War Aeternus 3: The Culling

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War Aeternus 3: The Culling Page 11

by Charles Dean

  So, you’re going to keep using him as a talking point for your racism, Lee noted. But at least his church had been accepted by one more faction. Both the Leprechauns and the other two Firbolg factions remained quiet afterward, saying nothing while glowering at Lee. Following the declarations of support, which were not unanimous enough to recognize Lee’s church as the state religion, there was a series of small issues that were brought up one after the other. Most of the things seemed so minuscule and unimportant that Lee couldn’t understand why a full and formal council meeting was needed to decide any of them.

  When he asked, Bronagh, the female leader of the house of Alastar, explained that, while these issues might seem trivial, they weren’t. The battle for control over the town was being waged through these seemingly-unimportant issues, and each decision might mean the life or death of a faction’s economic base if they were handled incorrectly. How a street was zoned, for instance, whether the city allowed it to be commercial or residential, would impact who was in control of the flow of goods for a significant portion of the population, what the price of land in that area was, and who might be unemployed or homeless the next day. Even if the initial impact was small, and the street even smaller, it all added up, and the more Lee listened to Bronagh’s explanations, the more fascinated he became with the subject.

  At one point, in the middle of her talking about the importance of creating a median in one of the roads to restrict traffic flow and improve the economy of the areas that would receive the detouring vehicles and pedestrians, something unexpected happened: a status window appeared.

  Statesmen Class Tree Unlocked

  Class Requirements: Level 20, 20 Charisma, 20 Deceit, tutelage in basic civil affairs and the admiration of at least 25,000 people.

  Due to meeting the class requirements, you have unlocked the class: Statesmen. Would you like to adopt this class so now? If you choose to be a Statesman, you will be locked into the Statesmen class tree, and you will not be able to change class into a different field later. If you choose not to accept this class now, you will require a tutor to assist you in accessing it later.

  Statesman? Do I get to know what the benefits are? Lee’s interest was piqued. The biggest concern he had was that, since the statesman didn’t sound like a combat class, he would be at a severe disadvantage when fighting against other Heralds. The last two he fought, he had done a majority of the fighting himself. Even if Amber had sacrificed herself to secure the kill shot, he had been forced to face off against Devin. As such, Lee was a little hesitant about picking a class that wouldn’t be as good at that as others.

  The statesman is an experienced orator and a respected political figure. His abilities are related to the political world and options that impact the statesman’s sphere of influence. As the statesman grows in power, so too does his ability to shape the society around him. This class functions best within governments or political groups and excels at leadership, policy and social maneuvering, but it lacks defensive abilities and is generally vulnerable against assassin classes.

  Come on, system. You have to have more for me than that. How would it fair in combat? What exact bonuses does it give? Is there anything unique about the class? Lee complained, rather frustrated with the prompts. If there was one thing he hated about every video game, it was that none of them every fully explained what a class did beyond the vague abstract blurbs that were rarely any more helpful than the tag-along side characters that every overpowered hero in a manga or anime keeps around for comic relief. Lee thought he could actually hear an exasperated sigh before a new status message appeared in front of him.

  The statesman, while mainly a class built to assist in the founding and maintenance of a government, is versatile in combat as well. It has a slew of abilities that allow him to augment his allies’ abilities or potentially limit the abilities of his enemies. These ability options do not appear outside of combat. During combat, they allow for a clever statesman to turn the tide of battle. One of the most unique characteristics of the statesman is that, much like two of the other rare and hard-to-unlock classes, the berserker and the lecher, the abilities and nature of the class will vary based on the personality and actions of the statesman.

  Lee blinked as he read the prompt. You mean there is a lecher class? Lee had to stop and ask as he tried to puzzle out whether or not he should be picking the statesman.

  The nature of the lecher class is mostly secret. However, historically, it was founded by the initial great lecher, Scottie, and further promulgated by his comrade, Eden. The lecher class specializes in manipulating individuals of the other sex in order to achieve one’s aims. The requirements for this class are hidden, and the class currently remains locked to you.

  Yup. I don’t think Masha would ever approve of me picking that class. Lee shook his head, even though he would have loved the idea of going that route as a younger and more single man. Being attached to a gorgeous woman and unable to even access the class, he went back to the choice before him.

  The statesman matched his goals, and it matched the nature of a Herald very well, but there was still the concern that it wouldn’t be as useful in battle as other classes. Nevertheless, he could foresee that being less of a problem in the future with the right pieces in place. Alright, you know what? Forget it. I’m taking the statesman option, Lee said to the system. Is the promotion instant?

  Current Class: Statesman - Tier 1 Statesman.

  Res dura, et regni novitas me talia cogunt Moliri, et late fines custode tueri.

  Class Stat Bonuses: -5 Honor. +5 Deception. +5 Charisma.

  Statesman tutorial activated.

  The first and most important part of being a statesman is maintaining one’s public image. This public persona will be based upon whether your general actions lean toward the iron fist of cruelty, or whether they exhibit a level of mercy and benevolence. A positive score represents a generous and merciful statesman; a negative score represents a cruel and unforgiving statesman. Your current score: -3. Publicly-visible actions that lean toward violence and create a domineering presence will further lower this score.

