and I became friends in middle school, and we stayed friends through all of our schooling. Well, Russell dropped out in the tenth grade because his family needed his help on their farm. My father wanted me to drop out, but I was determined to make it through to graduation. Thankfully, I did. It was the summer after we had both turned eighteen. My birthday was in June, and Russell’s was a few days later. We had bought several six-packs, and Russell had some reefer, and we were heading to the swimming hole. My father was on the warpath, and when that was happening, it was best to stay out of his way. Even though it was only June, it was already hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell.

  “The humidity was intense as well. Typically, the pond where we swam was full of kids, but they had built a new pool at the community center the next town over. Some type of project paid for by the state of Louisiana. After that, most of the kids went there. Plus, the pond was on Old Man Ferguson’s property. He had gotten tired of us partying there and had posted No Trespassing signs. On that particular day, it was only the two of us. Thus, we chose to go swimming without our usual shorts.

  “I had seen Russell naked on several previous occasions. However, that day it seemed like I was seeing a whole new Russell. One I never knew existed. His chest was thick and muscular, as was his stomach. Both were covered in a forest of dark brown hair. His cock was long and fat, soft, and I could not take my eyes from it. It took on a life of its own, flopping like a large snake as Russell swung on the rope or dove into the water. Something was stirring within me that I had never felt before. Or perhaps I had shoved it way deep down inside myself. After about a half hour of swimming, plus several beers and lots of reefer, we laid our towels down on the bank and lay in the late-morning sun. As no one had yet showed up at the swimming hole, we didn’t bother to don our shorts. The sun’s heat felt good against my skin, and I dried quickly. Russell had closed his eyes, but I was pretty sure he was not asleep. I still could not take my eyes off his body. The sunshine was washing across his belly, making the skin there appear like fresh-baked bread. Russell opened his eyes and rolled onto his side, facing me. A slow smile appeared on his lips as he nonchalantly grabbed his cock in his right hand and slowly began stroking it. I watched, open-mouthed, as it lengthened and thickened, jutting straight out from his body, pointing directly at me.

  “‘Do you want to taste it, Gordon?’ he said. His voice was barely above a whisper.

  “My first reaction was shock that Russell would even be asking me this. We’d been friends for years. To my amazement, I heard myself say yes.

  “‘I won’t tell anyone, Gordon. It’ll be our little secret. I’ll do you too, promise. It’s right here for you.’

  “He rolled onto his back and spread his legs, froggy-style. It was clear where I was wanted, and I crawled between his outstretched legs. His cock was thick and hard, straining toward me as if in invitation. I took in the rest of his crotch: A thick patch of dark brown hair grew above his dick and ran onto his legs. It also coursed beneath his balls to the secret spot between the cheeks of his ass. His balls were mesmerizing. I’d seen balls before, but never this close. I reached out and touched the right one. When I leaned in to lick it, the scent of Russell filled my nostrils, making me giddy.

  “He sighed as I took turns tonguing his balls. I looked up to see that Russell had his eyes closed, and his chest was rising rapidly in anticipation. I tentatively grabbed his cock in my right hand. It was warm and soft, and Russell sighed loudly as I gave it a few firm strokes. A single bead of clear fluid appeared at the piss slit. I took the plum-sized head gently into my mouth and sucked it softly. Russell groaned and squirmed beneath me. I slowly swallowed his cock. I was afraid that I would hurt him with my teeth, or perhaps bite him if I choked. But I had no problem taking the entire length deep down my throat. I began sawing on his prick, lost in the feel of it in my mouth and the smells of Russell. When he moaned loudly and I felt the first spurt of his come hit the back of my throat, I never stopped sucking till he was soft once more.

  “True to his word, Russell returned the favor when I was done. He wasn’t able to take all of me, but he did his best. He certainly wasn’t lacking in enthusiasm. It was the most powerful explosion I had ever had. Well, considering most of them up till then were by my own hand, and one disastrous interlude with one of Russell’s female cousins. Thus began a two-year relationship, during which we were inseparable. As much as we could be, considering we both had jobs. We pleasured each other as often as possible, in every way imaginable, and professed our love for each other after six months or so. It was like being swept up in a fairy tale.

  “For the first few weeks it was simply a lot of sucking and kissing. Then, one moonlit night, Russell and I met in one of the meadows near his home. I, being the more romantic of the two of us, had packed a picnic basket. Russell had more than eating on his mind that night. He had brought a tin of bacon grease with him. After we ate, we took our clothes off and wrestled on the blanket I had brought. When I went to suck his cock this time, he softly whispered what he wanted. I was scared at first, mainly because he was so big. But he was very patient and gentle. He started with two fingers, opening me up as he slid them in and out. Getting me used to their size and length. When he asked if I was ready, I bravely said yes.

