The Deal (Trading Hearts #3)

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The Deal (Trading Hearts #3) Page 6

by Saskia Walker

  "Ah, here's Lucas," Georgio said, and put his glass down. "Now don’t be intimated. He looks like a stalking lion, but he can be made to purr."

  Naomi restrained her smile and followed Georgio's gaze.

  Lucas was striding toward them.

  Georgio rose to his feet.

  As soon as she met his gaze she glanced away lest she say the wrong thing and Georgio realized they knew each other. As she did, she noticed that other women in the room were looking at Lucas – and several of the men too. It was a magnetism that he had. Heads turned. People sensed his aura of control and looked.

  He clasped her hand when introduced.

  She looked up at him, and thanked the heavens for introducing them.

  Her concerns about revealing their connection were unfounded. Georgio led the conversation after introductions were made and Lucas talked about how their company worked. Both shared stories about other clients. It was hard to forget he was her lover though, no matter how entertaining the stories were. They stared at each other across the table, sexual energy flowing between them. Suggestions and demands presented themselves to her mind all the while they were talking about business possibilities.

  It was impossible to eat. Lucas's presence made memories of their times together invade her thoughts and her stomach knotted.

  They were about to consider the dessert menu when Georgio's phone buzzed. He picked it up and glanced at the screen. "I'm sorry. It's the nurse who's sitting with my Dad. I'll have to phone her back."

  "We can do better than that," Lucas responded quickly. "Why don’t you head home? I'll entertain Naomi."

  Naomi's heart skipped a beat. He hadn't even glanced her way, maintaining his focus on Georgio. How easily he took charge, she realized, how unobtrusively, accommodating everybody's needs.

  Georgio glanced at her, concern marking his expression.

  She could tell he didn’t want to leave her with a man she might be intimidated by or think of as a stranger. She smiled. "I'll be fine. We can talk more another time."

  Relief morphed his expression. "If you're sure, thank you. Lucas will take care of you."

  She risked a sidelong glance at Lucas. He was looking at her with hooded eyes a smile playing around his mouth.

  "Of course I will," Lucas agreed.

  Naomi burned up with anticipation. She was ready to be alone with him again, more than ready. Besides, she wanted to hear what he thought of Georgio's summation of her brand.

  Georgio was on his feet and checking his pockets. "I've penciled in a meet with you tomorrow morning at ten. We'll go shopping together and do some undercover sleuthing, take a look at the outlets I think would be right for your designs, just to see what you think. It'll be fun."

  "Georgio goes in disguise," Lucas commented, amused. "Be prepared."

  Georgio grinned. "Just a hat and shades, some unlikely clothing, they don’t spot me scoping them." He winked at Naomi.

  "It does sound like fun," Naomi agreed. "I can't wait."

  Lucas nodded at Georgio, then spoke as if to include them both. "I can have the contract ready by early afternoon we can go over it together, say three o' clock?"

  "So fast," Naomi murmured.

  "Lucas is all about moving fast, once we're on track, which we are." Georgio reached over and squeezed Naomi's shoulder with his hand. "I'm delighted to be representing you. See you in the morning."

  Naomi watched him dart off then turned back to face Lucas. She wondered what he'd say, now that they were alone. He stared at her with an openly appreciative gaze, as if he was deeply happy to be left alone with her.

  "We should tell him," he commented, eventually.

  "That's going to be an interesting conversation."

  "Yes. I'm trying to think when to announce it for the most impact. I do love to surprise Georgio, he's so expressive."

  Naomi chuckled. It was in his character to tease and test things. "Any ideas?"

  "I think maybe when he visits our home for eggnog on Christmas Eve."

  The sudden, highly visual image was so unexpected and vivid she couldn't summon an immediate response. Our home. He'd really said that. She was stunned. "You can picture that?"

  "Yes. I usually treat all the staff to some sort of traditional event. Partners are invited, of course, so it'd be appropriate for us to share the news about how we first met then, if not before."

