Immortal Beauty (The Immortals)

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Immortal Beauty (The Immortals) Page 33

by Thomas McDermott

  “He’s still here mother.” The voice sounded just like any other human male’s. There was nothing abnormal about it.

  “Find him and bring him to me. Remember, I don’t want him harmed.” He heard Celine’s footsteps trail away. She was leaving him alone with the monster. Taylor began to summon his power to cause another storm. Perhaps he could create a diversion and hopefully the animal nature in this beast would be afraid of thunder and lightning. He slowly started the ancient incantations and he began to feel the power coming up from the ground. A hand reached out and moved the material that was covering him and Taylor lost all concentration.

  “There you are!” He was so started by what he saw that he couldn’t even form a thought. Towering in front of him was the thing Celine made in her lab. It was tall, almost seven feet and he looked very much like any other human except a few details that gave his face the look of a demon from an old story. It was too long and too lean and it’s ears were just a little too pointed. The most disturbing features were the eyes. They were shaped more like a cats and the color of the eyes were a yellow/green color that was completely off putting. Taylor tried to keep from shouting out in horror as the creature slowly brought his face closer and closer.

  “You’ve been causing a lot of trouble little Indian.” The creature smiled at him and Taylor could see that the incisors were too sharp. No wonder it could tear the deer’s flesh so easily. He hated to think what it could do to his. “Mother requests your presence in the formal dining room.” Behind the creature were three guards, guns in hand. “Please don’t make this difficult, though if you do it will be so much more fun for me.” It leaned in closer. “You hurt my mother the other day. I am going to see to it that you pay for what you’ve done.” It hissed and a spray of vile spittle covered Taylor’s face. He struggled against retching. “She won’t let me touch you now. But when she’s done with you….” He didn’t need to finish the sentence. Taylor needed to buy some time.

  “O.K. Relax there big boy. Or do you have a name?” Taylor was trying his best to sound casual and relaxed as his hand reached for the sword.

  “Genesis, if you must know. It’s because I am the first of many.” The creature was smelling Taylor as if he were something on the menu.

  “Oh really? How interesting. Just how many more of you is she going to make?” Taylor was hoping that he could get his grip on the sword’s handle before the creature realized what he was doing.

  “An entire race, if you must know. The world as you now know it is almost over. You can see the sun setting on your godless world. My mother is going to bring the goddess back to life and I am the very first of her children. Now we mustn’t keep mother waiting. Enough questions.” Genesis snarled and moved his head up and away from Taylor’s face. “Get up!” The thing was standing up now and Taylor saw the opportunity.

  “Alright Genesis. No problem. I want to talk to your mother anyway. That’s really why I’m here.” He smiled as he rose slowly and cautiously. One false move and he knew this monster could rip him into pieces. He thought again of the deer.

  “I don’t see why she bothers with you. You are weak and pathetic. Still, mother believes you will see reason and join our new world.” Taylor was almost up, the sword behind his back.

  “I‘m good with this one if it‘s all the same to you.” He charged the monster and plunged the sword deep into Genesis’ abdomen. It let out a scream which was more of a howl and with one of its large hands struck Taylor across the face and sent him flying to the ground. Taylor jumped up quickly and threw his body onto the beast pushing the sword further in. The creature was struggling to get Taylor off when it fell backwards. Taylor’s body landed directly on top of him, driving the sword all the way home.

  “Mother!” It screamed in pain and fear. Taylor jerked the sword upward making sure the wound was fatal. The creature was writhing on the floor spitting up blood. “She’s going to kill you.” In spite of it’s obvious suffering, there was a gleam in Genesis’ eye.

  “Yeah? Well, it wouldn’t be the first time.” Taylor pushed the sword one final time and then removed it quickly from the beast’s torso. The guards were in shock, unable to move. Finally, one of them aimed his gun at Taylor’s heart.

  “Remember boys, she said not to hurt me!” He rushed at them with his sword. The guard fired and a tranquilizer dart flew into Taylor’s chest. He yanked it out immediately hoping that the drugs hadn’t reached his system. The second guard fired and this time he was hit in the neck. He could feel a heaviness moving through his arms and legs. “Oh shit!” That was the last thought he was able to form before he saw the floor come rushing up to him. The next thing he knew he was being carried downstairs by the guards. He could hear Celine crying and screaming the name Genesis over and over. Then the darkness came and claimed him.

  When next his eyes opened he realized he was strapped down to a table, much like the woman in the lab. He couldn’t move his limbs and his head was pounding like a hangover times a hundred. His mouth was dry and the buzzing in his ears threatened his sanity it was so loud. Damn side effects. Those darts were probably meant for the monster Taylor killed. He tried to move his head to get his bearings but found this difficult. He looked to his right to see an I.V. dripping into his arm. They were keeping him drugged probably to prevent him from creating another storm. He moved his head to the left ever so painfully and screamed. The woman he had seen earlier was lying next to him. Her eyes were wide open and staring straight through him. She was covered in blood and obviously no longer pregnant. It looked as if her mid section had been devoured by some beast. He knew it was some new evil creation from Celine’s demented mind. This woman was not only the creature’s mother, but it’s first meal as well. Tears came to his eyes for this woman he never knew; who never had a chance against such a diabolical plan. Where was the horror? Probably in some creepy nursery upstairs like Rosemary’s freaking baby. He knew now that Celine was going to kill him. He had destroyed her prize creation and now he was a liability she could not afford. Why did he think that he could handle her alone? He remembered now that in the past they had always worked together and even then it had not proved successful. She was too powerful. His arrogance had been his downfall and now he was going to die.