  “He rolled me onto my back and I lifted my legs instinctively. I felt the knob of his cock pushing against me, and there was a flash of pain as it popped inside me. He paused a moment, then slowly entered me, inch by inch. I gritted my teeth from the pain. When he was fully inside me, he paused a moment, covering my face with kisses and allowing me to adjust to his size. He did have a big cock. When he began sliding in and out, I wrapped my arms around his back, locked my heels just above his ass, and hung on for dear life. As I’m sure you know, the pain quickly turned to an intense pleasure. Soon the only sound in the meadow was the slapping of our flesh. He plunged into me a final time and emptied his seed deep within me.”

  Gordon paused and stared across the pond. I somehow knew he was back in that magical time in his mind, reliving his love of Russell.

  “What happened to you and Russell when you moved to Los Angeles? Did he come with you and get tired of the city and return home?”

  It was almost like my question was a physical blow. I saw his shoulders slump, and he kept his back to me for almost a full minute. When he did finally turn and face me, tears were welling in the corner of each eye.

  “No, Russell never made it to Los Angeles. I broke up with him two weeks before I was scheduled to fly out here. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. It was also the ugliest two weeks of my life. But I knew I had to do it. I knew Russell would never be happy in a big city.”

  “I take it Russell didn’t handle it very well.”

  “That’s an understatement. No, he didn’t. He cried like a baby for days, begging
and pleading me not to leave him. I should have stopped seeing him then and there. Soon his emotions turned to anger, and he became violent. He said he would tell everyone the truth about me, not realizing he would also eventually be incriminating himself.”

  He paused in his story, and fresh tears coursed down his cheeks.

  “Why didn’t Russell come out here with you, Gordon? The two of you would have been able to continue your relationship here in Los Angeles. Look at me and Daniel!”

  I hadn’t yet told Gordon that Daniel and I would soon be living apart.

  “That’s what I wanted, Derrick. But Russell couldn’t comprehend moving to a big city, even for the man he loved. He was born in Sawyer, and he wanted to die there as well. I even tried to convince him to come out for maybe just a few weeks. But he was unwilling to even do that. He said he was never going to leave the ground in an airplane. It just wasn’t natural.

  “I’d saved enough money for a one-way ticket to Los Angeles. I didn’t tell my father till the morning of my departure. He couldn’t have cared less. He called me crazy and bid me good riddance. My flight was uneventful for a first trip. After landing in Los Angeles, I walked several blocks till I found a cheap hotel. I didn’t take a taxi because I needed to be very careful of my finances. As soon as I was settled, I called home, and my father answered. He was drunk, having just kicked his current floozy out of the house. I gave him the address of the place where I was staying, just because it was the right thing to do. After I hung up with him, I called Russell’s house. There was no answer.

  “I ate one of the sandwiches I’d packed in my suitcase and lay on the bed to take a nap. I ate a light supper and went to bed early. I had done my homework, as they say, mapping out a plan to visit two or more of the studios each day till I landed some work. I had no illusions I would become an instant star, but I was determined to at least get a low-level job, maybe as an assistant or handyman, and work my way up. I wasn’t afraid of hard work. I figured at least being at the studios would ensure a better chance of me being seen.

  “I called Russell’s house first thing in the morning, and this time his father, Joe, answered. He told me Russell hadn’t come home last night. He was in jail, having been arrested for drunken brawling the night before down at Toby’s Place. I asked him to have Russell call me, and gave him the number. I made sure he repeated it back to me because by this time of day Joe was typically well on his way to being drunk. I hit three of the major studios that day, without even landing a sweeping job. When I returned home that night, I was hungry and exhausted. I bought some bread and cheese at a corner deli and, after eating it all, I lay down on the bed and fell fast asleep. The next morning, I called Russell again, and there was no answer. This became my routine that first week: calling Russell’s house, to either no answer or his drunken father, and making the rounds of the studios. While I had what I thought was an adequate supply of money, it was quickly proving very expensive to live in Los Angeles.

  “On Monday morning of the second week, I got my big break, so to speak. I was starting my studio rounds again and had just arrived at Paramount when a black Cadillac drove up to the guard shack next to me. The back window rolled down, and an older, good-looking man smiled at the security guard. As the guard raised the gate, and before the handsome man lowered his window, he noticed me and motioned me over to his car. He asked what I was doing, and when I told him, he flashed a welcoming smile. He invited me into his car, and we drove onto the lot. I had never known such luxury. The inside was all leather. He talked nonstop, explaining he was a major director at Paramount and he could help me land a job, which might eventually lead to a small part in a motion picture. We went to his office, and I bet you can imagine the rest. I was told what it would cost me, and I had no qualms about doing so. At that point, I simply felt I had no choice. If I wanted a career, that was what I needed to do. It wasn’t like it was the first time I had had sex with a man. The first time with him, however, was that very day, bent over his desk, as he plunged a rather substantial cock deep inside me.

  “The next day I began working as his junior assistant. The rest you can read in back issues of the local papers or movie magazines.”

  “So, you haven’t heard from Russell since you left Sawyer two years ago.”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “What about the eyes you recognized behind the mask, Gordon? Who did those belong to?”