  Naomi was still adrift. Never mind Georgio being teased. He was teasing and testing her right now. It was a yearly thing he did for his staff, he'd qualified that, but he'd put her at the centre of the image ahead. How could she reply? If she asked if he thought they would still be together at Christmas it would sound flippant, and she didn’t want that. She took a sip of her wine and chose her response carefully, smiling as she spoke. "Georgio has a partner?"

  "Several." Lucas grinned. "Not all at the same time, of course. I think he's what they call a serial monogamist. He falls deeply in love every time."

  Naomi laughed. She hadn't heard that phrase before. "That's an interesting way of putting it…is that what you are, Lucas, a serial monogamist?"

  His expression grew serious. "No. I think I'm much more traditional than that. I'd like to wake up in bed with the same woman every morning, the woman I love."

  It felt a lot like their first dinner date, where he tested her by being suggestive about dominance and submission. This time his comment made her feel unsure of herself. Is that what he was trying for with Clara, his ex-wife? And if so what did he really want and where did she fit in?

  "Is that the ideal?"

  "You're my ideal," he murmured.

  Her chest felt tight.

  Thankfully the waiter approached. "Can I get you something for dessert?"

  Lucas continued to stare at Naomi. "I know what I'd like."

  There' was no doubting what he meant by that. Butterflies loosed in the pit of her belly.

  "Just coffee, I think," Lucas said to the waiter. "Naomi? What do you want?"

  You. Sexual need made her shift and wriggle in her chair.

  "Coffee," she agreed.

  The waiter left.

  "Naomi?" He spoke in a low whisper, his gaze locked with hers.

  She swallowed. "I wanted to say…you."

  Their mutual desire was total, honest and blatant.

  "You're making me hard."

  "You're making me wet."

  His leg moved against hers under the table.

  "You weren't quite so shameless on our first dinner date."

  "I blame you for that. You're a bad influence."

  He grinned. God she loved how he looked when he gave that broad, unrestrained smile. "We can't have you wet and wanting, can we? Open your legs."

  His commanding tone left her no choice. Her legs parted. She trembled, afraid of what was coming – but longing for it too.

  "Reach under the table and touch yourself."

  The force of his will compelled her to act.

  She put her hands under the tablecloth. Hitching up her skirt, she put her fingers inside her panties, resting them over the curve of her mons.

  "Touch yourself, make yourself come."

  With a finger either side of her clit, she squeezed, nudging free a quiver of pleasure. She had to open her mouth to breathe properly

  "Nice?" His smile lingered as he watched, his expression keen.

  She nodded. "Is anyone looking?" She gulped air, realizing how that sounded, blushing furiously. "I mean, I don’t want anyone to notice, not here."

  "Just me. I'm the only who know what you're doing."

  The thought that she was stroking herself to orgasm under his command in a posh restaurant tripped a switch somewhere though, and she rocked her body against her hand. She rubbed slowly at first, then faster as her body cried out for relief. The look on Lucas's face urged her on, until she was pressing so hard it was moments away.

  "You're about to come, aren't you?"

  He could tell. It pushed her over
the edge.

  A burst of pleasure suffused her groin, followed by hot waves of relief pooling over her entire body.

  "Give me your hand. Let me taste you."

  His request made her groan. She felt so horny that she could climb over the table and straddle him right there and then. She pulled her hand out from under the table and laid it over his. Her fingers were coated in her juices. He drew her hand to his lips, kissed and licked her fingertips.

  Her core tightened. She glanced about. He took one finger in his mouth and sucked it clean. "That's only made me want you even more," she commented.

  Lucas gave a husky laugh.

  "In that case, my gamble paid off."

  "Do you ever lose?" she responded, amused.

  "I try not to." He studied her intently. "I assess the risks, then I make my move on an informed assessment of those risks."

  Her breath was trapped in her lungs. "What are you risking now, Lucas?"