  The statesman also has the ability to influence the masses, not just through personality, but also through a broader understanding of logistics and economics. The statesman’s public persona will affect this influence, causing percentage changes in funds required to complete state projects. A tier 1 statesman with a maximized cruel persona of -10 will receive a 10% discount for all state projects that he orders to be carried out. A tier 1 statesman with a maximized merciful persona of +10 will have to pay 10% more for all state projects that he orders to be carried out. Conversely, at a maximized cruel persona of -10, the statesman shall receive 10% fewer volunteers or donations when requested. The citizens are also 10% more likely to revolt should morale reach a low enough point or a foreign power threaten the statesman’s territories. The opposite is also true for a statesman with a maximized merciful persona of 10. The impact of each point toward maximum cruelty or mercy will increase as the statesman promotes into advanced tiers.

  Finally, a statesman has the combat ability: True Patriot. This ability allows a statesman in combat to call individuals to greater valor. The statesman may grant a random temporary bonus to one ally that will last for 30 seconds. After thirty seconds, the bonus will end. At such time, another random bonus will first be displayed to the statesman, who may then choose which individual other than himself will receive the bonus. After thirty seconds, the bonus will end, and the statesman will be given another random bonus. This cycle will continue for the duration of battle. Both the strength of the bonuses as well as the distance at which a beneficiary may be from the statesman will increase as the statesman promotes into advanced tiers.

  These are the aspects and abilities of the class: Statesman. You may unlock or uncover additional facets of the class in the future.

  Lee took a deep breath of air as he read through the wall of text. It was massive, but it was
also incredibly important for him to memorize. Even though it seemed fairly straight forward--be nice or mean and get bonuses and penalties for being nice or mean--it created out a few issues. Since each of these bonuses would be beneficial during certain parts of state founding and city building, yet pose a massive drawback during other times, Lee was worried about whether or not he would have to act bipolar in the future.

  “I think it’s about time I retire,” Lee said, standing up. He had decided that, while the nuances of his public persona would reveal themselves given time, he wouldn’t ever fully understand his new combat ability without putting it to the test. When Miller had upgraded into a paladin, he had gotten the divine battle cry that let him knock people into a state of drunkenness. Just remembering how deadly and effective that skill was, Lee was actually a little antsy as to how his own personal class ability would play out.

  Before Lee could even scoot his chair back, the door to the council chamber opened and two Human men walked in. They were wearing solid white outfits with a red dragon symbol drawn out above their left chests, and they instantly reminded him of how companies from his own world would sport a logo. He also instantly recognized the symbol, yet most of the council members stood and faced the door with seeming confusion.

  Well, I was going to have to see her again eventually. He watched as a woman stepped into the room, flanked by two more men. All evidence of confusion was now gone from the faces of the councilmen.

  The entire council bowed their heads slightly at her, and the Leprechaun leader that had challenged Lee earlier spoke up. “The great and noble Brigid of Kildare, your visit is an unexpected honor for our humble town. Your presence both humbles and delights us,” he said in as dignified a tone as possible as he stood up from his chair and bowed.

  Brigid of Kildare, the female general whom Lee had tricked into attacking Kirshtein in a bid to draw out Devin and rid the town of the enemy Herald, gave the room a look of death. Lee cringed inwardly as he imagined that she might actually single him out for his betrayal when she saw him, but she didn’t seem to notice him at all. She just looked on at the council members with something resembling disgust. “Why do I imagine that the lot of you are not--and never have been either--humbled by anything. I have come as a foreign dignitary, and yet you did not announce my presence until I already entered the chambers of your room. Am I your bellhop? Are my people your servants to come at your beck and call?”

  “No, of course you’re not. Your presence is just a surprise. We weren’t expecting you today,” the Leprechaun replied, bowing his head much further than before. “If we had, we would have certainly prepared you a grand reception. There is no possibility we would have ignored this matter.”

  “So, it’s not that you’re an ungracious host,” the Leprechaun general from the other city said as she scornfully studied the councilmember attempting to grovel and appease her. “You’re just incompetent. I have traveled a long distance to be here, with other people and with no attempt to cloak or mask our presence. And yet you claim that your scouts did not tell you I was coming? I traveled directly through your town, and no one thought to announce my presence before I arrived here? Is the entire town incompetent, or is it just the councilmembers who rule it?”

  Lee didn’t want to say anything. He wanted to stay small and mask his presence so that he wouldn’t risk her telling anyone of their previous encounter and his deceit, but, with his pressing need to ensure that Brigid did not spill the beans, Lee’s Charisma stat seemed to kick in, and without even being able to stop himself, he started chuckling. “My dear Brigid, it’s not that our scouts were incompetent; it’s that they had eyes. They took one look at your fair beauty and were too stunned to move, much less report to their superiors. After all, what would they say? That an angel was visiting the town, that beauty and grace had an avatar, and that perfection’s avatar had deigned to walk past them and flaunt her rapturous charm for all to see? It’s not their fault. It’s yours! If you had wanted them to alert others, you should have masked your face and made your presence among us more believable.” As soon as the lines left Lee’s mouth, in a smoother-than-usual voice to boot, he wanted to stab himself for the dorky lines.