  “I see you two have met.” Celine’s voice was icy and strangely subdued.

  “Not exactly Celine, you killed her before we had the pleasure.” Taylor found that his voice sounded gravely and harsh. It hurt to talk.

  “Well, she died for a good cause. They will sing songs to honor the mother of the gods. Her death was not in vain, not like yours is going to be.” There was a false note of sadness in her velvet words.

  “A good cause? The mother of gods? Celine you are fucking insane! Do you know that? I mean, do you have any idea how absolutely certifiable you are?”

  “Enough!” She yelled and the word caused the room to vibrate. She was emanating a bristling power that he could almost see. It was her emotions. She was still upset about the death of her creature and the emotions were fueling her abilities. He felt like he couldn’t breathe; the air seemed to leave the room.

  “Do you know what’s insane Taylor?” She was pure composure once again. “This modern world without purpose or meaning. This is insane.” She made a grand gesture at all the machines surrounding them. “People no longer believe in anything any longer. Their only concern is vanity and luxury. Why are all your people on drugs to stop your emotions? There is a pill for every human emotion. A life without passion and emotion becomes meaningless….I know.” He could see the pain behind the madness. “Why is everyone altering their appearance to look younger? Because they are afraid of death. And why are they afraid of death?” Her perfect lips smiled and moved closer to his face. “It is because they have never lived!” She boldly kissed him and he could only think of Judas kissing Jesus. She was so symbolic on so many levels, and he began to think how he could use this to his advantage. She was talking again. �
�It’s a shame you aren’t going to be around to experience my brave new world. It is truly a shame because you could have been a god, but chose the lower path of driveling mortality. It would be boring if it weren’t so hideous.” Now she was just being a French bitch.

  “A brave new world? Seriously? You must be old, because you sound like my crazy old grandmother right before she keeled over!” Even though it hurt to speak, he could not stop himself. He wondered if she had any idea how crazy she sounded.

  “Don’t you see?” She was ranting again, caught up in her own illusion. “Now I can offer eternal life for anyone who believes in me. Sound familiar? Yes an old theme I know, but for the first time in history someone can actually deliver the goods.” Her smile and composure were amazing to watch and if he hadn’t been in such a precarious situation, he would have found her fascinating. “Don’t you think this depraved world is going to jump at the chance for eternal youth and beauty? It’s what they crave. It’s in every advertisement and in every magazine around the world. Look Younger! Live Longer! The ads scream at us all day long.” She paused and wished that there were more of an audience, like in the old days. “Do you know how much money people spend on anti-aging technology that doesn’t even work? Imagine what they will spend on something that does work. I am going to change this weary world Taylor and you won’t be around to see how magnificent it will be.” Her sparkling green eyes were lit up by some preternatural force.

  “But you forget Celine…” His raspy voice taunted her. “I’ll be back.” He smiled up at her.

  “Yes, but by then I will be running this place and worshipped as a goddess with an army of Chimeras to serve and protect me. You will never stop me.” There was intense pride in her speech.

  “Oh that’s right. You did have one of those monsters but now it’s dead.” He wanted to make her angry again. Perhaps she could become the diversion. It looked to him that she had very little control over whatever powers she did possess.

  “Yes Taylor. You killed my first child. He was mine you know. Of course I couldn’t carry him in my womb but genetically he was my son.” She seemed truly sad for the first time since he met her.

  “No, of course you didn’t carry him. Look what happens to you when you try something that crazy.” He nodded his head in the direction of the horrifying corpse next to him.

  “It’s a small price to pay Taylor.” Celine sighed wearily. “You never learn. You think living doesn’t require sacrifice? You think the world changes by sitting in your little cubicle writing your little stories? You used to be quite the warrior Taylor and now you are just like everyone else in the world. Trudging along until you turn into dust, never making any difference at all, never achieving greatness of any kind.” She turned away.

  “You call this greatness? Monsters and murder and lies? If this is your greatness then I want none of it.” He was bitter now and getting angry. If only he could summon his energy but he knew the needle in his vain was keeping him from such a thing.

  “Oh don’t worry. You will have none of it Taylor. You will be forgotten by time. No one will ever know that you passed this way at all. You have left no mark on the world Taylor and now your time is over.” She brushed her hand against his forehead much like a mother would a sick child.

  “But they know. They won’t let you get away with any of this.” He smiled weakly. “You can kill me, but you won’t stop the others. They will avenge my death Celine and they will remember me well…forever.” He was fading out again. The drug was draining dulling his brain.