  Chapter Eight

  Naomi quickly realized Georgio Melandros enjoyed the undercover sleuthing way too much. Was it partly the dressing up fetish Lucas had mentioned? She smiled to herself when she thought about it. Dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, Yankees cap and shades, he led her through major London department stores pointing out possible locations for a Drusilla's display. They taxied between the venues and Naomi quickly got a feel for the way he worked and his network of contacts.

  On their third stop, the flagship store of a national chain based on Oxford Street, she began to see his vision for her range. It excited her to think it was actually going to happen.

  "It's beginning to feel real now," she commented.

  "Brace yourself, Naomi," Georgio responded, "you're going places."

  Her mood was buoyant. "I'm so glad you took me on."

  "You’re a star in the making."

  "We'll see." She was a bit embarrassed.

  "Oh, we'll see all right. I'm picturing you here there and everywhere. And we have to get you into one of the franchises at Heathrow and Gatwick. That's an international gateway platform right there. You’ve got your passport up-to-date right?"

  She nodded.

  "Be ready for anything."

  That sounded like advice she could have done with three weeks earlier, when Lucas was about to step into her life.

  "When opportunities to showcase you come by we can't afford to pause or falter," Georgio added. "Now, see the area over there by the escalators." He gestured to guide her. "One of my successful ventures with a client was where we organized a unique display stand placed at the bottom and top of the escalators, so buyers were looking at the unique features of the items on display as they arrived onto that floor. That would work well for your designs. The colors and the textures are so eye-catching." He pointed at a suitable space.

  Naomi nodded. "I see how that'd work. I'd never realized before."

  "Oh, lookie. See the guy over there? He's the floor manager." Georgio pointed from behind the clothes rack they were stationed at. "We used to have a thing," he added, lowering his shades down his nose so she could see his eye roll.

  "A thing?" Naomi laughed.

  "A liaison dangerous."

  "Why was it dangerous, because you have a work connection?" The question was as much about her relationship with Lucas as it was about Georgio and his fling with the floor manager. Doubt still trickled through her mind when she questioned things. She'd heard it said often enough – don’t get involved with someone you work with. Yet Lucas had held fast to his promise about staying out of it. Georgio was her man.

  "Good lord, no. That wouldn’t be a problem. It was dangerous because Freddie is so gorgeous. I lose my heart far too quickly."

  You and me both, Naomi reflected.

  Georgio put his fist to his chest, but he didn’t take his eyes off Freddie.

  Freddie was indeed a fine looking man, Naomi noticed.

  "Oh my, he's coming this way." Georgio faced away, and grabbed Naomi's hand. "Here honey," he said in a loud and rather dreadful American accent, "I've found the perfect gift for your Auntie Nora."

  As they walked away, they both giggled.

  "He's handsome," Naomi whispered.

  Georgio nodded, and winked. "Right," he said, looking at his watch, "I'd better put you in a taxi. You have a meeting with Lucas at three. He's got your offer of representation and contract done, all signed and ready for you."

  "Aren't you coming back with me?"

  "Lucas said he'll see you on his own. I think he likes you."

  That set her pulse racing. Did Lucas have some plan underway? Her libido responded rapidly.

  Georgio pulled his cap low on his brow and adjusted his shirt. "I think I might swing by and say hi to Freddie."

  "That sounds like a great idea." Had he worn the outfit with Freddie in mind? The idea tickled Naomi. Instinctively, she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "For luck. And thanks for this morning, it's been great."

  "Lots more fun ahead," he assured her.

  While she was in the taxi, she kept thinking about being alone with Lucas. That alone was exciting enough, and she would sign her contact with him today. She thought about Megan, who was manning the shop in Edinburgh, and sent her a text message to let her know she was about to sign the contract. Megan would be excited to know it was happening. It signaled change for them all. Megan would take over management of Drusilla's in Edinburgh while Naomi worked with Georgio to expand and launch the brand internationally.

  Once again she walked through the reception and into the elevator, headed for the Eaglestone Suite. The receptionist led her to Lucas's office and she stepped confidently through the door, thanking the receptionist as she went.