  Neither Brigid nor anyone else in the council said a word as the general looked over at him. Her face had shown surprise when he spoke up, and she clearly recognized who he was. She seemed to want to say something, but the more he talked, the flatter her face became. It was as if every bit of emotion had melted off it because of his words, and by the time he finished, she was completely expressionless, and there was nothing but silence in the chamber.

  The quiet persisted nearly a minute until Brigid finally broke it by laughing. She didn’t just laugh a little: she closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and let out a hearty and deep-bellied laugh. And she seemed unable to stop chuckling. “That’s good,” Brigid said after her fit of laughter, one that seemed to make everyone else even more uncomfortable than her entrance did. “That’s really good. In fact, that’s the best set of lies I’ve ever heard. Good lies. Lies that cheered me up. You know, not the kind that got anyone hurt . . . or killed,” she added, her smiling visage quickly turning to a glower.

  “Who said that those were lies?” Lee’s Charisma stat was at play again, making him little more than a passenger in the vehicle of his own personality. He grinned broadly and started talking again as if he hadn’t caught her reference to his vile actions at all. “I attest to you, here and now, that, if you are not the most beautiful Leprechaun I have ever seen, Augustus himself can strike me down and leave me to die right here and right now.”

  “And why should I take anything you promise in that false god’s name seriously?” Brigid asked, continuing their conversation that was both private and very public at the same time. “For all I know, Augustus is just a god of lies, served by a lying Herald who spins wicked truths to make women do as he pleases.”

  Lee waited a moment, expecting his Charisma stat to push him into spitting out more ridiculous lines, but nothing happened. Instead, he felt no sway one way or the other to do anything as he looked at her. He wanted to drop the subject right away, but then a burst of courage came over him. He hopped up on top of the table, walked straight across the entire impressive length of it and then descended right in front of her.

  “Then,” he said, pulling out a sword and causing the guards around her to act jumpy, “if you will not believe in Augustus as I swear by his name”--he flipped the sword around in his hand and extended the handle to her--“believe that I might lie about a thousand things, but I would not lie about your beauty.” He lowered his head as he pushed it closer to her. “I could lie about the stars not existing, the sun never rising, and the moon never shining its light upon the world ever again, but I could not ever bring myself to lie about your visage or curse it for even a breath. If you do not believe this, then I will not tell Augustus to smite me. I will tell you, for your beauty is the only truth here.” He felt awful about how terrible, cliché, cheesy, and as poorly-worded as an early-1980s, 3rd-act-romance-apology-mixed-with-a-bad pick-up-line his words were, but a part of him felt that he just needed to follow through and complete what his high Charisma score had started.

  This time, she didn’t pause. She merely extended her hand, grabbed the sword’s hilt and took the weapon from Lee. “The most beautiful . . . Leprechaun, you say?” she asked. She pressed the blade forward until its tip rested against Lee’s throat, just touching his Adam’s apple.

  “Yes,” Lee nodded. “I haven’t seen a single Leprechaun more beautiful or radiant than you.”

  Brigid laughed again, and the blade against Lee’s throat pressed ever close with her movement. She was cutting it close, but she hadn’t drawn blood yet. “So, that means I’m only the most beautiful woman . . . among Leprechauns, doesn’t it?”

  “I’m only Human,” Lee replied with a shrug, staring into her large, almost-glowing green eyes.

  “And definitely n
ot the most handsome among them,” Brigid said.

  “I make a magically delicious beer that makes up for it,” Lee reposited her slight. “It’s a favorite among Leprechauns.”

  “How many do I have to drink to forget about the last time we met?” Brigid asked, and Lee winced involuntarily. Please, please, don’t out me. He had suspected that his Charisma had hijacked his conversation, causing him to say the right words and steer her away from ever mentioning their first meeting--and his stats, namely Courage, had forced him unwillingly into situations before--but as a result of his charismatic behavior, she had brought up their first tete-a-tete anyway.

  Welp, time to double down, you lying bastard, Lee thought, simultaneously feeling awful about not being able to ever be fully honest about his actions with others. “I don’t know if there is any number of drinks that would ever cause me to forget the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  Through continued courageous behavior, you have received +1 Courage. Current Courage: 21.

  Brigid laughed again, and this time, she lowered the sword before handing it back to Lee. “Well, I can’t fault you for trying. I’ll fault you for everything else, but not for trying. I know that, at the end of the day, what each of us did was to protect our people, so I won’t press the matter further. There are no limits to the actions I would do to protect the people in my command.”

  “The sacrifices we make to achieve our goals . . .” Lee nodded as he took the sword, stashed it away in his inventory and extended his hand. “I don’t think we’ve met formally, however. I’m Lee.”

  “The Herald of Augustus, whom you claim is the God of Alcohol and Crafting. Yes, I know. I’m very familiar with who you are and what you have done. I had a few days to brush up on every tiny detail pertaining to your existence,” Brigid said as she accepted his handshake.


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