  He turned to me, and the look of shock on his face made my heart ache. “Holy shit. It is him, isn’t it, Derrick? Russell is my attacker!”

  I could see him start to tremble.

  “Let’s go back to the house, Derrick. And then I’d like to go home. I need to catch up on some correspondence and be by myself for a bit.”

  “Sure thing, Gordon.”

  We rode back to the stables, and I drove Gordon home. He barely spoke, so I didn’t ask any more questions. When I pulled up to the front of his house, he got out and mumbled good-bye.

  “Gordon, I’ll see you on the set tomorrow.”

  “Okay, Derrick.”

  When I got back home I called Gordon to make sure he was okay. Donald answered and informed me Gordon was tied up with some last-minute movie details. I had a brandy in the billiards room before deciding to drown my sorrows at the Velvet Wrench. In addition to Gordon, I was also worried about Daniel. I knew he was back in Los Angeles, but I didn’t know which hotel he was staying at.

  When I entered the bar, Mick greeted me warmly and quickly placed my usual in front of me. I downed the bourbon and he refilled my glass.

  “What brings you here this fine evening, Derrick?”

  “The same reason as always, Mick; just trying to forget my troubles for a while. I’m going to move to a table where I can be my own worst company. Keep the drinks coming.”

  I grabbed the beer and the bourbon and located a small table in the back corner. I lit a cigarette and let the smoke fill my lungs. I scanned the crowd for familiar faces, but saw no one I knew.

  I was on my fourth beer and bourbon when I noticed two men enter the bar. They were both well over six feet tall and massively built. They dwarfed everyone else in the place. As they moved to the bar, all eyes were on them. Mick greeted them with his usual smile and placed a bottle of Scotch and two beers in front of them. The brown-haired one threw some bills on the bar and they both turned to scan the room. They spotted the table next to mine and sauntered to it. As they sat down, both men gave me a warm smile, which surprised me, given my first thought on their general outward pugnaciousness.

  I felt the familiar stirring, and when the waitress brought my next round of drinks, I tipped my glass to the man sitting closest to me. He did the same.

  “Would you care to join us, mister?”

  His voice was rough, his accent clearly from somewhere on the East Coast. New York or New Jersey was my guess.

  “I would like that very much.”

  As I pulled my chair over I got a weird feeling from these two guys, but I quickly brushed it off. I was looking for an adventure tonight to get my mind off both Daniel and Gordon. It was then I noticed the two men had similar features and were most likely related. They appeared too close in age to be father and son, but I was guessing they were brothers, or maybe cousins.

  “Are you two brothers?” I blurted out before they had the chance to introduce themselves.

  They both smiled, and the larger of the two stuck out his hand.

  “We are indeed. My name is Jason Armstrong, and this is my brother Jeremy.”

  “Nice to meet you both. My name is Derrick Steele.”

  “Are you from around here, Derrick Steele?”

  “I am. I’ve lived in Los Angeles my entire life. From your accents, I place you on the East Coast. Say, New York or New Jersey?”

  “Good call. We’re from Passaic.”

  “How did two boys from Jersey wind up in the Velvet Wrench?”

  “We work for our father. He owns a number of
businesses up and down the East Coast. He’s looking to expand to the West Coast. He chose Los Angeles as a starting point. He sent us to scout out commercial properties. There sure are plenty to choose from.”

  I made a mental note to discuss this with Nathan when I got home this evening. Two men from New Jersey, who worked for their father, gave me moment to pause. Did I smell trouble? Were these men somehow connected to Warren Montgomery?

  After several more drinks, they started dropping hints that they needed to be on their way. After the next round, Jason’s hand was discreetly in my lap, roughly kneading my cock through my pants. When he felt it grow hard underneath his fingertips, he turned and smiled at me.

  “Is there someplace we can go?”

  I was hesitant to take these two giants home to my parents’ house so soon after the night with Jack. That would be pressing my luck. A cheap motel seemed out of the question. What about the office? Hopefully neither Nathan nor Daniel would be working late. And it had a nice leather couch we could put to good use. I explained my decision, which elicited smiles from both men. I asked Jeremy to drive my car, and Jason would follow us in theirs. When we left the bar I was a little unsteady on my feet, but the fresh night air felt good on my face. We had just made it around the corner of the bar when Jason grabbed me and pulled me to him. His plump lips were on mine, and his tongue immediately invaded my mouth. I could taste the alcohol he had been consuming all night. At the same time Jeremy came up behind me, wrapped his bear-like arms around me, and gave me a fierce hug. I could feel his cock pressing against the back of my leg, and its size was impressive.

  “That’s just a little taste of what you’re going to get, Derrick, when we get to your office.”

  Jeremy released me and we walked to my car. Jason went to theirs and, as we backed out, quickly followed us. I forgot these two men weren’t from around here, so I had to sober up enough to give Jeremy directions to the office. I was amazed we made it, as they probably were as well. There were no lights on in the building, which was a good sign that no one was burning the midnight oil or possibly sleeping there.


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