  Lucas was at his desk and watched her as she approached.

  She drew to a sudden halt when she realized Lucas already had someone with him. Clara.

  Naomi stared, disbelieving at first. Her heartbeat rapidly went off kilter.

  Lucas rose to his feet and gestured at the empty chair facing his desk.

  Naomi stared at him in horror. Surely he couldn't be serious? He couldn't intend to have them both sitting next to each other on the other side of his desk?

  She shook her head, vehemently. "I didn't realize you had company. I should leave."

  Lucas inclined his head, his expression earnest. "I asked Clara here so we could meet for just a few minutes, the three of us."

  This isn't happening. Naomi had been expecting something sensual and intimate, a glass of champagne over his newly presented contact. Not this. She remained rooted to the spot and riddled with doubt, just inside the door. Scoping the set up she noted Clara's position in her chair was facing away from the empty chair next to her. Clara was no more in the mood for this than she was.

  She also noticed Lucas's ex-wife looked glamorous – dressed more for happy hour than this situation – in a little back dress with jeweled neckline, sheer stockings and high heels. Her copper hair was arranged high on her head, as if she'd just stepped out of the salon. An expensive designer handbag rested against her chair. Her immediate reaction was Clara had dressed for Lucas, to win him back. It made Naomi want to leave. Immediately. There was no way she was lowering herself to fight over a man. It wasn't in her nature. If a man wasn't man enough to know which woman he wanted, she didn’t want him.

  Lucas gestured at the chair again. "Naomi, please. Take a seat. I've asked you both here to agree to some boundaries. I need you both to hear me out."

  "Control freak," Clara muttered.

  That was low, Naomi thought. Clara was using her personal knowledge of Lucas to kick out at him. She pursed her lips, still considering the door.

  "Jesus, Clara!" His expression turned thunderous. "I'm trying to be civilized here. Do you have to undermine every conversation you ever have?"

  Naomi walked over to the chair he'd indicated. "It's going well so far, this being civilized attempt, I see."

  "Sorry." Lucas look
ed at her, and there was a silent request in his expression.

  She sat down and folded her arms loosely over her waist.

  "I'm asking you to be civil, Clara, because Naomi is in my life now and – I hope – for a long time to come."

  Despite Naomi's annoyance at the set up, his words did touch her.

  "There are going to be times when you cross paths, simply because of Toby. It's happened already. I figured if I could introduce you two properly it would make things easier. "

  Clara snorted.

  Naomi's tension levels ratcheted. Shifting in her chair, she unfolded her arms, ready to leap out of the seat.

  "Everything has to be a business negation to Lucas," Clara commented.

  Naomi pressed her lips together, determined not to respond, when she realized Clara had directed the comment at her. Besides, it wasn't true, not exactly. It was just his way.

  "Clara. Naomi and I met when she came here for representation. We've been seeing each other a while. It was unfortunate that you met in Switzerland, without preparation, but that's behind us now."

  "Representation, huh?" Again Clara addressed Naomi. "And he made a move on you. Classy."

  Why the hell do I have to listen to this? Naomi wondered. Her hands had locked over the arms of her chair. She did it for him, for Lucas. It was the only way she could stop herself from taking flight.

  "Speculating does you no favors." Lucas glared at his ex. He was getting annoyed.

  Clara ignored him and kept looking Naomi's way. "So you slept with him because it's good for your business. Digging a little gold were we?"

  That was the last straw. It was so important to Naomi that wasn't the case. She'd walked away from an Eaglestone contract to prove it to him.

  She rounded on Clara. "You’ve been an absolute bitch to me for no good reason. What the hell is it you are afraid of?"

  She hadn't even thought it out. The words just popped out of her mouth, but her question stunned Clara. The atmosphere grew taut, the silence ringing in Naomi's head.

  "I'm not afraid…" Clara mumbled eventually. Her forehead crinkled. "Well, I guess I am a bit. It's just hard...starting over."


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