  “Oh yes, Sasha and the others. Poor darling. She won’t be around much longer either I’m afraid. You see, I have had many years to make up the perfect plan. At the core of this plan as you must know, is to gain control of the waters again. In about twenty four hours that will all be taken care of. You can be sure of that you poor little dear.” Her voice was sounding fuzzy now and he was slipping back into unconsciousness. With the last thoughts he had tried to reach out mentally to Sasha and warn her. He had no idea what abilities they all had and was not beyond trying anything in desperate times. His heart was breaking as he realized that once again Celine had taken the one chance of happiness from him again and there was nothing he could do about it. He began to dream now and in his dreams Sasha was standing in front of him. She was in a room full of gold furnishings with every luxury imaginable. She was standing in front of a mirror but instead of her reflection, she saw Taylor.

  “Taylor! Where are you?” Her voice was filled with fear.

  “Orleans. Celine is going to kill me. I’m her prisoner.” He was crying in his dream because she could see and hear him. If he was going to die he wanted one thing and that was to see Sasha again.

  “Hang on Taylor. We’re coming to get you.” She placed her hand on the glass and he placed his on hers.

  “Be careful. She has monsters in the woods. Watch out for them.” Sasha was beginning to vanish like a mist and he could now see Celine towering over him to see if her were still breathing. It was just a dream but the tears were real as they fell down either side of his face. Celine wiped one of his eyes with her finger and lifted the tip to her mouth, tasting the salt.

  “The tears of the dead are known to give visions.” She smiled at him. With the very last ounce of strength that he had left he managed to spit directly into her face. She slapped him roughly, one of her expensive rings cut his upper lip. It didn’t matter now. Nothing mattered at all except Sasha.


  The first morning inside the mansion, Nyorion and Skyfire learned that their friend Rene had left during the night, turning his back on the offer of immortality. He even left a note which Celine read to them as neither one of them could read or write French. It was a quick note apologizing for his hasty departure, but he felt that if he stayed a second longer he might be seduced by the idea of living forever and that at this time it was something he could not abide. His lifelong quest was over. He now had answers to all the strange memories and dreams that had plagued him his whole life. Rene, the letter professed, just wanted a normal life where he could put to use his abilities to work with numbers and formulas and was heading directly for Paris. He promised to keep in touch with them through letters sent to the beautiful, enchanted house. Nyoirin frowned as Celine read the letter a second time over cups of steaming herbal teas made with roses. Something was wrong. Rene would have said goodbye. In their months traveling together they had formed a bond that they all felt. They were like a little family searching for their roots. He would not just leave like that and Nyoirin decided it was wise to keep her suspicions to herself and play along with the little game the Countess was playing. More than ever , she wanted a moment with Marcel alone. Skyfire took the news badly and was in a sour mood when the breakfast was over. He returned to his room to pout like a little boy who had lost his best friend. Celine was busy managing the household that day as the new guests requires new planning for meals and entertainment and such. She excused herself to one of the many rooms off the long hallway and Nyoirin realized her chance had come. She stood looking out the windows at the snow which was beginning to melt The weather had taken a turn and now the cold storm that had blown across Europe a few nights ago was turning into a false Spring. She could see the large garden dormant in it’s Winter state and imagined it must be beautiful in the warm weather. She knew that Marcel was sitting in front of the large black fireplace warming himself. He was more quiet than usual and Nyoirin took this as a sign that he knew something. The guilty either talk too much like Celine, or they didn’t say a word, like Marcel. She had been trained to assess her enemy. She knew within a few seconds of meeting Celine that she was ruthless and strangely she had no soul. In it’s place was something else entirely. It was intelligent and aware, but it was not the warm soul of a frail human creature. It was the energy of a predator. It lit up from behind her strange green eyes whenever Celine became excited about anything, which was often. Marcel, on the other hand was t
imid and gentle and had a goodness which was really just a part of who he was. She was going to rely on this goodness to get the truth out of him. She moved slowly toward him in her new dress provided by her cold hostess. She loved the way the silk made a whispering noise every time she moved. The garment was talking to her in hushed tones, warning her of the dangers of the house. She smiled politely and touched Marcel on the shoulder.

  “”Monsieur D’Aumont. Is everything alright?” She was trying to be as feminine as possible, but that was an art form she had never learned in the monastery. She was copying the behavior of Celine and almost immediately recognized that this was a mistake. He was used to such feminine wiles. What he would be unprepared for was a woman who was intelligent and honest with no agendas to hide. She was simply seeking the truth.

  “Oh yes, just fine. I’m trying to get warm.” He did not remove his gaze from the fire which crackled gaily and filled the corner of the room with the softest golden glow.

  “It’s a shame Rene had to leave. You would have really liked him. Such a clever man you know? There is not a locked door in the world that can keep him out.” She too watched the fire as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

  “Oh yes, I know.” Marcel realized his misstep.

  “Oh?” Nyoirin continued to watch the dance of the flames before her. “Did he tell you himself?” She remained perfectly still, hoping that his good nature would win out. She believed his conscious would not let him keep the secrets of this house from her.


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